Mike South: ‘whats this kandyland thing at the playboy mansion?’

MikeSouth: i know several girls who have been invited and it aint passing the sniff test
MikeSouth: i posted on funwithpses
MikeSouth: see what they come up with
MikeSouth: maybe post on TER too
MikeSouth: this all sounds very familiar to something you wrote about a couple yrs ago [Angels on the Fairway]
MikeSouth: you look at it yet
Luke: no
MikeSouth: well what are ya waitin on
MikeSouth: lives are at stake
Luzdedos1: it may be a while
MikeSouth: aite well lemme know what ya get

AaronM posts on GFY: "I’ve been hit up by a few Playboy models who are going and wanted to know if I would be attending as well. Things seem pretty cool to me but I didn’t look too far into it. What about it is not sitting right with you?"

Kevin Blatt posts: "These outside promoters who throw this sucky party are the worst It will be a clusterfuck and a bunch of guys trying to pay girls for sex… I know two stupid girls going as well and they have no idea what’s in store for them, nor will their BOYFRIENDS lol I love dumb girls who are so impressed by the lure of having some kind of status by being invited to the mansion…as a WHORE."

This is truly shocking news. If a girl’s not safe at the Playboy mansion…

From a girl who was invited: "They tell you up front that they pay for nothing and all expenses are on you. Everyone though is supposed to stay at the Roosevelt hotel and they provide transportation to and from the event."

AaronM posts: "Fair enough. KB usually knows more about the whore events than I do."

"That’s not unusual for Playboy Mansion parties. Playboy staff told me the same thing about the girls who attended the Webmaster Access Party in November. According to him, the girls paid for their own airfare, hotel, and other expenses."

Boneprone writes: "It is odd because I also have been getting a lot questions about this party.  IT seems a lot of myspace girls and models are invited to this.. I mean A Lot. Girls with no ties to the biz or industry. I swear they just surfed myspace and threw out invites."

Lensman, GFY chaperone, posts:

What are you guys smokin? There is no prostitution going on. They are inviting hot girls to attend the party, it is a pretty standard practice.

Don’t hate because you aren’t invited.

In case you guys have forgotten, we had 200+ hot girls at our last party in Nov, and will have even more this Nov. Most of which have posed for www.womenofplayboy.com and our other current and coming sites.

Mike South posts:

Lens nobodys hatin and anyone with 1500 bucks can get an "Invite"

first the girls think this is Playboy affiliated…it isnt apparently…correct me if Im wrong.

And this sounds very similar to another thing that was going on a few years ago that caught a lot of attention as being a front for at least the expectation of high end prostitution.

Its making the rounds in PSE and high end prostitution groups on yahoo too, as a place for that purpose.

Kevin Blatt posts:


The Playboy Mansion is an institution, it’s also the best place on earth to throw a party if you are a big corporation and have tons of dought to spend for a catered event that is A-1

Your Playboy Party and VS media’s Party both exuded such class and TONS of hot girls.

I am just saying that these jerk off promoters along with the ones who did the Nicki Hunter Benefit with LIL John and the last event sponsored by the Pleasure Zone sucked!

Both advertised tons of chicks being there, but truth be told they were married chicks or normal chicks I can see at a mall….

I am NOT hating on Hugh or Keith Hefner

PLAYBOY PARTIES like Midsummer Night’s Dream, Halloween, and New Year’s along with our industry events are the BOMB, packed with pussy and no hookin going on-

These other promoters in question that RENT the mansion have other motives Lens-

I live down here, have friends that work in the mansion in the kitchen and in security and just know the drill.

I was the the last event there and played bodyguard for two of my beautiful GF’s- I was also fortunate enough to have had a threesome in the blue room of the game room last time-

I have the pics to prove it too…but I’ll spare you the pics of my cock…


How are you doing Ron [Cadwell]?

Please send my regards to all of your great staff over there!

I can just imagine Ron "We Regret We Can No Longer Process Bestiality" Cadwell going around his staff and saying, "Kevin Blatt sends his regards."

4 thoughts on “Mike South: ‘whats this kandyland thing at the playboy mansion?’

  1. artwilliams says:

    “That‚Äôs not unusual for Playboy Mansion parties. Playboy staff told me the same thing about the girls who attended the Webmaster Access Party in November. According to him, the girls paid for their own airfare, hotel, and other expenses.”

    That is to avoid charges under the Mann Act — the interstate transport of people for immoral purposes.

    BTW, I can’t believe how naive some of these porn actresses are. Case in point, you hear endlessly of women saying that they were sent to a shoot and didn’t know how extreme the shoot would be. If an agent says, “Hey, I’ve got a scene for you with this guy named Mac Hardcore”, you’d think that a quick Google search would be order yet this sort of thing happens time and time again.

  2. artwilliams says:

    Of course, if I could edit my post I would make it Max Hardcore.

  3. Memo to you folks–Hef doesn’t own the Mansion, neither does Christie. PEi owns it and it’s mortgaged to the tune of $50 million to LaSalle Bank in Chicago. Get over your delusions that Playboy and the Hefner family have done anything but steal your money for booze and Viagra the last 40 years.

  4. I bet Mike South can’t get an invite even with $1500.

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