Muslims are good, modern, positive people

A Muslim business man, Muzzammil Hassan,  started a TV station in upstate NY with the purpose of showing that Muslims are good, modern, positive people. This would counteract the notion that Muslims are blood-thirsty zealots as portrayed so often on US channel’s news.

The television station has been run successfully now for four years.

Last week Hassan turned himself in to police. Seems that he had beheaded his wife with a sword. He is charged with second degree murder.


12 thoughts on “Muslims are good, modern, positive people

  1. as Salam Alaikum!

    Do you know if it was an honor killing?

    If so, Jaza-ka-Llah u khaira!

    La ilâha illa Allaa

    I know my horny Arab brothers are reading this, too, so feel free to add.

  2. Translation:

    Peace be upon you
    May Allah reward you for the good AND
    There is no God other than Allah.

    ****Be aware there are NO moderate Muslims and this psychopath could be your neighbor.

  3. The Colonel says:

    Islam is simply the most frantic, repressive and violent ideology ever created by human beings. All hatred, discrimination towards women, torture, execution and warmongering that are islam’s signature marks are direct teachings of their prophet Mouhammad and their holly book Koran. Those who say islam has been misinterpreted don’t know the truth about islam, a religious cult that was designed to unify Arab tribes and encourage them to wage war on their neighbor nations including the Persian empire which eventually they conquered and destroyed.

    As brutal as this recent incident in New York is, but it does not surprise me. After all, in islam a wife is considered a part of his husband’s belongings, his humble servant, his faithful pet. Their prophet Mouhammad is infamous for having several wives, the youngest one was Aisha. When he married her, he was in his mid 50’s while Aisha was only 6 years old.

  4. Islam isn’t the problem, its the arab/persian/middle eastern culture that to blame. The fact that most people in “that” part of the world still lives in a medieval cultural society based on clan, tribe, family and values thats not in any way compatible with any part of modern society is the problem. They all need to be educated, grow up and shake of the yoke of ignorance/religion if they ever want to have any sort of progress. Agood starting point would of course be for them to start treating their women as humans and not possessions.

  5. I’m really surprised and kind of disappointed this got put up the way it did. Islam is a religion, a Judaic religion. Judaism, Christianity and Islam share people and events in their texts. Muslims love Jesus too, they just don’t think he is their savior. I think there is irony in this story and it is interesting, but the impression is that it is not surprising he did it because he is Muslim. Muslims are people, just like you and me. The Nazis were racists and they mass murdered people because of their ethnicity. Muslim extremism is a response to Zionism, which has nothing to do with Judaism. Extremist Muslims hate Jews, Israel, The U.S. etc for their connection to Zionism, a beef I think is legitimate. During the Holocaust, Jews took refuge from the Nazis in Palestine. It wasn’t until Israel was formed and the Palestinian people marginalized that extremist Islam came to be. There were no Muslim terrorists before Israel.

  6. Fact:

    There were no Muslim terrorists before Israel. –AL

    Muslims are misunderstood:

    For instance, take the word jihad. It comes from jihadda, which means struggle. The West misquote this all the time as “Holy War.” Not true. If the struggle is financial, it calls for other Muslims to help financially. If it’s social, it calls for other Muslims to address the social problems of their neighbors. It merely means for one Muslim to come to the aid of another Muslim. That’s all. Muslims have actually gone further. Remember when the Jews of Germany and Europe were displaced by the Nazis? They were welcomed by the people of Palestine.

    Moreover, if history is any indicator, Muslims are people of much compassion and forgiveness. Even in war, they have always been measured. For instance, Saladin, when he had victory over the Crusaders, showed great mercy by not taking all of the Crusaders by the sword, which the Crusaders never reciprocated. Saladin followed the teachings of Mohammad, who, before him, showed compassion by accepting and integrating his former foes.

    Don’t let the media tell you otherwise, my friends.

    As-Salamu Alaykum,
    Shalom aleichem,
    Peace be upon you.

  7. The Colonel says:

    So PoonTalk, does this mean you’ll convert to islam, start going to mosque and give up your pornographic endeavours?

    All debates aside, the bottom line is that any ideology which encourages it’s followers to kill for their god or be killed and receive 70 virgin girls in paradise as reward, any ideology which teaches men to treat their wives as their belongings and beat them into submission if they have to, any ideology which encourages stoning to death and castration in public as punishment for fornication, that ideology provides the perfect breeding ground for all kinds of domestic violence, cultural and social repression, terrorist operations and honor killings.

    Having said that, I agree with one thing: Arabs were treated unfairly in Israeli–Palestinian conflict. I want to wish for a peaceful resolution in this matter, but unfortunately both sides have taken this animosity and conflict too far and beyond the point of no return.

  8. Mr. Woland: I agree women can be treated better in parts of the Middle East. Its fucked up logic why they do what they do. We should look at ourselves here though. Look at what men want to see women do in porn, degrading disgusting things. Look at Bitch Brown making Rihanna look like Rocky when Apollo beat his ass. Look at R. Kelly pissing and fucking a 14 year old girl and taping it. We’re just as fucked but we love to point the finger.

  9. very well worded AL.

  10. jeremiahsteele says:

    who’s blood thirsty? we’ve gone in and bombed iraq twice… by legal definition and geneva convention standards the whole bush cabal are war criminals

  11. AL, Im with you all the way. Theres plenty of fucked up people in our part of the world, and plentiful mistreatment of women.

    Its only a matter of degree that separates “us” from “them”, its a pretty large degree in places but the problem is fundamentally the same.

  12. i think everyone’s losing their head here, first husband, then wife, then writer who attributes this to muslims, in general.. maybe hassan married an arab sophia mounds?


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