Anaconda on Margold, Roter & Tobalina


Introducing my new, old skool friend, who will go by the name Anaconda. He will spout off his opinions from time to time, when and if he feels like it. He’s a porn industry insider who has had a long and fruitful shelf life, and he wishes to keep it that way.

I mentioned Margold (after the XXXWRTW fiasco)  in one of my e-mails to Anaconda, here’s his response-

Bill Margold is an idiot.  I heard an interview with him in a documentary I believe was called Mondo Sexualis USA, saying that when he came he thought about himself.  He is not an attractive man.
The biggest achievement Margold ever did in his life aesthetically, was appear in some of the Carlos Tobalina movies and the late Ted Roter’s movies. 

Ted made the crossover between soft and hardcore and directed a softcore (nearly hard) classic called "Norma (she isn’t quite normal)"….alot of Roter’s hardcore movies are terrible,  like Hollywood She Wolves, but he, well, tried. He thought he was some sort of John Cassavettes of porn, a label I would more willingly bestow on Gerry Damiano.

4 thoughts on “Anaconda on Margold, Roter & Tobalina

  1. I love Bill, but he’s a chicken fucker, and will tell you if you ask him! Come on, Bill’s a character, love or hate him, he makes you laugh everytime you talk to him(cause you can’t get a word in!). He’s someone’s grandpa, and he’s a friend. Bill and I have had our disagreements, I actually changed his mind once, I’ve never seen him be intentionally mean or nasty to anyone unless he’s defending someone, he’s not malicious.

  2. “I love Bill, but he’s a chicken fucker, and will tell you if you ask him!”

    Ruby that is too much information.

  3. I’m queen of too much information!!

  4. jeremiahsteele says:

    I don’t know about him fucking chickens or making people laugh but you can definitely never get a word in. His method is the opposite of socratic. I’m sure Bill would say that that’s because he, himself is so much smarter. There’s a saying which goes “Man has two ears and one mouth meaning he should listen more than speak”. Anyone who pretends to know everything is an idiot and anyone who actually thinks that evil, psycho cunt Amber Lynn is a decent lady is beyond imbecilic. (I mean she only embezzled money from Ron Sullivan’s Cancer Benefit and won’t give up the releases that are not hers in the first place. Yeah you should defend her, Bill. She must’ve sucked your pecker real good to get that job.)

    Not mean? When I was new he said to me that the best thing Savannah did was die so he could create PAW. That’s just sick. When I told him my stage name he said “Jeremy” is not a masculine name. Well that happens to be my real first name so on behalf on all Jeremys in the world FUCK OFF, MR. BIll! Go stuff one of those little stuffed bears up your ass!

    He recently said to me when the documentary I’m in comes out they’ll be reading in the news for shooting myself. I asked the producer, “Did you tell him any of the juicy details”? and he assured me, No. I said, “Wow. This is the guy who makes a living supposedly consoling people in need.”

    What a pompous asshole phony. Maybe the best thing Bill Margold can ever do is kill himself. Then he can meet Savannah and explain to her why he said that and started a foundation so to mooch off people.

    I’ll admit he did almost make me laugh once when I read his business card. “God created man. Bill Margold created himself.” I was not quite ROFL though, just rolling my eyes.

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