Elexis Monroe Sets the Record Straight, Reply’s to Mike South’s Accusations

John Tribb Writes-We may agree or disagree about which side to take on Girlfriends Films Elexis benefit video .Elexis tried to lay the controversy to rest on,Twitter.. The problem is we have bottom feeders like Mike South who want to take advantage of any situation to get more attention for themselves. He’s raised a whole series of doubts about her illness and financial situation on his blog  without contacting her or even trying to find out what she was going through. Adult industry news sites like Adult FYI have taken his word as gospel as well as trolls on different blogs.
Elexis is a very private person. Here she reveals the reality of one performer in the industry just so people can really understand what she’s going through.. It’s far from the misogynist claims of Mr South and those who think  female pornstars are little better than liars and tramps.. I would hope at least that we’d get an apology but I doubt it. Elexis has and will always deserve respect.


Good afternoon. I’m not exactly sure how to start this, it’s not normally my thing. 🙂 

I appreciate you posting info about everything that’s occurred since I found out I was sick. 

I’m obviously beyond devastated by the last weeks events. It’s the last thing I expected, wanted, or need. 

I was hoping after Dan spoke to AVN and I spoke out, people would see the situation for what it is and move forward.

Ever since my very first photo shoot, I’ve always been very open and honest with all the fans. I love them and sharing my life with them has always been a joy. People know me and by watching my movies, I am who I am. 

I decided to share the experience because while terrifying, it’s informative on many different levels. An abscess, bone infection, health insurance, along with just simply hoping for help. 

I’ve been trying to get health insurance all this last year. It’s very expensive and difficult for me. I have a medical history that certain companies consider ‘high risk’ to say the least.

When I had my Daughter almost 11 years ago, I had her 3-4 months early emergency c-section. I was hit by a car which led to me having an abrupto. Needless to say, my kid it lucky we both survived considering the circumstances and the amount of blood I lost and how early she was. She’s my miracle. She beat all odds and is my little genius. 

Not many know this but 3 1/2 years ago a few days after shooting I became ill. I was hospitalized because I had ovarian cysts that had ruptured and caused a massive infection. I also had to have a surgery due to this situation. The amount of scar tissue I have from my labor, along with my right ovary being enlarged, it’s just a few reasons why getting my own health insurance has been a battle but one I intend to overcome. 

I’m sure now with the last few months it won’t be any easier. If and when I do get insurance which is a goal of mine, it doesn’t change the fact I got sick and need surgeries.

As far as my kid is concerned, I don’t need to say much. Everyone and anyone who knows me, knows my daughter is my entire world. I’m a very good, dedicated single mother. I’ve raised her on my own with no child support, not even one payment to this day. I’m not on welfare or any gov programs and never have been. I have her all on my own and I absolutely love it. I love being here for every minute, every dance class, school field trip, important moment or accomplishment she has in life. For anyone to ever say otherwise is someone I will not tolerate. Especially when we both almost died during my labor. Bringing a beautiful innocent child into this, a child who’s watched her mother get violently ill, be hospitalized numerous times, have surgery, and has been through the hardest ordeal of her life is wrong. Shame on anyone even bringing her into any of this crazy nonsense.

The drug comment? Really. This isn’t high school and just because some other woman in my industry have used drugs before doesn’t mean I do! 

Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely hate drugs. Especially that crap. My fiancé long ago chose drugs over me, he couldn’t quit and I had no idea what or how anything could be that disgusting powerful over someone. I begged him to get help, quit. He literally couldn’t. I gave him back his ring and moved. 

The fact someone is telling my fans I’m using money to fix my house is ridiculous. Also, lies! I rent a town home that’s almost 30 years old. He’s been saying he’s going to ‘fix things’ forever. The last few months, being home more and sick, paying rent for things that didn’t work I snapped. 

I’ve had no working dishwasher for years or garage door. My over stopped working and because I was furious about cooking meals, he replaced that finally. The sink is bad, the bathrooms are 26+ years old. Plumbings, paint, fans. He finally just fixed the broken shower doors in my kids bathroom and put up a curtain. My own bathroom hasn’t worked and shower broken since last year so we share one….. And the carpet downstairs. It’s 12+ years old!!! The house needs fixed, basic upkeep and maintenance but there is no way in the world I would ever pay for a dime of that. I pay rent. The only reason I haven’t moved to LA is because my kid loves it here. Her school, friends, neighborhood and she’s had the since kindergarten. I will drive back and forth forever if it makes her happy but I want my house fixed. I want to be able to web cam or have guests over and feel my place is nice. I shouldn’t have to explain that to anyone and of course I’m not going to tell the world how I love my house but it sucks. 

Yes, my landlord is finally starting to fix things little by little in his house. I house I simply rent. I would never fix a house unless I owned it.

Now all this has done is people think lies and negatively about me. Things which have never happened and it’s really unfair. 

If someone doesn’t know me and has never met me, please talk to me. I’m the nicest person ever. If you don’t know me, please don’t make up lies about me as a parent, how I love my life, my health situation. I already had my face cut open, this isn’t some Internet joke or fun blog post to me. 

I can’t speak for anyone else but myself. I got sick. I had 1 surgery. I need more. That’s it! 

Even sitting here writing this it makes me cry. I love my job and my fans. I hate drama or confrontation. Not my style. I just understand why he won’t just leave me alone. 

I am not going to respond to anyone else or post anything about this anymore, for now. It’s not doing anything positive for me or my situation.

I wanted to talk to someone but I don’t want to keep adding fuel to a dead fire. I just want to work, be happy, raise my kid, and fix my face. That’s all. I don’t want to ever have to go through anything like this again.

Hopefully people will remember what was posted this week by myself and AVN and move forward. 

I hope some of this helps you understand a little bit more about things that have been posted or said. I make usually 28-35,000 a year. It’s not millions but it’s been enough to live. Am I going to try and work harder in order to have more for other things such as insurance, of course. I can only do one thing at a time and regardless what happens to me, my kid always comes first. 

Right before I was sick my kid fell ill with pneumonia and was also seen at a hospital. My dog also got Parvo and almost died. There went all savings I had. 

People think I just have all this money and it’s so easy to get health insurance?? It’s so sad. 

If you would like to write back or talk to me, please do. I can send you my info if you want. I just want you to hear the truth from me. I don’t want to respond to any of the garbage. I hate it, I know it’s untrue but I seriously don’t have time for hate or negatively in my life. 

I’m sorry in any way if you somehow have been linked or involved in all this. 

Please feel free to message me. 

Love, Elexis

21 thoughts on “Elexis Monroe Sets the Record Straight, Reply’s to Mike South’s Accusations

  1. commonsense says:

    Ok. please let me add some common sense here. you are past the episode of the abrupto placenta, and your childbirth. many highly functional people have the aforementioned, and cysts in ovaries. You say you have no insurance, and you are not on government programs. for the sake of your child why would you not see what Government programs you are eligible for until you get physically healthy. I don’t know what state you live in but any state or city hospital will treat on what you can afford. As for where you live insignificant. No one cares. How much you make a year No one cares. If you want to make more change fields or try to succeed in this industry that is very difficult now to make a living wage let alone support a child with. The talent in porn for the most part make there money escorting and if lucky enough a few extra dollars stripping.
    No porn talent should come on to a site asking for money for medical issues. There are plenty of government alternatives available.

  2. I saw her tweets on Mike South’s website, is she saying the tweets are fakes of some kind and she never made those comments?

  3. You have to be really stupid if you think that a betrayal works after Raven Alexis.
    Since I´ve met Elexis several times I think she is a pretty smart girl, so I don´t think she would do that.
    Also I don´t think that Dan and Moose would help her out if she lied to them.
    She would ruin her whole career.

  4. I’ve been noticing that certain people are rife with conspiracy theories in and around the porn industry. Mike doubts there’s a girl with a terminal illness, Jeremy doubted the Sandy Hook shootings and refuses to go away..I dont know guys. It’s as if the industry attracts its fair share of demented, maladjusted, ignorant people who lack a well-meaning, productive life or something. And I, for one, can’t possibly imagine why.

    Jeremy, Mike: You outswam over 1,000,000 other sperm; Perhaps its time to start acting like it.

  5. jeremysteele11 says:

    RSX, you are so fucking pathetic… My latest part 12 Sandy Hook Hoax video reveals a DHS agent admits drill was happening same time and place as shootings, my SHH6 video gets into how there’s always drills on the same day and time of big events like Aurora, 9/11, London’s 7/7 Oslo, etc., my SHH9 shows the raw ground footage proving it was a staged event. Fucking stupid turd! You suffer from Instantaneous Dismissal Syndrome. CNN is your major source of news, right? Anderson Pooper, son of Gloria Vanderbilt, is literally a CIA operative, you can look it up. He’s from the CIA. Past CIA Directors like Colby and Casey have admitted they control the media, and pathetic minds like yours. If you do zero research you have zero qualification for your stupid opinions. Go back to jerking and STFU if you refuse to do ANY research, you TARD!

  6. Jeremy if there was a Sandy Hoax don’t you think by now they would have killed you to shut you up? Then again I can see you sleeping in a different cardboard box each night to throw off your persuers.

    Sorry man the 9/11 stuff is very suspicious (I agree with you) and I’m sure there was more then 1 gunman at the grassy knoll but the Sandy Hook stuff is over the top crazy shit.

  7. areyoukiddingme says:

    Mike South is nothing more than a bottom feeding opportunist stalker harassing a single mother with health problems. Real BIG man huh?!

  8. commonsense says:

    Also since you mention Mike south please address my question. How did he get the e-mails Legally between mike fattorosi and donkey. That is a federal offense.
    It makes no sense to me. I think he did a great job. But it was not legal

  9. jeremysteele11 says:

    Theyd kill alex jones long b4 me, kf… my audience numbers are paltry in comparison… its much easier to ignore us.. and as the dhs agent who spilled the beans about sandy hook having a drill the same time n place, as long as the majority go along with whatever the controlled media tells them, thats all that matters, not the bah bahs of black sheep..
    and theres way too many of us to kill off anyway.. i just made a video aboit a 9/11 truther pilot/author who allegedly killed his daughter, son, dog n self… yeah right!

  10. jeremysteele11 says:

    … b sides its very satisfying for those satanists to sit back n watch sheeple like u scoff at everything revealed as ridiculous, without examining it.. even as key revelations r shared, available to confirm yourself… it makes the cia operative trolls lives so much easier n shows how very effective the hypnotic brainwashing machine is working

  11. So what is gained by these people murdering 20 kids and some teachers? What is the end result or reason for the hoax?

  12. jeremysteele11 says:

    The ancient order’s creed is order out of chaos. In this and other contrived shooting matters, it has to do with gun control. Obama once said in an interview that he felt no citizen should be allowed to have a firearm. He also once proposed the banning of single and double barrel shotguns. Those people at the top of the pyramid have been talking about reducing the population up to 95%… Georgia guidestones have the stated ideal of world population at 1/2 billion. Ted Turner, Bill Gates, Prince Philip, etc have talked about the need to rid the world of the cancer called mankind, aka the “useless eaters”. Operation Paperclip shows the Nazis didn’t lose the war. They just moved from Germany to the U.S., created the CIA, NASA and MKUltra. But, again, the LAST thing you should be asking is why. First, look at what, otherwise you handicap yourself, as J. Edgar Hoover said, from coming to terms with a conspiracy so monstrous that you can not accept it exists. We are fodder to them… and they have been calling for culling the populations for a while now and using and attempting various methods. FEMA has concentration camps waiting and many plastic, disposable coffins. Like any tyrannical nation, the first step is to disarm the population. Once that is done, rounding them up and eliminating them is much easier. Of course, it will have to do with some pandemic or disaster, calling in martial law…

  13. ^ Meth is a helluva drug..Blow it out your ass, Feit.

  14. jeremysteele11 says:

    I dont meth around u stupid douche

  15. Jerkuliscious says:

    Gurrrmmmmeeeee: Wall of text is tough on the eyes. If paragraphs can’t be done, then I suggest bullet points.

    About the story, all I gots to say is FLOP #1.

  16. Oh btw, Jeremy you should watch “Iron Sky” I bet you´ll like it.

  17. jeremysteele11 says:

    The bullet point Jerk is that there’s a mother of alleged victim Allison Wyatt screaming for justice for her living daughter who’s really named Lily Gaubert and being paraded as Allison Wyatt. As soon as this can be answered and explained by the media I will shut up, I will remove all my videos. I will disapper forever and never post about Sandy Hook ever again.

    That movie Iron Sky is actually based on some real life claims regarding Nazis, UFOs and the hollow moon, being older than the Earth and an E.T. spaceship. Art imitating life.

  18. Non-fiction must’ve been crowded.

  19. Man Steele you hijacked this thread. First 3 posts were about Elexis and then the Sandy Hook Hoax drama took off.

  20. jeremysteele11 says:

    I hijacked this thread and we’re not landing until you agree to my demands, namely tell me why Lily Gaubert’s mom Cathy is saying her alive and well daughter is what Sandy Hook Elemtary school and the gov’t is claiming is shooting victim Allison Wyatt? I don’t believe in magic bullets, contradictions and overt lies. Sorry, call me a bad American, but I am not a loon to give a fuck about this issue and demand an answer.

  21. ARNE BROSTUEN says:

    Elexis , I read your post , I feel your pain and depression, if you need a NEW Friend ,too talk too or confide in PLEASE BY ALL MEANS ,send me a response, I feel your a Strong ,Proud full, compassionate LADY !!!, And I would gladly accept your friendship , and be a sounding board, or shoulder for you , and ALL THE BEST WITH YOUR DAUGHTER, SERIOUSLY if you want too text or Email me back , PRETTY LADY, I’d be honored , Bye Now, ARNE…

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