Sophia Mounds answers LIB article on what’s Obscene

NL-The words in bold are statements from an article that was printed here on what is obscene. The plain text is Sophia Mounds answer to the statement which she put up on her blog.


I think the fact that we were lied into a war where we pissed away over a TRILLION dollars, lost thousands of our own brave soldiers needlessly and caused a million innocent people’s deaths is OBSCENE..

Sophia- Dumb-ass! We were not led into a War! Terrorists attacked us and we had to show our military strength, to that religiously backwards country. Our brave soldiers did not die needlessly! They fought and died bravely and died for what they believed in, which is freedom and democracy. Most of the people who died in that war, were not innocent they were associated to terrorist organizations!

I say hard working Americans losing their homes as greedy Wall Street Fat Cats get bailed out” is OBSCENE. .

Sophia-The hard working Americans did not lose there homes to greedy fat cats! They lost there homes because they couldn’t afford them. Because there hourly wages could not cover the monthly expenses of a mortgage. Plus many people have lost there jobs. That’s why people have lost there homes.

I think that a world that said “Never Again” has turned it’s head and allows genocide to continue is OBSCENE  .

Sophia-Other country’s have there own economic problems and its not easy to start wars with other country’s. It costs millions of dollars and life’s. Genocide has always been with us and always will be unless the people change there hateful ways. That has something to do with humanity not governments.

I think the fact that in America, “The Greatest Country In The World” most people can’t even afford health care and are forced to choose between losing everything or dying is OBSCENE.

Sophia-There are places people can go to for free medical care, even for cancer you can get free medical care. Only a few people, who do not qualify for these programs, can’t get care. People don’t always lose everything, they have places for people to go when there sick. Its not the governments responsibility, to always take care of sick people. They should have families who will take responsibility for them.

I think the fact that the American People have been SOLD OUT and BACK STABBED by the people they put in office time and time again is OBSCENE.

Sophia-The American people have not been sold out or back stabbed. Who are you talking about, which congress person, over what, when?

I think “Nation Building” other nations while we watch ours decline is OBSCENE.

Sophia-We are not nation building! We are only trying to restore law and order in Iraq. Maybe making that country a little better then it was.

I think CEO’s of failing companies getting paid 450 times the average yearly salary of one of their employees is OBSCENE.

Sophia-What people pay there CEO’s, is the company’s problem, not yours! They can do what they want to with there money. That’s why we call this place the U.S.A., if this was Communist Russia or China everyone would be paid the same.

I think all those  that have worked hard all their lives to have a retirement and have it stolen from them by Corporate Criminals is OBSCENE.

Sophia-A lot of those corporate criminals did do prison time and were fined.

I think a Pandering, ratings based, dollar hungry media that fails us by not going after the truth is OBSCENE.

Sophia-There is some truth in the media, a smart person would look to other forms of media, to find the truth, instead of complaining about it!

I think children going to school in trailers while Principals and School Board Members are grossly over paid and work in relative luxury is OBSCENE.

Sophia-Principles and School board members get paid what the city agrees to pay them and you have no prof, that they have been over paid!

19 thoughts on “Sophia Mounds answers LIB article on what’s Obscene

  1. jeremiahsteele says:

    This is what I lived with… except I could never get a word in as she’d yell her retarded opinions at me.

    “Terrorism” is an orwellian brain-washing word created by terrorists themselves who, because they claim to have believed (falsified documents) that Iraq had the capability of making weapons (in spite of the Chief Weapons inspectors saying it’s hogwash), claimed that it gave us the right to unilaterally violate Geneva Convention agreements and bomb and kill innocent people just in case they might use them on us (as if they had the capability). This is based on the nazi neo-con declaration that certain countries no longer have the right to have weapons to defend themselves, proven absurd by the very fact that we bombed them, thus proving to every country around the world that they indeed better be armed otherewise we might just attack them. We’ve tried bullying Korea and they said “Fuck You” to us and because they have nuclear weapons we’re hesistant to launch an attack, because even though we may “win” a war (if there is such a thing) we’d still get a bit fucked up ourselves.

    Democracy? Is that what we live in? The Bush Regime has granted itself dictatorial powers.

    Anyway, Sophia hates you Cindi, because she thinks you are her ex, Ryan Knox’s sugarmomma. So obviously, she has to now show or “prof” to the world how stupid you are and how smart she is. Too bad she doesn’t realize her trying to act intellectual and educated is only showing how retarded, uneducated and illiterate she is.

  2. ” its not easy to start wars with other country’s…”

    Nope it’s not, we had to REALLY piss em off and drop some bombs on em.

    Sophia, you are about the most clueless person I’ve ever encountered and my network of dumbasses is quite large. If I had to deal with or talk to you on a daily basis, I would just off myself. SHOTS FIRED!

  3. She got the economics right. Wrong in Irak right in Afghanistan.

  4. jeremiahsteele says:

    The official reason we bombed Afghans is that we claimed they were hiding Osama, even though most of the alleged hijackers were of Saudi origin, as Osama was. And of course, for some reason we can’t find him, although we could find anyone in the world if we really wanted to. The real reason we went there is oil pipelines and the need for global hegemony as laid out by Zbigniew’s book “The Grand Chessboard” and the neo-nazi-con’s document “Project for a New American Century”, which many of the Bush team were members of before Bush stole office.

  5. But Germy they were hiding OBL who seems to be winning.

    I have to respect the OBL even if he is a religious mass murderer. He got the cojones to fuck with the US, suck the US into a war and ruin the economy. Same trick he played on the Russkies. And Bush and Cheney went along for the game.
    The Grand Chessboard is a game played by the Ruskies and the Limeys in the XIX in Afghanistan. Brezinski is so stupid it can not come with a original idea. That is why Carter foreing policy was so fucked up. And he is Obambi chief advisor. God saves us all.

  6. The Colonel says:

    I think it’s Obscene that Germy Steal didn’t kill Sophia when he had the chance, and she lived another day to bombard us with her utter ignorance and infinite stupidity.

  7. jeremiahsteele says:

    my posts are not going thru… me being a conspiracy nut makes me wonder… i just a response to rics saying wake up, osama or obama are not responsible… let’s see if my post ever comes in

  8. jeremiahsteele says:

    rics, you’re still buying the big lie that Osama had something to do with it.

    Even the FBI admits there’s no evidence:

    You gotta stop relying on the big money corporate media. They are ownned and they are the enemy. The evidence is out there. Oswald’s magic bullet is 100,000 times more believable than the official gov’t sanctioned conspiracy theory that Osama and suicidal a-rabs did it.

    Some of the significant smoking guns: WTC building 7 (with offices of many alphabet agencies), not hit by any plane or by the towers with two small internal fires collapsed in classic demolition fashion around 5:20PM on 9/11.

    The twin towers were exploded from the top down into fine dust. Fire or plane damage can not cause that.
    Scores of firefighters and other witnesses and video footage show bombs went off. Molton metal was at ground zero 5 weeks plus later, which can only been caused by high power explosives. Did Osama plant all those bombs? Marvin P. Bush was head of Securacom which weeks before 9/11 had power down (which turns off cameras and unlocks all doors) and teams engineers coming and going doing “repairs”.

    Standard operation procedure by NORAD and the FAA
    and Andrews Air Force base 10 miles from the Pentagon would’ve intercepted the planes and brought them down before they hit any buildings. The Pentagon had ample warning with two towers being hit and being on high alert yet it was still hit.

    Media “hero” Guiliani admitted in a taped interview that he was warned the towers were coming down but he didn’t tell any firefighters or anyone else.

    An abnormal % of suspicious activity on the market: Insider trading tips to United and American airlines where people putting put options (putting the hold on the value of your stock ) so when the value of those two airlines plummetted they made millions. None of the people who cashed in have been invesigated.

    The Pentagon wasn’t hit by any plane but a missle, but even if it was hit by a plane, it’s the most guarded piece of real estate in the world, it has ground launch missles surrounding it, andrews air force base nearby, and cameras all over the fucking place which would show if a plane hit it (of course those cameras have been confiscated).

    I could go on and on, but please do the research. Yeah we all love to read about porn stars and watch Entertainment Tonight but this shit is important. Look what’s happening in the world. The more you let evil get away with the worse and worse and worse and worse and worse it will get.

  9. “You gotta stop relying on the big money corporate media. They are ownned and they are the enemy. The evidence is out there. Oswald’s magic bullet is 100,000 times more believable than the official gov’t sanctioned conspiracy theory that Osama and suicidal a-rabs did it.”

    Actually modern wound ballitics has provided a good scientific explanation of the Magic Bullet. It was a miscontruction by sientific standars of 1962. I’m do not think Oswald was a pantsy but at least one of the shooters. My trouble is the presidential heat shot.

    “Some of the significant smoking guns: WTC building 7 (with offices of many alphabet agencies), not hit by any plane or by the towers with two small internal fires collapsed in classic demolition fashion around 5:20PM on 9/11.”
    Actually I have witness a controled demolition in my life and is lots of work, involved lots of drilling for explosives, lots of cutting on beams and lots and lots of wiring since the explosives need to explode in a very specific frequency. That is just imposible to do in a busy office building like the WTC without no one noticing. It was a plane fire (and JP 3 and JP4 burns very hot to cut the beams) and the building were designed by the Japanese architect to colapse in that way. And they did. To not believe all that you see in the web.

  10. jeremiahsteele says:

    hey rics, i’m not in the fucking mood to deal with ignorance, it’s friday night and i was invited to go out but felt like chilling and drinking jagermeister and now i’m here responding to you

    how the fuck did that beam get cut diagnally like that? huh?? if i can find for you i will send a video which shows how demolitions are done and this is one of the abc’s of demolition so to bring a building straight down inside itself

    fuck theories, do the research!

    it ain’t impossible it happened… it’s all business, nothing personal, human sacrfice, it’s an old and ancient tradition, war is big business, they don’t give a fuck about you, that’s why you work 9-3 so wake the fuck up!

    learn something, you can’t beat me on the 9/11 issue, i’ve 30 books on the subject, blah blah fucking blah, don’t even try, you’re ignorant, but most are so i forgive you

  11. jeremiahsteele says:

    and what the fuck are you talking about the towers were designed to collapse in that way? why the fuck are you pulling shit out of your ass?

    the towers had 47 core beams 100mm thick, which essentially made it a tower inside a tower, even if the bogus ‘pancake theory’ were true, those beams would still be standing

    there’s a documentary which interviews a guy who died on 9/11 explaining how the japanese designer OVERfortified the buildings so that they could take multiple hits from planes and still stand because it would be the equivalant of a a pencil punching holes in a screen door… the structure would still stand due to the intricate lining of criss crossing trusses and beams…. denial is not a river in egypt!

    the towers fell at free fall speed, meaning there was no resistence from air or the floors below it

    do i need to provide some links? go do a google serach, learn something before you try to teach something dammit WTF!

  12. Not true. The Japanse made the Twin Towers designed to take a hit of a 707, the biggest jet of the 1960s. But when the towers were finished, they were already obsolete in that issue with the entrance in service of the 747 and the DC 10. That is why the 911 planners when for WIDEBODY MODERN JETs they knew the towers were not ready for them. In fact few modern buildings are ready to take a hit from a Widebody full of jetfuel.
    The documentary is based on false information. BTW My late father was an architect and he spend a lot of time with me explaining what went wrong.

  13. jeremiahsteele says:

    rics, you is ign’nt, the plane size doesn’t change the physics of what happened: wtc towers 1,2 and 7 (7 which was not hit by a plane or by the towers) were blown up and out into fine dust! ….obviously you have not even looked at the previous links: here is a 14 minute lecture by an MIT engineer, starting off with FDNY, news and other people talking about explosions, explosions, explosion:

    here’s the japanese explaining how the towers came down:

    in case you still don’t understand, here:

    one minute into this you’ll see the tower exploding into dust, not collapsing, then wtc building 7 coming down, then you’ll hear bringem young physics professor steven e. jones lecture on it:

    *** If you’re not into academic lectures, here’s an excellent doc by a <<>> specifically addressing the demolitions: 911 Mysteries:
    7 minutes into this doc you’ll hear the manager of WTC construction (who died on 9/11) talk about how the WTC can withstand multiple airliners hitting it because a jetplane is like a pencil in a screen netting

  14. Larry Horse says:

    Come on Steele, all these 9-11 theories are bullshit. We sure that the Towers were really ever built to code in the first place? Its New York, it was the seventies, just like cars made in Detroit at the same time, it couldnt have been up to snuff. Besides, if it was a coverup, we’ll never live to find out about it. It took over eighty years to find out that the British Navy(under Winston Churchill no less) made sure the Germans found the Lusitania to sink it and hopefully bring the US into WWI, which it didnt at the time. But the Dodgers did win.

  15. jeremiahsteele says:

    Look Larry, I know you’re just a talking horse so I can’t you expect you to actually examine the links before rendering a verdict. It don’t take eighty years to find out. The answers are here, now, but in a lot less than 80 years there’s a fair chance you won’t have such easy access to this information as you do now. Of course you’re too busy watching porn, I understand. It’s good Americans like you who just believe the headlines and never dig deeper who help make this place the great place it is. God bless you and help us all.

  16. Larry Horse says:

    Was Mr Ed just a talking horse? I think not.

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