Unknown Hardcore Asian Porn Chick Needs Identifying- Reader’s Q’s ANSWERED

A reader writes-

Who is this girl? & What is her name???… Please, please, please,please help me out!!! I can´t find her anywhere!!! please, please, please – pretty please help me!!! I will buy you a puppy 🙂


It´s a scene with Tommy Gunn and a goth-like asian girl. But i can´t find her anywhere??? Who is she???

The Best Whishes… Christian from Copenhagen/Denmark.

NL-Well I watched the video and she is hot. Also very tattooed, and has several tongue piercings, big plugs in her earlobes and large fake breasts. I"ll try to get Tommy Gunn and ask him what her name is. Here are a couple screen shots-

Yeah it’s Adrenalynn.
I just checked her tattoos. What kind of puppy are you getting me?



18 thoughts on “Unknown Hardcore Asian Porn Chick Needs Identifying- Reader’s Q’s ANSWERED

  1. Harvey Dent says:

    She is even in porn? She seems more like a stripper/ tattoo artist these days.

  2. porn, not porn…tatoo artist, whatever Adrenalynn may be doing: she’s doing it righteously and looking damn fine doing it! HA!

  3. Thank you! Thank You! So much… Well i guess i´m the moron, since i was the one who asked the question to begin with? (i need to change my name btw). What kind of puppy you want? I like Basset hounds.

    But about Adrenalynn. I have never seen her before and thought her look was amazing, the whole bodymodification, ink, hair – it just blew me away! I had to figure who that was! and you came through. I am forever greatfull!

  4. mortician says:

    NL, if you don’t immediately recognize Adrenalynn, you shouldn’t run a porn blog. There is no excuse for not knowing the 2008 DP roster, considering how they always promote the hell out of their girls.

  5. WTH are you talking about? I have been active in this business going on 14 years now and I have never heard of Adrenalynn. I also went through the entire last year of Digital Playground press release releases and I couldn’t find anywhere they even mentioned her, not even once.

  6. I found her on the DP website as “Adrianna Lynn” then searched the last years press releases and found only two mentions of her, one was in the release of a Jack’s 1,400,457 or whatever and one was in a press release about Cheerleaders and Babysitters being one of the top renting movies of the year.

  7. Harvey Dent says:

    She as about 18 titles in IAFDB. Not too many and few with DP.

    She was a shooting star in modern porn. There are girls that has like 70 titles out and you do not recognize them. Porn is too saturated.

  8. I am an affiliate of DP and I have never seen her before. I think Harvey Dent is right.

  9. mortician says:

    How can anyone miss a DP contract girl?? It’s not like they didn’t give her the usual contract girl promo package, she was EVERYWHERE for a moment there (as Adrianna Lynn).

    I don’t even like DP product yet I couldn’t avoid her if I tried. I’m dumbfounded. Oh well.

  10. freepornstarpix says:

    I recognized her. She was with Seymore Butt’s agency before signing with DP.

  11. Yeah I knew her and she has blogs at XCritic and on WordPress.

  12. Obviously, people “active in the business for 14 years” can sometimes have no clue.

  13. Third Axis says:

    On Adrenalynn and her tattoo-artist/manager/SP, and their lofty goal to change the porn industry back in ’08:

    [If this all sounds a little too rosy for an industry plagued by ethical, legal, and addiction issues, that’s because Adrenalynn and Jarrod work to make it that way. They claim they are building Apathy International as an exception to the old, unruly law of the porn jungle. Although relative newbies themselves, they have no illusions about the industry into which they’re breaking.

    “There are a lot of scammers, even in the mainstream companies,” said Adrenalynn. “The only place I’ve seen more drugs was back in my Plano high school.”

    Even the logistics of arranging a sex scene in California are shaky. Porn “still exists in a gray legal area, so the location shoots keep changing” to avoid raids, she said. “You never know which crew members will show up. You never know who’ll show up high. There’s a lot of unprofessionalism.”

    “I’ve seen people walking around with bags of cocaine the size of baseballs,” Jarrod said. “These pretty girls move out here and start making good money. Then they get addicted to coke, and suddenly they have to have two or three roommates just to pay their apartment rent.”

    He believes his aversion to “drink and drugs” has repeatedly shut him out from the right L.A. parties, the right people, the right opportunities. He and Adrenalynn also said they have met quite a few people in the same situation — performers, photographers, and producers who don’t like the whole mind-altering requirement for admission to the porn biz.

    They both sound impatient about changing that self-destructive litmus test. They want Apathy International to develop a pioneering reputation in its new Santa Monica digs: no illegal drugs on set, no sexual pressure or freaky ulterior motives, mandatory use of condoms by male performers (an HIV scare several years back unfortunately didn’t substantially change the heterosexual porn industry’s practices), and, above all, the voluntary participation of women in all areas of the industry, as models, photographers, and producers.]

    Never heard so much as a whimper out of “Apathy International,” so I guess that being shut out of the coke parties must’ve killed their golden dream. Nowadays, tattooed/pierced porn chicks are about as unique as, well, porn-biz coke parties.

  14. LawMan When you work in porn you do not have the time to know who every single person is. There are always new women coming in and out of the industry.

    FYI Porn coke parties are not the norm in adult.

  15. Third Axis says:

    No, but in the bathroom on just about any shoot, unless you can keep a close eye on the snooty little rascals! This piece (from a Fort Worth, TX, newspaper) was obviously written without any insider knowledge.

  16. mortician says:

    Yes, I agree with Third Axis, there is always talent doing all kinds of shit in the bathrooms at shoots, or they sit outside and smoke weed before the go inside.

    Why do you think some of the male talent is so popular with the chicks? It’s not their bedside manners, it’s the dope they bring to the set. I estimate that 90% of the porn chicks are numbed up on something – and therefore properly emotionally detached – before they start their scenes. I don’t fucking care what they claim to the outside world.

    And the directors couldn’t care less (why would they?) as long as the girls manage to keep their eyes open.

  17. Third Axis says:

    Yes, mortician, it is a big problem, and one that I don’t want to give the impression of being humorous (I’m just kind of a smart-ass). Drug consumption exists in every industry, and it’s very dangerous where important procedures, machinery, etc. are involved. Thankfully, in porn no one is operating anything more harmful than a vibrator.

    Still, it troubles me that so many men and women in the biz abuse substances—hard drugs and alcohol—which will ultimately affect their performances, and, more importantly, their lives and those around them. I have watched as many have gone down that road, some never to return, and it saddens me greatly. Cannabis is not a problem in my opinion, but the use of cocaine and meth is a scourge that wrecks peoples’ lives beyond repair. Coke and meth are rampant in California, with a basically porous border with Mexico, and porn is a place where lots of individuals have a predisposition to be part of the prevailing drug culture here. While the psychology of drug addiction and the attraction to porn as an income source and/or the fulfillment of other needs is an entire study in itself, suffice it to say that the industry attracts lots of messed-up people. However, I don’t expect it to me my responsibility to fulfill the role of drug counselor or social worker; there are people better trained for that duty. In my opinion, it is an important health issue that needs to be addressed in our industry.

    As a director, I absolutely do not allow hard drugs on my set, and anyone caught breaking that dictum is sent packing immediately, without payment. Any agent that comes complaining about their talent being fired under these conditions is sent packing as well, because it’s my ass legally and my money on the line in the event that the authorities come knocking. Plus, I want my performers to be mentally and emotionally present and ready to give their best effort for the camera. Doped-out people are a total drag, and their performances suffer in every regard. I certainly want a girl with more than her eyes open.

    If more directors and content producers took a firm stand against the use of hard drugs on-set (banning alcohol wouldn’t be a bad idea as well, but you won’t get a lot of support there), I think it would foster a much higher level of professionalism while improving the overall quality of the work. Unfortunately, we can’t change what people do with their lives outside of work, but we should definitely encourage them to seek help for substance abuse if we detect the need. All of us should keep in mind that porn may be disposable, but human beings are not.

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