Lara Roxx, Shelley Lubben, HIV

Ex Porn Star Lara Roxx: I went to LA and all I got was HIV
 Ex Porn Star Lara Roxx Story

From Shelley’s Blog

In March of 2004 Lara Roxx took a plane to Los Angeles leaving her native Montreal in search of a quick fortune in the Adult Entertainment’s land of opportunity known on the map as San Fernando Valley. Her plan was simple. She would first meet her agent and then embark on a busy work schedule. The more scenes, the more money, and in L.A a young woman could perform several scenes a day and easily earn as much as $10,000 to $15,000 a week depending on how open minded she was in terms of her physical boundaries. Eager to get to work Lara Roxx performed her first scene within 24 hours of landing on American soil. What was meant to be the first of many lucrative scenes was destined to end her career before it ever got off the ground.

The morning after she performed that scene she already saw her plan begin to unravel. She woke up with sores and an infection that gave her no other choice then to cancel the shoots she had scheduled to perform that day. Once again, the following morning she woke up with the same symptoms and had to cancel more shoots that her agent had booked for her and this cycle continued well into the next few weeks. Rather then working and making money she found herself growing deeper in debt as she rested and waited for her health to get better so that she could get back to the plan, which was to make a minimum of $30,000 to bring back to Montreal.

After about three weeks of canceling shoots because of the visible sores on her body and the fatigue she experienced which she initially attributed to a case of mononucleosis she received an alarming call from one of her agents who informed her that one of the two male performers she worked with had just tested positive for HIV. At that moment she already knew the verdict. She was also HIV positive. A series of blood tests would soon confirm this initially gut feeling.

Within 24 hours of testing positive for HIV Lara Roxx found herself cast into the media spotlight as journalist scrutinized the industry’s work ethics as well as Roxx’s short-lived porn career. The media was eager to make a poster-child out of this young naïve Canadian who wondered into a world that destroys souls. On the other end of the spectrum, the porn industry itself got involved in the media debate as big names such as Jenna Jameson set up a fund to aid those performers who were now out of work because of the HIV outbreak and the industry also discussed adopting tighter HIV screening methods to prevent further outbreaks. But these efforts were short lived.

Lara Roxx received one check for $1500 from the Adult Industry Fund set up by Jameson and three years later fewer porn companies require mandatory condom use for their performer.

The last three years have been an ordeal for Lara Roxx. Her biggest challenge has been in achieving a sense of empowerment in the face of a lot of scrutiny. Not only has she faced adversity in her personal relationships because of people’s fears and ignorance about the HIV virus but she has also met with false assumptions because of how she contracted the virus. Nobody deserves to live with HIV no matter how they contracted it: whether one catches it on a porn-set or from a blood transfusion the implications of the illness are the same.

The alienation and fear that’s once crippled Lara Roxx now fuels her desire to help others overcome the obstacles that she faced alone. She believes there is strength in numbers and does not want anybody living with HIV to feel like they are alone as she felt when she first tested positive. The Lara Roxx Foundation wishes to raise money to spread awareness about the reality of living with HIV for both those that are infected and for those living with someone who is infected. The Lara Roxx Foundation’s mandate is to demystify the HIV/AIDS stigma. Provide education and awareness about treatments: both tradition and alternative health care. And to provide education in order to prevent the propagation of the AIDs virus(HIV).
Lara Roxx currently resides in Montreal, Quebec where she headquarters her foundation and is working on a documentary about living with HIV.

Taken from

Shelley: Lara, we love you and are extremely proud of you for taking your pain and suffering and using it to help others. Pink Cross Foundation supports you! We are praying God will touch you and heal you completely. With God ALL things are possible!

39 thoughts on “Lara Roxx, Shelley Lubben, HIV

  1. It reads like Lara Roxx might have been either an addict before the “HIV+” status, or caught a staph infection or something. Is she currently taking AIDS “therapy” drugs, right now, what and how much?

    HIV is supposed to hide in the body and then ravage it many years (an average of 10 years) later.

    While doing research on this matter, I stumbled in the meantime on someone’s comment about Traci Lords, which repeats what I said to Darrah:

    “As for what you said about Traci Lords, she WANTED to be a star so she CHOSE the porn industry. Not only did she willingly go into porn, but she LIED ABOUT HER AGE so she could get in. She wanted to do it so badly she told a lie so she could meet one of the requirements. At this point, I fail to see how the porn industry was taking advantage of anyone. She wanted to do porn and since she lied about her age, they hired her. How is that exploitation? … As for her signing up for the job because she wanted to be a star, the only (one) I can see being in the wrong is her. Maybe the people who hired her should have done a background check before signing her on, but negligence is not exploitation.”

  2. disco-rustler says:

    Porn is not a personification, which could be “blamed” for anything.. it’s a symptom of something greater – If you really think that a 16/17yo mindless child is not being exploited as a result of it existing in the first place, then someone should bash you over the head in the bars!

  3. max softcore says:

    “The morning after she performed that scene she already saw her plan begin to unravel. She woke up with sores and an infection that gave her no other choice then to cancel the shoots she had scheduled to perform that day”

    I call bullshit as loudly as I have ever called bullshit in my life. She contracted the virus and she had symptoms like this THE NEXT FUCKING DAY? It’s obvious she was not healthy when she did the scene. You would have to be retarded to believe anything else….

  4. “It reads like Lara Roxx might have been either an addict before the “HIV+” status, or caught a staph infection or something. Is she currently taking AIDS “therapy” drugs, right now, what and how much?”

    Good call, Jeremiah. Lara seems to be putting out this idea that she seroconverted within 24 hours of infection when the reality is that for people who actually do show early symptoms of HIV, they typically get a nasty flu a week or two after exposure. It does sound like she picked up a staph infection or illness of other kind. I’ve never heard of anyone displaying the rashes, sores, fatigue and other symptoms of HIV the morning after exposure. So Jeremiah, if you are implying that it is possible her health was already poor and her lifestyle already unsafe, I would agree with your assumption.

  5. The Colonel says:

    This is one good example of Shelly Lubben’s poor reasoning, hypocrisy and insanity: an IV drug user comes to LA to make easy money and become famous, she gets into porn because she has no actual working experience, no education, etc. While in porn, she burns all the money she makes on drugs which eventually results in contracting HIV, and as everybody knows that happens to many IV drug users all the time. Then she hooks up with Shelly Lubben and suddenly becomes her banner, her poster child for her fucking crusade and another tool to milk moronic anti-porn movements of left and right.

    If Lara Roxx was going to act rationally and make a career in porn as many other girls do and avoid using drugs, she would have been fine by now, and her success would have been the result of her ‘hard work’ and not the opportunity provided for her by the adult industry. But since she came in as a drug junkie and burnt all her porn money on drugs and inevitably contracted HIV through using dirty syringes to shoot heroin, then in Shelly Lubben’s biased, crazy, fucked up, hypocritical logic, it’s porn’s fault.

    You’re so full of shit, Shelly. Your bigotry, ignorance and treachery are your own greatest enemies. Nobody should make any efforts to defame and expose you; every time you open your mouth or make a move, you do that to yourself. Please pray for me a little, and while you’re at it, go fuck yourself.

    P.S: The offer to licking my ass still stands. Whenever you wanted to do it, you know how to get a hold of me.

  6. A famous French biologist named Antoine Béchamp
    once said “The microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything.”

    Every human body has a host of retroviruses in it. They are made up of a very simple cellular structure and are like microscopic lint mindlessly lingering around the body.

    A simple cold can kill you if you have a severely compromised immune system from abuse; ie; drug abuse.

    The reason AIDS organizations don’t address this is because they are pHARMaceutical drug pushers, just as the vast majority of AIDS patients in the western world were on dope to begin with before they got sick.

    Their equation is to treat drug addicts with severely cytotoxic drugs. Billiant. No wonder they keep getting sicker and dying and provide more statistics as victims of AIDS.

    These AIDS organizations milk our heart strings and pocket books the way whores milk mens’ cocks. The difference is the latter are at least giving something back in return.

    It’s a $cam!

  7. Max you are correct to call bullshit. Let’s examine further:

    “The morning after she performed that scene…she woke up with sores and an infection.”

    Even when a person experiences acute HIV infection (which is only about 30% of all cases), the symptoms are flu-like in nature: fever, head ache, muscle and joint aches, sore throat, rash and diarrhea. They occur within 5 to 10 days. Skin sores are not part of the equation.

    “After about three weeks of canceling shoots because of the visible sores on her body…”

    HIV patients can develop a skin cancer (Kaposi Sarcoma) but this occurs during the latest stages of the disease, when the immune system is virtually eliminated. Not at 3 weeks. If one is to develop skin cancer at 3 weeks, they would have a “28 Days Later” version of the disease that would have killed half the population by now.

    So it sounds like she had mono and the clap and a nasty drug habit.

  8. Kaposi’s Sarcoma is caused by Amyl Nitrate aka “poppers”, which loosens the asshole muscles and causes euphoria during anal sex. This drug is so poisonous it’s like the pill version of siting in your car and letting your engine run inside your garage with the garage doors closed.

    KS, like all other AIDS diseases existed BEFORE AIDS. KS is caused by drug abuse but these drug pushers push toxic solutions to a toxic lifestyle.

    … and of course there’s never any open debate on this issue allowed by these pushers (just to test and prove the stainless steel merit of their “knowledge”).. not in America! .

  9. Jeremiah, you seem to be an AIDS dissident whereas I am not. Yet I think we can both agree that this girl had a lot of other shit going on in her life that contributed to her poor health.

  10. jeremiahsteele says:

    Yes, true. I’ve been on the subject for a while, but I’m not here to draw or preach any conclusions on anyone else’s behalf. Just entertain me as a devil’s advocate. The purpose of a devil’s advocate is not to worship Satan but to offer alternative points of view as a way of testing, challenging and ultimately stengthening or proving the prevailing point of view (assuming the prevailing point of view is correct) by addressing and hopefully conqering all doubts, challenges and questions…

  11. freepornstarpix says:

    There are stills that show what her genital region looked like on the day of the shoot with Darren and she had an outbreak of something (it looked like acne and zits, but all over her privates). Dick Delaware was supposed to work with her that day, but didn’t like the looks of her genitals. Look in the archives for what he has to say. His statement and the stills of her genitals from that day (that used to be online), tell the real story.

    And as usual, Shelley is guilty of omitting important facts about a situation. Lara has been caught at least twice not informing potential partners about her medical situation. There was one situation with a boyfriend and then another when she tried to go back to escort in Montreal. The online hobbyists caught that Both of these instances speak to character and Lara’s is not looking overwhelmingly flawless. Shelley needs to start her work there with Lara’s mental issues instead of attacking the porn industry.

  12. Sorry guys but I respectfully have to disagree with the trend of the discussion. This young woman came to LA performed a scene with Darren James and contracted HIV. I remember when this story first broke when a lot of people tried to place the blame on her and start all types for rumors about her that had no basis in fact. Another way to look at it is if you were walking across the street to buy some weed or get a blowjob from some hooker and a drunk driver runs you over whose at fault?

  13. Well perhaps that drunk would’ve never hit you. You should’ve heard the engine coming or looked both ways before crossing the street but maybe you were too eager or stoned.

  14. All I can say is that is really strange She contracted the Virus the next day of shooting the scene…I think that Shelley Lubben is trying to take advantage of the sittuation…Too Bad 😉

  15. Someone once told me, “You can’t argue with crazy” guess I should have listened.

  16. the general says:

    Or is it more likely that Lara was having a herpes outbreak, or had some type of rash or illness Before her scenes with Darren.
    Being in hte middle of a herpes outbreak, and having other active infections at the time of HIV exposure makes one much more suseptable to contracting the virus. Also, things like having a cold or the flu makes one even more vulneralbe, and as she stated, she had been ill in the weeks previous to her exposure from Darren.

    We all remember that picture that went around back in 2004 which clearly showed some type of outbreak. The question nobody ever asked was….Who was the GUY in that picture who was “hitting that ass” with that visible outbreak, and how many people did that guy spred whatever that rash was to the people he had contact with after hitting that ass in question? The old BOYS network didnt want to hear that question. If YOU saw that rash, would you have hit that ass?

    Does anybody know who the guy was in that picure? For the record, I dont.

  17. The Colonel says:

    Whenever the talk of herpes come up, I immediately think Brandon Iron. To Brandon’s credit, as someone who’s been dealing with herpes for years, he’s already an expert on this subject and other similar rashes. I hope he stops by and enlighten us.

  18. A large percentage of porn talent have herpes. That’s no big secret except to the most delusional of fan boi. So the next time someone spends over a grand to be with their favorite porn star just know your may be getting a little something extra

  19. freepornstarpix says:

    The guy in the shot Darren James. At the time, people said he was called in, saw her genitals, and did it anyway because he already had herpes.

    Dick was scheduled to work with Lara, but after seeing her genitals wouldn’t do it. He said he offered to do a scene with another female performer who lived in the area and she came over and they shot. That saved his life. Supposedly, there were other male performers that day who refused to work with Lara after seeing her genitals.

  20. the general says:

    HERPES, the gift that just keeps giving, and giving and giving. Kind of like the energizer bunny.

    Hey JERRYSTEELE, youve been in the industry a long time, do you have herpes?(of course thats your business and that of anyone you have contact with, not ours. I’m just being a dick)

    Colonel, Ive seen you talk about fucking all these whores, what about your herpes status?(just being a dick again)

    FOr the record, I have herpes type 1.

  21. I saw that picture too. I got crucified at XPT when I said I had read Lara was Patient X. That’s what I read that others were saying. That she had a herpes outbreak and Darren still worked with her because he also has herpes.

    But it doesn’t matter who had it first and who gave it to who. It wasn’t done on purpose like with Marc Wallice.

  22. The Colonel says:

    Nah, I ain’t got herpes yet. But I tell you, I’ve contracted chlamydia and gonorrhea more than I can fucking remember. It’s not a big deal: pop up a few antibiotics or worse comes to worse get an antibiotic shot and you’ll be good to go.

    There’s an old saying: if a man has never had chlamydia and/or gonorrhea, then he’s not a man.

    Having said that, I think Brandon Iron’s situation is a bit more complicated. Good thing he’s Canadian and can fill his Valtrex priscription cheaper. I’m still waiting on him to enlighten us on herpes and other genital rashes.

  23. Here’s an interesting and fun-filled fact, especially for all you germ-o-phobics… Did you know that the average mouth when swabbed has more germs and bacteria than the average asshole? Think of that the next time you kiss someone. <3 ” ” “

  24. so you like to lick ass because of the taste then…?

  25. Stop talking shit… oh yeah, your mouth is dirtier than your ass, so you can’t help it.

  26. Anyway, back to the drug connection to AIDS. Here’s an AID$ organization telling us drugs and alcohol lead to AIDS only because consumption of D&A will more likely lead to unsafe sex practices. However they make no connection between drug use itself and a suppressed or “deficient” immune system. If they did, it would be a thread that would unravel and reveal the whole HIV as “the sole cause of AIDS” paradigm to be a sham.

  27. Just so I’m completely clear. Are you of the opinion that HIV and AIDS are not associated with each other? While it’s true that a large percentage of people who get HIV don’t develop full blown AIDS alot of that is due to the improvements in drug treatments. Back in the early eighties being diagnosed with HIV was a death sentence don’t know if you were around back then but I remember those times vividly and would not like to go back to when we didn’t even know what to call this disease.

  28. Get clear? (sounds like a good motto for clearchannel). Of course HIV is associated with AIDS. It has been and always will be. Association has nothing to do with causation, however. Don’t be concerned about my opinion because they don’t matter. But facts and research do. Facts are verifiable by research. AIDS research has been corrupted from the start, and that’s a fact jack which you can and should do the research on, not just be ready to spit on me assuming I was oblivious during the 80’s. No, we had President Reagan for that… And since things were corrupted from the start I don’t think one should assume they are being honest and on the right track now… but one has to learn how things were first to get a better grasp on how things are. If one really has the need to assume instead of verify things it’s a much better idea to start with skepticism before blind faith. The empire of AIDS has been built on a false foundation. Yes I was around in the 80’s (how obnoxious) and I remember the terror tactics when we told we’d all die in an epidemic and we should take AZT (to get us there), that drug with the skull and crossbones label (see link: http://www.aliveandwell . org/html/aids_drug_fact/aidsdrugfact . html ). Those terror tactics were their power punch which generated them lots of money and has put them in the supreme power status they are today. More money has been received in AIDS research than all other diseases combined.

  29. Seems you already have an option and will only accept the facts that fit your way of thinking. The eighties comment was not to be insulting but I’m assuming you are fortunate enough not to have watch someone develop full blown AIDS. I’ve seen how the “evil government sponsored drugs” bring people back from the brink. So I’ll just file you under the government blew-up the twin towers, Timothy McVeigh was a scapegoat,CIA sold crack to keep the black man down, Obama is not a citizen and Elvis is alive crazy club. Being crazy is a good thing that means you’re healthy and blissfully ignorant. I may never be able to talk or write the craziness out of you, not sure if I would want to so stay crazy and healthy.

  30. Deun99… I’m not into believing what I want. If I did I’d believe happy things.

    Yes the gov’t blew up the towers. Marvin P. Bush was one of the heads of Securacom when they had a power down weeks before 9/11. Do research on Building 7 of the WTC and if you tell me that came down because of a couple of internal fires you’re in serious denial. Yes. McVeigh was a scapegoat. There’s no way in hell a truck filled with fertilizer could’ve blown up that Murrah building. In fact, Ok City was just the testing ground for 9/11. Not enough people got the word out on that scam which gave the gov’t the ok to go ahead and take it further. It’s nutty but still the truth. In both cases CDI (Controlled Demolitions Inc.) was involved before and after. I don’t know about Obama and Elvis, but you’ve got some reading up to do. Indeed the truth is crazy, and knowledge of it can surely make you a bit crazy crazy, and the further down the road of discovery you travel the crazier and crazier you realize it all is. The days of blissful ignorance are over, but that phrase was meant for those always buy the official sponsored line of things (like yourself), not those who search and present evidence to the contrary. I know you mean well deun99, but it’s obvious you haven’t even ventured down paths of alt info if for no other reason than to be equipped to refute it (which you obviously are not).

    God Bless America… the titanic of all civilizations…

  31. See post 18. God bless ya you crazy SOB and stay healthy!

  32. you forgot to address the CIA selling crack to keep the black man down

  33. yeah that’s true too… that’s one of the reasons incarceration for crack is so much severe than coke… GBU2 deun, the gov’t counts on peeps like you to never give a fuck about doing the research beyond newzz reports and immediately dismissing “nuts” like us without ever looking at the links

    what’s nutty to me are the official gov’t conspiracy theories, like osama did it, or the lone nut magic bullet theories such as oswald blew off the back of jfk’s head, etc…

    thank you for being a good citizen.. now go watch entertainment tonight and don’t lose any sleep if someone shows you a video of bldg 7 collapsing on itself in mid day.. must’ve been a weak foundation

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