Holly’s a Woman Now- Happy Birthday-new pic

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Goodbye, 29!

Holly writes-

I have my 20s only for one more hour. I don’t know why I have been clinging so desperately to the last of those years, but it has been a struggle to accept that I am turning 30 and entering into a new decade of my life. But I feel that I have accepted it now, and I am ready for my future as a woman, no longer a young girl.

Being wrapped up as I am in a culture and a career that celebrates youth and physical beauty, the prospect of getting older and thus getting closer to a time where I may have to rely on my character rather than my looks, has been daunting. It is funny how I see the marker of this transition in the fact that when I login to myspace tomorrow, my age will read "30".

It seems such a trifling fact, but that’s what I keep thinking about. And I know how annoying my griping about turning 30 has been to my friends that are already in their 30s, and 40s, and so on. It’s like when I used to bitch about turning the paltry age of 25– now when I hear models complain about that, I want to punch them in the tits.

But I have a good feeling that my 30s will be much better than my 20s. Not only can I not remember most of my 20s, but at that age we are so insecure as we try to define who we really are and what we want in life.

I feel I am so much closer to loving myself as I am, and appreciating what I have, rather than wishing I was someone else or wanting what I don’t have. Everyone tells me that your 30s are some of your best years. And now, finally I think I believe them.

What is beauty without the confidence to go with it? What is your health without a responsible dedication to preserving it? Yes, I am looking forward to this new time in my life. And besides, there’s always botox.

3 thoughts on “Holly’s a Woman Now- Happy Birthday-new pic

  1. Larry Horse says:

    Best start to your thirties would be to bag real fake jew Luke, his 30’s werent real good. 30’s are great, for porn chicks to get Milf work after a few kids, some bad(but deserved)boyfriends, meth, coke, and getting to work with Christian after he’s banged some tranny in the ass.

  2. jeremiahsteele says:

    Age ain’t nuthing but a #. I’ll be 40 on 9/11 and I feel grrrreat (and look better than a few years ago)! There’s chronological age and physical age, it’s all on how you take care of self. The body constantly is dying and being reborn, cells, blood, bones and all. Feed and treat it right and you’ll age gracefully.

  3. Larry Horse says:

    Oh god Steele, I’m gonna be sick from laffing my ass off about your statement, so does that mean you were trying to help Sophia treat her body right with your dick? And you’ve had that camera for a long time, so you could’ve tracked your progress for all of us. What are you doing with that camera? I’m not complaining though, one less camera for Johnny Thrust is a victory for all pornkind.

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