Ex-employee at LA Direct suing, $35 an hour not enough?

According to AdultFyi.com- Former employee Darby Castellon is suing Derek Hay and Direct Models, Inc.

Castellon’s lawsuit, filed in the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles, alleges wrongful termination; violation of labor code 510, 512- failure to pay overtime; violation of labor code 226.7 (b)- failure to provide a second meal period;

failure to properly compensate- fraud; violation of labor code 203, 218.5 and 218.6 and unfair business practices in violation of Bus. And Prof. Code 17200.

According to the suit, Castillon was an employee of Hay’s and worked as a personal assistant until he was terminated September 4, 2008. Castillon was paid an hourly rate of $37.66 and worked six days a week.

NL-This is just a clip of the story. more can be found at AdultFyi.com

5 thoughts on “Ex-employee at LA Direct suing, $35 an hour not enough?

  1. God, Imagine the shit he has do see there!

  2. From what I have been reading about Derek Hay, this guy is a real scum bag. Forcing girls to hook, work while there sick. If that’s the way he treats his talent, just imagine how he treats his employees….
    Can you say class action!

  3. Cindy worries about the hourly wages.

    Im more interested in this:

    “The suit also contends that Hay and Direct Models were in violation of Labor Code section 1174(d), that he failed to keep payroll records and or intentionally manipulated those records.”

    OI! What is there? Money Laundering for escorting incomes? Tax evasion? Underage performers? Just plain incompetence. Any voluntieers to start Darby Castellon car in the morning?

  4. eisforeric says:

    care to share where you got this, sidv? I’d like to hear more about it. 😀

  5. The guy is a fucking Nazi!
    Now I understand the skinhead haircut and the fact that he has trannies in his roster but almost never a african american girl.

    Is this is how he treats his employees in the legal part of his business wait to hear how he treats them in the ILEGAL part if his business!

    As Robert Graves` Claudius said, all the venom hidden in the mud will come to the surface.

    I guess I have to buy more popcorn.

    I wonder if the Trannyfucker gets reinbursed for all the expenses of driving hookers around too. Hey Chrissy, class action!

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