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Jeff Mullen addresses LIB Commenters on the Down Fall of Porn

It is amazing to see that many of the LIB readers are experts on this subject. I don’t claim to be an expert but I am living in a business reality that some of you are not experiencing directly. As for the comments about the music industry surviving just fine I say BS. Ask anybody that actually works in the music industry how that business is doing and you will get a very cloudy report. iTunes is great but not at all the savior that some are making it out to be.

The music industry is different from the adult industry in that there are multiple forms of major income including live gate, merchandising, publishing, packaging, advertising and television. We have very little if any at all of those sources.

Yes, I understand we are living in a rapidly changing time and I am excited about the future. But in the same breath, I am also not tied to the adult movie industry in a way that if my business goes south I will be in serious trouble. I will adapt and continue on in some form of the entertainment business and thrive but my comment was that I really enjoy the industry and would like to continue for five more years at least.

I would be remiss is I didn’t comment directly on the General’s comments. Enforcing existing laws are really the only way to enforce order in society. You claim that we in the adult movie industry are ignoring laws about health and safety yet I challenge you to come up with a list of laws that we are breaking? What some feel is right or recommendable and what is actually law are very different things so get your facts straight please. We follow all laws so I think you have your facts screwed up just a bit.
Lastly, yes we will all adapt in some way and most if not all new technology will eventually benefit most of society but, and this is a big but- and I know some of you don’t want to hear this… theft of property is just that. If companies want to give their content away for free that is their business. However, if you don’t want your product stolen, your rights should be upheld by the existing law of the land. Laws that are already on the books.

I heard about a guy that is designing a new universal key that will fit any car’s ignition. After he steals your car that is safely sitting locked in your driveway or inside your garage how will you feel? Yes, there is a law against auto theft but the police are too busy with other crimes so that they cannot take your theft report. Now please don’t cop out and give me,” that isn’t a good comparison” because it actually is. I won’t steal your car if you promise not to steal my car. Content trading, exchanging or anything that you wish to call it is still theft or at the very least the companies that provide the ability to file share are fencing stolen property.

You wouldn’t believe the amount of free sites that we are pulling down Not Married with Children XXX from. We paid for the movie yet some people think since it is not a physical product that it is OK to steal it, share it, rip it or deliver it in any manner they wish. Yes new technology is great and I am all for it but the old school thought of thou shalt not steal still means something to me. Now I need a beer.

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