Mike Albo Is A Fine Christian Gentleman

My father’s favorite saying about his opponents is, “So-and-so is a fine Christian gentleman, but…”

Then he’d proceed to slam them.

I’m not going to slam Mike Albo. I’m too afraid.

The day I got humiliated by Mike Albo in the Lamplighter parking lot, I was reading Maurice Samuel’s 1950 classic The Gentleman and the Jew.

Throughout my life, I have sought consolation in literature.

From pages 48-49: “…I became convinced that the phrase “Christian gentleman” is a contradiction in terms, that one can be a Christian or a gentleman, but not both. Finally, as I became aware of the historical substance of the contradiction, I came to the conclusion that this is the center of the moral pathology of the western world.

“I have said that the Shakespearian or Elizabethan gentleman is the English version of the Italian Renaissance gentleman. This is not to imply that the surface villainies of the latter were transplanted to the former, though if I insist…that the gentleman is a killer, the distinction may seem unimportant. For what do kindness, forbearance, courtesy, courage, self-sacrifice — all the highest gentlemanly virtues — mean, if in the final account the gentleman must acquire honor? that is to say, he must find an enemy, so that he may display his physical courage in combat, that highest virtue of a gentleman. The virtues become the bawds of evil; they exist to give spice to the adventure; the demand for fairness in a fight is a demand not for goodness, but for more exciting conditions; the pretense at goodness helps to conceal the evil. And as to the maintenance of the Christian virtues in peacetime, what do these become but interim exercises, muscular flexions, between the essential occasions when the gentleman must kill? Must kill for honor, and must kill because life is combat.”

3 thoughts on “Mike Albo Is A Fine Christian Gentleman

  1. CryptKeeper says:

    A few things about this recent Mike Albo “fracas”:
    1. I’ve seen Mike, and he is short, about 50 years old (not 40, as you said) and a chain smoker. Hardly some menacing bully as you portray him.
    2. If you worked in the mainstream, you’d be dealing with lawsuits for your “reporting”, if what you have “reported” about Mike wasn’t true (and as that’s the same name he used at LFP, you’re probably aware that it’s most likely his real name and you shouldn’t be reporting opinion as fact). A small confrontation ending in a hand shake seems like a good break to me.
    3. I think people are ignoring the worst part of the entire report: “(Rob Spallone) gives directions to a black truck driver and then yells, ‚ÄúBlack bastards!‚Äù. If ANY money exchanges hands it should be Rob to the NAACP or UNCF for that remark.
    Then again, from someone who recently posted: “I understand Paul Fishbein‚Äôs decision to elevate Miller to top spot because, when all else fails, go yellow.” what can we expect?

    Lastly, your remark: “Over the years, I‚Äôve referred to Albo as a drug addict and as a Heroin addict in the same way someone would call himself an alcoholic even if he has not touched a drink for 20 years.”

    Let’s let the ex-alcoholics refer to themselves as “alcoholics”. As a big grown up, you are aware that when someone calls someone else an “alcoholic”, they mean it in the present tense, and any co-worker or future employer with “Google” will think Mr Albo was a junkie the date you posted he was.

    I enjoy your site, but the world of porn can be just as entertaining without lies, or embellishment.

  2. CryptKeeper says:


    to quote you:

    “What kind of crazy mixed-up world do we live in where the Emily Evermoores of the world issue “no comments” through attorneys? This is not the wild wild west of porn that I once knew and loved. Then I’d hear, “I’ll break your legs, buddy.”

    Love it, or leave it, Luke!

  3. streetphotoman says:

    I think Spallone is corect on this, although his methods are a little too “amped up” Luke is about as physically challenging as a gnats cock, so why would a man of words and sophistication resort to serving up some major heat in Lukes face? I mean did he see the Gene Ross interview he paid him a compliment. Is he jealous? Lukes filmed interviews are becoming rather good, the Kandi Hart one is a gem and all the better for the fact that he got it technically correct for the most part.

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