Palin: Dominionist-Be afraid, very afraid !

Sarah Palin: Dominionist : As Ultra Right Wing As They Get!

Rant by EAL

What is a Dominionist?

wikipedia…Dominionism refers to the belief that civil government should be controlled by Christians alone and conducted according to Biblical law.…(Read between the lines, that means NO other religions, and certainly NO adult material allowed)

Sorry to have to get SO political, but, “morally, as a member of the “Adult Industry” and a believer in the First Amendment and all personal rights that are for now granted to us in the Constitution I feel very strongly that this MUST be brought into the forefront.

Religion, especially in this country, gets a free ride, a “Get Out Of Jail Free Card” when it comes to scrutiny, Many times the “Mainstream” media will stay away from any story regarding the religion of a candidate ESPECIALLY for those running for Vice President or President.

But this is different….. this is not “RELIGION” as most people know it. This is ULTRA RIGHT WING, and very Dangerous. I laughed and oohed and aaahed with everyone else about the sex scandals, But to find out that Sahah Palin is even REMOTELY involved with the DOMINIONISTS … quite frankly, SCARES ME!!!!

Read more and see a bunch of videos of Sarah at church here

6 thoughts on “Palin: Dominionist-Be afraid, very afraid !

  1. Just to be fair, if you use the words “ULTRA RIGHT WING” to describe Palins church, which words would you use to describe Barack Obama’s church?

    Remember, Barack said his pastor was “like a father.” Isnt it funny how a democrat can belong to any radical religion and that is just fine, but repulicans cant.

  2. The funny things is that all the Dems look down on Palin can be looked too on Obama.
    Inexperience, wacky preachers. And so on.
    And Obama is N1 in the ticket.

  3. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    Obama quit that church months ago & denounced the pastor. Am I the only one whom sees John McCain is just Bush light? And I don’t mean the beer. LOL

  4. After being in the pews for looonnng 20 years, and only threw Jeremiah Wright under the bus whem he became a political liability. Not before.

    And remember folks, Obama is numero uno on the ticket, not number two.

    Without Rumsfelt and Cheney near the White House things are going to change even if the president is a Reep.

  5. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    Obama claims that he doesn’t agree with everything his former pastor believes. Also, Bush is the president. He have the last word. Stop making excuses for him. Don’t Rightist believe in self-responsibility? And McCain is just Bush light!

  6. I never liked Bush and I do not vote.

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