Interviewed By CNN

The show is American Morning. The topic? Is there a public interest in reporting on the sex lives of politicians.

I taped my interview at 6 a.m. with host Betty Nguyen. I don’t know when it will air.

2 thoughts on “Interviewed By CNN

  1. Can you say something about the guy Perkoff who makes comments on your site? If I’m ever on CNN I’ll make sure to drop your name as well.

  2. What? They took your limo away! They made you take a cab? Serious lack of class from CNN is not surprising. The US liberal media are the greats bunch of condesending hypocrites when it comes to Latino issues. Their coverage of latinamerican affairs, always condesendig to populists and communists is a example.
    Any chance of Mirthala doing porn?
    The Mayor unlike old Bubba seems to have a taste for hot women.

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