“The Light’s on but NOBODY’s Home” Earl Miller Cash/FreeJanine.com

Earl Miller Cash runs FreeJanine.com and I have linked to the site  when reporting on her prison time.

Over the last three weeks I have e-mailed them three times with not one response.

First to the "acccounting" department at Earl Miller Cash, because I have never received an affiliate check from them, and wanted to find out when I would. (It would be for about $150 for 6 months, we aren’t talking big bucks here.) 

Second to the media contact which is "info" because I wanted to use a picture of Janine in my gossip column (in a magazine) and talk about how she had gotten out of jail and of course I would have mentioned the site FreeJanine.com.  I never heard back from them and I didn’t run the story.

Third was two days ago when I wrote to all THREE contacts under support at EarlMillerCash to tell them I wanted to hear from someone/anyone right away!!! Again no answer.

So I have found the support at Earl Miller Cash isn’t very supportive. They aren’t paying me, and don’t care for FREE publicity for their site.

Anybody out there have an e-mail contact with Earl Miller Cash where you actually hear back from a person? Is anyone who is an affiliate receiving/not receiving payments?


9 thoughts on ““The Light’s on but NOBODY’s Home” Earl Miller Cash/FreeJanine.com

  1. Okay well now you have me worried because well I also haven’t gotten my check. At first it was totally my fault because I never filled out the correct w9 forms apparently, but I did that last month, confirmed via email they received it and expected the $1,000 or so they owe me to be issued the end of the next pay period but the check never came. I will contact them tomorrow. Blah.

  2. Maybe they are not making any money. I don’t know who in their right mind would pay for Janine’s site. Why pay for more pictures, doesn’t she have enough pictures out there? I feel bad for Janine because she is partners with Earl Miller, most likely she is doing a 50/50 split which is really stupid these days which means Janine’s fans who are paying to support her half of that money is going to EM. Once Janine starts filming again she should not shoot for any company except her own. Why should she get a set fee and let any company that shoots her make 20x the amount she does. She should shoot the real nasty rauchy stuff for her own site and not split it with anyone especially EM who makes so much money selling the content he shoots and gives the girls only a set feel. Bullshit on that.

  3. freepornstarpix says:

    Earl Miller Cash isn’t the only one. HotMovies.com didn’t get back to me either and the ref links for personal theaters do not work anymore and that is where I make the most money from them. Another company with lousy affiliate support is Adult Platform who owes me money from April and never got back to me about sending me the wrong check (they sent me another affiliate’s check!).

  4. I’ve been hearing a lot of bad things about HotMovies.com lately, and none of it good. I don’t know what the deal is, it just seems as if over night they started to have MAJOR problems because every time you turn around it seems like you hear another problem with them. That’s too bad too, like we really need these problems right now 🙁

  5. Oh by the way Wizard, several people would pay money to see her site and did. I ran my stats with them today and I’ve made $1,134.25 with her new site. Truth is there has been no new Janine content in many, many years and this site gives her fans an opportunity to not only see new videos and photos of her but also get inside stories she posts. For her die hard fans, it’s a real opportunity to get up close and personal with the Janine of today and the only way to get new Janine content. There has been no Janine content shot in at least 5 years, maybe even longer. So ya, I can see why people who love Janine would join this site.

    And as far as her relationship goes with Janine, she is not now in a position to shoot for her own company and when she once tried to do a site on her own with the help of her so called “friend” she got screwed in the ass over the deal when her so called friend sold out to Playboy.

  6. freepornstarpix says:

    Did the sale mean that all the porn star sites in the Porn Star Bucks portfolio no longer paid out to the porn star? Janine never did many content updates to that site and neither did Briana, even though the sites were wildly popular. So if they got cut off by Playboy, it was their own doing for fulfilling their update obligations.

  7. freepornstarpix says:

    HotMovies has made most of the better quality movies ‘Premium Content’. I wonder if they are hurting for cash.

  8. I contacted Earl Miller Cash on Sunday. I know they don’t work on weekends but I will let you know what I hear back this week. 🙂

  9. I heard from Earl Miller lady today and she checked on a missing check for me and she was right, I had in fact cashed it like two weeks ago and just didn’t get it marked off my list so the mistake was on my end. Now I feel like a dummy 😛 Seriously how embarrassing is that?

    But anyway wanted to let you know I did hear from them and I did get my payment after all. 🙂

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