Forget Porn tax. Tax “Fat” causing Food!


Porn Tax- DEFEATED! Thank God! (Does that mean that despite all those prayers for this law to pass God WANTS porn? But, that’s a whole other discussion)

Secondary Effects of Porn! What a crock of SHIT!!!!!! Let’s slap a 25% Tax on FAST FOOD! AND JUNK FOOD! How about the secondary effects of those that abuse that?!!!!!!! Obesity is one of America’s biggest problems! FAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR worse that Porn! Unless, of course you are an ex-pornstar, “saw-the-light”, Born Again. Granted, Shelly’s cause comes from a good place (or at least I think she “BELIEVES” it does), but as with most religious people, ESPECIALLY “Born Again’s”, their myopic viewpoint focuses on a very narrow dogma prescribed target.

Fast Food TAX?
What?! No one would go along with that? Why not? A lot of Christian people are fat, and since they supposedly DON’T use PORN, wouldn’t…. or SHOULDN’T a 25% TAX ON FAST FOOD and JUNK FOOD be really much more important to them since that would really help all their fat Christian friends? They’d still get to be telling people what to do and how to live their lives! So, that’s really something they should be spending their time calling for!

Think of all the “Secondary Effects” that could be soothed and smoothed by those tax dollars! Think of all the Human Suffering that might be healed or even prevented with the careful spendature of 25% of all Fast and Junk Food sales! After all, that is a far more noble cause! There certainly aren’t any “Real” Christians being hurt by porn, (except in their pocket book I guess according to Shelly). Of course we do want to “Save” everyone, don’t we?). Speaking of books, doesn’t the “Good Book” say….

“Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.” —- Phi 4:5

But then, as Mark Twain said, “Everything in moderation — including moderation”

My Next Plan! There are GREAT secondary effects caused to our heath, economy and the ecology by this industry………..Bottled Water!

 Here are some facts that support my “secular” call for a 25% TAX on all Bottled Water sales!!!!

Read the whole story at

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