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AT & T & Verizon To Rule The World

OP/ED by Timothy Karr
Campaign Director
Free Press

AT&T wants you to believe that its takeover of T-Mobile would be good for jobs, innovation and the economy, while saving you hundreds of dollars on your mobile bills.

Don’t believe the fairy tale.  If this deal goes through, just two companies, AT&T and Verizon, would control nearly 80 percent of the mobile market in America.  With too few choices, mobile phone users would face higher prices, poorer service, and less innovation.

If you were around in the 80s, you might be experiencing a horrible flashback right about now.

No, it’s not because legwarmers and spandex are in style again. It’s because AT&T, that monopoly that once lorded over your rotary phone, has resurfaced with a scheme to rule your mobile phone as well.

Back in the 80s, AT&T’s power was near absolute. That’s why government regulators stepped in to break it up and protect the American people against abuse.

Now, with AT&T’s planned $39 billion takeover of T-Mobile, we’re reaching the danger point again.

Tell the FCC: Step in Now to Stop AT&T’s Mega-Merger

Unless the FCC rejects this merger, Americans stand to lose control over the future of communications.

That’s why so many have already flooded the FCC with comments since news of this outrageous merger became public. And that’s why we need you to speak out again today.

We can’t let just two companies – AT&T and Verizon – control nearly 80 percent of the mobile marketplace. If the FCC rubber-stamps this deal, we’ll be giving these companies unchecked power — at our expense.

That means you’ll be paying more to have AT&T drop your calls; and access to popular applications like Skype, Slingbox and Google Earth will be limited even further … if AT&T lets you use them at all.

By sending your comment to the FCC, you’re joining thousands of people who have already called on the agency to stop this merger.

Smartphones have placed incredible power in the hands of people across the country and the world. We can’t let that go. We can’t go back to the bad old days of legwarmers and AT&T.

The FCC must do its job and stop this merger.

Thank you,

P.S. – Want to learn more about AT&T power grab? Check out our new website including action links and other resources:

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