Porn-3D/Virtual Reality

THIRD AXIS wrote this in comments. I thought it good enough for it’s own post

Actually, the “virtual reality” (a sadly dated name) concept is not dead. I work in the field of 3D technology for both development and content. How many have gone to a an Imax theater and experienced the recent wave of stereoscopic 3D features? Sony Pictures’ “Beowulf”, “U23D” (produced by L.A.-based 3ality Digital), “Coraline”, or Pixar’s recent animated offerings are showing the way to the next generation of entertainment technology. On December 16, James Cameron unveils his genre-defining film, “Avatar” a $200-plus million production which combines motion-capture live-action, CGI, and everything but the kitchen sink in terms of bleeding-edge filmmaking technology. Most of the current 3D features have been animated, but live-action will soon be the order of the day, with every major Hollywood studio currently involved in one or more major 3D productions over the coming years.

On the theater exhibition side, there are currently somewhere around 5000 venues equipped with digital 3D systems, and that number is increasing monthly with a scheduled digital rollout that began over a year ago. Also, SMPTE is currently finalizing standards for 3D broadcast, and all major manufacturers of home displays, including Panasonic, Samsung, Mitsubishi, etc. are currently shipping 3D-enabled systems (which require a PC codec). 3D TV broadcast is already happening in Japan and France. Most importantly, 3D computer displays, both desktop and laptop, will be coming out very soon. With all of this tech, I’m not talking “anaglyph” 3D (crappy red/blue glasses), but “polarized” 3D, with superior quality and zero eyestrain (the most important element of successful 3D). The best source of info for anyone interested in 3D is Jim Dorey’s blog site

Of course, porn is a logical outlet for 3D, and I’m part of a team currently developing adult content – along with mainstream content – that will be revolutionizing the home porn experience. This ain’t empty hyperbole, either. You have to see it for yourself, because it’s beyond description. And this isn’t lowest-level, “Cumin’ At Ya” crap (shot for anaglyph, which is the only type of 3D that can be displayed on a conventional TV or computer).

We are in discussions with major adult studios to incorporate our technology and expertise for production, so expect to see this happening very soon. Couple the immersive 3D visual experience with haptic technology, and you begin to approach the real world of “virtual reality.” Of course, all this will come at a price, and the displays/systems aren’t cheap, especially initially, but the costs will come down as the technology is more widely adopted. The potential for the adult industry for broadcast, VOD, and other delivery is significant, and I predict that this will be one of the major new rev streams for content producers, distribs, and even innovative new venues within the gentlemens’ club market.

There, I’ve let the cat out of the bag…

9 thoughts on “Porn-3D/Virtual Reality

  1. I saw Up in 3D the other day and I was just saying that they need 3D porn

  2. Julie Meadows says:

    Talk about heart attacks happening. “The Passion of The Christ”, move aside! Can you imagine one of the guy’s willies coming at you…and COMING at you? Ha! Of course, I’m seeing this all at an IMAX theatre, in my head.

    But, jesting aside, that was a very interesting blog. Very cool.

  3. Third Axis says:

    Unfortunately, you won’t be able to experience 3D porn in all its IMAX glory, at least until sometime in the far-flung future, when high-tech porn theaters line the streets of cities ala some cyberpunk science fiction novel! The best you’ll get is a hi-def big screen with surround sound in the comfort of your home, which is available right now. However, I do foresee specialized venues in clubs, both public and private, where larger theater screens can be utilized to achieve the full immersive potential of adult 3D (the experience is best when the screen extends toward the viewer’s peripheral vision; then the edges of the “real world” disappear and you are transported “inside” of the stereo window). That said, I still feel that the vast majority of porn consumers want to enjoy it at home anyway, and this market will see the introduction of high-quality 3D content in the very near future, for both TV displays and 3D-enabled computers. Very exciting stuff.

  4. Third Axis says:

    BTW, thank you, AL, for placing my original comment here as a proper thread. Much appreciated* I was inspired by The Colonel’s threads related to the future of porn, and although slightly reluctant to spill too much info regarding this emerging adult market and my company’s role before we’re fully prepared make any official announcements, I thought it would further inspire LIB’s industry pros and civilians alike to begin thinking about the creative possibilities and business potential.

  5. freepornstarpix says:

    There is sort of 3D porn. RedLight has a virtual reality site that they charge people to be members of. But really, people already do kinky stuff in virtual reality games, there is a very popular one now that has a porn section and they charge $100 a year for membership.

  6. Third Axis says:

    Thank you, CindyX3.

  7. Third Axis says:

    Addendum: Sorry, folks. I checked my facts about the number of 3D theater screens currently in place, and those to arrive in the coming months. Here is the latest tally, according to a Real D exec (Real D is the leading technology used in digital 3D projection for theater exhibition). This post is from

    “Real D President and Co-Founder Joshua Greer told us that the tally of Real-D screens will be 3227 screens worldwide by the time Ice Age 3 releases, (and about 4000 including other 3D systems). By Avatar’s release (Dec. 18), he expects 5000 Real D screens, and 6000 to 7000 including competitors.”

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