Cali Fires are still burning

by Rog of

Calls from friends and family members to make sure if we are all right. First of all, thank you for your concern. I really appreciate it. Everything here is fine. Family and home are safe and currently out of harm’s way. The Yorba Linda fire is a few miles to the East and the smoke is pretty thick. In fact the house smells like a campfire and there is ash all over everything outside. It is actually burning right below a house I lived in back in college and one of the shopping centers that went up is home to our Costco and my favorite Best Buy store. Close enough to make the air bad, but no real danger. The Brea fire is actually a little closer and we can see the flame from our front yard. It’s burning near the software company where I worked for a decade. It’s pretty scary to see the horizon on fire like that, but again no real danger. We are dealing with a lot of smoke and a lot of ash, but the evacuation zones are at least four miles from where we are. We are actually fairly safe from the fires because we have at least two miles of buffer between ourselves and any significant brush. Any fire would have to burn through a lot of homes and businesses to get anywhere close to our home.

Thank you once again for your emails and your concern. Things are really bad for people not far from us and it could be a lot worse here. As soon as there are links up to donate to the victims I’ll put that up. In the meantime thanks again for your emails and calls. Once again, they mean a lot.

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