The Long Journey Home, but I am here…

I arrived back home tonight after 10pm. My husband had driven ( with no help from me, although I asked) more then 24 hours in two days.

We avoided all snow and rain storms on the way back. But managed to visit just about every fast food restaurant. The best was Dairy Queen. But most were pretty gross. Smells good before, and tastes good while, you are eating it, but quickly there after, you regret it.

I feel beat up and over tired now. The first thing that I did when I got home was take a shower, although thehot water was shut off.

I didn’t care. I can’t stand feeling not clean. So I took a shower in cold water and washed my hair.

Then my husband, my dog and I layed on the couch and watched our DVR’ed House episodes.



4 thoughts on “The Long Journey Home, but I am here…

  1. NobodyLovesDaymond says:

    Glad to read your back home.

    That husband is a hell of a guy.

    Dairy Queen!? The best fast food joint!? Were there no Sonic’s? No Hardees’? No JackInTheBox’s? No Checkers’? No Chik-Fil-A’s?

  2. Sorry for what you been through. I know you will be all right in the long run, you are a strong chick. Things like this take time. Good to have you back.

  3. Sonic is the bomb… Checkers bannana milkshakes are awesomne too

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