The Colonel’s Non-P.C. Opinion on Words, Criminals & Jack Venice

It Pays To Play

By The Colonel


Allow me to throw in my two cents about Jack Venice’s rape trial, but first I need to explain where do I stand.

I remember a scene in Dirty Harry where the chief of police is criticizing Harry Callahan’s methods in dealing with thieves and murderers and rapists, and tells him we must act according to the system, everybody deserves a hearing and trial. Harry replies: When I see someone chasing a woman in the park with a knife, I don’t ask questions, I just blow his head off.

It was that kind of mentality which made this country a great place: stand up for yourself, if somebody beats you, beat him back harder and give’m all you got, be all you can be. But today’s generation has become a pussy generation who allows a bunch of corrupt, homosexual scumbags to write embarrassingly ridiculous laws and shove them in their throats under the pretence of preserving their wellbeing and safety. These days, everybody needs a counselor or a psychiatrist to explain to them why their lives suck and they’re fucking losers. In showing sympathy for the devil, more people are siding with criminals and are becoming insensitive towards victims. In search for the politically correct, non-offensive language, they butcher and sacrifice as many words as they can: you don’t have to call somebody retard, they’re mentally challenged, you don’t have to call somebody disabled, they’re handicapped, you don’t have to call somebody who sucks stranger cocks on film for money a  prostitute, they’re adult performers, as if playing with words can change somebody’s quality of life and living conditions; a retard still can’t put on his own pants even if you call him mentally challenged, a disabled person still shits in a bag even if you call him handicapped, and a prostitute still sucks cock for a living even if you call her an adult performer.

The result  is a worthless generation of idiots with no love and respect and understanding for anything, a generation of morons who are confident they’re intelligent and righteous and entitled to everything, and therefore can and will justify, forgive and forget every imaginable crime and every unimaginable cruelty: in their depraved, perverted, twisted view, internet piracy is not thievery, it’s file sharing, murder is not sin, it’s an uncontrollable outburst of violent emotions, rape is not crime, it’s a sexual fetish, and invading other countries is not warmongering, it’s liberation, besides, it makes good material for  video games.

Where do we go with all this? How far would we go? How would this end, and what price should we pay? I’ll let you think and answer those questions.

But as far as for Jack Venice, the evidence and testimonies indicate that he consumed alcohol, broke into people’s homes, and tended to rape a girl in her sleep. If he could get away with that, he would have a very entertaining story to tell his friends at their parties for the rest of his life, but now that he’s caught, are we supposed to feel sorry and show somewhat of sympathy for him? Not in my book. You play, you pay, Jack. Just deal with it.  See you in nine years, or maybe not.

22 thoughts on “The Colonel’s Non-P.C. Opinion on Words, Criminals & Jack Venice

  1. MissBiatch2U says:

    Colonel, I have enjoyed your two articles thus far. I challenge you to write one with a positive slant on something adult oriented.

  2. What’s positive in the adult industry right now?

  3. Forget the rape, I think he should do life for having one of the dumbest tattoos Ive ever seen.

    Its a big bullet belt that wraps around his thigh.
    They are big bullets, like .50 caliber size and it looks really cheesy (extra velveta).

    That tat itself is going to get him an ass whipping in the joint.

  4. The Colonel says:

    Thank you MissBiatch2U. I challenge you to inspire me.

  5. There is some truth but I believe that is greatly over simplifying our society and overlooking many socio economic factors

  6. eisforeric says:

    “corrupt, homosexual scumbags”

    Uh… why are you using homosexual so derogatorily?

  7. eisforeric says:

    the problem with jack Venice is that he is an uneducated idiot. You can’t not plead not guilty and then opt not to testify. Enough of this “I’m a porn star, so they would hold that against me” bullshit. Stop being so naïve and acting you had no idea people wouldn’t endorse your view of porn. and i didn’t mean to sound overly PC on my previous comment; I’d delete it if I could.

  8. You hit the nail on the head Colonel. People complain that the U.S. has record numbers of it’s citizens locked up. There’s a good reason why people like Jack Venice and his ilk sit and rot in prison.

    Our society is breeding these sociopaths in droves, we’re an America of trash like Anna Nicole, Britney Spears…oh shit, it just makes fucking sick. I can’t go on, you know what I’m getting at.

  9. OK Colonel, my question is wasn’t it his thing to go to college campus bars drink with the girls and then get them to have sex with him while he filmed it? If that is true, why is anyone surprised that it snowballed in to him breaking into some girls room and fondling her and watching some other guy have sex with her while she was asleep? This was dentin to end badly, just like the Girls Gone Wild videos.

  10. Kayryan, you are exactly right. Jack Venice was playing with fire hanging around college campuses doing what he was doing. It all went to his little alcohol and drugged filled brain and now he’s paying the appropriate price for being so stupid.

    There’s a video out there somewhere of a Seattle news reporter interviewing Jack Venice in jail and I swear she’s kissing his ass. She must have been enamored by this lying piece of shit as she was trying to help him formulate his weak and rehearsed answers to what he was doing that night. If anybody wants the link just let me know, it’s really pathetic if you closely scrutinize it.

  11. He was convicted rather quickly, wasn’t he? Did he even assert a defense?

  12. The Colonel says:

    Dear Kay, again you’re off base with your comment. Shooting porn doesn’t eventually lead to raping somebody in her sleep. I’ve been shooting porn for a long time, many others, too, I don’t know too many pornographers who ended up raping somebody in her sleep. You are what you are. If you’re a rapist or murderer or homosexual, you’re gonna do what you’re gonna do, whether you shoot porn for a living or wrap burgers in McDonalds.

  13. The Colonel says:

    Pornster, right on, brother. I hear you.

  14. if sleepcreep is still going in 9 years (9 months would be a shock) venice has his first gig lined up.

  15. The Colonel says:

    If Jack Venice survives all beatings and anal penetrations in prison and gets out in nine years, probably he can get some gig in death fetish scenes, he just has to lay down and play dead.

  16. Convicted from rape, a stupid tattoo in his thighs.
    How many boxes of cigarrettes will his ass worth in prision?

  17. freepornstarpix says:

    If that is true, why is anyone surprised that it snowballed in to him breaking into some girls room and fondling her and watching some other guy have sex with her while she was asleep?

    I don’t think that anyone could imagine that his sense of humor would extend to breaking into a sorority , getting into bed with a sleeping female he does not know, and fondling her. And I don’t believe that Jack knew that it would cost him his freedom and change his life forever.

    Did he even assert a defense?

    His defense is that he was being treated unfairly due to being a porn star.

    Here’s links to his jailhouse interview. His lawyer should have made him keep quiet. He actually brings up Shane’s World as if to imply it is their fault.

  18. bobscreamer says:

    I completly agree with you here Colonel…and as Bukowski once said “I don’t like jail, they got the wrong kind of bars in there”. Enjoy Mr. Venice.

  19. Colonel, you know me better then that. I was saying that, his type of making porn was bound to snowball into something bad.
    And freepornstarpix, are you kidding me? When has alcohol, a man on a campus looking for sex ever turned out OK? And how long has he been doing his little project? And I don’t think I have to remind anyone on this site the statistics of rape on college campus that are never reported.
    You could put this exact scenario with anything and the out come is not going to good.

  20. freepornstarpix says:

    When has alcohol, a man on a campus looking for sex ever turned out OK?

    The vast majority of on campus rapes are committed by persons known to the victim. This young lady did not know Jack at all. She was chosen randomly.

    He got the job from Shane’s World in early 2007 and put out 2 movies. He was also working on another Shane’s World project, but for the web. He had the exclusive on that. Prior to 2007, he’d been in about 20 movies for Shane’s World, so he’d been on many on location shoots with the company. Obviously, he was seen as an asset and not a problem child. At WSU, he made an error in judgement by breaking into a home and assaulting someone he did not know as she slept. While alcohol lowers inhibitions, it can’t be blamed as the sole reason why he broke the law. He has to considered responsible for what he did.

  21. “At WSU, he made an error in judgement by breaking into a home and assaulting someone he did not know as she slept. While alcohol lowers inhibitions, it can’t be blamed as the sole reason why he broke the law. He has to considered responsible for what he did.”

    Actually attacking a complete stranger is a sign of how dangerous Jack the Rapist is. This is not a drunken date gone wrong. This is crossing into Ted Bundy (who is from that part of the country, I wonder if his memory was presend in the juries minds) territory.

  22. freepornstarpix says:

    I’m sure Ted Bundy did come to mind. That’s where his rampage started. The locals also hated the fact that he was a porn star and was attempting to shoot porn in their area.

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