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2 Live Crew’s Luther Campbell Running for Mayor

NL-Remember Luther Campbell aka Luke Skywalker from 2 Live Crew? The guy who got arrested for obscene words and gestures in his rap music and fought for years for his freedom of speech?

The current mayor of Miami is under investigation and maybe be thrown out of office after a vote is held. Luther Campbell announced yesterday that he would like to run for mayor of Miami and would run the mayors office like a reality show, where everyone would know what was going on in the government 24/7.

He stated “On the campaign trail, people are going to learn about the more mature Luther Campbell, the grown man who is working for the kids in the inner city.” He also wrote, “I’ve been a successful businessman in this community for years. I was born and raised in Miami-Dade. No one can question the love I have for my home county.”

Luther doesn’t come across as a brilliant guy, or a great speaker, but truthfully all that is needed in Miami is an honest guy who cares, maybe he’s the one for the job.

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