Drunk and Rambling on..My Binge & Purge- part 2.

Okay this is Binge and Purge part 2.  I will do my infrequent  binge on alcohol and then purge my soul and thoughts  out to you. There are so many parts to my thoughts this time though, that I am going to letter them. At least that way we will know which sentence of my lunacy you are responding to….

Things I think about….

A) This site is called LukeIs Back.com
Luke WAS back a long time ago, but he hasn’t been back in over a year, as a matter of fact Luke Is Long Gone would be more fitting.

B) I paid to run a site that has someone else’s name in the title. I guess I don’t have an ego problem. Maybe I have a self esteem problem instead?

C) For almost 3 months I’ve been doing LIB, My Alexa rating is around thirty thousand which is higher then every other adult news/gossip site I know of except for AVN.com. That makes me very happy. EXCEPT yesterday (Saturday) , it dropped to 65,000! Dropped thirty thousand places in ONE DAY! What the hell were you guys doing yesterday???? Did all my readers have one huge party and not invite me? Well what ever it is you did, DON’T DO IT AGAIN!

D) Most of you don’t like Sarah Palin, and a lot of you don’t like Obama. As a matter of fact, it seems like a bunch of you don’t like either. So who do we vote for to be our president and vice president? ( Al Goldstein wants to run again, but seeing as you can’t buy political ads with food stamps, he’s out of luck) We really only have two choices.

E) If a copy & paste adult news website (with very little original content) grabs my stories and doesn’t link to me, and also blatantly takes my story IDEAS and writes a similar story and doesn’t credit me, should I ignore them? Or bring it up, and write about it, thereby giving them publicity and more traffic to their site?

F) Do you all know that I also run a daily website called CindisNakedTruth.com? Yes, it’s the kinder, gentler me, and it does have press releases on it. But it also has nudity. Monday is the best day to visit because every Monday is Masturbation Monday and I feature a movie and naked pictures from a movie. This week is an Elegant Angel flick, and you will see the most gorgeous real tits you ever saw in your entire life.

G) If you are a writer or poster on other sites, do me a favor and mention LIB there if it is okay with them. There aren’t enough hours in the day for me to do all I need to, and unfortunately promoting that this site is active again is at the bottom of the list. Dodging hurricanes, is a little further up on the list, lol. THANKS.

H) I am thinking of doing a free live chat once a month or so. Would you guys like to do that? Come and argue with each other live and in real time? Maybe even do it on cams so we can see each other’s ugly faces?

I) Do you want to swap text links with me? I am going to put up a page of readers links, so you can all click on them  and visit each other. Mutual promotion, like mutual masturbation, is ALWAYS a good thing.

J) I’m sure you noticed the HOT MOVIES banner ad, and the list of their top renting movies that I post. I sold them an ad. It’s the only ad I have sold. But it was the only ad I tried to sell.  So that gives me a 100% approval record. I’m being a little bit fussy about the companies that LIB represents. Being as loud mouthed and controversial as we are, I want to make sure the companies agree with an open freedom of speech policy ( which Hot Movies does and that is WHY I asked them) , or at least agree to put up with our shit talking. If you know of other open minded companies you think i should approach please let me know. I’m in this for the long haul and would rather have quality companies rather then quantity. Besides the major company support like Hot Movies, I just put up those boxcovers on the right hand side, because I think promoting new movies here is a good idea. So I will be contacting movie companies to see if they are interested in that kind of exposure. 

K) If you have a myspace page, make sure I am your friend dammit!

L) Why do bad things happen to good people?

M) Am I the only person in the adult industry who likes to play scrabble online? Cuz if I am, I am about the biggest dork on the planet. Wasn’t someone just bitching about being called a dork? ( Look up the word dork, lol)

N) If you don’t know who Georgina Spelvin is, than you need to study up on your porn history. Because besides being one of my best friends,  she is the greatest ACTRESS, who ever did porn. GeorginasWorld.com

O)  On the same note, you should also know who Harry Reems is. He went to jail for your right to watch porn movies. In the 70’s when "blue movies" were illegal to make, Harry  produced, directed and starred in them. And I am interviewing him next week. Feel free to send me your questions for him. But I won’t ask them unless they are respectful. He deserves our respect.

P) Is there an HIV outbreak in Brazilian porn stars  or isn’t there?

Q) If you would like to talk to me, but don’t feel comfortable leaving comments you can send me e-mails at NotLukeIsBack@Yahoo.com, or just click the E-MAIL Button on the top of the website. If you send me questions or info, I might write about it but I will never give out your name, your e-mail, personal details,  or anything that reveals who you are,  without your permission.

R) What is a truffle? Isn’t it a fungus? Why are they so expensive? How can there be chocolate truffles?  Is it chocolate covered fungus?

S) I have been working on my book for almost a year now, but it has suffered since LIB came along. My book is called "Real LIfe XXX Love Stories" and is about couples ,where at least one of them is in the adult industry.  They are in happy, long term loving relationships. I have done about 25% of the initial research. If you know a happy sexy industry couple who have been together a long time, send me their info. I have to get back to writing my book.

T) What is your favorite "bumper sticker" type phrase? I guess mine would be a reference to Animal Farm- A nation of Sheep will be ruled by Pigs.

U) Remember my t-shirt story? I bought and sent one that said "Who needs big tits, when you have an ass like this" to Casey Parker. I asked her to take a pic of herself in it and send it to me.

V) September 11th is this Thursday.

W)  Hospitals scare me. I’d rather be sick at home and roll around in my own germs.

X) When I can’t sleep those old time shows are the best, like the Brady Bunch, Original Star Trek, and Leave It To Beaver.

Y) I couldn’t live without a computer. I love being connected to the whole world  24/7.

Z) Thank you for reading LIB. I was very scared when I first started writing it that all the readers would disappear, and you didn’t. Thank you for sticking around. You are valuable. This site is popular because of all the people who are a part of it. The posters and the commenters and the readers are all equally important members of our dysfunctional family…. Love ya Bros, sis, …

23 thoughts on “Drunk and Rambling on..My Binge & Purge- part 2.

  1. there’s a HIV outbreak in russia

    aren’t you glad you couldn’t get your dick up, steal? if you’d taken that trip, you may have the plague right now.

  2. jeremiahsteele says:

    hey jed, like i said, you are a retard, i figured this out by your writing and then you admitted to it… how did i know??? use that brain of yours the best you can to figure out the implications.

    on top of it you’re malicious, i don’t have wood problems, that’s been clearly shown, so then why are we constantly repeating ourselves? oh yeah, that’s what malicious retards do, repeat, repeat, repeat themselves…


    a malicious retard- truly the saddest thing on planet earth, too bad you don’t get it

    and speaking of malicious retards, the latest correspondence between me and me ex roommate:


    just when you thought it was safe to sleep at night:
    wrath of the retards

  3. Jesus Christ lady, get off the sauce.

  4. The Colonel says:

    Germy, if you don’t have wood problems, then explain this:


    You do realize this picture is in your profile in a talent agency, producers are supposed to review your profile and hire you based on your looks, your wood, etc. How do you expect anybody except Will Ryder and Jim Powers hire you after seeing this picture? There’s no end to your stupidity.

    P.S: Nobody cares to read the garbage you wrote to your ex-roomate/victem, so stop posting that link.

  5. jeremiahsteele says:

    i asked jim, do i need wood, he goes no, i wasn’t trying to get wood,if i was i’d’ve had wood, get it?, good

  6. so you thought showing 2 inches of cock would get you work? regardless of what jim told you should have pounded your little pud until you got all 4 inches standing as tall as it could.

    no wonder you can only work for your gay lover will ryder and jim powers.

  7. The Colonel says:

    That’s the first time I hear this in my entire life. Check this out: according to Germy Steal, a guy who lives off his dick by fucking on film, doesn’t need to get wood and show the size of his dick on his talent agency’s profile. It’s like going to a company to apply for sales position with no shirt and no shoe. Man, you’re a fucking genius. No wonder you live in a dumpster and need pyschopathic roomates to survive.

  8. jeremiahsteele says:

    Hey Colonel, what’s wrong with you? I’ll bet money if you go to various agency that you’ll find established dudes with no wood or even any cock shots. Golly fucking gee whiz, WHY you so obsessed with me? It makes me feel special. Ya Just can’t stop, can’t ya?.

  9. BigDickDaddy says:


    Peoples standing of living can be very different. As long as Germy has a roof over his head and bus fare to the next bukkake he is living. I wouldnt go hear much less live in the shitholes he calls home and I need to always have at least two cars that are no more then 5 years old. I wont any car brand new as I prefer to let someone pay for the drive off/1st year deprecation. I like to get last years model or maybe even two years, then keep it for 2 to 3 years before trading out. Germy on the other hand likes to wear his loser headphones and bus it all over LA.

    A while back he was bragging about his HD production company. Like most losers he thinks a 3 yr old PC running a bootleg version of Premiere Pro makes him a production company. Who have you edited or produced for lately Germy? Are you shooting content for anyone with that stolen video camera?

  10. The Colonel says:

    BDD, you’re right. Germy has his own version of reality, living standards, working, etc. Like he says himself, he’s special, in a wierd, fucked up way, that’s why he interests me, observing Germy Steal is like going to a circus. You can always expect surprises, and he always delivers.

  11. jeremiahsteele says:

    Colonel and BDD always come on at the same time. Hmmm.

    Hey Roy, why don’t you start your own foundation like Bill Margold so you can at least get paid to insult people.

    Without “losers” as you call them Roy what would have to talk about? Don’t you understand that makes you a loser or are you really too stupid to understand this?

    You should grow up, stop repeating the same insults at certain people and mailing box covers to girls’ parents. That’s childish behavior like Violet says, and evil.

    What stolen video camera? Oh yeah, Roy, you can’t stop trying to get revenge and trying to hurt and insult as many people to compensate for being the loser that you are… What kind of winner has to hide and attack people? Can’t answer that one.

    Hey Luke Ford/Deep throat, thanks for the myth making. You see what you created, here. I’m sure you’re very pleased. But, Hey Luke, what about the Old Testament and thou shall not bare false witness? Well look at where you are now, Luke. Wonder why?

  12. “is like going to a circus. You can always expect surprises, and he always delivers.”
    Lest face it, this blog would not be the same without the daily fix of Jeremiah Steel debating on antything.

  13. The Colonel says:

    Germy, why don’t you take the bus to San Diego and resolve your misunderstandings with Roy Garcia once and for all? Why don’t you confirm the truth that you figured all on your own as fact? Why don’t you back up your words with a little bit of action? And last but not least: why are so fucked up?

    As always, thank you for the laughs, Germy Steal. You’re great entertainment and you’re there whenever I need you. I just have to type your loser name, and you appear, always delivering, never disappointing. God bless you.

  14. lol i’m angry, steal? you do realise midgets are 67% angrier than a person of normal stature, sorry to disappoint you, little guy, i’m not angry, just yanking your chain, that very limp, little chain.

    btw get to the gym, steal. just because you’re tilting your head up, doesn’t mean you don’t have a double chin.

    and when i want to hire germy for a 10cent bukakae, which one turns up? the youngish looking, thin one with wood (btw i think that’s a fishing line holding your dick up off camera) OR the washed out, old, fat limp dick, who went two shades too dark when choosing his last bottle of hair dye?

  15. Larry Horse says:

    Steele, if Roy offered you work wouldnt you take it? What you should really do is shave your head, stop working out and offer your services to companies as a replacement for Dick Nasty and Reverend Rod, you could be on Teens for Cash, except they would have to give you play money to use, you might run off with the real stuff…just like the camera.

  16. lol LH,

    i think steal is doing just fine, he’ll be fat enough soon enough, now if he only didn’t waste all that money on hair plugs he’d be bald right now.

    “I’ll bet money if you go to various agency that you’ll find established dudes with no wood or even any cock shots.”

    yes steal, ‘established dudes.’ a limp dick, nipple tweaking, camera thieving, woman beating midget, like yourself, represents a slightly higher risk. you know not getting wood, beating up a co-star, then making off with a camera while the crew tends to her wounds.

  17. jeremiahsteele says:

    i just got back from working for jonni darkko

    i’m retiring from writing for a while, so have fun

  18. We’ll have to Scrabble sometime!

  19. The Colonel says:

    Jeremy, enjoy your retirement. The world won’t be a better or worst place without you, it’ll be same the shit, different day.

  20. Larry Horse says:

    Steele, did you have to sell your computer? Sell the damn camera. Jonni had to hire you? Oh wait, the trannyfucker is still in Japan, I thought maybe Jonni had you over to handle his wife’s latest escort bookings, or maybe be her bodyguard, if Howard Stern can have a midget like Ronnie Mund, Kiana can have a midget like Steele.

  21. hairplugs: $10,000

    bus pass: $8

    caverject: $169

    realising you’ve been hired to mop the cum off the floor: priceless

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