Do You Feel Proud To Be An American?


Over the last 8 years I felt my pride in being an American sinking. Other nations who used to respect us and look to us for guidance now looked at us with disdane.

OBAMA moves in this week. And while I can’t expect him to save our image over night, I am hopeful that he will be an inspiring force to all, and the begining of a good future.

Do you agree? In this instance, does his ethnicity benefit us? Are you hopeful for the future of the US?

Tell me what you think….

18 thoughts on “Do You Feel Proud To Be An American?

  1. The Colonel says:

    The damage is done. As a nation, as a country and as a civilization we’ve lost our balls, and now we’re heading for the trash can of history.

    Obama is just another side of the same coin, another cog in the same machine, another partner in the same crime, and the color of his skin or the size of his dick doesn’t make any difference in America’s inevitable doom. American people are excited because they were granted to choose the lesser of two evils, but soon their excitement will turn into frustration and anger.

    To those who put their eggs in one basket with Obama, I can only say: I’ll see you tommorow.

  2. Nationalism now? Give me a break! The only thing that really pisses me off is that so many Americans died in World War II to fight off the forces of National Socialism (Nazi’s) and Japanese militarism in order to make the world a safer place. Now, 60 years later the U.S. has turned into a pile of shit, totally disrespecting those who died so THE WORLD could be a better place for hundreds of millions of people.

    Really, think about it. Vietnam was the beginning of the end. Now oil, greed, and horrible political leadership has finished the U.S. off. Add a melting pot of racism and an increasing despicable white trash culture and I think you get the picture of our future.

    Let some other country rule the world cause we suck at it.

  3. the question sounds like and should be properly phrased “do you feel proud to be un-american?”

    bill o rights, gone, media is the corporate whore of a corporation nation, we violate geneva rules and bomb innocent people because we claim based on falsified date that they have weapons as if they don’t have the right to defend themselves, we torture, we stage terrorism as an excuse to rape other nations, america’s a big corporation, lincoln warned about this shit years ago, the bush/cheney cabal should’ve been tried for war crimes and violating their sworn oath of defending the constituion, not eradicating it and claiming dictatorial powers.. the 9/11 matter is an obvious inside job when the evidence is examined but we all gone on as if it never happened or was some bizarre, bad dream.. proud to be un-american? hardly at least we have endless diversions to keep us occupied… this country is bankrupt because crime starts at the top..blah blah blah

  4. I think it is hard for some WASP and non ethnic white Americans to really understand how big this is. I think his ethnicity helps us, if nothing more than the fact that for entire history of the country we’ve always had WASPS run the U.S. and I like variety. If you go to Wal-Mart day in and day out and have never been to Target, aren’t you going to at least want to try Target to see if there any differences? I’d like to see a Latin president, but for whatever reason blacks are more embraced in the U.S., probably because they are American as apple pie.

  5. minus JFK about the WASPS… but lets get real, he was just Catholic… Barack has a fundamentally better understanding of many issues that face Americans like him and will be able to tackle them more efficiently. They always said Bill Clinton was the first black president, but I think thats just racist. Now we do have a black president, even if he is only ethnically half black and has no family ties to slavery.

  6. i think all would have been forgiven relatively quickly, then sub prime unwound and the fall out flowed around the world. when you start costing other people money, that’s when they really hate you.

  7. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    I just hope Obama won’t end up in a song by U2 (if you know what I mean).

    ‘Pride (in the name of love)’

  8. Obama is already being called a Uncle Tom by leftist outside the US,
    The problem is not Bush, is the whole ” Other nations who used to respect us and look to us” mindset of many Americans on both sides of the idelogical spectrum. Mindset that Obama embraced wholeheartly in his Kennedyesque speeches.

    The power of Myths again. That mindset made some sense when the US was be defence of the world against comunism but no longer. The URSS is long gone and the US stills acting like a superpower telling other peoples who to live.

    And since Obama economic team is full of people that worked as economic hitmen breaking up foreign currencies and central banks for fun and profit (Warren Buffet and George Soros, the main brain behind the “grass roots” Obama funding and and other groups) I expect that the US will try to bail out his economy and keep the dollar alive by breaking up others people´s economies and savings (since Americans do not save anymore).

    While seein a non white in the White House is a huge thing, once the machiney goes to work reality will set in and the novelty would be gone.

  9. Sorry is “telling other peoples how to live”.

  10. BigDickDaddy says:

    If Obama is an uncle tom then I can only assume you will refer to GW Bush as an “inbred, white trash hillbilly cracker whose family used their grandfathers’ political office for personal gain so that his descendants while morally bankrupt and intellectually challenged were able to attend Ivy league schools but only achieve C grades while performing as a male cheerleader only to drive the economy of the worlds only super power into ruin and get 4000 members of our military killed while still never finding Osama but telling the American people that forfeiting our freedom and liberties is okay because his Vice President who is a 5 time draft dodger will be getting deferred salary payments from a company that received billions in funding from the corrupt and incompetent President.”

    Choose your words wisely Rics.

  11. eisforeric says:

    I’ve always been proud to be an American. Honestly, not so much during the Bush administration. I don’t know why loving your country and liberal politics are mutually exclusive though.

  12. BDD That is a fine descrition of GWB.

    The description of Obama as a uncle Tom came from the German left newspaper the Taz, not mine.

    I think Obama has one huge advantage, it came after Bush! The bar is so low now that anyone can do a better job.
    But he has rasied so big Messianic expectation that many people will be bitterly disappointed.

  13. I think its the opposite, most people think conservatism and loving your country are tied together. Remember all the shit Obama got from conservatives just because he didn’t want to wear a flag pin on his lapel?

  14. good to see jimmy smits finally sworn in

  15. The Colonel says:

    I was expecting Lee Harvey Oswald to show up for the party, but who knows? Never say never.

  16. Here’s Ralph Nader posing the “Uncle Tom” question:

    Although his comment got a hateful reaction from the corporate pundits who predicted it signaling the death of his career in politics, I understand where Nader is coming from and I don’t think he means anything racist by it at all.

    If it turns out that Obama caters to the corporations at the expense of the people then the label can’t even come close to competing with the action of using race to win people’s faith for unity and a greater nation, yet in the end catering to the money danglers in Washington.

    Personally, I don’t think there is any epithet which can describe the disgrace that Condoleeza Rice is, a woman who grew up in racist Montgomery, yet became a whore for the Bush Cabal.

    Obama has already voted in favor of Bush’s spy bill, which is really fucked up, and he talks about hunting down Osama which is a joke for anyone who does in depth research on the 9/11 controvery. But there are reasons to have faith in a President who is supposed to be representative of the people.
    One has to go along to get along, it is said, and hopefully Obama will make the right decisions. I’m concerned, however with his appointing Hillary Clinton and the likes who have been involved with some serious corruption, murders (indirectly), illegal acts, who support the illegal and evil war upon Iraq.

    In spite of all that, today is a great and historic day, though I think it would’ve been much better if Kucinich got elected (assuming that race, as it should be, doesn’t matter). He initially was considered the popular winner of the democratic debates but because the mind-molding media never took him seriously he never became established.
    That phenomenon is worthy of a book in itself; how the winner of debates don’t win nominations because they are treated like 3rd party candidates by the corporate media which don’t recognize them as supportive of their economic/political agendas.

  17. Here’s Ralph Nader posing the “Uncle Tom” question:

    Although his comment got a hateful reaction from the corporate pundits who predicted it signaling the death of his career in politics, I understand where Nader is coming from and I don’t think he means anything racist by it at all.

    If it turns out that Obama caters to the corporations at the expense of the people then the label can’t even come close to competing with the action of using race to win people’s faith for unity and a greater nation, yet in the end catering to the money danglers in Washington.

    Personally, I don’t think there is any epithet which can describe the disgrace that Condoleeza Rice is, a woman who grew up in racist Montgomery, yet became a whore for the Bush Cabal.

    Obama has already voted in favor of Bush’s spy bill, which is really fucked up, and he talks about hunting down Osama which is a joke for anyone who does in depth research on the 9/11 controvery. But there are reasons to have faith in a President who is supposed to be representative of the people.
    One has to go along to get along, it is said, and hopefully Obama will make the right decisions. I’m concerned, however with his appointing Hillary Clinton and the likes who have been involved with some serious corruption, murders (indirectly), illegal acts, who support the illegal and evil war upon Iraq.

    In spite of all that, today is a great and historic day, though I think it would’ve been much better if Kucinich got elected (assuming that race, as it should be, doesn’t matter). He initially was considered the popular winner of the democratic debates but because the mind-molding media never took him seriously he never became established.
    That phenomenon is worthy of a book in itself; how the winner of debates don’t win nominations because they are treated like 3rd party candidates by the corporate media which don’t recognize them as supportive of their economic/political agendas.

  18. I do not see the powers behind the throne killing him. I think that the whole “Bernarke helicopter” meltdown in September was about having in the Global office a person who will be a true believer in giving the powers that be the bailouts they need. That persons is BHO. They need him. Macca was to shacky and the Reeps credibility was dead. Mr Change can pull them off.
    Once they are done, his utility is gone. They will give him enought rope.

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