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HIV+ Test Halts Shooting

Mike South is reporting Cameron Bay has voluntarily come forward as the positive test. Read for timely updates on the situation

CANOGA PARK, Calif. – An adult performer has tested positive for HIV, prompting adult industry trade association Free Speech Coalition to call for an immediate and indefinite moratorium on production of sexually explicit scenes.

“We are following established protocols for the protection of performers,” said FSC Chief Executive Officer Diane Duke said Wednesday afternoon.

The decision to call a halt to content production nationwide was made after consulting medical professionals who advise Adult Production Health & Safety Services, an FSC-managed nonprofit created to establish, monitor and support best-practices for health and safety in the adult entertainment industry. APHSS maintains a confidential database of performers who are cleared to work and serves as a notification system when outbreaks of sexually transmitted infection are possible. On Monday, the organization added three additional STI tests to the health-screening panel most adult studios require performers to undergo every 14-28 days.

Duke said the current moratorium will continue until further notice. APHSS and FSC will update the industry as more information about the possible outbreak becomes available, she added.

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