LA Direct News goes VIDEO CRAZY- Here is “There” press release, LMAO

NL- Yes, I speel wards rong two and dunt alway uze thee korrect punktuashun and thankz two thee won whoo rote thiz preez releez four the laffs!


La Direct News goes VIDEO CRAZY!!

LA Direct News is making a HUGE move to becoming a video based news site. Instead of just lines and lines and text we decided to put together this simple video web show produced on a Monday out of the LA Direct Office in Los Angeles!

The first show features Angelina Ashe, Bill Bailey, Tony De Sergio and Porno Dan. Each talk about the random things in life and give there views on the industry.

Presented by some random geezer with fake blonde hair, we hope that you all enjoy the show!

The show is design for both fans and the producers of the Adult industry with little insights with what is happening in the office as well fun things thrown in!

So for all talent that wonder into the office, if you would like to appear in the show, just come on in! The show for now will be produced on a weekly basis every monday and will be live the following tuesday!

Also, if you would like your press release featured on the show, simply email me and i will set you up with an account to upload your video press release!!! How cool is that????

NL-It’s SOOOOO cool!

7 thoughts on “LA Direct News goes VIDEO CRAZY- Here is “There” press release, LMAO

  1. MissBiatch2U says:

    This has got to be written by someone who speaks English as their second language. And if that’s the case, they actually did pretty well! Just don’t be wondering around there office. hee hee

  2. Harvey Dent says:

    Will they cover also the escorting too?

  3. noticed brynn tyler had hideous injection lips now, can’t be long before the earl is stuffing silicone into her chest.

  4. bahaha i just read that press release. surely the earl can do better than getting an eastern european slave to write up his press releases.

  5. Third Axis says:

    LA Direct exhibiting the height of professionalism. I’m always impressed by the use of multiple exclamation points and question marks at the ends of sentences. Sorry, I’m on a copy-editing tirade today!!!!!!

  6. mortician says:

    This is so unbelievably fucking bad.

    Was it written by an incoherent third grader?

  7. Harvey Dent says:

    “noticed brynn tyler had hideous injection lips now, can’t be long before the earl is stuffing silicone into her chest.”

    Nooooo! The Earl and his minions are so fixed with blue eyed blondes with breast implants that they are prefectly willing to ruin a natural beauty like Brynn.
    The only thing she might ever need was a mild chin implant. Her chin does look a bit Chelsea Clintonish form the side.

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