Barack couldn’t be District manager of McDonalds !


You couldn’t get a job at McDonalds and become district manager after 143 days of experience.

You couldn’t become chief of surgery after 143 days of experience of being a surgeon.

You couldn’t get a job as a teacher and be the superintendent after 143 days of experience.

You couldn’t join the military and become a colonel
after 143 days of experience.

You couldn’t get a job as a reporter and become the nightly news anchor after 143 days of experience.

BUT, from the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United States Senator, to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory committee, he logged 143 days of experience in the Senate. That’s how many days the Senate was actually in session and working. After 143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be Commander In Chief,  Leader of the Free World …. 143 days.

We all have to start somewhere. The senate is a good start, but after 143 days, that’s all it is – a start. AND, strangely, a large sector of the American public is okay with this and campaigning for him. We wouldn’t accept this in our own line of work, yet some are okay with this for the President of the United States of America.

Come on folks, we are not voting for the next American Idol!

25 thoughts on “Barack couldn’t be District manager of McDonalds !

  1. He’s got my vote in November.

  2. BigDickDaddy says:

    Obama graduated from Harvard. I’m willing to bet the shitbag that wrote this ‘article’ didnt graduate from Harvard, from any Ivy league school or even from college.

    Its funny no mention of McCain or Palin. Here’s why:

    1 – McCain graduated 5th from the BOTTOM of his Naval Academy class.

    2 – Palin attended 5 colleges in 6 years.

    3 – The state of Alaska has a population of 653,000. The city of Long Beach has similar population.

    You can check other blogs for the 9 million other reasons McCain/Palin will only CONTINUE to drive America into the ground.

    The moron who wrote this “article” obviously has some major biases and is probably working at McDonalds right now.

  3. jeremiahsteele says:

    What’s your point? You support war whore McCain? Less experience in DC gets my vote. It’s sort of like voting for someone who’s had less experience in porn, except Washington does A LOT more fucking than Chatsworth could ever dream of.

  4. eisforeric says:

    BigDickDaddy took the words right out of my mouth.

  5. BigDickDaddy says:

    eisforeric, feel free to explain to the resident dumbass(germy steele) what I said.

  6. Wow, too bad this is mis-leading BS. Obama has been in the US Senate since 2005 and they fail to mention he was a state senator starting in 1997.

  7. What you say is true, but Barack is an exception to the norm and wouldn’t you rather have an exceptional president that a normal one?

  8. jeremiahsteele says:

    Hey Roy, when I said “What’s your point”, I was responding to the original post, not you, dumbass

  9. Barack Obama has voted “present” not ‘yes, or no’ on more bills than any representative.. He voted ‘present’ on abortion bills, and also voted ‘present’ on a bill regarding adult book store zonig laws.

    Very calculating politicians vote ‘present’ to avoid creating a record on controversial issues that can come back and haunt them later. Legislators have the luxury of passing the buck and not taking a stand, and Obama is a master of that tactic. Members of the executive branch do not have that luxury.

    Just type “obamas voting record” in your google search and see how MANY times obabma has done this. then talk about his leadership qualities.

    And just another thought, if Sara Palins ‘right wing ultra conservative” church are such an issue with you then why isnt Obamas left wing radical church not such an issue. If religion really is an issue then surely the church that Obabma chose as an adult for himself has to be equally frightneing as Palins church. Of course its ok to be a left wing religious nutjob, but not a right wing nutjob.
    P.S. Palin is the VICE presidential candidate. Obama is at the TOP of his ticket. Now if religion is an issue with you that must be scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. And if only being governor of Alaska isnt enough qualification for president then how does being governor of Arkansas get you qualified. Arkansas is still one of the poorest states, and consistantly finishes 48,49, and 50th in standardized testing of high school students. Arkansas has enjoyed this status before, during and after Bill Clinton.

  11. HI PIKE, please look up obamas voting recored as a state legislator. Type ‘obamas voting record” in your google search. Then tell us how EXCEPTIONAL he is. He is truley exceptional in NOT taking a stand on abortion, having “passed” on:

    1. Senate amdmt. 3896
    2. Senate amdmt. 3330
    3. 2707

    His voting record both in the state legislature and the senate are a joke.

  12. Barack is a prime example of politial affirmative action. If him were a white man, he will never be seen as a legitimate presidential cantidate.

  13. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    Didn’t the Reps basically say the same things about JFK? And he became the most popular president in US history!

  14. And what were JFK REAL accomplishments?

    Other that civil rights legislation?

    He lost Cuba to the communists. He got the US into Vietnam.

    Like Obama. All image and not real deeds.

    The first virtual president.

  15. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    For one Rics, JFK prevented nuclear missles from being planted in North & South America (possibly preventing WW3, fought the mob & the first to the moon; etc (ever heard of doing research like on Google!). And it was Batista whom was a dictator, lost to the Communists not JFK! And McCain is just Bush light! Your just sore that it isn’t a Republican or another Rightist that isn’t the most popular US president.

  16. BigDickDaddy says:

    Rics, try putting down the porno mags and picking up a book. Maybe even a history book. You should really know *something* about what you are talking about unless you want to look like a complete ass.

  17. Had JFK not lost Cuba in the fist place the missile crisis never had happened. Not a plus. That is just a proff of his incompetence. And remember as a result of solving the missile crisis Fidel will die in power and the US retired his own misiles from Turkey. The Russians won this one.
    Batista? Have you heard of Bay of Pigs?, the communist were never popular. Fidel won not as a communist, when his communist takeover began he was vulnerable. JFK had the oportunity to crush Fidel and he did not. He chickend out in the last minute.

    BTW I do not use google, I read real books.

  18. Rics, explain to me how you figure Kennedy got the US into Vietnam?

    Are you denying that the US under President Truman was NOT sending military advisers into Vietnam between 1950 and 1953?

    You are also denying that these advisers continued under Eisenhower?

    If so, you might want to talk to the US Army Special Forces(Green Berets) that performed these assignments.

    Granted the war was ramped up under Kennedy but the processes that started the way started two administrations before. Kinda like how Obama will be cleaning up the home mortgage mess your buddy George Bush started.

  19. BigDickDaddy says:

    Bush Senior has a change to kill Saddam in the first Gulf war but he chickened out in the last minute. Most servicemen thought it was sheer incompetence on his part. His son declared “mission accomplished” a few years ago but for some reason we still have 130,000 troops in Iraq.

    Rics, you got a big mouth about war. You wear the uniform?

    Didnt think so. I was an 11B from 93 to 97. Jumpschool in 95?

    Let me guess, you were a draft dodger like Cheney?

  20. Real Luke Ford Fan says:

    Rix, it’s nice to know you give credit to whom it’s due. I’m sure every Rightist US or world leader there have been and will have (unfortunately LOL) have & will have a perfect record.

  21. jeremiahsteele says:

    JFK, when he wasn’t messing around with Marilyn Monroe was trying to dismantle the alphabet agencies and the mob, end the Vietnam war, he rejected a top secret pentagon plan “Operation Northwoods” which would have staged terrorist attacks against Americans and pin the blame on the Cubans to justify a sought out war with them. He got elected because he dad had mob connections and his head blown off because he got idealistic and was fucking up the status quo.

  22. Rat Stevens says:

    Oh Boy! Here we go! Ok, let me first say that if you either make your living in or around the Adult Entertainment Industry, If you are a Fan of Adult Entertainment, if you respect the First Amendment and other freedoms that we still have and you are considering voting for John McCain and Sarah Palin. You are as deluded and thick skulled as “Why Not”

    “Why Not” …. Do you make your living from the Adult Industry, or are you a Fan or are YOU a Right Wing Nut Fuck just here on this board “Slumming? If not, you ARE out of your mind! And have NO COMMON SENSE AT ALL!

    John McCain is almost immaterial at this point, he is sick and he is old and given the stresses he will be facing thanks to eight great years of BUSCHCO I’ll make book that he won’t be around very long if he does get elected! And that is exactly what the folks that forced him into putting Palin on the ticket are counting on!!! (And he DIDN’T want to!) Once she was PLACED into this ticket, once that decision was MADE for him, what would have already been bad, became a NIGHTMARE WAITING TO HAPPEN!

    Sarah Palin’s religious affiliations (Obama’s are benign compared to hers!) are VERY Important, for the adult entertainment industry and even more so for our country. She belongs to a group (several groups actually) of Religious NUT JOBS!

    Her church, The Assemblies Of God, Pentecostals, are total fringe freaks! When they are not “Speaking In Tongues” they are busy planning for Alaska’s role in the “End Times.” Alaska has been chosen by God (According to Palin’s Church Pastor) as a “Refuge” during the “End Times” along with the great state of Wisconsin!

    She believes that Iraq is a mission from God not a very sad mistake of the Bush Administration.

    These are EXACTLY the people that WANT to MAKE ARMAGEDDON happen! They are organized, very well funded and RAPTURE READY! NOT the kind of people I want to give ultimate power to.

    Here’s a sermon by Palin’s Church Pastor. I wonder if she was there listening that Sunday?
    And here’s a nice video they made about Alaska’s PRE-ORDAINED place in “The End Times ushering in the return of Christ!

    Rev.Wright is simply a Black Man pissed off about how Black people have been treated by the “Good White Christians” throughout our country’s history, talking to a less that happy congregation of black folks that are most definitely rightfully pissed off and so he shoots off his mouth according to the “Black Experience” while in the spotlight. BIG DEAL! HE DESERVES THE OPPORTUNITY! (Although it wasn’t great for Obama, unfortunately.) They ALL do! But that is another discussion! His wild rantings are a FAR, FAR. CRY from those of the Highly Funded, Highly Connected, Very Powerful, “Dominionists” actively trying to co-opt the military and bring this country under the new rule of a “Christian Nation” should their efforts of law change and the legislative process fail. And that is absolutely NO “Conspiracy Theory” talk. It IS real, it IS being worked on! To the extent of recruiting young people in the military to join their cause….

    QUOTE: “The radical Christian right is coming dangerously close to its goal of co-opting the country’s military and law enforcement.”

    So “Why Not” while you are spewing stupid shit about how Obama voted present on some fucking water project the Right Wing Nut Jobs that Sarah Palin is now a “Front Woman” for are out there basically trying to take over this country and by force if necessary. And though it may sound like the plot of some shitty Hollywood “China Syndrome” movie, it is real, and it is real scary!

    I could go on and on but Not Luke will probably be NOT pleased.

    Do some research on things like “Reclaiming America For Jesus!” Jesus Camp” read books like “American Fascists” by Chris Hedges, study up on the “Dominionists” on the Pentecostals, On the Assemblies Of God. Find out about who Sarah Palin REALLY is! Trust me, she is no “Hockey Mom”!!! She is part of a plan!

    Good Luck to all of us! We can only hope that come election day the “Why Nots” in this country are in a decisive minority!

    If not, the next 4 or 8 years will make the last 8 look like “Heaven”! And by the end of that time I don’t think we will recognize this as the country we once knew. It’s already happening, and we are letting it happen. It wlil surely no longer be “The Greatest Country On Earth!”

  23. BDD:
    “Granted the war was ramped up under Kennedy but the processes that started the way started two administrations before.”
    That is my point, the war could have been stopped, Kennedy ramped it up.

    “Bush Senior has a change to kill Saddam in the first Gulf war but he chickened out in the last minute. Most servicemen thought it was sheer incompetence on his part.”
    Father knew best. Bush jr war in Irak was a huge mess, and was like that from the beginning. Sadam had nothing to do with 9/11, and was a sitting duck that was at least usefull to prevent the Shias and the Sunnis in Irak to kill each other and prevent the Iranians and the Saudis to get involved in Irak. Removing Saddam was a huge mistake that Bush Sr did not make. Some times in politics you should choose the lesser evil and Bush sr elected to save Saddam. Sadly the Junior has his pride wounded by 9/11 and took his anger in the wrong person. And of course Cheney was ready to make a buck out of it.
    For the record I’m more libertarian that conservative.
    I just think that Obama is a lighweight.
    And yes, pentecostals are nut jobs. But the US has his check and balances. I has read mr Wright teological schools are they sound not just wounded black men, they sound marxist to me. I recognize the type very well. I found that even more dangerous that the pentecostals nuttiness because is more intelligent and the damage done can often linger for years.
    Radical right is like fire, they burn out quicky.
    Radical left is like water, they soak everything and often rots things in places that cannot even be seen for years.

  24. History has shown that neither Congressional nor Executive experience necessarily makes for a good leader. Bill Clinton had been the governor of Arkansas and had an exceptional educational background, but had a reprehensible record for foreign policy while in the White House and is one of the only sitting Presidents of whom there is incontrovertible proof that he committed perjury. The millionaire Obamas, both Harvard graduates, DO have significant educational and professional experience, and are probably no greater a risk to the geopolitical safety or the economic strength of our country than McCain.

  25. I liked Clinton domestic record, probably the fact he was working with a Republican dominated congress during at least 6 years of his presidency allowed the US system of checks and balance to work.
    In the case of the Bush, a Republican President and a Republican Congress for at least 6 years has been a disaster. LBJ and Carter were Democratics Presidents with Democratic Congresses. Not good.
    I believe a Mc Cain/ Democratic Congress presidency can be good. I do fear that having both the Executive and the Congress in the hands of the same party is not good for the US. The check and balances do not work as well. Govenment becomes sefindulgent.

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