Brad and 12Clicks how do you feel about XXXPass stealing your join form hits?

Shap writes on JBM:

Here is something that costs all three of us money. Xxxpass (EroticGateway) is buying ccbill and paycom join for traffic. What are your thoughts?

This is an example. When someone (With zango) tries to join a ccbill or paycom site as soon as the ccbill/paycom join page opens the XXXPass join form opens over top of it.

Ccbill is working on it as we speak. I haven’t heard back from paycom yet. I’m sure as soon as they find out they’ll be on it as well.

[To Brad Shaw:] I know you are sending cross sales to them on your join forms. I know it must be making you sweet coin. Isn’t there a point where the money isn’t worth the damage that is being done? I know that’s a rhetorical question and the answer in our industry is always no. It’s unfortunate that is the case.

AskDamageX thread. GFY.

Pimpdog writes: "I know zango is responsible for this, but aff has the cash to make this all worth it. Is zango in the USA? im sure its worth throwing them into the lawsuit as well."

Brad Shaw posts:

I do not worry much about other people and their businesses practices anymore. If this thread is accurate, I would only be pissed they did not have a negative database that I was in.

Is this traffic something I would ever buy, no. Do I think this is a good business practice, no. Does shit like this go on every day on the net, yes. Do I lose sleep over it, no.

Bottom line is I run my biz how I see fit. If there was a hall of fame for moral pornographers, I would already be in it with dust on my bust.

QuickBuck responds to Shap:

We’re not selling medicine that saves old ladies and children here.. we don’t publish history books. You sell pictures of 18 year old chicks getting the shit fucked out of them every which way.

The only thing I believe less than "I promise I won’t come in your mouth" is when a pornographer screams about caring about their "industry" as though we produce something useful and beneficial to society.

Your M.O. is that you are pissed that everybody is making money hand over fist by doing things that (ironically) you find morally objectionable.

Do i have a problem with porn? No… but it is what it is. Do i have a problem with you? No… not until you start personally pointing fingers at me for things you have no understanding of.

I’m sure you’re a great photographer and gallery editor.. but you don’t seem to be a great business person. You have pretty much insulted 95% of the revenue generaters in this industry in the past 24 hours.

Moral highhorses suck.

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