Jewel DeNyle Revamps her site & shows off her tattoos (pic)

NL-I wrote to Jewel to ask her about her website’s new look. She wrote me back.

HI Cindi,

Nice to hear from you!  My site has been revamped and is up and running.  Check it out with all my new stuff.  I wanted to give my fans an updated version of me and my work.  I wanted to show off my new movies that I’m directing  and to give them a chance to see my final piece that I did with Shelly Martinez.   TTYS.


8 thoughts on “Jewel DeNyle Revamps her site & shows off her tattoos (pic)

  1. eisforeric says:

    forget her tattoo, what happened to her ass?

  2. jeremiahsteele says:

    That’s cool, looks like a mural of a pirate, treasure and a ship, plus she’s showing her booty.

  3. Hopefully she was high when she got it done. I’ve never seen an uglier tattoo.

    White trash at its best.

  4. What an ass! I want her to sit on my face…

  5. Yeah…her Ass looks like it took some bird shot. The Tattoo sucks.

  6. It looks like something on a kid’s menu at Long John Silver’s.

  7. The Colonel says:

    Jewel Denyle was one of several producers/directors who got ripped off and fucked over by the scumbag Ovadia family at Anarchy Films/Fifth Element. They signed a distribution contract with her and sold about 10 of her movies, but month after month, refused to pay her royalties and gave her every excuse in the book: the market is slow, your titles are not selling, vendors are not paying, etc. Finally she got into a fight with Oren, the younger Ovadia brother and one of the biggest pieces of shit in the adult industry. Jewel terminated her distribution contract with them one year ago, they owe her thousands of dollars, and more likely this debt will never be paid.

    Warning to all producers, directors and performers: do not work with Anarchy Films/Fifth Element. Guy and Oren Ovadia and their parents are not businessmen, they’re thieves, they will rip you off and bankrupt you, they did this to Jewel Denyle, Nikki and Josh Hunter, Richard Multon, Chester Knightwood, and many other people. If you value your money, time and efforts, avoid Anarchy Films/Fifth Element and Ovadia family.

  8. Larry Horse says:

    From the prices of some of their movies, it looks like they pay off their distributors with product. Jewel needs to get back to early decade looks, for a while her mom even looked better, mom was a decent performer I thought, a novelty act but decent, depsite having to work with Johnny Thrust. As a general rule of thumb in this business, dont get involved with anyone of the first name of Oren.

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