Drugs In Porn

Goten writes on ADT: "Lately I’ve been interested in entering porn. But everyone I’ve talked to ( including a man I know whp’s involved in porn himself), has said it has a huge drug problem, and those ( like myself), usually have to start taking drugs in order to stay high to have sex in front of a camera crew day after day. Is this generally true?"

Kami Andrews posts: "People don’t take drugs cause of the stress of being in front of a camera, they take them cause they get degraded daily for your viewing pleasure. why do you think we are different from you? We hate it truth be told, once we realize what’s what it’s like any other jo, you do what you are qualified to and you pay your bills, we are just as human as you are. cause I’m retired and not selling anything I can say this I chalenge any one to be a sex worker for a year and not need drugs or some escape, it’s about as bad as it gets."

Festus posts:

Why somebody need a drug to have a sexify good time with some of the most sluttyest womans in the world??!! Not make no sense to me. Personaly I just has to look at there picture and my dinksy get hard like a tabasco sauce bottlings. If I could be round them kind of girls all the times I be one happy Festus! That for sure. Busting many nuts each hour with gusto and gleeful! Porn stars has the best lifes in the world– they get paid to do the one thing that make anyone happy. Porn stars are my hero and my roll modelings. I look up to them– especial when they drool gape piss and fist good. If sometime they use drugs it just for recreating use because they free spirits not because they need it to do their worklust.

Kimi Lixx posts:

A lot of what I found unpleasant in the porn industry wasn’t in the performing. A physically difficult, or even uncomfortable/painful, scene wasn’t really a drop in the bucket of unpleasantness. That’s just me, though, I have an unreasonably high tolerance for physical discomfort. As long as I’m not seriously injured, I shrug most things off the minute they’re done with. I also didn’t choose to do a lot of the higher paying scenes that were physically demanding. I wasn’t under pressure to make a lot of money, and I was experienced enough to understand my own mind and body enough to clearly anticipate the likely consequences.


The things I found difficult to tolerate were the purely unprofessional actions of others, and situations and conditions that were unconducive to working in any way, sexually oriented or not.

If boxers had to perform under the conditions that exist on most porn sets they wouldn’t be able to take it, either. No matter how much punishment they’re willing and able to accept physically.

Are drugs, of all kinds – recreational and performance enhancing, rampant in the sex industry? YES.

Kami Andrews responds:

um your anorexic, and you support a miriad of clingers, escape takes a lot of shapes fwiw your the most functional human I know… I loved porn when I got in it,I never faked an orgasm and when the light bulb went off I quit,I loved it when I was in it. I have asked myself many times (and my shrink) if sex work makes you crazy or if crazy people do sex work. My shrink says crazy people do sex work (fwiw) I hate people, sex work has allowed me to be my full nutty ass self. Legally I’m so nut’s I’m disabled, but sex work has given me a way to be a total nut bag and not take charity. I love drugs, I will take anything that might make me feel better,when I got into porn, I was expected to not feel pain, and my agent took me to the doctor and I got my first vicoden. I’m the sort of person that abuses every damn thing I can, so yeah I became addicted to pain killers.

Kimi Lixx responds:

I am not anorexic. If I am, I’m really bad at it. I do have body image issues, but I had those long before porn and I don’t think they’re an escape. Controlling myself may be a relief from stress, but again, nothing to do with sex work.


As for clingers, I birthed most of them, so that’s just reproductive guilt. The one I didn’t, well, I dunno about him, he’s useful to me in his own way. It’s probably co-dependent or something dysfunctional, but since I’m in control, it’s okay. Control = stress relief.

Yeah, huge cups of tea are an addiction. I had it before porn, too. I’m not giving it up.

I agree that people who abuse will be abusers and people who don’t use won’t use. I wonder about the people who aren’t on one side of the fence or the other. People who haven’t been exposed to drugs, or stress, or a group of people who are accepting of behavior that is usually considered unacceptable. I do think that the sex industry does tend to tip those people into using. I think a lot of the people that get tipped in that direction are the same ones who would cave in to peer pressure in a variety of settings.

I don’t entirely agree with your shrink about crazy people doing sex work. I do sorta agree, though. I think that most people who consider sex work as a viable option in our country have disconnected from socially/culturally accepted norms. That may or may not be "crazy", but it is probably less functional when compared to people who act in a societally normal way.

Kami Andrews responds: "like it or don’t sex work breaks people, and your tea drinker is as broken as the next, she just funtions cause she never had a choice not to."

4 thoughts on “Drugs In Porn

  1. streetphotoman says:

    “If boxers had to perform under the conditions that exist on most porn sets they wouldn‚Äôt be able to take it, either. No matter how much punishment they‚Äôre willing and able to accept physically.”

    What are these conditions? or is this person just being over the top?

  2. I read this thred on that site and the only words that came to mind were “out of context”

  3. The correct answer is post traumatic stress disorder. Is as common among sex workers as is among combat veterans.
    About 70% of sex workers will develop it, expecially prostitutes, and porn stars are prostitutes, despite the legal intent of making them something else.
    Many come to the industry already with the disease, from a abusive chilhood or teenage rape. Others will develop it on the job. Heavy substance abuse is syntom of the disease. So drug and alcohol abuse must be heavy. To put in simple terms, female humans are not designed to have sex with large groups of strangers and humans are not designed to have sex in public. This is a issue in that both judeochristians and secular evolucionists concour. Is very stressful and only about 30% of women can do it with losing their mental stability.
    So Luke, Anne Bissell have a check list for PTSD for sex workers that you as a service to the talent, should post in your blog. This is something AIM should doing but I have lost my hope.

  4. BigLeeBail says:

    Kami…I don’t think Asia Carerra used drugs..and she was smart too. Saved her money and lived very well. Sadly, her husband passed and I heard this caused many difficulties for Asia. I hope she is doing better now…YOU too!
    Big Lee

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