Christian XXX talks about Phoenix Marie’s Journey through travel hell with Stuart from Smash

from Christian’s site 

NL- I abbreviated this a little bit, but you aren’t missing much.

By Christian XXX

So et’s finish the little journey that Phoenix Marie found herself on this weekend.  To recap, on Friday morning she left at 430am in order to catch her 615am flight from Los Angeles to Washington DC with Ashli Orion and Tori Black.  She arrived in DC at 130 EST and immediately her 2pm flight to Hartford, Connecticut was canceled. Three hours later, they finally reached the customer service desk and were told that the next United flight into Hartford was Saturday at 530pm, which of course was totally unacceptable (oh and they didn’t offer them a room for the night either).  There was a 10pm flight to Hartford, but not only was it full, but the standby list was 31 people long as well.

So now Stuart, the general manager of Smash Pictures and the chaperone of this little trip, has a decision to make, which he prompts foists on Dan, the owner of Smash Pictures, to make.   Ashli Orion makes an unbelievably prescient suggestion for them to just grab a taxi to the train station and take the train to Hartford (the cost for a train trip – 110 bucks).  Back to Stuart, he decides to forgo the train trip because it would cost an extra 500 bucks total, and decides to stay at the airport and hope to god that somehow 31 people all decided to NOT get on the already full 10pm flight.

Of course we can all predict the future, and of course they didn’t come anywhere close to getting on that flight at 10pm (after ANOTHER 4 hours of waiting for it).  Stuart, by the way, already sent the entire groups bags to Hartford, so there was no turning around and going home (smart move on his part).  Now the train was the only option other than sleeping in the airport I guess.

They cab it over to the train station.  But hold on, the girls all told him that there was a 315am train to Hartford, but it was filling up fast so Stuart needed to book it immediately.  Instead, Stuart decides to wait until they are in the cab riding to the train station to book them on the 525am train for some reason.

They reach the train station around midnight, Phoenix says something to the effect of "we don’t have to worry about sleep because our train leaves at 315" and then Stuart pipes up with "no, we are on the 525 train". 

A large black gentleman who is a security guard at the station says  "hello there Phoenix", which stops her in her tracks, and luckily he was in charge of boarding the 315 train!  Wow, finally a stroke of luck!

Six hours later, they finally arrive in Hartford, Connecticut at 11am.    Dan, the owner, picks them all up at the train station, and takes them to the hotel.  One problem, their bags are still at the Hartford airport (supposedly).

Dan and Stuart tell the girls to rest at the hotel and they will recover their bags and bring them to the girls and off they went.  A few hours later, still no bags, and the girls are starting to freak out a bit. 

Well it turns out their bags were still in Washington DC.  Remember when I said earlier that Stuart had put their bags on the 10pm flight?  Well he just told the girls that when really their bags were just sitting there in DC.  Phoenix knows that this is because Staurt knew that she would simply turn around and take a flight back to LA.

Finally, the bags arrived at 430pm, which meant that the girls missed their makeup appointment.  The girls still needed makeup done, Dan’s wife, suggested another girl who would do their makeup and the girls  found themselves at Kahoot’s Gentleman’s Club where the house mother did their makeup (not exactly a professional job and none of the girls were happy).

The girls all went to the signing and signed for four hours until a half hour past midnight.  Stuart, the chaperone for the trip, had proceeded to get totally hammered and left the girls at the store because he was too drunk to stay awake any longer.  The girls got back to their hotel around 130am.

The girls were booked on the 2pm flight from Hartford to DC, and then at 4pm from DC to Los Angeles.  Well these three made a command decision (without Stuart who was still asleep of course) to leave Hartford on the earliest flight possible because they checked the weather reports and a huge storm was going to hit.  So the girls  made it on the 5am flight to Washington DC which landed at 7am.  Now they had to get lucky and catch a standby flight, but there flights at 9am, 930am, 1230am, and 230pm available (their original flight left DC at 4pm).

Predictably, there were problems.  The girls made  their 4pm flight, and then Derek personally drove down to LAX and picked them all up.

So Phoenix arrived home and passed out.   The best part about the whole situation is that Smash Pictures and Stuart are both in charge of her Vegas signing in January!  But never fear, I am driving her to Vegas so she can’t get on a plane to Utah or somewhere else.  lol.

6 thoughts on “Christian XXX talks about Phoenix Marie’s Journey through travel hell with Stuart from Smash

  1. MissBiatch2U says:

    From Christian’s blog of Dec 1, 2008 “I was working for Stuart and Smash Pictures today in a black girl – white guy creampie movie. I have known Stuart for four years now, but I guess I somehow forgot that he is infatuated with young black girls. And I thought Laura liked to hover on set…….holy crap! He was everywhere I turned. :)”

    Christian, you brain surgeon, hope you enjoyed your shoot with Stuart a few weeks ago. I am sure it will be your last. It doesn’t take girls putting you on their no list to lose you jobs, you do it all by yourself.

  2. christianx says:

    Brain Surgeon? Um, since you are an avid blog reader of mine, then surely I don’t need to point out that I worked for Smash a grand total of 3 times this year out of 289 scenes completed. You want to redo your earlier comment, you fucking idiot?

  3. Larry Horse says:

    So Mr Trannyfucker you didnt send Smash an Xmas card, or so I assume.

  4. freepornstarpix says:

    Something about the trip set him off, either he didn’t want his girlfriend going to the signing or he’s somehow got issues with Stuart, or both. He’s crazy.

  5. Christian gets second hand info from a porn chick and runs with it as truth. He should blame the snow miser for the storm. I guess nobody has control over the weather cept for him. Yo, reality check time. I recently went on a flight, my bags didn’t arrive until the next day, I was delayed at some bumfuck airport for hours, whose fault? The fuckin’ airlines.

  6. christianx says:

    smutspov, make that THREE porn girls and their agent. nice try though.

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