I’m On KNBC TV At 5:45 P.M.

I’ll be interviewed about my Los Angeles synagogue ratings.

Here’s the audio.

Fred emails: "If the KNBC crew is still there, tell them I agree.  I depend entirely on Luke for my spiritual and ethical guidance.  If it weren’t for him, who knows what sort of trouble would ensnare me."

3 thoughts on “I’m On KNBC TV At 5:45 P.M.

  1. jeremysteele says:

    Our Moral Leper speaks… Can’t wait 😛

  2. BigDickDaddy says:

    Hopefully he tells me where the Jews were 3500BC and before. Man has been walking on the earth for tens of thousands of years and only in the last 2000 years God decides to select a particular group of people to be his chosen people? Why? Because some book written by these people says so? I’m sorry but I have a tough time believing that. Jews probably hate the idea that all men descended from African ancestors. Unlike their old book(the Torah), there is science to back up this claim.

    I’m not saying Judaism is like Mormonism but its something to think about.

  3. jeremysteele says:

    Hey Luke, I see NBC didn’t mention your Obsession with Porn. Interesting keyboard you have for your CTS.

    Sorry, but let me rant because I find this subject of interest more than porn gossip in general…

    I originally thought that Luke was not a real jew based on my prior misunderstanding proffered by many jews themselves that Judaism is based on racial heritage, and that Luke wasn’t chosen by God but instead chose himself. However…as I would later stat on Luke’s site, Judaism is a matter of faith, not race or genetics. Rabbi Harold M. Wchulweis said “One of the unique aspects of Judaism is its rejection of Judaism as a biological entity, an inherited spirtual DNA, racial or ethnic. The point is that being a Jew is not a matter of genes and chromosomes… Judaism is not rooted in race or clan or in a genetic matter, but a religious tradition of choice.” According to Arthur Koestler, the majority of modern Jews are Ashkenazis, descended from the Khazars, a fanatical warlike Aryan tribe (That’s Caucasion – resembling Romans, Greeks, Turks and Syrians) who converted to Judaism in the Middle Ages. Then there are Near Eastern Jews, Palestinian Jews, Yeminite Jews, Druze and North African Jews. Jews don’t have any connecting gene, despite would any true believers would prefer to think.

    I really hate to concur with hater BDD but humanity has existed for millennia, long before the creation of Judaism and even as Nazi doctor Josef Mengele put it, “Scratch a Frenchman and find an African”.

    The history of Judaism up and through now including it’s sick psuedo-religious political child, Zionism, is fascinating historically speaking, which needs to be looked out without indoctrinated faith but objectively through archaeology, topography, etc.

    I agree with author Laura Knight Jadczyk who said “Judaism- like all other organized religions on the planet – is little more than a control system and was deliberately imposed on the Jews by a few Middle Eastern psychopaths who first tried their con on the Egyptians before being run out of town.”

    I think Religion is important to study because it influences society and repressive society in turn influnces the growth of porn (as well as vice versa) and since Judaism is the foundation of other western religions to follow, it’s worth studying how it influences our mentality, hatred of others and ourselves as well as our own impulses.

    Nietzsche said that “The Jews are the most remarkable nation of world history because, faced with the question of being or not being, they preferred, with a perfectly uncanny conviction, being at any price: the price they had to pay was the radical falsification of all nature, all naturalness, all reality, the entire world as well as the outer, They defined themselves counter to all those conditions under which a nation was previously able to live, was permitted to live; they made of themselves an antithesis of natural conditions- they inverted religion, morality, history, psychology, one after the other, in an irreperable way into the contradiction of their natural values…. Christianity has waged a deadly war against the higher type of man. It has put a ban on all his fundamental instincts. It has distilled evil out of these instincts. It makes the strong and efficient man its typical outcast man. It has taken the part of the weak and the low; it has made an ideal out of it’s antagonism to the very instincts which tend to preserve life and well-being… It has taught men to regard their highest impulses as sinful- as temptations…’What is Jewish, what is Christian morality?’ Chance robbed of its innocence; unhappiness polluted with the idea of ‘sin’; well-being represented as a danger, as a ‘temptation’, a physiological disorder produced by the canker worm of conscience (“The Antichrist”).

    Luke, if you’ve pursued the authentification of your Religion with the same dedication from which you’ve blasted out unsubstantiated and vitriolic rumors, consider yourself lost, my friend.

    Lastly, and interestingly, do you know that the word “Holocaust” means “human sacrifice by bonfire”?
    It’s interesting that term is chosen. Regardless, the concept of human sacrifice of a few to advance the larger herd is nothing new. But since the religion is not truly one based one’s own race, then it might be easier to call it “human sacrifice”.

    Regardless of what religions anyone are raised to believe I think most people mean well and that there are worthy anecdotes to find within all religoins. There’s even a book called “The Tao of Winney The Pooh”. Godliness can be found within anything.

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