Fired because his Wife is a Pornstar- Ex Town Manager’s first Interview

From Steve Nelson of Adult Industry News

Scott Janke, Jazella Moore Interview
Source: Adult Industry News
by: Steve Nelson

Photo courtesy Scott Janke, Jazella Moore Amid a tumultuous media frenzy surrounding their lives we got an exclusive interview with this lovely couple. Here are the words of recently fired William Scott Janke and his pornstar wife Jazella Moore.

AINews: I’m here with Scott Janke and his wife Jazella Moore. Thank you for going on the record with me.

Scott: Actually we kind of thought it would come out eventually, and thanks for making the story so professional and respectful.

AINews: Thank you. First off, I’m sorry about the outcome there in Fort Myers Beach.

Scott: Thats ok. We do appreciate that you broke the story with respect for our family.

AINews: When did you realize that this news might surface?

Scott: Well, we have thought about it and tried to keep a low profile. I guess we knew it would happen one day but hoped that it wouldn’t really matter.

AINews: I’ve seen several pictures of you two appearing in public together…

Scott: Anabela and I attended a gala affair with Congressman Connie Mack and we sat at his table, with Anabela next to the Congressman. The next morning she was on NBC news with the congressman next to her and she was shitting bullets thinking someone would recognize her.

AINews: And do you know if anyone has recognized her as Jazella Moore?

Scott: A few times we thought so, but were never really sure. Once at LA Fitness she was pretty sure she was recognized. The young fellow working the desk kept saying that he recognized her and eventually 3 other employees joined in. She left and never went back…

Also at the Mayor’s office Christmas party — one of our first times out together with that crowd — Anabela and I were holding hands, like we always do, and a comment was made that Anabela never let go of me. She held on tight even when dancing because she feared being recognized.

AINews: Tell me a bit about how you met.

Scott: We met about a year and a half ago. It was wonderful and we fell in love the minute we spoke. We were married on October 28th and have never looked back.

AINews: Besides being town manager, Scott, what else were you involved with there in Fort Myers Beach?

Scott: Anabela and I try to be involved as good stewards of the youth, always helping the elementary school here. We have both volunteered to help raise money for them and Anabela actually adopted the kindergarten class a few months ago.

AINews: Wonderful! How long have you two been doing that?

Scott: We have always tried to help children through the public school system. Obviously it has only been for about 7 months here on Fort Myers Beach.

AINews: Scott, I found some records of meetings in Alaska that appears to put you and then Mayor of Wasilla Sarah Palin in the same room. Can you tell us a bit about that?

Scott: Yes, when she first became mayor of Wasilla I was the president of the Alaska Municipal Managers Association. I spoke with her a few times and gave some advise about local government.

AINews: What was your impression of Sarah Palin?

Scott: Sarah is a very honest and strong person. I found her to be smart and a fast learner. I guess the best impression I have of her is that she is an honest person.

AINews: What do you think Governor Palin would think of these developments?

Scott: I don’t think Governor Palin would care, she is a bigger lady than that.

AINews: What are your plans for the future? Do you intend to seek public office?

Scott: Anabela and I are going to take it slow. My career has been hurt, but our focus is really on on children right now. I know that I am very good at what I do and we will eventually find our way. Right now we are a little scared about our financial future.

AINews: As we all are with the economy as it is, I hope you find something soon. — Jazella, I understand you are working on a regular basis. Do you have any movies coming out we should know about?

Jazella: Actually I don’t have anything lined up right now. I have kept a low profile because of my husband’s career, but with all that has happened we will see… Not really sure right now, its mainly about family. I do have a shoot with Hustler on August 5th though. It’s in L.A.

AINews: Who are you represented by for bookings?

Jazella: September Dawn

AINews: Oh, A-List Talent. How long have you had your website,

Jazella: About 18 months, but it is going to be vastly improved very soon.

AINews: You’ll have to let me know when it happens so we can let your fans know. Where do you see your career gong in the future? What are you interested in doing?

Jazella: Hopefully more movies and photo shoots. After all, it is about me taking care of my family.

AINews: Will you two be staying in Fort Myers Beach or will you move out this way where most of the shooting takes place?

Jazella: Right now we really don’t know. We just need to digest everything and decide what is best for our family.

AINews: I understand. Do you ever plan on visiting Alaska?

Jazella: You never know. But it might be fun.

AINews: I want to thank the both of you for this interview. You two are very nice people and I feel partly to blame for all this because of breaking the story about you two being married. Please keep in touch as I would like to do a follow-up story in the near future – if that would be alright?

Scott/Jazella: Certainly, yes.

4 thoughts on “Fired because his Wife is a Pornstar- Ex Town Manager’s first Interview

  1. Harvey Dent says:

    I wonder what the fuck they were thinking!

  2. Harvey Dent says:

    Do they really thought they could balance a husband career in goverment with his wife being a active porn whore? And being involved in educational task?


  3. freepornstarpix says:

    It seems so. His salary with the city was likely decent though, especially in Florida with no state income tax. She could have gotten some small job with the city since he already worked there, places like that will always give female spouses some clerical job.

  4. VickyVette says:

    How appropriate to have this story about Florida when the preceding story is about Max Hardcore writing from prison in Florida. WTF!

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