LIB Price Dropped by 50%


My husband wants me to be done with LIB soon. I have health and family issues to deal with. So I want to finish up with LIB in April. The first valid offer of $25,000 takes it. Please send me your proposals. Thank you. Everything will remain confidential unless we agree otherwise.

12 thoughts on “LIB Price Dropped by 50%

  1. Larry Horse says:

    Please dont sell it to Captain Obvious aka Rob Black. All his recent musings are yesterday’s news tomorrow like Manwin and the Middle East or folks with Middle Eastern decent, jeez Rob, all you had to do was look at the guys who originally ran Manwin. I do wonder how much of their cash is tied up in Cyprus. He says they were terrorists, I say Canadian Jews of Persian background.

  2. Yeah that whole rant of his seemed to come out of nowhere. I thought he was supposed to be keeping a low profile post-jail, and on Louis Theroux’s doc he looked utterly broken, defeated and about 15 years older than he actually is. I guess he needed to vent.

    Rob Black owning LIB would be TERRIBLE for the site, but also kinda hilarious.

  3. Unless daddy buys it for him Rob cant afford it.

    Rob just got off Parole/probation, whatever thats why he suddenly popped up.

    The interesting thing about Rob is he starts with a good premise, usually one that is either true or believed to be true then he takes it to the point where he breaks with reality

    Whats the High/Low on his self destruct date?

  4. Jerkuliscious says:

    I don’t know, but I’ll put the # of posts Alkie Gene has up tomorrow suckling on Rob’s yam bag at: 6.

  5. jeremysteele11 says:

    Why don’t one of those monopoly behemoth porn corporations buy it… or Larry Flynt. Larry Horse can be one the main contributors… and the usual whack pack.

  6. gotat give ya creds jerkilicious he is currently at 5 and it isnt even 9 am

  7. Jerkuliscious says:

    He laid right up there at six. I may not know how to get laid regularly, or how to make money being an internet asshole, but I do know the ins and outs of a drunkards mind. Musta been all the research I did between 18 and 30.

    Has he read Rob’s tarot cards lately? I’d actually enjoy laughing at the ball lathering and bunghole nuzzling that would ensue if he did.

    Wait a minute, it was only 6 times Rob Black was in the title. I checked some of the articles and the # is actually 8. I feel so dirty givin him all them clicks.

  8. Larry Horse says:

    Maybe Gene can buy LIB and call it Rob is Black and just make it porn’s version of Breakfast with Blassie, oh wait, that’s an insult to the memory of the great Classie Freddie Blassie. Of course where would Gene get 25K? Margold could loan it to him, I mean he must have a 501PAW somewhere with cash in it.

  9. jeremysteele11 says:

    Sell it to Bill and he can call it “Margold’s Mouth”… Instead of Cindi with a hoodie, have a cartoon of the PAW man where his mouth is as big as his belly. If arrogance was oxygen he would be a rainforest.

  10. Sell it to Bill and have him tell us over and over again why Savannah just “had to die”.

  11. jeremysteele11 says:

    Savannah was Bill’s human sacrifice needed in order to create (and feed) the great PAW foundation. Heaven has one more hooker and Porn Valley many more teddy bears, so Bill’s happy.

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