Rumors of Ed Powers’ Death Exaggerated

Mark Kernes reports:

A few retailers have noticed that Ed Powers, the man who made "Debutantes" a household word, hasn’t released anything of late … and a couple have even inquired whether he was dead.

Happily, he isn’t, and sent the following statement:

"Since I started my trek back in late 1988 with the shootings of the legendary video series Bus Stop Tales, and then Dirty Debutantes in 1990, I really never took a break. I’ve always been shooting, no matter where I was and where I traveled. Thousands of women later, I am still the same, still having a great time."

6 thoughts on “Rumors of Ed Powers’ Death Exaggerated

  1. BigLeeBail says:

    ….Ed has Always done an excellent job. We’re sure glad he’s Ok. Big Lee

  2. frankiefiveangels says:

    Very sad news.

  3. were are his new movies? No one noticed.

  4. BigDickDaddy says:

    Can some one excuse me while I dont give a damn?

  5. frankiefiveangels says:

    Your excused.

  6. Larry Horse says:

    As far as I am concerned Ed’s been “gone” for the last 150 or so episodes. Safe Sex is fine, but doesnt Ed have enough muscle control to pull the condom off and then finish his business. Ron Jeremy is able to do this and he is older than Ed, shoot, I saw Buck Adams in a film recently and he was able to hold it for a facial. And Buck is like 90 years old.

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