Sophia on the election

Sophia e-mails me- Wow! You told people to vote 4 obama? So you like all the stupid shit that obama wants to do? He wants to tax us to death. Hey ques what? Only low class dumb m-fs voted 4 him and 98% of the black population. Do you think most of the people know or care about what that man really wants to do. And do you know what? No one will be able to afford porn. After all of his tax increases. And you think porn is more safe with democrates then with republicans. Heres a fun filled fact for you. Theres more womens rights groups in the democratic party, then there is in the republican party. And you know how the womens rights groups feel? They would like to stop porn and strip clubs. Because they believe all the diffrent types of things in the sex industry is degrading and bring about violence against women! But you knew that right? Well as for me the moment that obama turns into the new Hitler im moving to Guam! Good luck and i really hope your right. But I doubt it!

11 thoughts on “Sophia on the election

  1. Sophia, today I heard them say many that voted for Obama are college educated white people. And unless you make over $250 thousand a year, which I doubt you do, then you won’t fall into the group of people he wants taxes raised for. You being a woman should have voted for Obama because the Democratic party has usually been for a woman to do what she wants with her own body.

  2. I actually had to live with this woman once or twice a week for three months. This reminds me when Sophia used to scream her opinions at me and I couldn’t get a word in, edge-wise. “Only low class dumb m-fs voted 4 him and 98% of the black population”.

    Sophia, you said you were “abused” for 7 years. Did someone hit you in the head a few times? I’m dead serious, because you’re not capable of realizing you have severe mental problems. Do you still believe I hit you or are you just saying that just like you said Mike and Ryan are gay lovers and Cindi smokes crack? The first thing you told the police after I CALLED THEM was that I killed your cat. That’s why you attacked me.

    I’ll be seeing you in small claims court, Sophia, so get ready. It doesn’t cost much to file and I will be suing you for the maximum for slander, libel and filing a false police report.

  3. Donkey Wrong says:

    Wow. Amazing insights. Get this cunt on ‘Meet the Press’. She should be happy. Under universal healthcare she can get the medication she so desperately needs instead of having to suck guys off for drug money.

  4. Germy, are you a masochist? Do you want to work for Men in Pain? Who could you?

    BTW PBS, first of Obama demagogical promises that he will not meet at least for now. Raising taxes to the “rich”. To do so in the middle of a recesion would be suicide.
    Second, Sophia is right, there are no guarantees that liberals are as porn friendly in the long term as Larry Flint believes them to be.
    What is the put a doctrinarie feminist in the DOJ or as a advisor? There will be less obsenity trials but on the other hand they will go for the most effective way of shutting down the industry. Following the money, sin taxes, IRS/ICE audits, the “Swedish model” etc.

  5. “Who could you?”

    “BTW PBS, first of Obama demagogical promises that he will not meet at least for now”

    “What is the put a doctrinarie feminist in the DOJ or as a advisor?”

    Wow rics. You’re from Spain, right? Please work on your english. I can’t quite follow what you’re saying, but if McCain were in office the porn business would be shut down.

    Liberals are more liberal about Porn which is why they’re called “Liberal”. The ones who are caught molesting children and commiting paedophilia while marching to “family values” are usually “Convservative” (This is not to suggest that Conservatives, in general usually do this things, however).

    The more repressive, the more full of shit and the more skeletons. That’s the way the equation works.

    Regardless, I’m more Libertarian than Liberal. Dem’s and Repubs are both pro-corporation whores and two arms of the same beast. The right arm is generally more dominant and aggressive (while calling itself “conservative”), the other is
    generally more supportive.

  6. Germy,I’m also more Libertarian that Liberal in the American sense, Sorry about my English.
    But the way Germy, my comments about you being a masochist were about living with Sophia Mounds not about politics.

    Well that is true, many conservatives are driven by guilt and self hatred. They hate perverts because they are perverts and proyect the hatred on others.

    But while lefties are secularist and are more tolerant of porn, they are not all the same way. There is a big cultural diference between 60s and 70s style lefties that think that porn in part of free speech and some modern ones that think porn is the explotation of mentally ill women like your pal Sophia. The diference is already comming out in the open in Europe. First in Scandinavia but now even in Spain. The most militant critics of porn and prostitution (that is semilegal in all Spanish speaking countries despite hardcore Catholicism) are not Catholics but secular feminists.

  7. Sophia should have her own talk show, except she’d be yelling at you, which isn’t a lot different than right wingers on CNN who dominate 95% of the “conversation”.

    Surely there are people who may feel victims of porn from many perspectives, such as normally liberal minded housewives who catch their husbands milking their love muscle to “Young, Dumb and Full of Cum”.

  8. Sophia, you yourself are a Low-Class Dumb Mother Fucker and complete White Trash as well.

    You couldn’t find Guam on a map or even get there by Plane if somebody had bought you a ticket.

    You need to stay off these sites because people are laughing at you. Trust me, I know what it feels like and you’re trying to revive a dead horse by filling it with Bullet Holes. Go back to the Candy Cat on Devonshire and Lassen where you Strip(for free) and make yourself 100% useful. Nobody wants to read your Dumb Ass Whore opinion.

  9. Ryan,
    Please take your own advice….
    …”You need to stay off these sites because people are laughing at you.”

    And now go stand in front of a mirror and repeat this quote…”Nobody wants to read your Dumb Ass WHORE opinion.”

    “You yourself are a low class dumb mother fucker and complete white trash as well.”….Isnt this alot like the pot calling the kettle black?

  10. Don’t be Generic.

  11. I just started a “Best of Sophia Mounds” collection of selections of her retard rants and her self-incriminations. Volume 1 is up on and there will be many more, since she posts so much.

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