Bree Olson says she LOVES Myspace & FU Facebook

Isn’t she adorable???

picture courtesy of Adam & Eve


NL- I talked to Bree last night on and she was so frustrated with facebook that she was going to give up, go to bed and work on it some more in the morning. Today I found she wrote a blog about it.


I LOVE Myspace!

by Bree Olson from her blog

You never realize how much ya love myspace until you start a facebook page. Facebook is fucked on so many levels I dont know where to begin. I figured well myspace is going so well now its time for me to branch out and start a Facebook page too. Just setting up was a nightmare! At myspace its black and white… add this option, take this away etc… but on Facebook its all gray! The only thing Facebook is good for is if you have just a few close friends. They let you know basically when one of your friends have taken a breath! Its like damn! I dont care if joe blow snowballed mary jane! Which brings me to the next subject! People try to send me green beers, snowballs, pizzas and all kinds of wierd shit! Thank you myspace for making it cut and dry! Leave a comment, leave a message! Its that fucking easy!
Supposedly Harvard Grads made Facebook, well damn, maybe Harvard isnt as great as we all thought if these morons cant even make a functioning website! They make all these annoying things for people to spam your page with but dont even give you an option to disable them!
The set up is all wrong. nothings easy to find and it just looks like a complete mess to me. Fuck you Facebook. Its good to be home Myspace!
Bree Olson


NL- Bree is so right. I have both, and facebook is childish and disorganized. I still can’t figure out how to read what people write on my wall. And I get hundreds of stupid requests, like someone punched me do I want to punch them back? PULLEEESE. I’ll take myspace anyday.

11 thoughts on “Bree Olson says she LOVES Myspace & FU Facebook

  1. I care about who she snowballs…

  2. I have to agree with Bree, Facebook is a pain in the ass to deal with, both technically and politically. You never know when they’re going to delete a random photo that shows far less than you’d see on a US beach – photos that violate their “obscenity” rules. Idiots.

  3. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    I believe Facebook was created by a Harvard drop out not a grad, which may “explain” it.

    And Bree is adorable.

  4. I’ve used myspace for about 5 years and facebook 6 months and I prefer facebook… I use facebook for people I actually know, whereas I just accept friend requests from anyone on myspace… people use their real names on facebook, not some stupid shit like myspace… last but not least it finds other people you actually know in real life…

  5. not for nothin either, myspace is kinda ghetto, facebook is more professional

  6. MissBiatch2U says:

    Facebook is for the professional who; likes zombies, cares what cartoon character they are like, sends hugs to their friends, want’s to know if they are Hot, and hopes they know more TV trivia than the other professionals. LMAO…. not for nothin’, I guess I’ll stick wit da Ghetto Al

  7. I prefer Myspace and we can decorate our pages. I got a Facebook once and it was a pain technically.

  8. that’s cool Biatch, you can have your mobster wars, hundred dollar bill backgrounds, your MissBiatch2U handle and have your browser freeze from some dumbass who doesn’t realize there is only so much that can go on a page… Get me a grape soda and some plantain chips while you are there, will ya?

  9. Oh yeah. ^^ People don’t understand so many large images or even smaller images AND videos will kill your browser. Videos are the worst and suck your bandwidth. Put the video urls up instead and upload the pictures to the gallery.

  10. Oh, and too much music too kills a page.

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