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Jack Venice Writes From Prison…


From Jack Venice-

Salutations Everyone!!!

Im grateful for the Judge’s decision. In my law suit against the City of Pullman for withholding critical documents that prove my innocence, they failed to convince the Honorable Judge Frazier to let them shut it down without explaining what they did with the missing records.
The missing records are emails that Pullman Police Officers sent to the Dept. of Licensing in 2007 to obtain photos of suspects.
Those photos were placed in lineups and the accuser picked another man’s photo. They hid that from me in a number of ways.
Knowing that they created some kind of record (possibly emails) when they requested those photos, I asked for them and the City refused to disclose.
So, I sued them. Now, instead of shutting it down, the Judge ruled that I get to conduct depositions by telephone with City officials so we can get to the bottom of what happened to those Public Records that have been kept from me since 2007.
I had a right to show the jury those records and the City violated my right.
Judge Frazier did the right thing today. Thank you all for your support and Id really appreciate if you could help spread this news as wide and far as possible.
Now I have to prepare my deposition questions for these City Officials and Ill keep you all updated on what happens next. Things are headed in the right direction.

-Christopher Jack Reid

Now keep in mind I have to pay for this so I really need donations. People can donate website using paypal. It is safe.
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