How do brick and mortar stores stay in business?

PWing posts on ADT: "Considering that they offer the same DVD that you could buy online for double the price I would think that their overhead vs. profit would easily place them in the red. Some of the better stores book signings with pornstars which might help but other than that I just don’t understand how they make any money at all. What gives?"

Duke Skywalker posts: "I know several adult retail store owners personally. They are taking a huge hit. DVD sales are way down. Like 25-45 percent down. Why do you think you see all these big producers and/or big production companies seeking out web companies who know how to market on the web? Because they know that to stay ahead of the curve they need to develop a web presence. To quote an anynomous big name producer "you aint shi* anymore unless you have a web presence." Our company is in talks with several decent sized dvd companies to build cash programs for them. You give me a good product, and bring a reconized name to the table, and I will turn that into gold in a few months time."

Tittysucker86 posts: "Blockbuster Video twenty years ago took over most of the video-rental market-share, and put a lot of small neighborhood video stores out of business, BUT: Blockbuster made a corporate decision that they werent going to rent Porn, SO the neighborhood video stores that were willing to stock porn stayed in business and made huge profits. The mark-up on retail porn? I dont know. Majority of people dont buy porn. They rent it. Why buy porn DVDS for $20 to $50 when you can rent them for one night for $3. Porn is like hostess twinkies. Its good, but who the hell wants a whole pantry full of it. Retail stores might have larger profit added on, but if you have to pay for shipping, when you buy it on the internet, then where’s the savings buying it on the internet?? Doesnt the shipping eat up the savings you thought you were getting by not buying it at the store?…listen, blockbuster doesnt want to rent porn? they feel a need to keep porn off the street? fuck them!!! they helped a lot of small guys stay in business by doing that!!! …Now Larry Flynt is in the retail business with Hustler Hollywood stores across the nation. every video is $40 to $50 in there. One night rental for three bucks is all Im spending on porn. With one exception: I will go to hustler hollywood and buy North Pole #10, cause the local video store doesnt have it, and I read that North Pole #10 has an incredible Jewel De Nyle scene."

One thought on “How do brick and mortar stores stay in business?

  1. I guess if Luke would redirect all his traffic to ADT and XPT,he would save himself a lot of work…copying and pasting all that stuff 🙂

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