Briana Banks Decides to Leave Vivid


Briana writes on her blog

I have   such  groundbreaking, awesome  news  to  share  with  all  my  loyal  friends  and  fans.

I, by  choice,  have  decided  to  leave  Vivid   and  start  my  own  company  called  Briana  Banks  Entertainment.

  The  launch  of  the  company  will  take  place   in  Vegas  at  AVN  2008… Finally  my  own  boss,  what  a  thrilling  ride  Im  about  to   embark  on..

My  first  movie  will  be  shot  the  third  week   of  November,  and  I  dont  wanna  give  to  much  away  yet  but  Bree’s  been  in  the gym  two  hours  a  day  and  its  Briana  Banks vision  and  style  all  wrapped  into  one  movie  with  many  more exiting  titles  to  follow..

Lets  just  say the  industry  will  be  forever  changed  in  a  good  way.. Contract  girls  are  in  negotiation,  they  are  only  the  best of course.  Well  that’s  all  I  can  tell  u  for  now….. This  new  chapter  in  my  life  will bring  a  smile  to  all our  faces  as  well  as other  places.  HeHE 

xoox Bree

17 thoughts on “Briana Banks Decides to Leave Vivid

  1. I can only hope she starts auditioning for new talent. Kinda like the way Regan Senter auditioned her. I would be the first in line to test out her highly used pussy.

  2. I would like to place a bet . . . a vegas bet that her new company ends up just like Jill Kelly Productions.

    How much you wanna bet that she releases some bullshit press release about some grand new DVD she is coming out with.

    No one told her people arent buying DVDs anymore and all the major players are getting out of the DVD business.

  3. eisforeric says:

    “Lets just say the industry will be forever changed in a good way”

    Jill Kelly probably said the same thing, did she not?

  4. The Colonel says:

    The most interesting part in Jill Kelly’s story was how it ended: she tried to scam people into buying stocks in her so called company: ‘wanna own a piece of Jill Kelly?’ Soon after that, she went belly up and was left with thousands of dollars in debt and a bunch of worthless scenes which she put in a couple of DVDs and went to Anarchy Films/ Fifth Element and Ovadia family so they sell them for her, needless to say, she got fucked over and never saw a dime of those DVD sales. Now this is what I call a moral story, one every arrogant, bubble head, uneducated, lazy porn whore who wants to become a ‘player’, must learn from. And, BDD, good to have you back on the board, rock on.

  5. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    Briana Banks who, what, when, where & why? lol

  6. “Contract girls are in negotiation, they are only the best of course.”

    if BB is any example, we should expect bad tattoos and bad boob jobs.

  7. “Decides to Leaves” I think a grammar check is in order.

    (NL- that one was really bad, lol, ty ED (fixed) and I wasn’t even drinking…)

  8. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    How long before the DEA, FBI, ICE, INS, IRS & others start investigating Briana Banks Entertainment & company?

  9. “How long before the DEA, FBI, ICE, INS, IRS & others start investigating Briana Banks Entertainment & company?”

    They are too busy going after the Earl of Pimpswich and other people in the biz now to see a PW whore fail at starting a new DVD company in this economy.

  10. eisforeric says:

    They’re going after LA Direct Models now?

    Crap, now whose asshole is Christian gonna lick on an hourly basis?

  11. Say what you what about Chrissy, he is a smart, educated and resourcefull man.
    He will find a new cock to suck and a new ass to lick in seconds.
    He is the Trannyfucker for a reason.

  12. Donkey Wrong says:

    I hope she goes back and works for Max Hardcore again. Those were the only decent flicks she ever made…

  13. eisforeric says:

    there was also her violation where they tried to fuck her with a bowling pin. It didn’t work and the violators in that movie were mostly all ugly, but it was pretty funny anyway. 🙂

  14. Those Mirage presurgery films were her best. Will Max do a best of in her honor?

  15. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    Mirage-Briana Banks & honour? lol

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