Hell House Pictures Investor is Pissed!

Note from a Hell House Investor-

I know it’s old now, but I just saw your article about Hellhouse and their financial issues, about them not paying their employees:
I am one of the investors, who invested directly in their films and was to be paid royalties each month. At first things were okay. I was getting paid every month, even though the earnings were lower than I expected, and movies never came out on time and were continuously delayed. Eventually I stopped getting checks, stopped getting reports. Ty Gonty would also offer up this or that excuse, say he was looking into it, etc. and never get back to me; I always had to chase him down.
To make a long story short, I haven’t paid squat since something like April of 2008; that’s when the checks stopped coming. In January I got two checks for back payments, and the larger of them (a measly $400 or so) bounced. Although I was promised a refund of the fee I had to pay, and of course the check itself, I never saw another dime from them. Since I had had enough, I asked for a buyback of my shares, and Ty agreed. We discussed the amount, it was agreed upon, and he lied through his teeth about when it was sent out. Told me more than once that it had gone out already, told me it was “set in stone” and of course nothing. Last time I talked to him about two months ago he was waffling about it, like “oh we’ll see if we can possibly do buybacks” meanwhile I still am not even getting the royalties I am owed, each month.
My last e-mail to him and his “CFO”  Crystal Hansen/Brown (in e-mail the last name changes; she claims she just got married or something), was not answered. Here is the ultra professional web site of the financial services company running his business:
The site hasn’t changed since I last looked at it months ago.
As you can imagine, I’m quite pissed. At this point, I think it’s pretty clear I’ll never see a cent from this asshole, so my new mission is to make sure no one else invests in any of his shitty projects ever again.

5 thoughts on “Hell House Pictures Investor is Pissed!

  1. BigDickDaddy says:


    Fools their money part each and every day. Why on earth would you invest in a porn company? You will get a better return shoving the money up your ass and then farting it out a year later.

    I mean seriously. How did you get involved? Some horny bastard tell you that “oh, I can shoot porn better then guys in Los Angeles and yeah I can market it better then anyone else”. If that was the case, why is this person with such valuable skills needing money? At the very least why is that person not working in the business already.

    Regardless if its adult or mainstream if someone needs investment money, they better have their own money to pitch and lose.

    I dont feel any pity for Brian. He got what he had coming to him. The people you supposedly gave investment money to should have provided pink slips to their cars and deeds to their houses in exchange for the money. If were such losers they didnt even own a car then that should have been a red flag to avoid them.

    Moxxie Maddron is probably upset with them as well. She was a “contract” girl what ever in the hell that means. I know it means NOTHING but its funny Hell House always loved to send out PR stating it.

  2. Once again I will add my small gripe to this company. They still owe me several hundred dollars and when asked about it, I am told to invoice again.

    After the invoice is sent out (3-4 Times) there is no answer from them …

    If they don’t pay their bills and everyone in the industry refuses to deal with them, why would anyone invest?

    PS- I love Moxxie and she is a great girl and performer..

  3. it looks like here is ty’s latest busniess venture off one of his sites. he is currently looking to sell additional company stock and you will get a percentage of all the video’s revenue. the irony of the “i love college remix” when he couldn’t even make it out of highschool

  4. brian-
    please provide an email contact where i can reach you, and we can take this off line. i have a couple other investors and the dollars are substantial. that was part of ty’s trick to create seperation from all the people he scammed.

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