Darrah on Sophia on Cindi

Sophia Mounds makes me look like the Nigel Tomm of porn.
Opinion/Editorial by Darrah of PornStarBabylon

It all started when performer Sophia Mounds emailed Cindi at LukeIsBack and started making accusations against her former roommate, ex-boyfriend, and others in her life. Sophia got upset that Cindi named her as Crazy Chick and didn’t post all the emails she had sent making all those accusations.

Cindi was trying to protect Sophia’s identity and named her Crazy Chick considering her Myspace name is Psycho Cunt. Cindi also didn’t post the emails in their entirety because she didn’t know if many of the accusations were even true.

Then Sophia starts leaving comments at Cindi’s other website Cindi’sNakedTruth. saying:

Its me. I write so much better, then you do. Ha! A leson learned! Asumptions are the mother of all fuck-up’s. I have four posts up. With new ones being posted daily! No wonder you had to buy luke smokes crack. It was the only way you could get to write. Hey! This is a learning leson for you and Ryan. Now f-off! I have a news site to run…..

The news site Sophia has just started has seven posts up already. Her first post is attacking Cindi and hating LukeIsBack. Pure comedy relief reading!

She hates Cindi so much that she starts her new blog attacking Cindi, sourcing Cindi’sNakedTruth, and sourcing LukeIsBack for her Playboy lawsuit piece. Makes perfect sense right?! If you can get through all the misspellings, it’s funny to read.

Our newest porn blogger claims that she is a better writer than Cindi. Though Cindi has been doing this for over 15 years.

Sophia once contacted me on Myspace not too long ago. I had never spoken to her before. I try to message her back but she has enabled that no one can message her unless were are on her friend’s list. So I request to be friends and it says we can only be friends if I know either her last name or her email address. I know neither. So there was no possible way of me contacting her back.

I just found my Desi Foxx blog replacement!!

12 thoughts on “Darrah on Sophia on Cindi

  1. I actually still get people coming to my blog on the search terms Nigel Tomm. šŸ˜€ And I wonder what those people must think when they land on my blog. šŸ˜› šŸ™‚

    Gene Ross is now quoting Sophia on his site. You can thank me for that later Sophia since I’m the one that sent him your site to clear up the Veronica Vaughn daughter/stepdaughter doing porn situation.

  2. jeremiahsteele says:

    As I’ve said before whenever I or someone points out to Sophia Mounds what’s wrong with her, she ignores it and just like a retarded 1st grader accuses the same thing about someone else:

    On Mike Hash’s myspace, along with nearly countless contradictions and lies she repeatedly uses the words “stuiped”, “losser”, “back staper”, “somthing”, “beter”, “funney”, “listend”,
    “espeacially”, “perinoid”, as well as “naiborhood”, “herrassing” “gota”, “bigest”,
    “(they) proof”, “tytanic”, “responsibilitie”, “threw” (instead of “through”), “diffrence”, “feellings”,
    “national pass-time”, “scheming”, “famouse”, “opurtunistic”
    “intire live time”, “humerless”, “appology”, “probleams”, “sory”, “regonize”, “distroy”, “beach front proberty”, “reciet”
    “mater”, “waist (of time)”, “god-dam”, “depresst”, “pointles” “Sorry ryan but your porn sceens are like pacasos abstract art. Its wierd and hard to understand”, “18 difrent vioces in my head”, “in the universal schym of things our probs are just pebles skiping on a lakes huge survice”, etc.


    I noticed she changed her myspace name from “The Real Psycho C*nt” to “The Wonderfull World Of Porn”

    She attacked me but told the cops I hit her. She had no visible marks on her in any photos and it was dropped before it went to a judge. Then she went from saying she’s back and best friends with Ryan Knox at the same time he was telling me he had to change his number because of her. She posted her self-incriminating, illiterate rants on Mike Hash’s myspace then demanded he delete them and when he wouldn’t she went on to post everywhere and say to everyone that Ryan and Hash are gay lovers. Then she attacked Cindi saying she’s Ryan’s sugarmomma, as well as other people, as I prophetically predicted she would after me.

    I guess she’s so confident now about herself, Cindi because, as she says on Hash’s comments, “I have quit drinking. Doing drugs.”, but she still needs to go back and finish elementary school… one that is available in a mental hospital, where she also belongs. She is dangerous.

  3. Oh geez, now she’s saying on her blog that Cindi is making terrorist threats against her. šŸ˜€

  4. jeremiahsteele says:

    Mmm hmm…Terrorist threats… As I’ve been saying, she needs to be turned into a mental hospital and soon before she hurts somebody. She’s an amazing combination of stupid, insane and evil, and I’m not saying that to be vindictive but because it’s true. Maybe Sophia should call Attorney General Asscrotch (misspelling intended) about Cindi.

  5. jeremiahsteele says:

    More Sophia Mounds words from Mike Hash’s myspace:

    Aug 24, 2008 10:59 AM

    “I have not and do not intend to shread his reputation on a public forum… everything he says and does is wrong! I could call the cops because he locked me out of his house. But having people arrested is not what im about!” (she says this after filing a false police report)

    Aug 27, 2008 8:13 AM

    “its very important that i dont, say or do anything to bring my drama, to the public eye!”

    Aug 24, 2008 10:59 AM

    “I dont hate him” (referring to me)

    Sep 8, 2008 2:23 AM

    “I f-ing hate you!” (talking to me)

    Sep 9, 2008 5:46 PM

    I am still writting the screen play. But i have not decided how to kill off jeremy in the story. A person whos a dick, just like you it is a fictional person. Maybe he could be driving a car. Gets pulled over by a gang of men. Gets pulled out of the car and gang raped in a near by field. Then they peal the skin off his face with a pocket knife. Pour gas on him and light a match! While hes screaming please stop! The men start roasting marsh mellows.

  6. jeremiahsteele says:

    no, it’s martin scorsase’s

  7. I was just asking because I’m surprised to how violent she wrote your part.

  8. 2Mmm hmmā€¦Terrorist threatsā€¦ As Iā€™ve been saying, she needs to be turned into a mental hospital and soon before she hurts somebody.”

    After reading her hate fantasies I agree she does belong there. I hope she does not get a gun.

    And now I understand Germy alleged fist discipline incident and give Germy the benefit of the doubt. She does seem dangerous and unstable.

  9. f-me editorializing over a goddamn internet fight.

    how is this news?

    if it wasn’t for a few posters keeping their own discussions going, this site would be a black hole.

    geez steele and you call me retarded, you could trace darrah’s family tree back to when they lived in it.

  10. eisforeric says:

    Darrah sucks donkeyshit. God, i haven’t responded positively to anything on this site in, well, ever…

  11. jeremiahsteele says:

    sucking donkey shit? eisforeric, please don’t give pornographers any ideas.

    you have eyes for eric? who’s eric?

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