Brian Surewood- One Side of the story-Part 2

You’re driving down the street at 35 miles per hour in your red corvette. Some punk 19 year old rich kid in his hot car speeds up behind you and comes within inches of your bumper. You speed up a little to get away from him. He jumps up on your ass several more times, scaring the shit out of you. Finally you tap your brakes and he punches the gas and peels out around you. He is going so fast that he slides  and hits some parked cars and some people.  You pull over and call 911. The punk calls his friends who show up and all of a sudden are "witnesses"   You leave because there is police and ambulances there and you didn’t cause the accident, nor were you involved in it. There are skid marks on the road that match up to the punks car. You hear later on the news that you are wanted for questioning, so you go to the police station and are charged with murder and put in jail for months. You hire a lawyer and lose your house, your business, all your money and your kid. Now you have a public defender and a DA out to get you.

Sound like a fair deal to you?



17 thoughts on “Brian Surewood- One Side of the story-Part 2

  1. ‘one side of the story’ is all i have to hear, cause there’s also the other guy’s story, oh and then there’s the truth

  2. this isn’t right ! Hopefully Brian’s friends and family will retain a good Lawyer, so that he may better defend or appeal this matter. Good Luck Brian.

  3. BigDickDaddy says:

    This is complete and utter horse shit. Just a pathetic loser blaming everyone else for their own actions. This line says it all:

    “You speed up a little to get away from him.”

    I have a wife and small son. I can tell you right now that if someone tailgates me when I have my family in the car the last thing in the world I’m gonna do is “speed up a little”.

    The only thing to do to tail gaters is slam on the fucking brakes. If they rear-end you they are automatically at fault and if they dont have insurance you take them to court.

    Speeding up doesnt make any sense. It sounds like what it is.

    A fucking cop out.

    Brian made is bed and now its time for him to sleep in it.

    The rest of his bullshit story doesnt make sense. If someone else hits a car, any car I’m not pulling over and calling 911. The shithead that hit the car can call 911 his damn self.

    To my knowledge he has not went to trial yet. This means he was only gone thru primarily hearing and was bound over. How much did the paid lawyer charge for this? You prefered to pay a lawyer instead of bailing out?

    This business you supposedly lost . .was it not making money? How did you lose it?

    This story has more holes then Germy Steeles underwear.

  4. jeremiahsteele says:

    As I had last written, years ago I was involved in an incident where a loose nut started speeding up behind me. If I had hit the brakes at the speed I was driving as Roy would’ve then I would’ve been fucked; I’d’ve ended up like jed, so I sped up. Eventually the fuck-head stopped but I was lucky something didn’t happen as happened with Brian. Roy’s “reality check” has more holes in it than a “world’s luckiest man” gangbang.

  5. Making excuses for Brian Surewood is despicable. He was driving and racing insanely fast, putting the public in extreme danger. All eyewitness accounts state this. A child was killed and a family was destroyed in this obvious criminal act of cat and mouse street racing and people on this board make excuses for Brian Surewood? What the hell is wrong with you people?

  6. The story told here has absolutely nothing in common with the events that happened with Brian Sherwood.(barnes) It is a good story, but bears NO resemblence to the events in question.

  7. What a pile of crap! Surewood had months to make up that story. I was told a completely different version of the event by a very good friend of his. Someone who he supplied with weed. Even THAT version had Surewood guilty of at the very least criminal negligence. I seem to remember Surewood being accused of raping Madison Scott. He said, she said. Point is this guy deserves to be in jail. The only debate is how long. You guys badmouth Governor Palin, who I disagree with on many issues. You write this garbage that she cheats and crap all over a sixteen year old girl going through pregnancy. Yet you defend Surewood. Why don’t you write about the family he and that other moron destroyed. You porn people have so much compassion for your own and such contempt for others. By the way, this friend of Brian’s attended his hearing and told me his porn activities never even came up. So please stop with the poor us crap.

  8. Jerry, to even suggest that “this punk(namecalling)scared the shit” out of Brian is laughable. And to also suggest that he actually remained at the scene and didnt leave until the cops showed up is absolutely FALSE. Period. End of converstion.

    Jerry, sometimes friends fuck up. Sometimes they fuck up BIG TIME. And when they do they need their friends more than ever. A real friend would give the advice to TAKE RESONSIBILITY for what you did and beg for forgiveness. I dont doubt that you are a friend of Brians, and probably a very good friend. He needs his friends now more than ever. What he doesnt need is for his friends to make excuses for him. He needs them to stand up and be honest with him, and help hom get through this truthfully, so he can maybe someday put his life back together. In my opinion, that is the friend he needs now. Will you be that friend for him?

    Now after writing this I have to apologize for the pw statements. Just be the friend you are, and be honest. That is what Brian needs now more than anything to get his life back, HONESTY.

  9. Larry Horse says:

    If you are charged with murder it aint bullshit, there’s some smoke, and not some weed haze. Brian’s not a bad guy, just real stupid, a good parent isnt driving around in a hot car a 25 year old would want and also is running a medical pot store while making porn, same goes for Demi Delia, running porn hookers and smoking grass with two teenagers and a house full of porners.

  10. jeremiahsteele says:

    ynot, i’m not making any excuses for brian and i never suggested he didn’t leave the scene of the crime, i’m saying i don’t know all the facts, i wasn’t there and that the media is out to crucify him because of his career and his image, period, end of conversation

  11. eisforeric says:

    Uh, if someone is tailgaiting you, you pull over to get into the other lane. If you go faster, he’s *still* going to be tailgaiting you. It’s common sense to do so.

    You can’t make an excuse. If you kill a child, you kill a child. I can acknowledge that he was confused as to what to do, but what does that do? It won’t help him in court, because he killed the child, not the driver behind him.

    As far as worrying about what the media would make him…well, the time to think of that would come *before* you start a career in porn and sell “legal” marijuana as a side project.

  12. Jerry, the story above says the person waited for the police and ambulance. The story also says the participant “tapped’ his brakes. That is in no way anything similar to what brian did. No camparison whatsoever!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The media, and law enforcement are out to crucify him because he killed a child and ripped both legs off an innocent woman. The EPIDEMIC of these types of accidents recently is the reason for the extra scrutiny. Please show us any media reports that go any farther than just mentioning his occupation. It simply is not true that this is being used against him. Please show us anything to back up your asertion. You cant, because it doesnt exist.

    p.s. I dont know if youve ever been in jail jerry, but child killers are always treated like shit. Thats called ‘the price you pay.”

  13. Also jerry,
    in response number 10 above you state, :i’m not makin excuses for brian….’

    but in the related story brian letter part 3, you state…response nuber 10 “actuall, the OTHER guy did.”(kill the child)…Get a clue Jerry, they are BOTH equally resposible, morally and according to the law. Get it through to that pea sized brain of yours, Brian intentionally, and recklessly broke laws and put many many people indanger on that driving rampage down the public streets. He is f=responsible for the illegal activities that he participated in. What part of that dont you understand?

    And saying the other guy did it sure does sound like making excuses to me.

  14. Also Jerry, are you aware that ther was a 10 year old girl who witnessed the entire accident that is now recieving therapy, and probably will be for a long long time. Perhaps Brian will apologize to HER for giving her the gift of this great memory that she will have the rest of her life. Funny how YOU NEVER mention these victims of Brians,and the other guys stupidity.


    WHO DO YOU THINK DESERVES HELP MORE, THESE VICTIMS OR BRIAN?….Dont worry Jerry, you dont have to answer. the answer is obvious, and just in case you cant figure it out, the answwer is the victims.

  15. Raymond,

    Brian did not make up a story a year later. He’s said the same thing from day one. Get your facts straight before spreading malicious rumors. Here’s a comment posted by Alana Evans on ADT last year on October 12, 2007.

    Alana Evans posts on ADT:

    If you are a friend of Brian, like many of us are, you can go to the find out where he is… visit him… and you can help in whatever way you choose.

    Brian is an awesome man with an incredible heart… a single dad doing everything he can to provide for his teenage son. Don’t condemn him for the accusations in the media… the details in the media are so mixed… and most aren’t true. At no point was either man driving 90miles… but 50-60… according to police reports… so we should wait till all the facts surface before judgements are made.

    This is the first time I have ever been close to a case like this and to see the media’s version compared to the truth is insane… you know… kinda like how civilians think everything they see in porn is real…

    Seeing the family of the other accused driver was a trip. They spent most of their time laughing and talking… mad dogging those of us there for Brian. Then after the hearing we went outside… watching the attorney for the 19 year old enjoy his solo time in front of the cameras… his family and friends not giving a statement. The entire time we were there, this man was laughing and smiling like he couldn’t be happier. He also spent a lot of time yapping the faces of the news people…

    We all stood behind Brian’s family as his aunt made her statement… only saying that Brian, his family, and his friends, send condolences to the family so tragically hurt. I’m crying behind her… I look up to see the friends of the 19 year old staring us down again… laughing. His friends and family are a direct reflection of him and they didn’t seem to care… his mother didn’t cry when his counts of 2nd degree murder were announced… no grief was shown at all… yet all of Brians supporters looked as if we were at a funeral…because we actually care about both sides…

    Why are you putting off on Brian? He hit no one! I have been in so many situations where aggressive drivers yell at me, swerve into my lane, and nearly cause accidents for no reason.. I did or said nothing! But does that mean because the guy swerves into another lane because of his own reckless driving, I should be charged with his actions? That’s whats happening to Brian. I am giving Brian the benefit of doubt. I have known this man personally for 10 years! Regardless of OUTDATED interviews, he is a kind and gentle soul… running an operation to help sick people… whenever I’m upset he’s been there for me.

    I feel complete sorrow for the loss being that I am a mother myself… I WOULD NEVER PERSECUTE SOMEONE UNTIL I HAD ALL THE FACTS! From witness details in news stories, Brian kept tapping his brakes… not to be rammed but to the the other driver to stop it… get off his ass… we have all done that when a reckless driver is speeding down our tail simply because we’re not going fast enough… tapping your brakes is a signal for the other driver to slow down and back off…. the law is one car length per every ten miles… if that kid was doing 50, he should have had 5 car lengths between his and Brians car!!!! If he had the proper amount of distance, he would have NEVER lost control of his car!!!!!

    Brian hit NO ONE…. that kid lost control of his car…

    Oct. 12, 2007

  16. eisforeric says:

    “Brian is an awesome man with an incredible heart… a single dad doing everything he can to provide for his teenage son.”

    Male porn stars don’t work in porn to support their family. Get real.

  17. Well he did eisoforeric. He got paid for his performance and he supported his son.

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