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Hollie Stevens- Recovering from Mastectomy

Hollie Stevens found out she had breast cancer a several months ago. For the past few months she has been undergoing chemotherapy. Just this Monday, she had a Mastectomy, which removed her left breast. The surgery went well.  She is now home recovering. Hollie needs at least a month to heal and be well enough before she must start her prescribed 25 radiation treatments. She has great friends around her taking care of her and helping her stay positive. She has MediCal that helps with her medical bills. But she is not able to work to pay her living expenses, so there is fund-raising going on in her honor spearheaded by January Seraph. Hollie has been very open and honest about her fight against cancer.

Hollie, How are you feeling?
Overall, I’m alright. Other then my breast missing, I feel great 🙂
In all seriousness, I’m doing well, all things considered.

How are you spending your  recovery time?

I’ve discovered that TJ Hooker is amazing. Reality television is on and I’ve introduced January ( Seraph ) & Laura ( solaceSF ) to Toddlers & Tiaras, My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding and enjoy The Sarah Connor Chronicles while I wait for room service. Also, a few friends have visited and that’s been great.

To my friends and fans:
I’m blown away by the love and support. Knowing people are giving to help me thru the next months has shown me how many kind people there are.  I read all of my messages that get sent to and seeing the retweets and facebook posts is humbling. I’m so grateful.

side note: regarding the mention of room service. January and Laura provided a hotel room close to the hospital for Hollie’s recovery. Her home and bedroom were not ideal for the first week plus of her recovery. It also added some privacy she would have lacked for obvious reasons.

 Please help Hollie keep smiling by sending her happy, positive, encouraging emails here

 You can read about what is going on with hollie, and watch a video here

You can donate here

You can buy Hollie a gift here

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