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Weinstein Press Conference

I just attended via phone, the press conference. Here’s some of what was said according to my memory & notes.

According to Weinstein-

"There is a full scale cover-up now underway!"  We have filed these documents to "smoke out the facts"  Brazzer’s is being named, but we don’t know for sure if that is where the exposure happened. But the filing is still valid because "Brazzers is making unsafe adult films." 

"The FSC is not qualified to investigate a public health outbreak and they are refusing to cooperate with LA County. We are asking the county to demand from the FSC any information they are withholding."

We are asking the Florida Surgeon general to look into this also.

Weinstein’s lawyer (?), Brian says  AHF wants LA to stop issuing permits to adult film companies. Brian also mentions the Employee/Workplace/Barrier protection rules. (NL-of course assuming adult performers are employees) Therefore condoms are required.

Brian says "The FSC is there to protect the interests of the producers of adult films. Letting the FSC investigate this is like the fox guarding the henhouse. "

NL- I also found it interesting that Weinstein mentioned several things "circulating in the underground" that are all from LIB.


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