Daschle asks to withdraw his nom

CNN.com reports White House: Tom Daschle asks President Obama to withdraw his nomination for health and human services secretary.

10 thoughts on “Daschle asks to withdraw his nom

  1. the general says:

    Why is it that when a republican doesnt pay 100,000.00 in taxes he is vilified by the press, but when a democrat does it they call it an innocent mistake?
    And I thought Obama was supposed to be bringing a NEW visdion of leadership to the countryl, but all I see are the same old entrnched democrat faces.(daschle, clinton, ken salazr,eric hholder,judd gregg). Nothing new here, looks like politics as usual.

  2. It was taxes? Im not sure.

  3. yes rics, it was taxes…

    Obama can’t bring in unknowns, he’ll be attacked as being too liberal for it and I think he has using a pretty good plan of trying to be inclusive… As a Hispanic, I’m happy to see Ken Salazar do well… As someone from Colorado, you should be as well… Would you rather have seen Pete Coors win that Senate spot? He would have changed the state motto to, “tap the rockies, coors light”

  4. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    I guess The General have never heard of Faux News AKA Fixed News AKA Fox News, right-wing rogue radio shows and/or web sites.

  5. I think that now that Premier Obambi is charge, Faux News will be again meeting good times. I mean, Republican attack dogs are lousy at defending someone. Especially were there almost nothing to defend like the Bush Adm. But know they are in the opposition again and in my opinion the “recovery plan” is just a expensive, pay your campain debts by giving handouts to Democratic party constituencies, Fox will have a “I told you so” time in less that two years.
    I think that the worst times for the US economy are yet to come. Interesting times.

  6. the general says:

    Fox news is ONE news outlet,that is admitadly slanted to the right, far to the right. But if thats how you describe FOX then how do you describe, ABC,CBS, NBC,CNBC,CNN,NEW YORK TIMES etc.

    There is as much left wing lunatic bias on those stations as thee is right wing lucany on FOX(and Rush). THeres enough b.x. to go around for everybody.

  7. for the most part general is right, but the media are a liberal group… in actuality the are many, many more liberals in the U.S. than conservatives, but a large chunk of liberals don’t vote, whereas conservatives are pretty good about voting, so the media is just reflective of society in general, and that’s not some sort of existentialist remark (the society in general)

  8. “whereas conservatives are pretty good about voting, so the media is just reflective of society in general, and that’s not some sort of existentialist remark (the society in general)”

    Al, that is false, the media, in the US and elsewhere leans to the left. The psychologic and social reasons why most people who feels drawn to a media career often leans politically to the left are well known.

    A excellent book on the subject is “FUTILE KNOWLEDGE” by the late, great Jean Francois Revel.
    Autrian libertarian Economist Ludwing Von Misses made some very interesting essays on the subject too.
    The US is socially divided in three almost equal part between liberals, conservatives and moderates, that is one of the reasons of the US greatness.
    But the media in the US and elsewhere Liberal and biased towards the left.
    Rupert Murdoch business genius was to discover a huge niche market for conservatives in the media and went for it. He already had that experience in Australia and the UK.

  9. Of course, my info on the Earl business practices regading his other catalog is a bit dated. Things might have changed.

  10. I know the media leans to the left, hence I referred to them as a “liberal group”

    however the thing I forgot to mention about why the media is liberal is because the media is centered in New York City, one of the most liberal places in the U.S. I doubt the media in Texas can be potrayed as liberal.

    Even if you come from somewhere else, after living in New York you get liberalized… I’m not saying I’m a liberal, because I’m a moderate, but I have more sympathy for liberals than conservatives.

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