NL- A lot of you are upset with me for posting this interview. Please understand that it is the opinion of Clark Baker,  and he has every right to inform us of his thoughts on HIV & AIDS. (And I thank him very much for taking the time to do this interview, and respond to comments on this board)  I would be happy to have Jeremy interview someone from AHF and AIM and any other side of the coin. Reading different opinions, not just the "status quo" helps you make your own informed decision on this issue that is so important to our industry. 


An exclusive Interview with Office of Medical & Scientific Justice Founder Clark Baker
By Jeremy Steele
Depending on who you work for, prepare to read the following and rejoice, or read it and weep… It turns out that AHF has been using junk science in its attempt to push mandatory condom use on the porn industry!  
The dirty little secret is that HIV test manufacturers admit that their tests are not reliable for the diagnosis of, and do not test for, HIV.
Strangely, this story has been kept out of the major news media. I would venture to guess for economic and political reasons, which we intend to briefly examine.
Even in their newest test label information, Abbot Labs inserts their hard-to-find disclaimer on page 9 of their 28-page packaging information that:
(an) individual who has antibodies to HIV is presumed to be infected with the virus.
Why we’re expected to presume is not clear.
But because the presumption of being HIV-positive does not equate with actually being HIV-positive, two judges and eleven prosecutors have dropped all HIV-related criminal charges against 13 US and Canadian defendants during the past 13 months.
The ramification of these revelations are considerable.  After all, if HIV tests don’t detect HIV – a premise that these judges and prosecutors are now uncertain of; is ANYONE actually HIV+?  And if we don’t know, why are people taking deadly HIV drugs if they aren’t even sick?
I am privileged to speak with Mr. Clark Baker – a licensed private investigator and retired member (20 years) of the Los Angeles Police Department.  He is the founder and principal investigator of the Office of Medical & Scientific Justice (OMSJ).  Since 1980, he has conducted thousands of criminal and civil investigations from drug cases to murder.  The evidence collected by OMSJ’s HIV Innocence Project has helped to convince prosecutors and judges that 13 criminal HIV cases were meritless, at best.
JS:  Thank you for speaking with all of us today. First of all, how and why did you end up getting involved with HIV-related criminal cases?
CB:    I’ve been investigating corruption surrounding what I call AIDS Inc. since May 2008.  Since that time, corrupt PhDs and MDs have tried to dissuade and discredit me as a street cop who knows nothing about medicine or science.  For this reason, I created the HIV Innocence Project so that I could compel self-described experts to render their sermons in a real court where they are subject to penalties of perjury.  And as you said, prosecutors and judges in 13 HIV cases during the past year have been unimpressed by tests and clinicians.
JS:  Please explain what "HIV-related crimes" means.
CB: Well Jeremy, most states require individuals who are diagnosed as HIV+ to report their status to prospective partners before engaging in sexual relations.  These laws were mostly drafted by drug industry lobbyists, pharmaceutical reps or other recipients of pharmaceutical funding who neither understand or care about the ramifications of their legislation.  On their face, these laws seem like a good idea.  They do, however, exacerbate the severe psychological and social isolation that comes with being misdiagnosed in the first place:
“Hi Jim – it’s nice to meet you.  Oh, by the way, I’m HIV+ so I just wanted you to know that before you decide to kiss me, have sex, marry or raise a family with me…”
So if you’re a young man or woman, the misdiagnosis can have results more toxic than the alleged disease itself.  And if you try to get to the bottom of the diagnosis on your own, you’ll go crazy trying to track down the evidence among the millions of pages of gibberish that HIV clerics call "proof".
JS: Why do you call HIV clinicians "CLERICS"?
CB:  Because that’s what they are.  While good science speaks for itself, HIV clinicians and experts expect us to BELIEVE what they say about HIV and AIDS.  BELIEF and FAITH are theological exercises that have nothing to do with real science.  If you BELIEVE them, you’ll BELIEVE that you’re HIV+ and you’ll take the deadly drugs like bread and wine.
JS: It sounds like you’re saying that the diagnosis is the only thing that can kill, along with, I suspect, the "therapy", but not the thing itself which is claimed to kill us.
CB:  That’s somewhat correct.  An HIV+ diagnosis can screw up your life without killing you.  If you take the drugs you have a good chance of suffering an unnecessary and untimely death.  I’ve met people who were diagnosed years ago but stopped the treatments or never took them.  Today, most are as healthy as their peers who never took HIV tests or drugs.
JS: Can you give us some examples of so-called "HIV-related crimes"?
CB: Sure.  Our first case involved a woman named Eneydi Torres.  This Florida woman had an argument with her boyfriend, who retaliated by telling police that she failed to disclose her HIV status before sex.  Police arrested her and identified three previous boyfriends as well.  Prosecutors appeared to have a slam-dunk case.  OMSJ forced prosecutors to produce all of the evidence they planned to use against Torres and had the evidence reviewed by a scientist who was involved in the development of HIV testing technologies.
His examination revealed that prosecutors had no evidence to corroborate HIV infection.  Prosecutors then had to decide whether to expose the clinicians who made the diagnosis to cross-examination by OMSJ-approved attorneys.  Rather than go through that trouble, prosecutors simply dropped all HIV-related charges against the woman and reduced their initial offer of fifteen years in state prison to five days of unsupervised probation for something akin to “disturbing the peace.”
Prosecutors typically use these kinds of pleas to maintain their "100 percent conviction" record for political reasons.  Although the arrest and the media wrecked her life, Ms. Torres is a free woman today.  She is also healthy because she doesn’t take HIV drugs.
JS:  And you’re saying that charges have been dropped in all cases because they can’t prove these people are HIV-positive?
CB:  It’s more complicated than that but yes, that’s essentially true.
JS:  What other factors would lead to cases being dismissed, if you can explain briefly?
CB: Well, if an alleged victim recants the case could be dismissed; but so far none have recanted.  And remember, these are felonies so prosecutors initially believe that all they require is an HIV+ test result and a sexual partner.  Once prosecutors know how weak their cases are, they drop the charges.  Some trial attorneys have convinced their clients to plead guilty to HIV charges, but this usually happens in small towns where small-town lawyers and small town judges don’t want to upset voters and neighbors.  In those cases, defense lawyers don’t want us involved – and understandably so.
JS:  How does any doctor have the right to tell anyone they are HIV-positive?
CB:  They certainly have no moral right.  No competent doctor has ever explained to me how they can use meaningless tests to diagnose HIV infection, nor have they explained how prescribing drugs that cause cancer and compromise immune function actually protect patients whose immune function is allegedly compromised.
The first drug ever used – AZT – is now listed as a carcinogenic mutagen by the California Environmental Protection Agency.  Although it cannot legally be flushed down a toilet (for fear of polluting our waterways), it is still given to allegedly HIV+ patients.  If a healthy non-HIV+ person takes the drug, the drug will eventually compromise their immune system and the individual will acquire an immune deficiency syndrome – most often in the form of liver cancer.
During the first day of medical school, students internalize the motto primum non nocere – “first, do no harm.”  Unfortunately, too many doctors and clinicians now weigh that quaint notion against their need to make a profit.  A “good doctor” is defined by patients as someone who helps us stay healthy.  To a hospital or clinic administrator, a good doctor is one that generates profits.
JS: Well said, although I would say the reason (why they push drugs that comprise the immune system on people with compromised immune systems) probably has something to do with money, power, jobs, etc., having more influence over people than truth. I know that for years, when I first started, the porn industry use to rely upon the $35.00 Eliza antibody test. Then it was admitted by the testing labs to pornland during the 1997 HIV scare that the test basically wasn’t worth the paper it was written on. So, today we instead take $135.00 PCR DNA HIV tests (which includes tests for gonorrhea and Chlamydia) and I think because we spend more money it’s generally assumed the test is more accurate.
CB:  Yup – you pay more so it must be better, right?  Although PCR is a legitimate invention, it has nothing to do with detecting HIV.  When it comes to HIV tests, PCR is just the latest marketing gimmick.
In many ways, doctors are trained to be dumb.  I say this not pejoratively, but they are required to accept and do what they are told to avoid deviating from the “standard of care.”  Doctors who deviate from this standard risk the loss of their license and career – not because they’ve done anything wrong but for entirely political reasons.  If doing something wrong is the “standard of care,” deviating to do things right threatens all of those who’ve done it wrong – which can lead to malpractice lawsuits and liability.  Quack doctors avoid liability by following the deadlier standard of care while those who deviate generally keep quiet about it.
Most of what doctors read is published by a drug industry that has, since 2004, spent nearly $9 billion to settle thousands of criminal and civil complaints related to the illegal marketing of drugs that killed or injured thousands of people around the world.  Also, the drug industry pays universities and researchers to conduct studies that require specific kinds of outcomes that will help companies sell products.
Drug companies pay Reed-Elsevier to publish their reports in the journals that doctors rely on to form opinions and prescribe medications.  This results in unindicated (unnecessary) prescriptions to millions of patients who are injured or killed from adverse drug reactions (ADRs) every year.  In fact, the American Medical Association (AMA) reports that if tracked like real diseases, ADRs would rank somewhere between the fourth and sixth leading cause of death in the US.  The AMA also reports that infectious diseases became statistically irrelevant in the US by 1955.  It’s hard to imagine why taxpayers pay billions to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) when infectious disease is statistically irrelevant.
But if you’re the NIH, CDC, a hospital or a drug company, ADRs, disease, and fear of disease are good for business.  If the drug I prescribe to you makes you sick, it’s likely that I can sell you five more drugs that might mask the toxic effects of the first drug that I probably should not have prescribed to you in the first place.
JS: It sounds like Big Pharma rules the medical world. How can physicians be telling us, as the general public, that HIV tests for HIV but then say in court that it doesn’t?
CB:  It’s all about marketing – and illegal marketing pays.  For example, Astra Zeneca paid a $500 million fine last April for illegally marketing Seroquel – a drug that killed or injured thousands.  Seroquel generated about $4 billion in sales in 2007 alone.  No one went to jail and Astra simply paid off prosecutors with a fraction of their profits – a tax if you will.
It’s nothing personal – it’s just business.  As Shannon Brownlee explained in “Overtreated”, drug companies routinely pay physicians to push drugs as marketed by the pharmaceutical reps that visit them.  It’s an important part of pharmaceutical marketing.  They use doctors you trust to push their tests and drugs.  These reps are not scientists or doctors and typically misrepresent the dangers to doctors who simply parrot the propaganda.  With the ever-increasing costs of healthcare, doctors are vulnerable to reps and drug companies that offer cash, travel and prestige to doctors who willingly sell their diplomas.
JS: Sell their diplomas?
CB:  When we think of doctors, we often think of Doogie Howser, Hawkeye Pierce or House.  But what about the thousands of doctors whose licenses have been suspended or revoked because they molested, assaulted or killed their patients with incompetent care?  Those doctors often find work pitching drugs at pharmaceutically-funded medical conferences, earning hundreds of thousands of dollars every year.  Shannon Brownlee calls them drug whores – I call them pharmasluts. Whatever we call them, they’re a vital part of pharmaceutical marketing.
JS:  Doesn’t it come down to a willingness to either lie or state "common knowledge" (in other words, repeat what they’ve been told), but when it comes to testifying under oath, under threat of prison if they perjure themselves, it’s no longer a sales pitch they can tell us but the "inconvenient truth"?
CB:  Before OMSJ, these doctors simply brought their theological gibberish into courtrooms where defense lawyers and judges were too intimidated to ask the right questions and didn’t want to look stupid.  Today, OMSJ is holding these doctors accountable.  So when OMSJ is involved, doctors who rely on science have nothing to fear.  But if the doctor relies on theology, they have much to be concerned about – including malpractice lawsuits, class action and mass tort complaints that could result in the bankruptcy and closure of their clinics, the revocation of their licenses and financial ruination.  All of this sounds pretty harsh, but just as we wouldn’t want cops who murder walking our streets in uniform, it’s hard to imagine why we’d want dangerous doctors treating patients.
JS: Why is the general population not aware of such Earth shaking revelations?   Why has this news not been presented by the major news media?
CB:  There are several reasons.  Although investigative reporters like Celia Farber, John Crewdson, John Lauritsen and others have written much on the topic, they’ve been battered by the pharmaceutical goons.  Shannon Brownlee’s book "Overtreated" is also a must-read.
The politics are a long story, but here are some examples:
Bob Navarro was a long-time reporter on a major LA news TV station and eventually became the editorial director there.  During the 1990s, he questioned the HIV theology in a report.  The next day, gay activists threatened to stage protests at the station unless they stopped their homophobic reporting.  As a result, the station killed the report and they stopped editorials shortly thereafter.  The station didn’t want the political heat.
In 2008, HIV discoverer and Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier MD of the Pasteur Institute admitted in the documentary “House of Numbers” that HIV can be cured within a few weeks without drugs, but that the drug industry pushes drugs and vaccines because they cannot profit from clean water or good nutrition.  Montagnier even implicated NIAID Director Tony Fauci by name!
Think about that for a moment: The discoverer of HIV (the other one, Robert Gallo, was found guilty of scientific misconduct in 1993) says he has the cure for HIV and the New York Times won’t report it?  So if the media won’t report that, why would we expect them to report the findings of a licensed agency with 30 years of investigative experience?
In 2006, pharmaceutical goons (including Kaiser) hosted one of many conferences to teach journalists how to destroy the careers of doctors like Peter Duesberg and Nancy Banks.  So if you’re a reporter, chances are that you don’t want your career destroyed the way other reporter’s careers were destroyed.  No one gets into trouble when they report what Reed-Elsevier publishes for the drug industry.
Check out what Cornell University’s resident AIDS Cleric John P. Moore PhD wrote to filmmaker Brent Leung after his documentary House of Numbers began winning awards at film festivals around the world:
"Your friend Celia Farber learned what happens to the career of individuals in the communications media whose judgment of the facts is so poor that they promote AIDS denialism. Your future experiences will surely be similar to hers. You have, in effect, destroyed your career for nothing."
This missive is consistent with the threats he made to a friend of Christine Maggiore in 2007:
"This IS a war, there ARE no rules, and we WILL crush you, one at a time, completely and utterly (at least the more influential ones; foot-soldiers like you aren’t worth bothering with)."
Not very professorial, huh?
Clerics like Professor Moore expect us to believe what he says, just as Pope Urban demanded that the world believe the Earth is the center of God’s universe.  When Urban accused Galileo and his little telescope of heresy, Galileo was forced to recant to avoid torture and death.  Professor Moore demonstrates how little some scientists have not evolved since the 17th century.  But what should we expect from the profession that conducts human experiments in places like Tuskegee?
These are the clerics who enforce HIV theology.  And if you’re a news reporter at the New York Times, the last thing you want is Professor Moore writing letters to your editor on Cornell letterhead.
JS: I’ve been privy to the HIV/AIDS controversy for years. I met Christine Maggiore in 1996 and did volunteer work for her. What do you think about her case?
CB: I was Christine’s principal investigator from May 2008 until she passed away in December.  She’s an example of what happens when you take an HIV test.  From the time she identified the fraud until she died, she became the target of drug industry propagandists and gay activists.  When her daughter died of anaphylactic shock (allergic reaction to antibiotics), the drug industry shamelessly blamed Christine for her daughter’s death – going as far as getting the LAPD to investigate a child neglect/abuse complaint against her.  They wrote countless stories and generated countless crank telephone calls and unwanted magazine subscriptions and even used shows like “Law & Order” to discredit her with pharmaceutical propaganda.  As a licensed investigator, I looked at her with great skepticism at first but I quickly determined that she was an honest woman fighting an industry that pays more than a billion dollars every year settling illegal marketing cases.  We were close to discrediting the LA County Coroner when she died and the county settled the case in 2009.
Although Christine died unexpectedly of adverse drug reactions, the clerics and goons called it an AIDS death months before the pathology report established that ADRs were the actual cause of death.  Christine was a loving mother who fearlessly challenged the drug industry.  In the end, the industry killed her and continues to market and celebrate her death.  I’ve met more psychopaths in the drug industry past two years than I met during my 20 years as a street cop.
JS: Have you been aware or following the current AHF case against the adult industry?
CB:  Yes, at least what has been published by the media.
JS: In your opinion, what is AHF’s motivation for pushing condoms? Is it based on the foundational spirit of altruism and "saving lives" as they love to advertise?
CB:  Condoms are part of the $174 million in revenues AHF generated in 2009 alone.
JS: How did they acquire these revenues?
CB:  According to their website, they push “cutting edge medicine” e.g. (AIDS tests, medication and condoms) and advocacy (marketing propaganda) to 100,000 people in 22 countries around the world.
In the beginning (1981~1988), AIDS was about homosexual politics.  From the time the NIH started to market the carcinogen AZT as a lifesaving drug in 1987, it was about drug company patents and profits.  During the 1990s, it was about enlisting an army of drug addicts and homosexual activists “to educate” the public about AIDS.  With billions of dollars at stake, it’s easy to see how the theology saturates the media. AHF simply wants their cut.  If I convince you that you have cooties and that you will die unless you buy my drugs, would you buy them?
AHF pushes condoms because they are an intrinsic part of AIDS marketing and hysteria.  If AHF can compel the adult industry to incorporate their condoms into a spontaneous sexual fantasy (Hey Baby… here we are in paradise… just you, me and this AHF condom), they will get the best product placement money can buy.  In this way, AHF is a pharmaceutical shill that pushes fear and hysteria to sell tests, drugs and condoms all over the world.  Once this scam is discovered, AHF will collapse like Enron and Bernie Madoff – and for the same reasons.
But for now, if you don’t believe the clerics, they will dispatch hoards of meth-trannies and gay activists to disrupt your life and write nasty things about you.  And why NOT?  This model has worked pretty well since the 1980s.
JS:  This is very important news for adult stars who have been told they are HIV-positive, as well as the adult industry in total, which is already reeling from economic hardships.  What do you recommend adult performers who have been told they are HIV-positive do now?  Can you help them?
CB:  You raise issues for actors and the industry.
1.    First of all, no one should EVER submit to HIV tests until manufacturers prove that their tests detect HIV AND that HIV causes AIDS.  Despite the theology, this has yet to be proved.
2.    Actors who have been diagnosed HIV+ should consider filing lawsuits forcing their clinicians to show exactly how they diagnosed them as HIV+.
3.    If actors have taken drugs like AZT or highly addictive psychotropic drugs like Sustiva, they should consider filing claims against their clinicians and clinics for malpractice and fraud and join future lawsuits that will hold drug companies accountable.
4.    Actors who are on the meds should use caution when getting off of them.  Although some are poisonous and easily stopped, some – like Sustiva – are highly addictive psychotropic drugs that can cause horrible withdrawal effects, including suicidal and homicidal ideation when suddenly stopped.  Those effects produce symptoms that are virtually identical to symptoms clinicians use to identify the onset of “full-blown AIDS”.  The withdrawal symptoms won’t last forever but can take a few months to recover from.  Some former HIV patients reported that reduced doses of benzodiazepines like valium or xanax can make the withdrawal less painful.  I’m no doctor – it’s what they report.  But those reports are consistent with my considerable experience and training related to drug addiction and withdrawal.
As for the industry, adult movie makers might consider forcing agencies to make arrests and close studios so that the accused can compel agencies to prove what we’ve discussed.  OMSJ can help the industry fight the AIDS clerics just as we have helped HIV defendants prevail in court.
JS:  Please clarify "agencies". Porn performers might think you’re talking about their porn agents.
CB:  Agencies meaning local law enforcement, the Health Department and possibly OSHA.  But the right strategy will require a dialogue between filmmakers, their lawyers and OMSJ before decisions can be made.  Actors should consider taking immediate action.
JS:  Regarding your point that the drug companies own the AHF and other "non-profit’ organizations, this is based on what facts?
CB:  Although the drug industry has begun to launder their support through organizations like Tides and Open Society, their connection is clear.   For example, the Treatment Action Group (TAG) was founded by gay meth addict Peter Staley, ostensibly to generate funding for AIDS research and treatment.  A glance at their annual report shows that most of their funding still comes from the drug industry.  Their records show that TAG funds South Africa’s Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), which denies receiving any pharmaceutical funding.  TAC has their own cadre of meth trannies and activists.
AHF works on a different model.   In 2009, they sold $174 million in so-called HIV “healthcare services,” using fear and hysteria to market HIV tests, drugs and condoms all over the world.  Remember, they’re using HIV tests that manufacturers admit do not detect HIV and then they are treating patients based upon questionable test results.  So they use these meaningless tests to tell people they’re sick and convince them to take toxic and addictive drugs that eventually cripple and kill.  After a while, these people get sick and die and AHF and affiliates then use their mortality as evidence that HIV is killing people around the world.
If HIV tests were suddenly known to be meaningless, how would clinics like AHF push tests and drugs dangerous?  How long would they stay in business?  What kind of work would corrupt clinicians be able to find in an honest world?  The drug industry needs AHF to market hysteria and drugs and AHF need the drug industry to keep them in business.
JS: So they use meaningless tests used to push expensive and deadly drugs. And when you say they sold $174 million, do you mean they received that much from drug companies?
CB: AHF reported $174 million in revenues in 2009.  They generate profits by marking up drugs, selling services and billing Medi-care, Medi-cal and insurance companies.  They also receive funding from the LA County Health Department and the federal government.  Simply stated, the more patients they test, the more they can bill.  Thanks to the “Magic (Johnson) Effect,” the more hysteria they create the more people will come in to get tested and the more patients they’ll get.  The hysteria they generated in the adult industry is good for AHF and the makers of HIV tests and drugs.
AHF sues companies like Abbott to increase their profit margin.  But until someone compels AHF to prove that HIV tests detect HIV and that HIV causes AIDS, AHF should be forced to stop all operations until they deliver that proof.  For the drug industry, AHF is a necessary evil – AHF markets fear and hysteria that drug companies profit from.  The lawsuits are simply a way of extorting additional profits from the drug industry itself.  AHF just wants a bigger cut from the scam.
AHF belligerence comes from the marketing that would come with adult films that use condoms and products.  If the adult industry decides to make movies that market HIV theology and treatments, AHF would be happy.  Forcing actors to wear condoms is just part of the extortion.  When actors wear condoms, it perpetuates the myth and helps AHF and other clinics market their products.
JS: What should the adult industry now do, in lieu of these revelations, and how can you help?
CB:  The adult industry should continue to make movies without condoms and ignore the rants from AHF.  When AHF pressures officials (like health departments and OSHA) to make laws or enforce condom use and HIV testing, the industry should compel the AHF and government officials to produce evidence (not CDC theology) that HIV tests detect HIV and that HIV causes AIDS.  Since manufacturers admit that tests don’t detect HIV, all policies built upon the assumption that they detect HIV should be suspended and ignored until that proof is delivered.  OMSJ has legal, medical and scientific experts who can assist with the evaluations of that evidence and the preparation of any subsequent legal challenges.
JS: How may performers, production companies or anyone else reach you?
CB:  Anyone can reach us by visiting our website at
JS: I’m sure everyone reading this is stirring. Do you think the adult industry needs to continue testing for HIV?
CB:  NO.  HIV tests are a marketing scam – PERIOD.  Testing was originally designed to “raise awareness” and educate.  It’s simply been marketed as a reliable test.  Until manufacturers can establish verifiable proof and standards for HIV testing, the tests are entirely meaningless.  People are in prison for life today simply because they took HIV tests and had sex.  Until tests mean something, no one should risk their freedom by taking these tests.  And here’s a promise – if you never take an HIV test, you’ll never suffer or die from an HIV infection – even if you’re an actor in an adult movie.
JS: It appears based on your consecutive successful court cases that porn performers who have been declared HIV-positive have the right to sue, am I correct? And presume you can assist with that, and successfully, as well?
CB: HIV theology is comprised mostly of pharmaceutical gibberish that takes years to sift through and understand.  OMSJ’s cadre of medical, scientific and legal experts can help litigants mount effective complaints.  I personally know of no other licensed investigative agency that offers those kinds of resources.
JS:  I noticed that you made a short comment in response to a piece by Brooke Ashley.  Shortly after posting that comment, a critic posted an article that called you a homophobic ex-cop.  Do you know what I’m talking about?
CB: Yes.  This is part of what Christine Maggiore and others endure.  The fact is that, if the allegations were true, the California Department of Consumer Affairs wouldn’t have issued two investigator licenses to me.
Since a large portion of our clients are homosexual, the claim is preposterous.  But if I hated homosexuals, I can’t think of a better way to torture and kill them than to convince them that they’re dying from a fake disease and that they need to take carcinogens like AZT to survive.  Next to boxcars and camps, I can’t think of anymore more efficient.
But seriously, readers will have to weigh my untarnished credibility against the defenders of an industry that has paid $9 billion in criminal fines since 2004.  Cops are accustomed to felons and their families writing nasty things about them.  It comes with the territory.
JS: So, in quick summation, can you explain once again, if it’s proper to say this, how the drug companies literally own or hire the not-for-profit foundations to generate testing so the drug industry can continue to reap enormous profits at the expense of human lives which are sickened, murdered, not to mention terrorized and ruined? Or have I said it as succinctly as it can be said?
CB: Since 2004, the drug industry has paid $9 billion to settle thousands of criminal and civil complaints related to the illegal marketing of drugs that killed or injured thousands of people around the world.  Those fines represent a small fraction of the profits that the industry reaps by illegally marketing drugs.  The drug industry owns the theology.  They need marketers like AHF to “spread the word” and AHF needs industry pharmasluts to lend AHF credibility and influence.  There are hundreds – if not thousands of for-profit and non-profit clinics and activist groups that rely on pharmaceutical funding.  Without it, those groups would collapse.
JS: Thank you very much, indeed. And I hope and expect we will be having more conversations…
CB:  I look forward to it.

540 thoughts on “INDUSTRY BOMBSHELL – HIV TESTS DON’T TEST FOR HIV?- Exclusive interview

  1. mikequasar says:

    Interesting Jeremy. I won’t even make fun of you because there is a lot of truth in this interview. I was once very passionate about what I felt were a distortion of facts about HIV for political and other nefarious purposes, read everything published by Peter Duesberg and Kerry Mullis’ “Walking naked through the mind field” etc. Recently however, HIV positive Alive and Well founder Christine Maggiore died of a pneumonia most often seen in AIDS-related deaths. If for no other reason, the “re-thinking aids” crowd will never, ever be taken seriously and all of the things mentioned in this interview will be dismissed as paranoid psycho-babble.

  2. I always been convince that in the US,peoples are just crazy about using health drugs.I have been many years without access to a TV and when I finally got access to one again,I couldn’t believe how so many of the ads were for health drugs.Always though that those drugs were more harmful than anything and that in many cases,you will be prescribe more different drugs to alleviate the side effects of the first one prescribed.Who’s gonn’a make the truth known…worldwide?Jeremy,you’re on a mission.

  3. Mike – What you’ve written is a big reason why I established the HIV Innocence Project in the first place.

    OMSJ demonstrates that it’s one thing for people like you to argue propaganda in emotional or derisive terms on websites and blogs, and quite another for real experts to testify under oath under penalties of perjury in real courts where rules of evidence apply.

    Does paranoia explain why judges and prosecutors dismissed criminal HIV charges against 13 defendants in 13 months around the US and Canada? Can you explain why no competent HIV theologians from the NIH or CDC are available to testify about an alleged pandemic that has allegedly killed or infected millions of Americans? You’d think that, after 30 years, someone would be willing to testify for prosecutors.

    All of this suggests that HIV is as scientific as astrology. And while Americans are free to believe and practice the religions they wish, OMSJ simply reminds us that religious doctrine should never be imposed on others against their will.

    As for OMSJ’s mission, it’s clearly posted at

  4. Posting this is irresponsible as fuck, Cindi…

  5. As I reviewed this interview, I found one item which may require some clarification:

    I indicated that “If a healthy non-HIV+ person takes the drug, the drug will eventually compromise their immune system and the individual will acquire an immune deficiency syndrome – most often in the form of liver cancer.”

    To clarify, it is not liver cancer but mortality due to liver failure caused by poisoning with the drugs.

    According to Lewden C, et al. (2005), a third of people taking anti-HIV drugs die from cancer, a quarter of which is non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The report is posted at:

  6. Origen01… I’m a licensed investigator. If I have misrepresented facts, feel free to contact me or make a complaint with the Department of Consumer Affairs. I’d be happy to discuss these issues with anyone and promise not to try to convert true believers.

  7. Jeremy, Clark Baker is LYING about the Elsie Torres case. I cannot find an OFFICIAL record that states that she has been released. She is still in jail awaiting trial!

    The dude is a douche, Jerry. He’s only out to make money….

  8. I’d be happy to have a pos tranny fuck you up the ass. How’d about it Clark? You feeling lucky?

  9. Clark,
    The interview says youre HIV+,,,,exactly how were you diagnosed with HIV,,,which tests etc,,,and do you take any medication for your condition?

  10. Joe–I wish this guy has HIV so he can stop screwing people over (IMO). He does not. I think what you are referring to was his illustration of a point.

  11. Wow… Origen… you defend an industry that has paid $9 billion to settle thousands of criminal and civil complaints since 2004 and I am the one to distrust?

    1. Re. the Torres case, the media often writes about HIV arrests and charges but NEVER writes about charges being dropped. You can contact the court clerk for the case disposition.

    2. As for your offer… I have no fear of HIV, black cats or cracks in the sidewalk, but I must admit that anal rape never quite appealed to me. That said, I truly appreciate how well you presented AHF’s position and corroborated my comments.

    3. JoeKnow… I’m not HIV+ nor do I suffer from voodoo or any other primitive curses.

  12. Then why do you say in the inerview that youre HIV+?

  13. Ae those charges being dropped part of plea bargains where theypoead guilty to something else?

  14. I would have already contacted the clerk if I knew the COURT and DOCKET NUMBER.

  15. Ah… I see where you were confused… If you read the article CAREFULLY, you’ll see that I was quoting a hypothetical HIV+ man or woman who meets a new friend and how criminal HIV laws exacerbate the harm caused by HIV tests.


    “(Criminal HIV laws) do, however, exacerbate the severe psychological and social isolation that comes with being misdiagnosed in the first place:

    “‘Hi Jim – it’s nice to meet you. Oh, by the way, I’m HIV+ so I just wanted you to know that before you decide to kiss me, have sex, marry or raise a family with me…'”

  16. Sorry about that Clark.

    I have a comment onmoderation becuase of a link. I would be interested on any thoughts you might have about the informationin the link.

  17. “File a complaint with the Department of Consumer Affairs…”

    I know I can look you up but I find it hilarious that you don’t own a Private Investigation business in the state of California.

  18. 1. Every courthouse website provides information about how to obtain that information without a case number.

    2. Yes – plea bargains are typical. Although we’d prefer to go to trial, defense attorneys and their clients must decide whether they want to go to trial or if they should take an attractive offer. Although OMSJ would prefer to try every case, investigators have no place in those decisions.

    But consider this – if prosecutors think they can put you away for 30 years because you’re illegally spreading a deadly virus, why would they offer a short probation and no jail time?

    If you Google DANIEL + ALLEN + HIV + GALEN you’ll see a typical plea deal. This guy faced decades in prison for biting someone and trying to spread HIV during an assault. The judge dismissed the HIV charges last June and Allen’s plea guarantees 11 months of PROBATION and the conviction reduced to misdemeanor assault (for biting the alleged victim).

    OMSJ could not assist with the bite charge but we were instrumental in counsel’s arguments to dismiss the bioterrorism/HIV charges. If you doubt me, ask Mr. Galen yourself.

    BTW… OMSJ assisted in this case pro bono. Other defendants are listed at the HIV Innocence Project.

  19. I don’t even know the courthouse.

    “If you Google , you’ll see a typical plea bargain. This guy faced decades in prison. The judge dismissed the HIV charges last June and Allen’s plea guarantees 11 months of PROBATION and the conviction reduced to misdemeanor assault (for biting the alleged victim).”

    Well duh, genius. Its because HIV transmission through biting is almost scientifically impossible. I’m not saying there aren’t unfair charges out there but to say HIV doesn’t exist is downright scummy.


    Clark,,can you tell us how YOU are, or were, involved in any of these cases.

    And what about the link here that says that these cases are being dismissed becuase the actual act that occured was not a significant riskto spread HIV,,,they have NOTHING to do with anything related to “does HIV exist, or is it harmful,” it is just that the specific acts in these cases,, like spitting on someone, did not pose a significant threat.

  21. Clark,
    Were you involved, in any way, with any of these cases you cite,,if so, which ones?

  22. Awesome. So we should stop testing for HIV and continue not using condoms. That sounds like a great plan.

  23. Asked and answered Joe… Read the interview and visit OMSJ for more info. If you have more questions, contact me though our website. Maybe then you’ll explain who you are and why you’re defending the pharmaceutical industry.

  24. Origen… I never said that HIV doesn’t exist.

    Firetrucks exist, but until someone proves that firetrucks cause structure fires, finding tests, cures and treatments for firetrucks is pretty silly.

    Here’s an idea. Instead of quizzing me, why don’t you find the documents that establish EXACTLY WHEN, WHERE, HOW and WHO proved that HIV attacks cells and causes AIDS? That should be pretty easy… RIGHT? And when you do, Google HEAL LONDON, deliver the documents and pick up your $100K prize.

    If you can’t do that, your arguments are based upon faith and belief – both of which are theological – and I’m too busy to waste time with religious zealots.

  25. Ah… about Dissidents For Dummies… we identified that guy months ago… Go to OMSJ and click on “Sticks and Stones.” Read what he said about a black female Harvard-trained OBGYN.

  26. Clark, you seem to be saying that the only downside of having HIV is the diagnosis and treatment, and that if you don’t find out that you have it, and don’t do anything, everything will be fine. If this is your point of view, would you willingly take part in activity that you know 100% would result in infection?

  27. Origen… If you can’t find public information about court dockets or my two Ca PI licenses on easily accessed government websites, it’s easier to understand why my interview (and HIV test label information) confuses you so much. Just look – you’ll find them.

    (Clue #1 – go to OMSJ and click on ABOUT).

  28. There are many tests for medical conditions that are not 100% in their results but that does not mean people should not use them. Same goes for HIV. A little knowledge is better than none.

  29. Origen,
    It is useless to debate with HIV Denaialists. I too an guilty. It only gives them a forum to spout their ideology.
    of curse they will turn around and claim victory when you give up trying to talk common sense to them.

    Freedom os speech is a bitch. But fredom of speech also includes freedom to ignore.

    Freedom of speechis also supposed to carry resposibility to be truthful and accurate..

    Thisis the most exposure this guy has gotten in two years,lets not add to it. He will stay here only as long as people keep responding.

    And for the record, I agree with the vast majorityof what you say,,,and germy will NEVER go to the lab to see the virus for himself,,,denialists cant be denialists once they see the actual virus itself. As much as Stool demands that everybody read every link he posts and everything he writes,,,he will never do the same, especially when he is invited to VIEW THE VIRUS HIMSELF.

    Good work origen, but lets just ignore these guys,(just my opinion)

  30. Amazing how many of these people speaking against Clarks simple facts are all so brainwashed with false beliefs about hiv/aids. No verified evidence. No real facts, just, as Clark says, “faith and belief” in what they have been told to believe. And not the first one of them understand that the only reason they believe in the unproven hiv assumptions is because they were told to believe it by other believers and they themselves agreed to believe it. Like a herd of prodded cattle.

    And none of these foolish people have any awareness of how their own beliefs, attitudes, and emotions affect their immune system. (including the stress and hopelessness created in those diagnosed as HIV simply because everyone they know believes they are “infected” and projects on them that they will sicken and die.)

    As a Dr., I am acutely aware of how people will sicken and die when stressed out and when hope for life is taken from them by a diagnosis. Their hopelessness causes acute stress that causes the thymus to shrivel and malfunction resulting in lowered immunity and susceptibility to illnesses of all sorts.

    What I am saying, baby, is that health starts in the mind that sits on top of the body. Where the mind goes, the body follows. Even unto sickness and death.

    Re: Christine Maggiore and her and her daughter’s death:

    I am well aware that ALL the verified evidence clearly shows that her daughter died a day after taking amoxicillin for lingering earaches. That is why the county settled. No verified evidence of hiv or aids anywhere for the daughter or the mother. Are those who would contest this aware the coroner didn’t find EJ died of aids until informed by the Times aids reporter that Christine was an “aids denialist” who wrote a book about it and breast fed her children? Did that have something to do with finding the kid died of aids? Of course it did. That coroner has been dragged into court several times for his opinionated and clearly false “findings”.

    Yes, Christine was attacked by nonstop phone calls and emails accusing her of murdering her daughter. Imagine how she felt! After all, she is the one who put the antibiotics into her daughters mouth. She did inadvertently help to kill the child.

    She was portrayed on LAW and ORDER as a murderous mother weeks before she died. She was to face down the LA coroner in court just a few days after she died. She knew she, not the coroner, would be the one on trial. She knew the jury likely saw the Law & Order episode.

    None of you who are not parents can even remotely imagine how much stress/grief she suffered over the death of EJ, the threats to take away her child, the nonstop emails and calls accusing her of murder, the case she tried to make against the coroner, the Law & Order episode portraying her as a killer of her own child? Could any of your own mothers have gone through this and remained healthy? Could you go through it without being completely wrecked and drained of life energy?

    She clearly died from the stress of it all, particularly from the loss of her daugther.

    But let those who want to take the so-called “hiv tests” take them. And if they want the fast tracked “black box” aids drugs, then let them take them as well. That is their lesson. Some people are not able to learn from the mistakes of others. They just have to go through it all themselves to understand anything.

    Good luck all. And thanks so much for sharing all of this Clark! God Bless!

    How much stress can one take before they break or their health gives out? Could your mom could have handled it and stayed healthy going thru what Christine Maggiore went thru?

  31. In 1992, Brryan Jackson was infected with HIV-tainted blood when he was 11-months-old by his father. His father, Brian Stewart, was a phlebotomist at a St. Louis hospital. The father infected his son with HIV so he would die and the father would no longer have to pay child support. Brryan is now 18 and has AIDS. The only reason he’s still alive is because of the constant drugs he had to take as a child. He nearly died many times growing up but is alive today because of the medications. His father was put on trial in 1998 where witnesses testified that he would brag he has access to tainted blood and he would use it as a weapon. His father was convicted of first-degree assault and received the maximum sentence, life in prison. He remains in a Missouri prison and is eligible for parole in two years.

    Former porn star Brooke Ashley was infected with HIV by her male co-star in 1998 after he forged his HIV tests. He also infected several other women on set. Brooke stopped taking her medications in 2004. She now has full blown AIDS.

    In 2009, a Texas jury found Philippe Padieu guilty on six counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. He knowingly infected his female partners with HIV and never told them of his HIV status. His case was the first time in Texas history and only the third time in the United States where DNA sequencing was used to convict someone who knowingly exposed sexual partners to HIV, infecting at least six women. He’s been sentenced to 45 years in prison.

    Some of you have attacked me for what I write and put on my site. But this post takes the cake to irresponsibility and for allowing it to be posted.

  32. Darrah,

    Thanks for the good try, but you prove Clark’s point about fanatics:

    Brryan Jackson was 11 months old, is now 18, and according to you he has aids. Just how did he live to be 18? How many aids drugs has he been on that he now has “aids”? Was he really infected with HIV? The hiv tests he was given could not possibly have proven it.

    You say porn star Brooke Ashley was “infected”? You mean she too was diagnosed by those flakey and scientifically unproven tests that Clark and others have proven are useless to verify anything. Then you say she has aids? That is nothing more than a definition of someone who has taken those flakey tests and comes up with herpes or 29 other common conditions, or defines someone diagnosed by those flakey tests who has a low CD4 count. But news alert, there is plenty of proof that just being scared, stressed, or overworked can lower your own cd4 cells to the point that you too would be labeled as hiv poz if you had a positive hiv test.

    Then you tell us about how ridiculous juries are in Texas, as if the entire country is not already completely aware of how corrupt and useless and ignorant that the Texas judicial system is.

    You, Darrah, win the cake prize for uneducated babbling of irresponsibility. People like you contribute to the diagnosed making themselves sick from the stigma and fear of it all. Like Clark says, you are just another zealout of the hiv/aids religion.

  33. seaguy Says:

    There are many tests for medical conditions that are not 100% in their results but that does not mean people should not use them. Same goes for HIV. A little knowledge is better than none.

    You are full of it! Those other tests that you are talking about are not causing people to have abortions, divorces, or commit suicide. As long as there is no verified proof of hiv infection, the patients should be fully informed of this. As long as there is no verified proof that hiv actually causes aids, the patients should be told this. Instead, they are stressed to beyond breaking and scared into taking proven deadly pharmaceuticals, just by the diagnosis by these flakey tests that are well proven to often show positive for dozens and dozens of things that have nothing to do with hiv. The entire hiv/aids belief is most likely founded in shame and guilt and fear of sexuality that has bedevilled mankind for thousands of years. Wake up guys. This is 2010 after all, not ancient Israel.

  34. I didn’t say you don’t have a license, Clark…

    What was the court of the Torres trial, please?

  35. jeremysteele11 says:

    Just got in… Quasarman, Christine’s cause of death was a political rush to judgement, as was her daughters. It turns out they both were murdered by the drug industry, or “ADR”, as it’s called. The AIDS industry is like that scumbag who forged information that Iraq had WMD so we could go and conveniently bomb them.

    Joe Know Go Blow Yourself.. You’re the AIDS denialist. Clark already provided and then repeated the fact as it’s on video that the original discoverer of what was later called HIV (Luc Montangier) says the drug industry are a bunch of criminals and that you can cure yourself from HIV with nutrition and clean water. He also said years earlier at an AID$ conference that HIV might be harmless.

    The bottom line is, if HIV tests are admitted by the manufacturer to be based on presumption (which does not equal guilt or proof), then how can anyone be deemed HIV+?

    If some brain damaged maniac presumes you stole his crack pipe does it make it true? And why were ALL these HIV criminal cases dropped or dismissed when these people were facing many, many years in prison?

    Thank God for Clark Baker. I wish he had been around a lot sooner. Many more people would still be alive. He’s like Vincent Bugliosi, who, if he had been the prosecutor during the O.J. trial, then Simpson wouldn’t have been able to have gone golfing, afterwards. That circus had lots of analyists and alleged experts babbling but no one competent enough to get the job done.

    It’s one thing to have lived in the dark ages, but it’s pitiful that that’s the state we’re in today with the internet and ability to access information in other ways, like the freedom of information act. If we all did the homework and think a little the world would be a much better place.

    We can believe in Bernie Madoff being an evil crook, but AIDS with it’s propaganda all these years has us still collectively caught hook, line and sucker (sinker). There’s too much money in it now for it be honest science and it never was honest from the beginning. That’s why Gallo got convicted of stealing.


    WHO’S… IN…. DENIAL…. JOE????????????????

  36. jeremysteele11 says:


    You also mentioned Kary Mullis’s “Mind field” book, which I also have. He’s the guy who received the Nobel Prize for inventing the PCR. He also says there exists no proof that HIV (whether or not it exists) causes AIDS. He says he was searching for the paper that proves HIV causes AIDS, discovered it does not exist, and he wrote the forward to Peter Duesberg’s book (which I also have) “Inventing the HIV Virus”. Is a nobel prize winner’s opinons “paranoid psycho-babble”, as well?

    And thanks for the comments, Leslie and Dr. Hope.

  37. And just how do you diagnose someone in order to cure them with water and nutriction, within weeks? I thought the tests didnt diagnose HIV?

  38. So intentionally infecting another person with HIV is just a funny prank? And if it happened to you, you would just laugh it off, secure in the belief that you can be cured just by watching what you eat for a few weeks?

    But you can’t become infected to prove your point, since it can’t be proven through any kind of test that any one person even has HIV in the first place, therefore there is nobody who can transmit it to you, right?

  39. jeremysteele11 says:

    Some believe in “HIV”, as it’s been called, or just recognize it. Gallo claimed it’s existence based on the petri dish he stole from Montagnier, called it HTLVIII. Then Montagnier through France sued Gallo through the U.S.,
    and they settled upon a 50/50% split on the profits for the HIV (as it was later called) test Gallo invented. So, basically, Montagnier has gone along with it, saying, yeah, HIV, give me my 50%, but in spite of that, he still says it’s harmless or at worst can be cured in a couple of weeks. There’s many ways to look at a scam. Even if you assume HIV exists and infects, then there’s a whole new mess of questions and problems to deal with, as has been mentioned. How does a virus both infect and kill and hide in a host? If it kills it can’t hide in it for years. Why does it take decades to kill, when no other viruses take more than a few months? And why when it’s technically a retrovirus and they are very simple, mindless, dormant super-tiny passenger retroviruses which by the molecular structure have never caused disease? And then why take deadly drugs now to kill something which might or supposedly will kill you in many years? Have we all lost our minds? Collectively, yes. We’ve allowed others to tell us what is what even if it makes no sense and is unproven. Orwell is indeed rolling.

  40. jeremysteele11 says:

    I meant that it takes a maximum of a few months for a virus to show symptoms of a disease. I didn’t mean to say all other viruses kill within a few months. Sorry, long night.

  41. MikeHersee says:

    @Origen01, comment No.11, who said, “I’d be happy to have a pos tranny fuck you up the ass. How’d about it Clark? You feeling lucky?”.

    There’s no need to be ‘lucky’, Origen, whatever your real name is (you’ll notice that Clark Baker and I are not hiding behind pseudonyms). I’ve already walked my talk in a previous relationship where my then boyfriend was diagnosed HIV+. Luckily, I’d already become very aware of what was going on with AIDS science long before he went to get tested (against my advice). But after his diagnosis, after thoroughly revisiting everything I still concluded that his diagnosis was as a result of a scientific blunder so we continued to have unprotected sex with me as the predominantly receptive partner for the rest of the relationship, which was about another 70 occasions after he was diagnosed. Worthless though they are, I have subsequently had three more tests over several years to demonstrate to others that I didn’t catch anything from him. You can read more under ‘testimonials’ at Origen01, I think you need to more carefully examine the evidence of purported sexual transmission.

  42. I find this a fantastically bold article to have posted Cindy.

    I personally have the mindset to be able to comprehend this actually being true. Sadly it’s one of those tough potentially life threatening things that you would never be able to prove 100% doesn’t exist, especially if there is major conspiracy involved.

    The problem with mankind at the moment a lot of the unbelievable conspiracy theories are true. Just today USA lent itself an extra $600 BILLION. It’s currently over $1,400,000,000,000 in debt. I just don’t understand the numbers in this world. How can anyone. Money rules everything. Drugs, Fuel, Banks, Military.. these are the people who run the world, not our governments.

    Plus what’s this AIDs cure patent all about?

    And how come I’m free to believe in ‘God’ yet ridiculed in my believe of ex-terrestrial life. This world is wacky enough IMO for HIV to very well be fake.

    I do not work in the industry, but I’ve always thought it odd that there aren’t MORE outbreaks. It’s almost a perfect example of how HIV could be fake. A lot of these girls are highly promiscuous onscreen and off, and statistically I would have thought that the industry simply wouldn’t be able to operate without condoms.

  43. Joe, you’re right but this is not freedom of speech. ITS MALPRACTICE! Someone should sue the hell out of these assholes.

    But not you Jerry. You’re an honest guy and not a con-artist like Clark Baker or “Dr. Hope”. One day I hope you say “what the hell” and call Dr. Lee…

  44. We need MDs from AHF on this board because the denialist con-artists are abusing the audience’s lack of knowledge. Joe, can you contact some?

  45. Once again, many of the questions posed are already answered. If you’re confused by the information presented, how could you possibly understand 28 pages of test or drug label information? That fact that you believe an industry that paid $9 billion to settle thousands of criminal and civil complaints since 2004 affirms that your beliefs are theological.

    The bottom line is this – if you have proof of WHEN, WHERE, HOW and WHO proved that HIV attacks cells and causes AIDS, send that proof and I’ll close the investigation. During the past 28 months, no one at the NIH or CDC has delivered that proof. Anything short of that proof is a THEOLOGICAL BELIEF.

    The HIV Innocence Project relies on court cases because arguing pharmaceutical propaganda on blogs like this is pointless. OMSJ prefers to expose clerics in real courts where they can be held accountable. Groups like AHF are threatened by that because, when exposed, they face crippling class action lawsuits and will have to find REAL jobs.

    Nevertheless, I’ll try to address questions so that the undecided are not confused by the meth-trannies and clerics who defend the industry and AHF.

    Beginning at #30:

    #30 – if you play on the freeway and a car hits you, the blunt force trauma will likely compromise your immune system and you may die. As much as you may want to blame HIV for your compromised immune function, your BEHAVIORAL decision to play on the freeway has nothing to do with HIV.

    In contrast to the majority of successful and responsible men and women, a tiny population of self-destructive people (gay and straight) suffered from promiscuity, gonorrhea, syphilis, parasites, torn rectums, venereal warts, infections, gang bangs, drug abuse and other self-destructive behavior long before the Gay Related Immune Disease (GRID) was redesignated as AIDS. HIV simply gives that fringe group something to blame. And because they refuse to admit that their suicidal BEHAVIOR compromises their health, drug companies are willing to fill the demand for silly tests and carcinogenic/psychotropic drugs.

    #32 – Until you know that fire trucks cause fires, why test for the presence of fire trucks? And if fire trucks are present, why take carcinogens that are designed to destroy fire trucks?

    It’s not that HIV tests are not 100% correct – it’s that they’ve NEVER been accurate.

    If we use a cops (antibodies) and robbers (antigen) analogy, HIV tests look for cops and, if they find a lot of them in the blood stream, they assume that a robber is present. The problem is that cops show up at family disputes, burglaries, police stations and doughnut shops. Just because cops are present doesn’t mean that robbers are present. PT Barnum said that suckers are born every minute. If HIV clerics and astrologers make you feel better about yourself, that’s up to you. There’s nothing anyone can do if you want to drink the kool aid.

    #33 – Denialist is another theological epithet – another word for heretic. I believe in God and you believe in HIV. Who am I to stop you from your religious fervor? If you have proof – show it. If not, it’s a religion.

    #35 – There is no evidence that Bryan Jackson was infected with HIV-tainted blood. Clerics used meaningless HIV tests to misdiagnose Bryan and convinced the father (like Ryan Whites mother) that the child was infected. If OMSJ had been around in 1998 (if the case is real), OMSJ would have forced clerics to prove their claims and the man would never have gone to prison. He’s just one of many wrongfully convicted men. Padeau was also convicted by junk science. The expert came from Bayor University, which receives hundreds of millions of dollars in NIH funding. If Baylor started asking the wrong questions, the funding would dry up immediately. If OMSJ had existed, Padeeu would be free today. He was convicted not because prosecutors proved their case, but because defense attorneys mounted an incompetent defense.

    Simply stated, when OMSJ is involved, accused people walk. In the coming months and years, OMSJ will post more reports about people we’ve exonerated and the clerics we’ve dismantled. The court, not blogs like this, is where OMSJ wins cases. And that’s where it counts.

    #38 – Asked and answered. Google it.

    #41 – Rather than explain why he can’t find prove that HIV attacks cells and causes AIDS, Joe calls others DENIALISTS. When Pope Urban accused Galileo of heresy for suggesting that the Earth wasn’t the center of the universe, Urban’s astrologers refused to look through Galileo’s heretical little telescope for fear of seeing what Galileo said they would see. It is not up to me to prove the negative – Occam’s razor doesn’t require anyone to prove the negative. But until Joe produces proof of WHEN, WHERE, HOW and WHO proved that HIV attacks cells and causes AIDS, Joe is little more than a small-minded cleric who uses epithets like “non-believer” and “heretic” against those who don’t believe his theology. Although I have no desire to interfere with anyone’s religion, I recoil when small-minded clerics try to impose their Koolaid upon others.

    #42 – If I convince Joe Know that he’s dying from YELLOW, it’s up to Joe to decide whether to believe my diagnosis or not. If I can convince him to buy my “lifesaving anti-yellow chili” for $5000/year, who’s to stop him?

    I can’t explain why HIV discoverer (and Nobel Laureate) Luc Montagnier MD of the Pasteur Institute said that HIV can be cured within weeks without drugs with good food and clean water… or why he said that drug companies push drugs and vaccines because there’s no money in water and food… but anyone can watch the video of his admission here:

    Montagnier also says that he can diagnose HIV by simply looking at a person and touching his hand without tests… Don’t believe me? Click on the first video at the HIV Innocence Project and watch clerics including Montagnier describe HIV testing…

    #43 – Children play a silly game sometimes called cooties. If you drink from the wrong fountain or someone touches us who has cooties, children often taunt those who allegedly are infected with cooties. Most of us grow out of that phase of childhood. If I convince you that YELLOW is a deadly disease and that I have infected you with it, it’s up to you to believe that yellow is an infectious disease or not. If you’re mentally imbalanced or suffer from hypochondria, you’re more likely to believe that I have infected you than if you figured out I was simply teasing you. The proper response is to ignore the foolishness.

    As GK Chesterton famously observed, “It is not that people who don’t believe in God believe in nothing, but that they will believe ANYTHING.” As I said repeatedly, I don’t want to interfere with anyone’s religion.

  46. AHF’s test tests for HIV antibodies, and can take as long as six months from date of infection to show positive. AIM uses the PCR-DNA, which looks for the virus itself and will show positive after seven days at the latest.

    Bottom line: AHF is sending HIV-positive people out on the street, telling them they’re negative. AIM doesn’t.

  47. Mark Kernes, can you contact any medical doctors to refute the unethical claims posted on this board? Thank you (whether you can or not).

  48. Origen – I don’t argue with clerics in blogs – we depose them under oath where they are held accountable. I don’t need parrots with medical degrees to parrot what you’ve already written.

    We recently deposed several clerics in a wrongful death case. It’s an active case so I can’t say more about it right now.

    One cleric is a medical doctor from an Ivy League university – an infectious disease specialist and MD. He’s a typical cleric – a self-described HIV expert with more than 30 years of training and expertise, thousands of patients and dozens of criminal and civil cases in which he testified as an expert in HIV (cases that transpired before I founded OMSJ).

    After bathing the room with his beatific incandescence, we started asking him questions about the testing, diagnosis and treatment of the patient he is accused of killing with HIV drugs. By the time we finished the interview, his attorney had not only ordered him not to answer further questions, but also declared that his client (the cleric) was not really an expert after all.

    Did you get that? HIS OWN LAWYER IMPEACHED HIM!

    When released on OMSJ’s website, we expect that the videotape will spell the end of that cleric’s medical career – and it’ll likely cost his clinic and insurance company millions of dollars. But before you start feeling sorry for that goon, ask yourself how many other people his incompetence killed because of the theology.

    So please excuse me if I don’t answer every question that believers ask. They need to ask questions of their clerics – starting with WHEN, WHERE, HOW and WHO proved that HIV attacks cells and causes AIDS.

    If he/she doesn’t immediately throw you out of the clinic (clerics hate embarrassing questions) and hands you some papers as proof, get it to us at OMSJ. We’ve been looking for that for more than two years and look forward to seeing the evidence.

    Until then, OMSJ will continue to expose the cleric for the charlatans they are. When filmmakers and actors decide to challenge AHF directly, OMSJ would be happy to participate.

  49. chichiladouche says:

    Mark, the 6 month window is only applicable in the following situations. A patient who is currently or has recently stopped using IV drugs (IV drug use wrecks havoc on the immune system), someone who is taking anti-rejection drugs after organ transplant, and someone who is currently or has recently completed chemotherapy treatment.

  50. Mark Kernes,
    “PCR shows positve…seven days at the latests.

    100% false.
    The test is 95% accurate after 28 dyas.

    And if you recall Darrens first test after returning from Brazil was negative.

    WHere do yu get this seven days CRAP from?

  51. Oh shit, this blog has turned into a clusterfuck…

    I give up.

  52. Reader Email/Twitter says:

    Everything Jeremy Steele is saying is junk science, I have been married for 30 years to a dean of public health and I am in a position to know.

  53. The Colonel says:

    I just checked in, and I have to admit I am disappointed and shocked by this article posted on LukeIsBack, a web site that both the adult industry workers and fans read on a daily basis. If this conspiracy theory was posted on fringe blogs that claim the world is being run by shape shifting, blood drinking lizards, or that Lee Harvey Oswald was a Soviet robot, that wouldn’t be too surprising, or more importantly, dangerous and damaging. Imagine a fresh off the bus girl who comes to Los Angeles to get into porn and make some quick cash. She has no real life experiences, no scientific knowledge, nothing. Then she’s unfortunate enough to check out this web site and read this *industry bombshell* and be convinced by its baseless, irresponsible, reckless, unscientific claims. Next thing you know, she catches HIV, on a porn set, during a private encounter, how ever. Since she’s been convinced by this article that HIV is a myth, therefore she does not seek treatment for her symptom which eventually turns into AIDS and kills her. Cindi, Jeremy Steele and Clark Baker, you will be directly responsible for such tragedy.

    I have nothing personal against any of you, and have no desire to get into piss fights with anybody. So I’ll ask Jeremy Steele, Clark Baker and anybody else who denies scientific HIV facts a direct, simple question for which I expect a direct, simple response: Are you willing to prove your claims by exposing yourselves to HIV virus? Will you agree to prove your claims by being injected with the blood of a HIV positive patient, record that on film, and chronicle your next steps? In other words, will you agree to knowingly and willingly contract HIV and treat your symptom how ever you suggest it must be treated so you can blow the lid off this conspiracy, as you claim, once and for all?

    In 2004, Morgan Spurlock claimed that McDonald’s foods are unhealthy. In order to prove his claim, he made a documentary movie titled: Super Size Me. In it, Spurlock put himself on a McDonald’s diet, recorded his daily activities and the negative changes that diet had on his health (weight gain, increase in cholesterol, mood changes, etc.) Are you willing to make a similar documentary in which you’ll be injected by HIV positive blood and then chronicle your life on film for a certain period? If not, explain why. Enough with conspiracy rants and new age hippie slogans. Conclude a documented study and make a stand for what you claim you believe.

  54. Sorry Origen… This is what happens when science and evidence stick their thumbs into the eye of theology.

  55. Colonel – I learned long ago that people who are too ashamed to identify themselves generally don’t have anything of importance to say. Since you know my name and website, feel free to contact me anytime.

    If you’re too shy and still too embarrassed to share your contact info, simply post a link here to the paper that shows exactly WHEN, WHERE, HOW and WHO proved that HIV attacks cells and causes AIDS and I’ll close this ongoing investigation.

    Until then, you exhibit all of the hallmarks of a common troll.

  56. Why should Colonel, or anyone else for that matter, be compelled to contact you privately to continue this discussion, which was initiated publicly? I think his suggested scenario for proving your point is valid, and the fact that such suggestions and questions are being ignored suggests a lack of commitment to your stated position.

    Personally, I *want* to believe you. If everything you are saying is true, it would be wonderful news indeed. I’m not out to prove you wrong, but I am not yet convinced that you are right.

  57. The Colonel says:

    Like I said Clark, I have nothing personal against you, but two things: First, my identity is well known among the adult industry community, and I’m sure somebody with your *expertise* can and will easily find that out, although I don’t know what my identity has to do with any of this. Second, you have no scientific credential whatsoever, none that I or anybody else knows of, and yet you claim you have discovered this wide HIV conspiracy. You claim that you believe in what you say. I’m asking you to put your money where your mouth is and conduct a study by injecting yourself with HIV positive blood and make a documentary on how you’re going to deal with your exposure to HIV; similar to what Morgan Spurlock did with his claims about the hazards of McDonald’s foods. If you’re sure about your discoveries and believe in your claims, what stops you from doing that? You’ll become the man, the crusader who blew the lid off the global HIV conspiracy. However, you will never do that, you know it, and I know it, so you can stop beating around the bushes and making excuses anytime. After all, you’re nothing but a dime a dozen con artist, out to take advantage of people’s lack of knowledge and making a pathetic profit; a fringe troll; a gutless, shameless hack. Go ahead, prove me wrong, inject yourself with HIV positive blood in front of a rolling camera. Put up or shut up.

  58. Colonel – does this mean that you can’t find any papers from the NIH or CDC that show exactly WHEN, WHERE, HOW and WHO proved that a) HIV attacks cells and b) causes AIDS? Are you REALLY trying to defend an industry that paid $9 billion to settle thousands of criminal and civil complaints related to illegal marketing of tests, treatments and drugs since 2004? Why would you believe those known crooks and not a licensed career investigator? Is that rational?

    1. Real scientists and investigators know that I cannot prove that something doesn’t exist anymore than you can prove that you stopped beating your wife. This is called “Occam’s razor.”

    2. The fact that prosecutors had to drop 13 cases in 13 months suggests that something is amiss.

    3. You’re free to call me names, but I assure you that there are hundreds of felons who called me much worse over the years. It comes with the territory. When you cannot competently attack arguments, you attack the messenger. In this way, you’ve diminished your own arguments.

  59. Germy,

    When are we going to get this EARTH SHATTERING news you promised us?

  60. The Colonel says:

    Clark says:

    ‘Colonel, does this mean that you can’t find any papers from the NIH or CDC that show exactly WHEN, WHERE, HOW and WHO proved that a) HIV attacks cells and b) causes AIDS?’

    No Clark, this means you are a con-artist hypocrite who doesn’t have the balls to back up his baseless, irresponsible, worthless claims. There are some conspiracy theories that in my opinion have a ring of truth in them, for example the conspiracy to assassinate president John F. Kennedy, the conspiracy to orchestrate attacks on America on September 11, 2001, and the conspiracy to fake moon landing. But when it comes to HIV and its connection to AIDS, there is enough scientific evidence to demonstrate and prove the connection. Anybody with half a brain, less dignity and a college degree, none of which you don’t have, knows that. So I don’t need to pull off papers to prove a lazy lying hack like you anything. You, on the other hand, claim that HIV is a conspiracy orchestrated by pharmaceutical companies, that it has no significant connection with AIDS, and that HIV drugs are useless. So it’s you who must prove his claims, not me, not anybody else; and the best way for you to prove your claims is to become evidence yourself, like what Morgan Spurlock did about his claims against McDonald’s foods. Produce a documentary in which you expose yourself to HIV virus by injecting yourself with HIV positive blood, and chronicle the consequences on film, day by day, week by week, month by month.

    Stop playing the smooth private dick; you’re not in some cheap B Film Noir. Put up or shut up and get lost.

  61. Germy Stool,
    I have a post that was on moderation (1:28,yesterday)

    Its oneo f your boys cases

    The man was convicted of aggrevated sexual assult, but the HIV portion of the case was dismissed. Your boyhere takes credit for that.

    But heres the rub,,,the Candadian law says there must be “Significant risk” of transmission to sustain the charge.

    Well,,the rapist used a CONDOM,,and the court ruled that the CONDOM reduced the risk so much that it culd not be considered ‘significant>”

    And your boy claims this as a victory.

    What do you think of the COURT ruling that the condom provided enough protection to reduce the charges against this rapist? Or will you just ignore this question, as I predict you will!!

    the link is privided above,,,I’m not putting it here in order to avoid the moderation.

  62. “Put up or shut up and get lost.”
    WHEN, WHERE, HOW and WHO proved that HIV attacks cells and causes AIDS


    Looks like our boy Clark here has some anger problems.

    The conviction was overturned on a TECHMICALITY,,,the prosecutor mentioned Simi Valley, and rodney King,,,the facts of the case were proven to be true. Looks like our LAPD boy here liked to beat up JAYWALKERS. They even took his gun away.

    Then on Clarks site he writes that the “original prosecuter was FOUND GUILTY of misconduct,,,absolutley false.

    Clark,,,when were the judge and prosecutor FOUND GUILTY. Stretching the truth a bit, arent you clark? Can you give us the case number where this judge and prosecutor were FOUND GUILTY?

    Then he says that the LAPD “AQUITTED” him of all charges. AQUITTED Clark,,,,dont you mean the internal ivestigation found no wrongdoing,,,but what else do you expect from an LAPD internal ivestigation. LO FUCKING L.

    Cant you just see this douchebag writing his jaywalking tickets on Roscoe Bl… that surely qualifies him to talk about HIV transmission, doesnt it.

  64. I don’t want HIV.

    Anyone care to take the opposing point of view to that statement?

    Regardless of what it does, or doesn’t do, or what can or can’t be proven… Will you honestly say that having HIV is desirable?

  65. The Colonel says:

    In comment #4, Leslie says:

    ‘I have been many years without access to a TV.’

    During the many years when you were living in a cave somewhere, the significant connection between HIV virus and AIDS has been demonstrated, documented and scientifically proven. Now that you have a computer and hopefully a 1980’s TV set, perhaps you should get off your lazy ass and do a research and learn for yourself. Here are some suggestions for you:

    Take the bus to a lab near your trailer and examine and observe the HIV virus under a microscope and speak to certified physicians.

    Or better, join forces with Clark Baker and subject yourself to a test in which you’ll be injected with HIV positive blood and then see what happens.

    Or yet better, shut up and crawl back to the cave where you lived for many years with no access to a TV.

  66. Holy cow Batman! The AIDS apologists are absolutely remarkable these days aren’t they. Oh, wait–a better term would be to describe them; religulous fluffer-nutters, but I digress.

    Seriously Clark, I like you, am aghast at their illogical relentless rants and their stupendous claims, which clearly expels that unmistakeable raunchy deep stench of despair. Thanks to you, none of their phony-baloney hog wash is going to hold up in the court of law.

    Anyone still today that holds dearly the belief that there’s a a killer virus still out there on the loose and is going to get YOU, is tantamount to believing Jesus Christ arose from the grave and ascended into heaven–both modern day fairy tales.

    Great work!

  67. jeremysteele11 says:

    Thanks for the imput and link off your name, Brian.

    Keep in mind:

    Robert Gallo said the “likely cause of AIDS has been found”.

    The CDC approved AZT, a drug with literally a skull and crossbones on it, originally deemed “too toxic for human consumption”.

    All AIDS “therapy” drugs do not claim to cure AIDS, yet they insist we “need” them.

    The test for HIV, according to the manufacturer “presumes” infection, but doesn’t claim it as a fact.

    I could go on and on… but the point is, this is all self-evidently a dark big money, terror-religion based on faith, not facts.

    If someone told me I was HIV+ based on a test which “presumes” it, I’d say “FUCK YOU, PROVE IT ASSHOLE!”

    I would then also contact Clark and consider I might be getting rich as part of an individual or class-action lawsuit!

  68. You claimed there have been no one ever convicted on HIV crimes. I just named two cases. But you still claim I and who I sourced are lying. Name anyone whose case was thrown out, court, city & state, and the prosecutor’s names who “through out” cases. Maybe there was a plea bargain and they plead guilty to a lesser crime.

    Is there also no such thing as cancer, diabetes, and leukemia? Are they all a figment of our imagination? Have either you and Jeremy ever been in a hospital and seen with your own two eyes what these diseases are doing to people? How are babies born with all these diseases? They’re not being over worked and stressed out as what you claim is the reason why people think they have HIV/AIDS & all these diseases.

    How can a porn star still be in this industry for over 15+ years and claim there’s no such thing as HIV & AIDS? How many HIV scares have you been through Jeremy and you’re still oblivious to what’s going on around you? You didn’t even know who Ryan White was. I’m not consumed with HIV/AIDS 24/7 like you are but I at least know who Ryan White, the Ray brothers, and Kimberly Bergalis are. Randy Ray is still alive today because of the medications he takes. His two brothers both died of AIDS.

    It’s because of medications that people are living much longer today many over 20-25 years unlike a couple of years decades ago. Mariah Carey’s sister Alison has had HIV for 20 years and she’s still alive because of the medications she takes.

    People bitch to me because I’m anti-industry. But allowing this story to be posted on a once top porn blog is irresponsible. You’re the ones who are anti-industry. I’ve always been very open about how I feel about the industry while Cindi and Jeremy claim to be pro anything that is porn. People would probably expect to see this story on my blog. But NO! It’s on LIB. You’re so desperate for content that you’ll post anything on here Cindi. But you got rid of me, Al, and now it seems you also got rid of Adam too. None of his new porn star interviews have been posted here. You got rid of us who actually contributed here but you allow Jeremy’s “there’s no such thing as HIV” story to be posted here.

    With this one story Cindi, you just destroyed your 18 years of “credibility” in this industry. You bitched to me because I called out Jenna Jameson on her being irresponsible by saying how glamorous and empowering porn is to women. But you allow THIS POST to appear here. But you’re not really in the industry and never were. Justin Long even called you out on it on Twitter weeks ago by telling you “this isn’t your industry, it’s my industry. You only write about the industry.”

    All the times Jeremy and Cindi went publicly against me. But look what both of you just did now. You’re now both the laughing-stocks throughout the industry now. Bravo!

  69. Darra,

    Ask yourself a question, but first think of what the stats nay be nowadays with the proliferation of bare back gay porn sector, they’re most highly sought after and profitable for the makers. It’s become commonplace

    Now why haven’t there been scares of HIV transmission running rampant within the gay men in your industry? You’d think you’d hear of it weekly, but we don’t. BUT one single straight porn actress tests positive and all hell breaks loose… go figure.

    Also, questions you’re not asking yourself in addition to the above regarding those that have died; you claim to know Ryan, Kimberly and Randy, but can you name at least one or two out of the 29 individual conditions or illnesses under the AIDS umbrella they died of? I bet you can’t. Most people can’t. because they can only remember that one single acronym and self fulfilling prophecy; “AIDS” because that’s so endearing and easy to remember. You now have the opportunity to wake up. What’s preventing you?

  70. @ Darrah’s post.

    Girl’s got a point, Cindi. Just sayin’…

  71. Colonel – you and your friends remind me of a woman I once met whose cocaine-addicted son beat the crap to of her, ripped her wedding ring from her finger and traded it for crack. As my partner and I took the report at her flat, her son returned, spotted us and tried to leave. We wrestled him down and the fight was on – him fueled by the cocaine, paranoia and adrenaline that comes with it. It wasn’t pretty.

    Before we knew it, the mother suddenly rushed at my partner and me, striking and kicking to prevent us from arresting the man who had just beat the crap out of her. I wrote about the incident here:

    Your defense of a junk science organization (AHF) that threatens the adult industry (your own?) is breathtakingly like that confused woman.

    I offer industry attorneys free consultation to get AHF off of their backs – and when I make this offer, you and other AHF defenders attack me. Can you explain why? Do you defend AHF or the industry?

    #66/68 – Joe Know – rather than post the false accusation, why not post the LA Times article that cleared me?

    You illustrate why HIV junk science is so successful: Rather than prove efficacy that HIV is something other than junk science, you attack those who expose it for what it is. Why do you defend AHF – do you work for them too or are you just one of their meth-trannies?

    #70 – Colonel – You asked me to put up or shut up. I ask you to do the same. Just go to the NIH or CDC website, click on “CONTACT US” and ask them for proof – specifically WHEN, WHERE, HOW, and WHO proved that a) HIV attacks cells and b) causes AIDS. If you can’t do that, it’s clear that you don’t have the intellectual capacity to competently defend AHF.

    If you get proof, go to HEAL LONDON and claim your $100K prize.

    #73 – Darrah – What could I say that would insult you more than your own arguments?

    Before May 2008, I made similar arguments – ridiculing those who questioned the NIH and the CDC and demanding tort reform. If you want to read about how I got involved and what changed my mind, read my preliminary investigation:

    The adult industry has a choice – they can believe the AIDS clerics and comply with all of AHF’s demands, or they can have their attorneys explore ways to shut down AHF’s efforts to cripple the adult industry. Whether industry lawyers call me or not, that’s their call. Like the battered woman, you can seek help or you can continue living with a crack baby called AHF.

    It’s your call.

  72. That s….. fish bites every time.Like I said in the past,I don’t read your post anymore Colon…The last phrase you had in one of your tirade just did catch my eyes because we have seen it over and over again.Seems it’s always the same you use when you can’t have an educated/civilized exchange with somebody…it also seems that when your own stupid words are directed at you…it’s not so funny…right?
    “Put up,shut up or get lost.”
    P.S. One day I will know who you are and I will expose you.It will be the end of you playing coward behind that pseudonym and bragging that we just have to ask around to find you out.

  73. Here’s an idea you can use to both educate and entertain: Start a new porn line that pairs performers who have no fear of HIV with performers who have previously tested HIV+. (I’m sure they will be grateful for the work, and enjoy the non-judgmental shooting environment.) In between the scenes, you could have your experts explain why the activities shown are perfectly safe, and recommend that the viewers should absolutely try this at home. Suggested titles: No Testing Required, HIV Hotties, or Ignorance Is Bliss

    Or if you wanted to go edgier: HIV Surprise! Where the final shot of the scene is one performer informing the other “Oh, by the way, I’m HIV+” I’m sure you could get away with it, with the right lawyer.

  74. Sadly, Tobias, a gay porn director with Treasure Island is already directing a HIV+/HIV- duo.

  75. Maybe it will catch on and become a trend… go viral, even.

  76. Tobias…

    You still don’t get it.

    There’s a BIG difference between HIV and dangerous behavior.

    If you let 30 men with with crabs, parasites, gonorrhea and syphilis gang-bang you until your colon and rectum are shredded and bleeding, the fecal material that comingles with your wounds and subsequent infections will eventually compromise your immune system.

    This is why gay activists (a tiny fraction of the gay community) men wanted HIV – they needed a mute retrovirus to blame for their behavioral toxicity.

    There’s a BIG difference between bad behavior and HIV. Forcing healthy asymptomatic actors to take bogus tests and wear AHF condoms is idiotic at best.

    At some point, you’ll need to apply some common sense.

    BTW, did the CDC and NIH send you their proof yet of WHEN, WHERE, HOW and WHO proved that a) HIV attacks cells and b) causes AIDS? You’d think that after 30 years they’d be able to respond with some proof – dontcha think?

    While I understand that my analysis poses an existential threat to AHF, I don’t understand why you cling to this theology without proof. So what’s taking you so long??? If the NIH has proof, it’s as easy as posting a link.

  77. The Colonel says:

    Brian Carter, another new age hippie gutless piece of shit, ranting out of his bloated ass. So let me ask you this direct, simple question that your private dick buddy Clark Baker AKA Barker refuses to answer: As an *AIDS dissident*, will you put your money where your big mouth is and inject yourself with HIV positive blood in front of a rolling camera and chronicle your daily life on film after your HIV exposure to provide actual evidence to support your baseless, irresponsible, stupid claims; or will you keep on writing garbage on internet blogs and forums and playing with the words from the safety of your shit hole basement when out in the real world people are dying from HIV/AIDS infection? I believe we know your answer to that, so shut your face and get lost.

    And Clark Baker AKA Barker, we have nothing more to discuss unless and until you step up and demonstrate your faith in your own claims by injecting yourself with HIV positive blood in front of a rolling camera and chronicling your life after your HIV exposure on film. Until then, you’re welcome to eat shit and bark at the moon; and by the way, thank you for the laughs.

    And Leslie (I have been many years without access to a TV) don’t hold your breath, you and I will never have an educated/civilized exchange, because you are not an educated/civilized person. You, by your own admission, are a cave lurking Neanderthal freak. I don’t even want to imagine your looks and your lack of hygiene and bad breath, because then I’ll lose my appetite. Come back and make your next comment after you learn how to use a toothbrush, a soap and a shower.

    Fuck all of you, a bunch of pathetic circus clowns.

  78. Now why haven’t there been scares of HIV transmission running rampant within the gay men in your industry?

    Because they use condoms?

    You’d think you’d hear of it weekly, but we don’t. BUT one single straight porn actress tests positive and all hell breaks loose… go figure.

    Because there’s more money in straight porn? Because there’s more mainstream attention on straight porn? I don’t know. Pick one. One gay male porn star came out recently about his HIV status. That was big news because he’s a big star there. I don’t know about everyone else.

    Also, questions you’re not asking yourself in addition to the above regarding those that have died; you claim to know Ryan, Kimberly and Randy,

    I don’t claim to know them. But anyone over the age of 25 should have heard of them and know who they are. Ryan was the poster child for “it’s no longer a gay disease.” He also had all the media attention around him because celebrities like Elton John and Michael Jackson rallied around him and his family. Everyone should know the Ray brothers because of the groundbreaking lawsuit to allow them to still attend school and because their home was burned to the ground. Everyone should know Kimberly Bergalis because she was still a virgin, never used drugs, and never had a blood transfusion.

    You said no one has ever been prosecuted for HIV crimes. I named two earlier . Here’s another. In 1997, Nushawn Williams knowingly infected 13 women and girls with HIV. Some of the girls were as young as 13. He was set to be released this year but they’re still holding him in an upstate New York prison.

    Should I go to the local hospital and tell everyone who is dying that it’s all in their head, just think happy thoughts, and they’ll be better by morning? Does your theory that HIV/AIDS doesn’t exist also involve cancer and other diseases? How can you explain someone being healthy one day to being near death a year later? You claim the drugs they take make them more sick. But they weren’t taking these drugs before being sick. How else explain my family members being healthy one day to then being gravely ill a year later? Overworked and stressed as you claim? You can’t blame drugs on it when they weren’t taking those drugs before because there was nothing wrong with them before. So how else explain healthy one minute to dying the next?

  79. Clark:

    I am not a scientist, and I am not a doctor. I have not gone looking for the documents you requested because I suspect that you are sending me on a wild goose chase, and I don’t have time for that. I have a full time job and hobbies, and I’m just here to kill a little time and read about porn.

    I am not clinging to any theology. I am agnostic.

    I do not participate in activity that would potentially expose me to HIV, so my interest in researching this is limited. Really, my only stake in this is whether or not I can continue to enjoy condom-free pornography. I also would prefer that the performers that I watch stay healthy. If HIV is nothing to fear, that would be great. Obviously, the industry is not ready to believe what you are saying. Sure, I’ve made some jokes and wise-cracks on this post, but I really do believe that the only way you can convince the world that HIV is harmless is by a demonstration similar to what the Colonel has proposed.

  80. Wild goose chase Tobias? Welcome to MY world. I’ve been asking those agencies to answer those questions for two years.

    Can you explain why the NIH and CDC doesn’t have ANY information about WHEN, WHERE, HOW and WHO proved that a) HIV attacks cells and b) causes AIDS? If this is a real pandemic (meaning EVERYONE GETS IT), don’t you find is a little odd that you can’t find information that answers those fundamental questions?

    Are we supposed to believe the NIH and CDC – the same agencies that experimented on black people in places like Tuskegee?

    Robert Gallo was the first to claim it, but all four of his papers (posted in “Gallo’s Egg”) contain no information that answers those questions. Each paper alludes to some vague ideas about possibilities that suggest that MAYBE HIV has possibly something to do with AIDS, but he fails to explain exactly how he proved it – and none of his papers actually explain how he did it.

    It was HHS Secretary Margaret Heckler who declared that Gallo found the cause of AIDS, but she was citing the same non-peer-review papers. Nine years later, Gallo was fired from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) after being found guilty of scientific misconduct over his research… so yes, you’re right… it IS a goose chase.

    Shouldn’t we find that proof before testing people with bogus tests and treating them with drugs that are KNOWN TO KILL, or should we all just believe like Jim Jones’ followers and obediently drink the KoolAid?

    With no real evidence, we’re left with CLERICS and BELIEVERS who insult those who aren’t looking for a new religion. The fact that none of you can find proof speaks more loudly than your primitive belligerence.

  81. Former porn star Tony Montana was diagnosed with HIV in 1999. He told Gene Ross last year how he had stopped taking his medications and almost died the year before. He’s back on his medication and feeling better now.

  82. In 2004 in Olympia, Washington, Anthony Whitfield was sentenced to 178 years for exposing 17 women to HIV.

    In 2009 in Ohio, Nick Clayton Rhoades was sentenced to 25 years after not informing his male partner he has HIV. His partner has since tested negative.

  83. I’ll leave the burden of proof with people smarter than myself, Clark. I’m more interested in understanding your point of view. You have obviously done some research, and come to a conclusion that is different than the mainstream point of view.

    Throughout this post, I have repeated back my perception of what you are trying to say, occasionally exaggerated for comic effect. The hope was that you would respond with “No, that’s not what I meant” and then go on to clarify your position. But that never happened…

    You say that performers should not get tested, and should not use condoms. You defend people whose intentions were to give HIV to others against their will. You suggest that the negative effects attributed to HIV are caused by the patient’s mental state as a result of being informed of their HIV status and/or bad reaction to the treatment. The implication is that HIV is harmless, and that nobody should be afraid of becoming infected, and that if you are infected, you should forgo any form of treatment.

    Is any of this a misrepresentation of your point of view? If not, you are encouraging people to expose themselves and others to HIV. So why won’t you volunteer to go first?

  84. Oh for Pete’s sake Colonel, don’t you have a better red herring to throw out. Posting 3 or four times the same bull shit ain’t going to make it any better. Whilst I would like to comment; even if it was remotely possible to extract whole live infectious HIV virons from an AIDS patient or someone who registered reactive on an Elisa, I doubt very much any person would want the real health dangers of lets say a blood transfusion, or the same as injecting a supposed HIV contaminated batch, irregardless. Opps-but wait a minute, I forgot. HIV seropositivity is reported to be rather high in hemophiliacs…

    @ Darrah, Hey you’re rather cute. Wanna be my friend on Facebook…. come on now, I don’t have a blond bimbo yet for a friend and I need a trophy.

  85. The blond on that Facebook isn’t me. That’s an actual Darrah Ford. She must be thrilled with me. Looks underage too. So quit it with the bimbo talk. My Facebook was reported and deleted. I’m the brunette in the blue panties. The picture is still floating around somewhere out there in porn land. I took it down from my Myspace because men act like they’ve never seen anyone in her panties before. Don’t get excited either. I didn’t show my face. One person accused me of stealing Raven Riley’s blue panties pictures. I told him to ask her if it’s her, screencap her reply, and to post it on the forum we were on. He never did. Yeah, because the picture isn’t of Raven!

  86. The Colonel says:

    Brian Carter says:

    ‘Posting 3 or 4 times the same bullshit ain’t going to make it any better.’

    It’s not bullshit, asshole, it’s common sense, something that you and your scumbag colleagues do not have. If you truly believe that the science is junk and HIV scare is hype and HIV virus has no significant connection with AIDS, then what prevents you from backing up your claims with some action and injecting yourself with HIV positive blood and chronicling your HIV exposure experience on film? Sure, there might be other dangers in blood transfusion, apart from exposure to HIV, but if somebody has enough faith in his claims, then he will most certainly be willing to take the risk in order to prove his argument and silence his critics. Again, Morgan Spurlock and what he did with his claims against McDonald’s foods is a good example. His McDonald’s diet almost ruined his life, but he went through it and endured to prove his claims.

    Researchers and scientists always go to great lengths and make sacrifices in order to conduct experiments and studies to support their arguments, while pieces of shit like you lurk into a hole somewhere and do nothing but hitting keyboard buttons like monkeys and spreading garbage and misinformation and verbal diarrhea on internet blogs and message forums at the cost of other people’s lives, livelihood and health. You just proved my point and showed your true colors. Let it be known that Brian Carter is another lazy lying hack who cannot and will not stand for what he claims he believes. Now go fuck yourself.

  87. Tobias:

    “The implication is that HIV is harmless” – has anyone established proof that HIV is deadly? Why do you believe something you cannot prove?

    “…nobody should be afraid of becoming infected…” I’m not – I know HIV+ people who aren’t afraid and never drank the KoolAid. Who am I to get between you and your theological superstitions?

    “…and that if you are infected, you should forgo any form of treatment.” How would you know you’re infected if none of the tests detect HIV?

    As for the convictions… If and when OMSJ is involved AND defense lawyers aren’t helping prosecutors convict their clients, we prevail.

    So far, no one has refuted anything I’ve said and, instead, try to attack me personally… That’s the first sign that there’s something wrong with your arguments.

  88. @ Tobias — You shouldn’t just rely on Clark. You might be surprised with 30 books in print, several major film documentaries, two major conferences in the past 11 months, 50+ websites blogs, etc., uncountable videos, pod casts and the like on this subject. But forget about all that for a moment, it’s the tied of public opinion that’s the most profound to witness, and all so worrisome for those still stuck in the biggest most ugliest ass backwards paradigm to ever hit humanity. People have a choice to either keep their head in the sand or actually stop the death and dying cult HIV and AIDS has become, culminating the past 30 years.

  89. Colonel… Instead of expressing how angry and frustrated you are, wouldn’t it be easier to retrieve the proof I requested? You remember:

  90. Colonel – on what, SPECIFICALLY, do you base YOUR “common sense” on? Are we supposed to take seriously a man who named himself after a fried chicken salesman?

  91. The Colonel says:

    I’m neither angry nor frustrate, Clark. Unlike you, I don’t have mental issues and unlike you, I have never attended anger management classes; but I sense you’re embarrassed. You remember: It’s you who has something to prove, not me, not anybody else. Let me know when you decide to do your HIV experiment. I’ll bet watching you injecting yourself with HIV positive blood would be more fun than watching Jackass 3D.

    And to answer your other rant:

    ‘on what, SPECIFICALLY, do you base YOUR common sense on?’

    On the basis that you and your colleagues are uneducated idiots and have no balls to back up your claims with your actions.

  92. Oh Jesus Jehovah’s Witness… the dear Colonel (troll) spews the same shit 5 times now, calling it common sense. Ha. But seriously Colonel, do you have a long white beard, grey hair and carry a scepter? Because do I detect that your wisdom speakith volumes. Therefore the next time you come on to say something important might it be to produce the proof of WHEN, WHERE, HOW and WHO proved that a) HIV attacks cells and b) causes AIDS?

  93. Brian, you don’t have any tangible proof that HIV DOESN’T cause AIDS. No scientific studies proving that HIV is not a retrovirus. The Colonel gave you a great idea to prove your theory. Why don’t you do it? Hell, you’ll probably find a gay porn producer to distribute the DVD….

  94. The Colonel says:

    Brian, like I told your private dick buddy, it’s you who has something to prove, not me, not anybody else. So put up or shut up and go suck some cock.

  95. @ Clark… Watch out it won’t be long now till the other religulous zealots JTD and Snout dog show up…

  96. Dude, one of your websites claims eating corn causes HIV. The entire planet would be dead right now from eating corn related foods. There are so many foods and drinks that have something corn in it.

    You also sourced the ‘American Journal of Clinical Nutrition’ but you didn’t link it. How can anyone take any claim you make seriously without a direct link to where you found this so-called information?

  97. They don’t provide direct links, Darrah. I asked to know the courthouse where the Elsie Torres case was to be held and Clark Baker just ignored me. Figures. These guys just expect us to trust them without evidence.

    Inject yourself with HIV (get it tested to prove you have it–by medical standards) and PROVE that you wouldn’t contract or die of AIDS.

  98. @ origen,
    One not need go too far.

    There have been repeated assertions from official spokespeople that something like a quarter or a third of “HIV-positive” people don’t know their state of “infection”. You know this, right? But if this assertion were true then the standard story about HIV/AIDS could not be true.


    From at least the mid-1980s onward, the reports say about a million Americans have been “HIV-positive”..

    If 250,000-330,000 of them were not known to be “infected”, and if on average they would succumb to AIDS about a decade later (since obviously they were not on meds), then the numbers of AIDS deaths should have climbed upwards of 250,000 annually by the mid-1990s at the latest and should have remained at least that high ever since. But AIDS deaths have been nowhere near such numbers.

    Therefore, if the Center for Disease Control’s assertions are correct that 25-33% of “HIV-positives” don’t know it, and yet AIDS deaths have been much lower than would correspond to this, then a large proportion of “HIV-positive” people never ever get sick nor do they die.

    So get it origen? The moral of the story? Tangible proof that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS, is there right there in front of us all. Each and every study. report, estimate, assumption to ever come out of HIV and AIDS research disproves it. What do you not understand?

  99. Oh damn, they did link it to the right which I didn’t see. but the story seems to suggest more so eating the funky corn causes toxins, not HIV.

    I should probably leave. I’m getting a weird vibe from all of this more so than the usual weird porn vibe.

  100. @ Darrah

    Holy COW. You just proved your bimbo status!. Ever hear of hyperlinks? But I digress, but anyway thanks for visiting the site.

    As for the corn hole thing. Opps–I meant corn cob thing, the most interesting link you so cleverly missed is Mainstream Health news:

    (Reuters Health) – A new study raises the question of whether corn contaminated with a fungus-derived toxin is helping to facilitate the transmission of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa.

    Maybe in your best interest you might want to stay away from sites that actually –um, just might make you have to stop and think.

  101. It’s two in the morning here and I’ve been sleep deprived for years. So excuse me if I didn’t see the link through all the HIV hysteria on that site.

  102. Ok Brian. So just re-enforce that tangible proof by injecting yourself with HIV.

  103. ““The implication is that HIV is harmless” – has anyone established proof that HIV is deadly? Why do you believe something you cannot prove?”

    Slow down there. There’s a lot of room between harmless and deadly, and I don’t remember stating that I believe either. I did say that I don’t want HIV, and I stand by that. I also don’t want the flu. And if somebody intentionally gave me the flu, I’d be pretty pissed off. Would you say HIV is more harmful than the flu, less harmful, or not harmful at all? I’m still trying to get a calibration here.

    “How would you know you’re infected if none of the tests detect HIV?”

    False positive and false negatives do occur, but rarely. Repeated testing further reduces the likelihood of a false result. Is it your position that there is no difference between a person who consistently tests positive and one who consistently tests negative?

  104. jeremysteele11 says:

    Just got in, folks. Lots of verbiage, I see.

    Darrah, who the hell said no one’s ever been convictged of HIV related crimes? OMSJ had turned tide from previous attorneys who were incompetent, ignorant and brainwashed in absence of the basic facts. A retrovirus being the “likely” cause of AIDS was originally announced by Gallo and we are still waiting for the proof. The test for HIV identifies HIV based on “presumption”. Presumption has always been in favor of innocence until guilt is proven.

    Kim Bergalis died of AZT poisoning after she was told she was HIV positive; a common occurance, as AZT was originally deemed “too toxic for human consumption” before the CDC changed it’s mind during the height of gay hysterics and demands for a “cure” to their own behaviorally caused G.R.I.D.

    “HIV = AIDS = Death” has been drummed in your heads for days and weeks and months and years and years and years, yet you’ve never acknowledged the facts and the controversy which reveals it’s a money making terror sham.

  105. Tobias:

    You’ve obviously studied (and believe) the MARKETING information. Until you understand what the LABEL information indicates, my interview will continue to confuse you.

    Here’s the label information for the latest Abbott Labs Test – the “ARCHITECT HIV Ag/Ab Combo”

    As you can see, the label info contains 28 pages of gibberish. What is important is what they’ve buried on page 9:

    “The interpretation of specimens with a final result… IS NOT DEFINITIVE; further clarification may be obtained by testing another specimen taken at least 1 month later.”

    If the first one is not definitive, why would ten more test taken during the next ten months be definitive?

    “The ARCHITECT HIV Ag/Ab Combo assay result and supplemental assay results should be interpreted in conjunction with the patient’s clinical presentation, history, and other laboratory results.”

    This means that if you’re black or gay or another targeted group, your test results might be different from non-targeted groups.  You see, HIV is a very selective and sophisticated virus.  It doesn’t threaten people like pharmaceutical execs, their families or other NORMAL people – it only affects gullible targets that are easily convinced that there’s something wrong with them.

    “If the results are inconsistent with clinical evidence, additional testing is suggested to confirm the result.”

    If the test is not definitive, why would taking more inconclusive tests make the first inconclusive test more accurate?

    “An individual who has antibodies to HIV is presumed to be infected with the virus…”

    Since the test is not definitive, how can anyone PRESUME that you’re infected with HIV?

    “A test result that is nonreactive does not exclude the possibility of exposure to or infection with HIV-1 and/or HIV-2.”

    Ah… so even if the test comes back negative you might still have the virus that the test can’t detect in the first place!  A non-reactive test might be just as wrong as a reactive test.  None of these possibilities can be excluded.  You’ll have to ask your cleric (who hasn’t read this information either).

    “Nonreactive results in this assay for individuals with prior exposure to HIV-1 and/or HIV-2 may be due to antigen and antibody levels that are below the limit of detection of this assay.”

    If these tests aren’t definitive, how would anyone know they were ever exposed previously in the first place?

    “The performance of this assay has not been established for individuals younger than 2 years of age.”

    It hasn’t been established for ANY group – including individuals older than two.

    “Nearly all infants born to HIV-infected mothers passively acquire maternal antibody and, in some cases, will test antibody positive until age 18 months regardless of whether they are infected.”

    This means is that infants who were tested between 1985 and today were NEVER accurately tested for HIV.  They’re ALL false positives.  How many mothers killed their babies with AZT before this admission was posted?  But hey, those dead babies were listed as AIDS deaths and their mortality was used to boost the mortality numbers of the pandemic, so it wasn’t a complete waste, was it?

    “Definitive diagnosis of HIV infection in early infancy requires other assays, including HIV nucleic acid tests or viral culture.”

    By the way, none of those tests are definitive either.  There’s more theological gibberish before it refers you to SPECIMEN COLLECTION AND PREPARATION FOR ANALYSIS on page 4, where the label info discusses the kind of tubes to use for collecting samples.

    “It is the responsibility of the operator to verify that the correct specimen types are used in the ARCHITECT HIV Ag/Ab Combo assay.”

    Of course it is – Abbott doesn’t want to be sued for operator errors and misdiagnosis.

    “Performance has not been established for the use of cadaveric specimens or the use of body fluids other than human serum and plasma.”

    Nope – you still can’t detect HIV in dead people either.

  106. As for those who suggest injecting HIV, unless we have a real test that 1) isolates HIV and 2) proves that HIV is more toxic than Colonel Meth-Trannies’ fragile ego, who really cares?

  107. Tobias,

    One such as yourself should truly try to understand what the tests for HIV can and CANNOT tell you.

    They cannot detect any actual current, past or future infection with said virus. What they do detect are antigens and/or antibodies that occur for many other conditions, heath challenges or reasons. They are also never quite black or white, but most often, various shades of gray (reactive) and must be interpreted in either a lab or clinical setting.

    If one subjects themselves to HIV testing only to find out it’s reactive, it would mean this person would best off to find out why, while suspending all emotion and belief, which results from being hypnotized by all the surrounding incredulous HIV bull shit.

  108. The Colonel says:

    Clark says:

    ‘As for those who suggest injecting HIV, unless we have a real test that 1) isolates HIV and 2) proves that HIV is more toxic than Colonel Meth-Trannies’ fragile ego, who really cares?’

    Injecting yourself with HIV positive blood in front of a rolling camera and chronicling your exposure to HIV on film is the only way to conduct an actual experiment and whether prove your argument or die trying. Like any other scientific experiment, it has its potential hazards and risks, but I assume if you had a shred of dignity and faith in your baseless, worthless claims, you would agree to do that. You don’t., and I’m glad I put you in a position where you demonstrated your complete, utter cowardice and ignorance. Your 15 seconds of fame is up, so you can stick around and continue to spread your verbal diarrhea on this forum, or you can go find another forum, or you can go fuck yourself. Either way, nobody cares.

  109. There are many things about Clark Baker that if known, would show him as less than credible. However, I will not go into that. Let me go into just one thing that shows why he is lying about his so called HIV Innocence Project.

    In the intro the admin wrote:
    “two judges and eleven prosecutors have dropped all HIV-related criminal charges against 13 US and Canadian defendants during the past 13 months.”

    That is not accurate. First of all, the strategy of Baker’s HIP is not show that HIV tests are not accurate. However, of the supposed 13 cases he cites, 4 directly utilized HIV tests and the accuracy of those tests to get the charges dropped. Just check out this link:

    It clearly states:
    “According to Lucas, investigators obtained a search warrant for a blood sample from Perez. A test for HIV, which causes the chronic, life-threatening condition AIDS, came back negative.”

    ALSO, Baker claims that OMSJ was directly involved in getting bioterrorism charges dropped against Danial Allen. This is a LIE! Those charges were dropped BECAUSE the Judge cited this:
    ““The fact that defendant is HIV positive, alone, cannot demonstrate he manufactured or possessed his HIV infected blood for an unlawful purpose,” Maceroni says in the ruling issued late Wednesday and made available Thursday. “In addition, defendant’s alleged action of biting the complaining witness, without the presence of blood, is not a documented manner in which HIV can be transmitted.”
    And the link is here:

    Clark Baker is lying. Go to my blog for more proof of who Baker is. He is not credible.

  110. Hey Kernal – no problem. I’m up for it – just as Peter Duesberg and others offered years ago.

    Now, before we begin… please explain how you plan to isolate your spooky HIV virus. That’s the first step.

    What exactly is its atomic weight? If you can find the published scientific paper that shows everyone exactly how to spin down and prepare the serum, please post a link so that I can see how your clerics allege that they do that.

    Let me know when you find it.

  111. Clark’s grasp of virology and infectious diseases is best summed up by his demand to know the “atomic weight” of HIV.

  112. The Colonel says:

    I already told you Clark, your 15 seconds of fame is up; and I also proposed you how to put your money where your mouth is and turn yourself into evidence by exposing yourself to HIV virus in front of a rolling camera and chronicling your life after exposure in a documentary and proving all scientific accounts about HIV are invalid and wrong. If you don’t have the balls and dignity to do that, it’s your problem. In any event, let me know if and when you decide to do that. I can see the National Enquirer headline:

    Global HIV Conspiracy Exposed By The Fired Cop/Private Dick Who Used To Write Jaywalking Citations

    In the meantime, go fuck yourself.

  113. jeremysteele11 says:

    “AIDS”, as it’s called is proof of the power of perpetual brainwashing… even the Colonel is not immune, with his Sherlock John Holmes way of seeing through bullshit in such examples as the 9/11 and even moon landing scams. The industry of HIV and AIDS, to me, Colonel, is so much more self-evident than the Moon landing controversy, first and formost, there are so many ways of looking at it… (although there were cold war stategies and laundering possiblities with the money that wasn’t spent on landing on the moon, instead, doing a nice Hollywood Production on top of Lookout Mountain as Armstrong says “one small step for mank, one giant leap for mankind”, when, then, all-of-a-sudden, half of the lighting fixutre falls into frame… yeah, I’ve seen that too. A good laugh and shock at the same time.)

    But, when it comes to AIDS, shit, you can do a little research into Robert Gallo. This guy makes Bernie Madoff seem alright, considering all that’s been said and done. Any 8th grade biology student should be asking certain questions. You can do it of a President, and you can do it of a scientist. Why? Because scientists are following, or are supposed to follow certain LAWS of Science! If their samples fail to established methods of seeing whether a specimen naturally replicates a virus, such as Koch’s Postulates, then they should have to answer for their claim and do so adequately. Gallo, to prove, a long established standard of identifying contagious viruses, would need to show signs of something spreading in ALL AND EVERY CASE. It’s failed the test, and Joe Know puts up some bullshit that it has, which is an absolute lie. They haven’t even been able to successfully isolate something and now it’s being claimed they have a perfect or even high success rate? Maybe if there actually was something there would be a real, by definition, ‘epidemic’, and it would be easily identifiable and in every specimen it is infected with. Instead we’ve been terrorized sheep into funnelling countless numbers of dollars, which pays for more of it’s propaganda and fattens it up to such proportions, as to have become some sort of foreign, brain-suppressing, imaginary pseudo-nation, in it’s own right.

    This whole “mystery” virus thing is a hoax, and the evil magician is sponsored by the evil drug empire. They make Columbians look like cotton candy salesmen.

    The dark religion must beware… 2012 is coming.
    And as the light brightens, we shall all see more dirt!

    ha ha

  114. The Colonel says:

    Jeremy Steele says:

    ‘2012 is coming.’

    2012 is already here. Look, I just saw the queen of England shape shifting into a giant lizard.

    Whatever you say, Jeremy, whatever you say.


  115. jeremysteele11 says:

    Don’t forget the lizard that turns into Ruppert Murdoch… Actually, not much of a physical transmutation is needed, in his case.

    And a HahAHa 2u2…

    Pretty soon Christmas time will be coming and it’ll be

    HOHOHO. Halloween stream-lining into tryptofan Turkey day, then Jingle Balls, all the way… time seems like it’s speedin… uuuuUUUUPPP!

  116. To: Clark

    So, what do you have to say about all the evidences provided by the website?

  117. jeremysteele11 says:

    also my scientific explanation was a little dyslexic above but i hope you caught my drift, i think i mixed my virus with my specimens and said it wrong…

  118. jeremysteele11 says:

    And as you said, Clark, atomic rate, how do you weigh such a tiny piece of inert, dead debris before it wreaks all of it’s huge and heavy havoc?

    Eventually someone at the CDC will figure out that immune- suppressive drugs cause immune suppression… but then again if someone would figure out, then there’d be nothing to sell.

  119. jeremysteele11 says:

    shit i meant ‘weight’, not ‘rate’


  120. jeremysteele11 says:


    The word “virus” originates from the Latin “virulentus”, meaning “poisonous”, referring to poison and other noxious substances. Thus by definition, AIDS “therapy” drugs (such as AZT, etc.) ARE the viruses (poisons).

  121. AIDS therapy drugs are anti-virals, Jeremy.

    Get some sleep.

  122. Clark Baker is not telling the truth. I have shown above that he is lying about the Jose Alex Perez case that he cites at his OMSJ site. I also showed above that OMSJ was NOT involved in the Daniel Allen Case AT ALL!! The American Civil Liberties Union was ivolved in that case. Clark Baker refuses to provide ANY proof of his statements. Above he suggests to google “Daniel Allen HIV Galen”. I did and came up with NOTHING that showed OMSJ involvement. It only showed the charge of bioterrorism was dropped (as I previously stated at comment #114).

    As for Baker’s claim at comment #29 that he “identified me months ago” is a lie. Baker and I go back two years. Baker has been lying about me for two years calling me a faggot, a whore, a drug addict, a “meth tranny” and other lovely names but REFUSES to provide the proof that OMSJ has helped get one single case dismissed as he claims. Baker, I renew my request for proof.

    See my blog (by clicking on “jtd” above) and you will see many documented items about Clark Baker.

  123. Although the Kernel has all of the hallmarks of a pharmaceutical troll, there’s little need to identify him – JTD did it for us. Once you know who they are and how they operate, they’re easily identified and dismissed.

    Their primary objective is to insult and ridicule those who expose the pharmaceutical industry for what it is.

    Nancy Banks MD is a successful black Harvard OBGYN surgeon, MBA and author, but JTD’s handlers call her a bigot. When you understand why, you’ll know why they try to attack OMSJ:

  124. Although OMSJ does not usually respond to the administrative requests of trolls like JTD and the kernel, I’ve posted the court minutes from one of our cases.

    For those who visit the HIV Innocence Project, you’ll see that Quacy Francis faced decades in prison.  Last September, prosecutors dropped all charges against him.

    As I said, Mr. Francis was just ONE of our MANY cases.

    If trolls like JTD and the kernel don’t know how to find public information from a court clerk, how exactly did they become experts of HIV gibberish?  They don’t want to know because real evidence threatens their theology.

    Court minutes are posted here:

  125. @ Caemocou: Good question!

    OMSJ is aware of that NIH link. But if you read that page and all of the links connected to it, you’ll see that none of them answer the question of WHEN, WHERE, HOW and WHO proved that 1)HIV attacks cells and 2) causes AIDS.

    Are Americans expected to blindly accept the word of the agencies (NIH/CDC) that made Tuskegee a household term? It’s one thing to say HIV causes AIDS but quite another to explain exactly how they proved it.

    So Caemocou, you’re on the right track. Now all you need to do is find those answers, AD FONTES.

  126. @ Caemocou – Another good question:

    AIDSTruth is a pharmaceutical propaganda site.  Since it offers no comment field, it can’t even be called a blog.

    It is managed by doctors like these – and for the same reason.

    Unsurprisingly, the website is based in South Africa, where AIDS theology is used to keep the mining industry alive. Without AIDS, mines would face billions of dollars in liability from the pollution and mine-related lung diseases.  If people die from mine-polluted waters and air, the industry (and the South African government) collapses.  But if we blame the victims for not using condoms, the mining companies can continue to destroy the environment there and sack the continent of its mineral wealth.

    OMSJ exposed them in 2009.

  127. jeremysteele11 says:

    What kind of dummy spells “dummies” as “dumbees”? I guess dumb bees can’t even sting right!

    And how does one call poison “therapy”? How are immunosuppressive drugs not immunosuppressive? Some dumb bees flying around…

  128. Dr. Banks is a bigot. She wrote in her book that gay men go out and have sex with 10, 20 and more men on a single night. That is perpetuating a hateful stereotype. That is intolerance and hatred and that is a bigot.

    She also lied and wrote that those same men take Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole as a prophylaxis for STDs before going out. T-S (or Bactrim) is NOT used for STDs as a prophylaxis NOR as a treatment! So she is bigoted and ignorant and intolerant of others AND she is ignorant of medicine and it’s uses. Therefore she is also not a very smart docotor!

    As for the Quacy documents. I just read them and ALL they showed was the case was dismissed! NOTHING about WHY or that OMSJ was involved in ANY way!! Come on, Baker. Any fool can get hold of such minutes. I DEMAND proof from you and have done so for MONTHS and you do NOT prove anything! You just give the run around. What are you hiding? What a JOKE!! hahahahahaaaa

    As for “dumbees” being spelled wrong: That is intentional! Every heard of the “SUBJECT for dummies” series of books? It is a play on those books. However “dummies” is copyrighted so I chose a diffferent incorrect spelling.
    Perhaps “Porn for Dummies” would be a book you might know!

  129. JTD…  are you saying that you’ve never attended a circuit party?  How does someone who never used meth at a circuit party have teeth like yours?

    Are you saying that you’ve never heard of the Beast in the Bathhouse?  You’ve never heard of barebacking?  POZ Magazine did a a whole report on it:

    Every Thursday through Sunday night in San Francisco’s Castro district, someone named Marshall uses his house to host a party for other gay men who share a similar sexual interest: no condoms. Admission is $8, and after I pay, Marshall hands me a piece of paper. “This is a bareback party,” the house rules read. “It is assumed all guests are HIV+ or have made the decision to attend this kind of party. Therefore, there will be no discussion of status, illness or medicine.” Partygoers must also sign a statement of their intention not to infect anyone with HIV. Whether or not they mean it, this relieves the host of any responsibility under the new California law that criminalizes HIV transmission. After signing in, I peel off my clothes, stuff them into a white trash bag labeled “Michael S.” in black magic marker and, with a sense of trepidation, proceed downstairs into a large bedroom occupied by a dozen naked men in various positions of sexual activity. A red bulb provides the only light, casting an eerie glow over the room. A TV screen flickers with a porn video. The men are a diverse group, running the gamut in age, ethnicity and body type. Moving between the bodies, I take a seat and watch the center of the action — two tops take turns with a bottom. The sex is silent, serious and very intense. It continues for what seems like an hour, finally culminating with the two tops each getting off inside the bottom. Afterward, he remains on his hands and knees, waiting for others to mount him. During this pause, I find myself, as a 28-year-old gay man, wondering if this is what carefree sex was like in the ’70s. No one here but me betrays anxiety.

    In 2005, the Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (JIAPAC) reported that:

    (All of) the published studies of circuit parties… are all primarily descriptive and point to the following: (1) sensation-seeking reasons — the desire to have sex, a wild time, and do drugs—as notable motivations to attend circuit parties; (2) widespread drug consumption at parties, with multiple drug use being the norm; (3) widespread sexual activity, with high prevalence of unprotected anal sex, sex with multiple partners, and sex while high on club drugs; and (4) notable attendance by HIV-positive patrons who, on average, exhibit less cautious sexual behavior than HIV-negative patrons.

    Dr. Banks doesn’t perpetuate gay stereotypes – YOU DO.  You called Dr. Banks a bigot for reporting how people like you behave.  We have many gay friends – none of them engage in these kinds of behaviors – nor do any of them have a reason to use bogus tests or worry about HIV.  Even THEY know it’s a fraud.

    More information about this topic and how the drug industry uses fading queens like JTD to attack others is found at

  130. Very nice Baker. Accuse me of being a whore and a drug addict just because I am gay. No wonder you do not think Dr. Bigot Banks is a bigot. You are just like her. Perpetuating a stereotype. Why not then tell us what you REALLY think of Porn Actors? If you think I am a whore, you must really have a high opinion of these people. You are just using these people and this venuse to perpetuate your lies!

    Whtat hpocrite tool you are. Why not grow up and tel the truth for once?

  131. Mr. Steele, what do you think of Mr. Baker calling me a whore and using this venue? He is using you and he has a lower opinion of you and others like you. That is obvious from what he says about gays. If he thinks gays are whores, what do you really think his opinion of you is?

    He is making you his puppet. Perhaps you should reconsider letting him continue using this venue to perpetuate his lies and baseless attacks. You are now liable for his lies, libel and slander you know.

  132. jeremysteele11 says:

    I think Mr. Baker is speaking well enough for himself regarding whatever matters between you two. I also think he has a good opinion of me. He told me the industry is fortunate to have me, although the industry might not currently share in that opinion.

    At this point, I will not be censored, especially by those who think censorship is bad. I will speak my mind and if someone can convince me to change my mind I am more than willing, which is lot more than a lot of people are willing to do.

    And Clark is not making me his puppet. The fact is I contacted him first and told him I would like to interview him for LIB.

    You’re the puppet, not I. Official sources and t.v. have had you hypnotized. I’ve asked many questions on my own and am still waiting for some answers. Some people may believe it’s wrong to ask questions, but those are the ones who have let someone or something else do the thinking and questions and answers for them.

    The last sentence you said is completely idiotic. To quote our last monkey president Bush, “Bring it on”.

  133. jeremysteele11 says:

    Some interesting facts about viruses:

    Viruses are found in almost every ecosystem on Earth and are the most abundant type of biological entity.

    Viruses (like some LIB commenters), have no brain. They are like microscopic lint and can not replicate themselves without the host. If they infect and kill the host, then they couldn’t hide in the host for years upon years. A retrovirus (dormant virus) has 3 genetic components, none have ever shown any propensity to cause disease and many exist in every healthy human body. For it to be claimed to mutate and hibernate before ravaging the body is unproven pseudo-science, and like putting a Superman cape on somebody and then expecting them to fly. And if it only hiberates and isn’t causing disease then what is the rational for bombarding the body with toxic poison “therapy” drugs for days, weeks, months and years? Why tack a toxic chemotherapy pill for a microscopic hibernating retrovirus and they say the drugs aren’t causing the disease?

  134. jeremysteele11 says:

    std, i mean jtd said:

    “Dr. Banks is a bigot. She wrote in her book that gay men go out and have sex with 10, 20 and more men on a single night. That is perpetuating a hateful stereotype. That is intolerance and hatred and that is a bigot.”

    It is well documented that a significant (although still minority) percentage of gays were (and are) living the fast-track lifestyle, which originally exploded in the 70s and into the 80s during the gay liberation movement. Bathhouses, poppers, club drugs, antibiotics and multiple sex partners was just part of the regimen.

    Now, clues to understanding the problem with how our nation is brainwashed can be understood by examing the political control and censorship of important information due to free-market Capitalism… No one was warning gays about the deadly effects of Ibutol and Amyl Nitrate because they were heavily advertised in the gay magazines as recreational “must haves”. Instead, sick gays, many of them getting severly sick from kaposi sarcoma, would go to their doctor, and for whatever stupid reason it was decided to call it Gay Related Immune Deficiency, as if being gay is what made them sick. No, it was obviously some kind of immuno-suppressive behavior. Some conspiracy nuts think GRID was an attempt to suppress or eliminate the “undesirables”, but then once IV addicts were claimed to be “mysteriously” dying (gee, I wonder what from???) and linked to fast-track living homosexuals, the road was slowly being paved to take it to the next level. Robert Gallo took advantage of all the hysterical gay activists screaming for a cure, blaming doctors instead of using some fuckin’ common sense…

  135. Cindi: Wow. I know this may sound mean, but I hope the porn community has enough self-respect to insure you face a bit of social/professional blowback from this one. If everyone lets you coast on something this irresponsible, it’ll prove that folks like Darrah have had a point all along, and the business really is just a conscience-free cesspit.

    And I really don’t want to live in a world where Darrah becomes The Reasonable One. 😀

  136. jeremysteele11 says:

    Hello Roger, AIDS Denialist, or should I call you AIDS Fundamentalist?

    We’ve had a ton of verbiage but everyone is keeping clear of the thin ice, where lies the crux of this matter. The HIV test manufacturer admits that their tests don’t prove HIV isolation, only presume it. And presumption is nothing to hold your hat on.

    This humongous AIDS beast is like some robotic monster, it’s menacing and scary but it doesn’t flow and it moves slow.

    Again, no one, including Roger (calling this interview “irresponsible”) can take on the crux of this matter.

    Fuck this faith! Science is not supposed to be a fuckin’ religion. A true and genuine scientist is and must be willing to abandon all previous beliefs upon the discovery of something which changes the entire paradigm, not defend his faith because of all he’s invested in it (capital, time, status, emotion and ego).

  137. Jeremy,

    People (including myself) have explained this to you over and over. Your response has been to write increasingly deranged word salads like your post above.

    You are claiming that you have discovered that the diagnosis of HIV infection using antibody tests is invalid. You say that “(an) individual who has antibodies to HIV is presumed to be infected with the virus,” but that “why we’re expected to presume is not clear.”

    It is “not clear” to you because you have not bothered to read the scientific literature on the subject, even after I provided you with a link to one of the earliest papers to have demonstrated this, from over twenty years ago:

    “Our ability to directly demonstrate HIV-1 infection in all HIV-1 antibody-positive individuals provides definitive support that HIV-1 antibody positivity is associated with present HIV-1 infection.”


    To put it simply, you do not have a clue, and appear to have no insight into this. Give it up. You’ve been sucked in by the AIDS-denialist scammers.

  138. Stool,
    you moron. every medical test is considered presubptive until confirmed by either repeat analysis, or conrimed by an alternate method. Trying to ininuate that the word presumptive means anything other than what I just described above is nothing but pure bullshit, a common tactic of the denialst movement,,,find one little thing that MOST people dont understand, and tell them it means something completely different, that just happens to suit your agenda.

    But lets get this straight Jerry,
    what kind of denialist are you
    A.) The HIV virus does not exist
    B.) HIV does exist but is basicly harmless
    C.) The virus exists but tests cant detect it

    Just google the word ‘presumptive medical test” You will find it in the lituerature of every single medical “Screening” test////youknow, like the routine elisa ‘screen’ that is confirmed by western blot, and/or pcr.

    How come the denialst boys who talk about the virus not existing dont EVER talk about the pcr,,which searches for the DNA structure of the virus itself?

  139. Let’s get back to the point of this entire post: The interview with Clark Baker and his assumption that HIV tests are not accurate and that same strategy employed by Baker’s OMSJ. Thru OMSJ and this suppposed strategy that HIV tests are not accurate, Baker has claimed that OMSJ has gotten HIV Related Crminal charges dropped in many cases. But Baker refuses to provide any proof that OMSJ has had such involvement. Instead Baker says it is up to others to “find public information from a court clerk.”

    Why should it be up to me to verify Baker’s statements? Why does Baker himself not supply ANY court documents himself? Being the Founder of OMSJ he should have these documents. When he did provide “Court Minutes” on the Quacy Francis trial, it did not provide ANY statement as to WHY charges were dropped NOR did it say one thing about OMSJ.

    Also, another case Baker claims OMSJ was heavily involved was the Daniel Allen case. In fact I did find documents on this case provided by the ACLU, American Civil Liberties Union. I made a strong case at my own blog as to the involvement of the ACLU and not OMSJ. Here is the amicus submitted to the court regarding the Allen case and low and behold, the information in this amicus is what the Judge himself cited when he dropped bioterrorism charges:

    Where is ANY amicus or ANY court documents provided by OMSJ or even mentioning OMSJ? I say that I have not found them because they do not exist!

    I have extensively and substantially debunked 5 of the 13 cases Baker lists at his site!

    Come on Baker, please, please, please prove me worng!
    I will gladly apologize if you do.

  140. jeremysteele11 says:

    No Frank, you are confused as to the meaning of the word “presume”, just as the general population has been mislead to believe that Gallo’s original claim that the “likely cause of AIDS has been found” (which began a great career for him, virus hunters who had been out of worked for years after the failed virus/cancer program, and not to mention the drug cartel) means “HIV=AIDS”.

    You’re playing games with yourself because I’m not playing. HIV tests don’t stand up in court.

    And just as when a lawyer asked the physician if their guinia pig volunteers understood what the effects of their “therapy” drugs were, first the physician said “yes”, but then admitted after asking what the effects were that “We don’t know. That’s what we’re trying to find out”.

    Like it or not, whether it messes up your blind faith, we are all finding out now what the truth is under the penalty of perjury!

    Presumption does not equal proof. You have been mislead. You have failed!

  141. jeremysteele11 says:

    guinea pigs, sorry.

    And Joe Don’t Know, you dont know what you’re talking about. 10 presumptive diagnosis still means 10×0, in terms of evidence. Ask the experts who were forced to admit this in court!

  142. jeremysteele11 says:

    And regarding A, B & C:

    A. Many prominent scientists with advanced degrees say this. Your degree in masturbation to barn yard animals does not count.

    B. Many prominent scientists say, that regardless of whether HIV exists or not, and assuming it does, there still is no proof it causes one of a collection of old, different diseases called AIDS.

    C. Many prominent scientists say, if it existed and was a super killer deadly virus, it would be easy to find. Gallo invented a test to allegedly find HIV, not by finding HIV but by testing for antibodies, which was absurd, and further proof he couldn’t find it, himself. Antibodies have always been indicative of immune response and it’s process of eradicating an illness, but regardless, antibodies are not specific to any illness, which is why those tests put out false positives like crazy.



  143. You’ve convinced me, Jerry. You’re right. HIV is not a retrovirus and it doesn’t cause AIDS. I’ve been misled by religious nuts all these years. Thanks for your insight. Truly, no sarcasm.

  144. Roger, Frank, STD, Kernel, Joe: We’re up to 149 comments and NONE OF YOU have raised anything more than THEOLOGICAL complaints about NON-BELIEVERS. Don’t you find that a little embarrassing? Wouldn’t it be easier to post your proof?

    As for STD complaining that OMSJ isn’t mentioned in the court minutes, the detectives who filed the case aren’t mentioned either. Do you think this guy just showed up in jail?

    As long as prosecutors drop all HIV-related charges, OMSJ will not be mentioned. When one of our active cases goes to trial, that will change.

    For those who wonder who the heretics are, this list of 2700+ scientists, doctors, researchers, Nobel laureates and investigators comprises those who aren’t afraid to identify themselves before the AIDS mullahs. Thousands more keep it a secret to avoid the hysteria and threats that STD and her friends have illustrated so well.

    Those who wish to join the growing list of skeptics can do so here:

  145. jeremysteele11 says:

    Thanks, Origen. Glad to read you’ve abandoned The Dark Side of the FARCE and come to the side of Light!

    And, considering you originally decried how terribly irresponsible this interview was (and asking Cindi to please remove it), this is a satisfying read. 😀

    And even if HIV exists as a retroviruses (not viruses), retroviruses exist in every healthy human body and have never been shown to harm anyone. Of course, such illuminations are very bad for business.

  146. Origen – During the 1980s, scientists (including Robert Gallo) admitted that no one on the planet knows more about retroviruses than Peter Duesberg – the guy who originally mapped the retrovirus genome.

    Duesberg established that retroviruses are non-pathogenic – which means that retroviruses do not attack cells and, therefore, cannot compromise immune function or cause AIDS.

    So while HIV IS A RETROVIRUS, the fact that it doesn’t attack cells or cause AIDS is pretty clear.

    Your turnaround is exactly what terrifies the AIDS clerics, which is why they argue so hysterically.

    I have to give you kudos – it took me much longer (about 6 weeks) to see the gaping holes in the HIV theology – it only took you a few days. Frankly, had I not investigated this myself, I probably still wouldn’t believe me either.

  147. To the denialists:

    Duissberg stablished at around 1970’s that endogen retroviruses are commonly non pathogenic, which has later been proved wrong, as there’re several links between them and autoimmune diseases see for example:

    Mameli G, Astone V, Arru G, Marconi S, Lovato L, Serra C, Sotgiu S, Bonetti B, Dolei A (Jan 2007). “Brains and peripheral blood mononuclear cells of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients hyperexpress MS-associated retrovirus/HERV-W endogenous retrovirus, but not human herpesvirus 6”. J Gen Virol. 88 (Pt 1): 264–74. doi:10.1099/vir.0.81890-0. PMID 17170460.

    In fact exogen retroviruses have been known to be pathogenic for a long time, causing leukemia, cancers, and other diseases:

    ^ Chevalier SA, Ko NL, Calattini S, et al. (July 2008). “Construction and characterization of a human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 3 infectious molecular clone”. J. Virol. 82 (13): 6747–52. doi:10.1128/JVI.00247-08. PMID 18417569.

    Jeremy the fact that someone held a position of authority in one field, does not mean he is always right, science evolves and what one stablished is always open to be revised by later discoveries. In fact Duissberg ideas about cancer being produced by anomalous replication and the common absence of genes in certain cancers are taken seriously despite being an skeptic of AIDS.

    The main issue with “denialists” is that you use rethoric rather than proofs, manipulation rather than truth (for example portraying that Gallo said AIDS could be cured in weeks… is like those who said that Darwin was christian…). Honestly you can believe what you want, but the truth is that unless you provide scientific evidence, your comments are rethoric and empty.

  148. Clark, you are the one who is embarassing!! The fact that you can not and WILL not provide ANY proof to validate you claims is TRANSPARENT!! You are sad, pathological and transparent!!! Too bad you can not see just how TRANSPARENTLY stupid you are!!

    Either provide some proof or shut the fuck up you lying, hypocritical douchebag!!!

  149. Just like origen01, I too have become convinced by Mr Baker’s irrefutable logic, scientific brilliance and modest courage against the worldwide AIDS conspiracy involving just about every scientist and physician on the planet.

    Well that – together with his irresistibly sexy smoldering manliness that even Mother Teresa was powerless against. From Clark’s autobiography:

    “Hey you!”

    Both turned toward me, as did the shocked receptionist. A holdover from the Crown Colony days, Mrs. Robinson scolded me in the King’s English: “That’s Mother Teresa! She can go in!”

    I’d heard of Mother Teresa but had not seen a picture of her. Instead of proceeding up the elevator, Mother Teresa returned to my desk and smiled sweetly.

    “Hello, I’m Mother Teresa and today I would like to visit the Consul General before stopping by…”

    I didn’t want to detain her but she stuck around a few moments longer as if making sure that my authority had not been bruised. When she saw me during later visits she made a point to stop and check in with me. I sensed that she was flirting – at least as much as a saint could flirt with a marine.”

    What a guy!

  150. jeremysteele11 says:

    This is bullshit pseudo-science, McLoex,

    Retroviruses are found in every healthy human body. Their presence is no more proof of being the cause of a disease then the claim that birds perched on telephone wires are proof of power failures. Correlation does not prove causation.

    If a microscopic, super-tiny, brainless, dormant retrovirus is the cause of cancer, leukemia, lymphoma (the latter two were failed hypotheses proffered by Gallo, prior to HTLVIII/HIV, during his attempts to procure research funding) and now
    multiple sclerosis (the cause remains officially unknown, although theories include but are not limited to genetics, infections, environment and diet, including poor food assimilation and toxemia from poor bowel heath, lead or heavy metal poisoning), then why was the government multi-billion virus/cancer program abandoned in the 1970s? It’s been generally dismissed that cancer is caused by a virus, let alone a dormant and brainless retrovirus, but thanks to Gallo rescuing virus hunters it looks to be having a hopeful comeback.

    Gallo called Duesberg the “foremost authority on retrovirology”, but that was before Duesberg challenged Gallo in regards to the hypothesis that a retrovirus is the cause of either AIDS or cancer. Duesberg was on his way to winning the nobel prize before making that politically incorrect move in contradiction of the official position of the incessantly corrupt U.S. government and “health” institutions.

    And here we go again with the word “denialism” as a pathetic attempt at ignoring important points. You’re the denialist, sir. I’ve already stated many examples of denialism from the AIDS Fundamentalist Front. And you know about Fundamentalists, right? You can’t argue them with logic or facts, and they’re very childishly emotional simpletons, like Joe.

    I completely agree with proof over rhethoric. Did you know Gallo never submitted his findings to peer review before the Dep’t of Health made their announcement that the “probable cause of AIDS has been found”? Clark Baker has been getting experts to testify that the tests for HIV don’t test for HIV. They can’t seem to locate it but it’s gonna kill ya, so hide your wife, hide your kids…

    And btw, it was Montagnier who said HIV can be cured with diet and water within two weeks, not Gallo.

  151. Did you know Gallo never submitted his findings to peer review before the Dep’t of Health made their announcement that the “probable cause of AIDS has been found”?

    I’m afraid I didn’t, Jeremy. According to the published papers themselves they were submitted for peer review on 31st March 1984. Over the following weeks they successfully passed peer review and were approved for publication on the 18th of April. The Department of Health Announcement was then made a few days later, and the papers appeared on the May 4th issue of Science.

    Where did you get the idea they weren’t peer reviewed? Did you read it on a website somewhere? Must be true then.

  152. By the way, if there are any producers here who are stuck for a storyline to their next film, I’m sure Clark’s autobiography will provide them with loads of inspiration – and not just his deeply erotic encounter with Mother Teresa.

    Solo masturbation films still sell well, don’t they?

  153. jeremysteele11 says:

    That Gallo did not submit his findings to peer review is not an idea, Frank. This along with his later “scientific misconduct” (perhaps you don’t know about this, either) is well documented.

    Let me read an excerpt I happen to have fallen upon, of a book I have called “Science Fictions- A Scientific Mystery, A Massive Cover-Up, And the Dark Legacy of Robert Gallo” by John Crewdson:

    page 17:

    “Around that time a lot of weird things were happening,”, recalled a technician in Gallo’s lab. “You’d go in on the weekends and somebody had changed all the dials on the counters. People were unplugging incubators. You’d come back on a Monday morning, and clearly something weird was going on. Because always, an attempt had been made to destroy something.”

    However the freezer had come unplugged, without new infusions of growth factor the HL-23 cells were soon dead, and with them whatever cancer-causing virus they might have harbored…

    (Yet) Gallo chose to publish, not in Nature but it’s American counterpart, the journal Science. Even before the HL-23 paper appeared in print, Gallo’s discovery was in the news. The New York Times, chastened by too many false virus sightings, was no longer reporting cancer-virus discoveries, but the Washington Post still thought they were front-page material. While a half dozen other human cancer virus claims hadn’t panned out, said the Post, Gallo’s newest virus had passed all the scientific hurdles. “I got up one morning and read the headlines with no forewarning whatsoever,” Bob Gallagher recalled. “I was shocked to find that he’d been talking to the press. The paper was not out yet.”


    There you are, Mr. Aids Denialist/Fundamentalist.

  154. The fact that this blog is not posting my comments is further definitive proof that I am right and this blog is full of shit.
    Thank you,

  155. McLoex – We don’t argue with clerics – we depose them.  The fact that you’re too embarrassed to identify yourself says all we need to know.

    Frank… as I wrote in Doctors Without Boundaries, none of Gallo’s original reports (1234) contain any evidence of when, where, or how he proved that HIV attacks cells and causes AIDS.  Read them.  He wrote his reports after redacting Popovic’s findings.  Unsurprisingly, Gallo was found guilty of scientific misconduct nine years later.  These are the foundations of HIV theology.

  156. jeremysteele11 says:

    No, STD, that happens to me and everyone, and often times for no distinquishable reason (although it usually will happen if you provide links). I feel for you, there. It’s very annoying if you make a good response and it either instantaneously goes “poof”! and completely disappears without a trace, so you have to write the entire thing again, or it’s mysteriously put on moderation, which can sometimes take quite a while to be approved, and by the time it finally appears it’s lost underneath a series of various other comments.

  157. Jeremy, do you know what submitting a paper to peer review means? Hint: it happens before a decision is made about whether to publish in a peer-reviewed journal.

    But in any case, you are missing the real story here – which is what a great plot line Clark’s autobiography would make for some canny adult film producer (although the dialogue is a bit improbable for your average porn film).

    But no matter. What punter (especially those from rapidly growing Meth Tranny Community) wouldn’t pay big time to see Clark’s big cuddly manliness in living color on their screens? Perhaps you could talk him into playing himself? If not, maybe you could put on a couple of hundred pounds, have your penis surgically shortened, and take the role of the Great Man yourself?

  158. I just read this and about 60 of the comments. Some interesting points are brought up. This is what isn’t sitting well with me, and despite my biology/chemistry/pre-med background anyone who has passed high school biology should be able to use a bit of logic here and work through this. HIV tests work by detecting HIV antibodies. In every other disease antibodies showing up in blood work does nothing but tell a doctor that you have been exposed to something. When I was pregnant the first time I remember having this conversation with my doctor because I was going to school for veterinary medicine (vet students take the same science and pre-med course load as future doctors)I was tested for toxoplasmosis. The doctor said that I had antibodies for toxo and he told me that all the antibodies meant was that I had been exposed, that I probably had it at one point, didn’t know, and my body responded by producing antibodies and that they will always be in my system. So, if HIV tests test for antibodies and nothing more, antibodies – the same things we are forced to produce by getting vaccines – are what are being used to say that people are HIV+. The CDC claims on their website that with HIV antibodies don’t do their job. I have yet to find anything that explains this why this supposedly happens. I am not saying which side is right (condoms do prevent a number of STDs and are therefore good) but at the same time I don’t buy all the propaganda that the media, government, lobbyist and Big Pharma feed us. Call me cynical all the way around on this but there is a lot that doesn’t add up.

  159. jeremysteele11 says:

    Ballpark Frank Says:

    “Jeremy, do you know what submitting a paper to peer review means? Hint: it happens before a decision is made about whether to publish in a peer-reviewed journal.”

    No shit, Frank. I just quoted a book in regards to
    Bob Gallagher recalling, “I was shocked to find that he’d been talking to the press. The paper was not out yet.”

    Get this through your academic head, Frank. Robert Gallo started talking to the press and made a press annoucement before sharing his work with other scientific peers. This was a violation of scientific protocal. “The paper was not out yet”. None of his scientific peers even had the opportunity to read it yet before Secretary Heckler told us that the “probable cause of AIDS has been found”, thanks To Gallo.

    Do you know what “Stop acting smart” means?

  160. jeremysteele11 says:

    Thanks for jumping in Georga,

    Normal, natural, healthy pregnancies cause a lot of antibody response, which leads to a lot of false positives, which is because they’re testing antibodies instead of a virus, anything but a virus, as Gallo can’t seem to find it, while assuring us it’s there and the world will be wiped out before the Chicago Cubs win the World Series!

  161. @ Frank
    “…provides definitive support that HIV-1 antibody positivity is associated with present HIV-1 infection.”

    Associated is another word for correlation.

    @ Georgia
    Thankfully there are many more of your kind out there! Congrats for thinking clearly without the need for rose colored AIDS glasses.

    and JDT, how come every time I read or hear Clark mention meth-trannies, I immediately think of you?

  162. Hi Georga. Presumably in your pre med course you learned that presence of antibodies sometimes indicate resolved infection, and sometimes indicates chronic infection (which may or may not be latent) depending on the pathogen.

    Antibodies to toxoplasma, incidentally, belong to the latter group, as do antibodies to CMV, herpes simplex and more often than not, hepatitis C. There are numerous other examples. Despite what Peter Duesberg has repeatedly claimed, HIV is far from the only example of an infection where the presence of antibodies indicates current infection. Unfortunately the entire medical and scientific community seems to be out of step with Dr Duesberg.

    I’m curious though. As a veterinary scientist are you also a dissident about FIV, SIV, equine infectious anaemia virus, caprine arthritis encephalitis virus, bovine immunodeficiency virus, vina maedi virus and the all the other closely related lentiviruses that cause analogous diseases in animals other than humans?

    Or are you a dissident only about HIV-1 and HIV-2?

    Because Duesberg insists that no lentiviruses (or other retroviruses) can cause disease. Which means that the whole veterinary science community is also out of step with him.

  163. Frank

    We’re not talking about “sometimes indicates” – “May or may not be Latent” or “analogous animal diseases”

    We’re talking about the the whole prevailing paradigm being analogous to Alice in Wonderland, forget about that it’s still all just HIV theory.

  164. George:

    Good points – with some clarification:

    Although HIV test MARKETING claims that HIV tests detect HIV antibodies, they don’t. Test manufacturers admit that they detect antibodies and leave it up to clinicians to verify the test results with an interview and clinical evaluation.

    If the test detected HIV, why would manufacturers require clinicians to ask questions to confirm infection? Reliable tests are binary. Like pregnancy tests, you either ARE or you are NOT (with a handful of false positives and negatives sprinkled in). HIV tests require lengthy Q & A – how many sexual partners? Drug use? Sexual preference? Etc.

    HIV tests detect ANTIBODIES and we are born and die with antibodies so all of us have them. When the test detects a level of antibodies and proteins (like P-24), the test PRESUMES infection.

    If we use a cops (antibody) and robbers (antigen) analogy, the test looks for cops and PRESUMES that robbers are present – even though the cops could be at a police station, a doughnut shop, at a funeral or riot. Our antibodies are dispatched for many reasons – when our immune system detects antigens and pathogens that constantly bombard us, they deploy, identify and isolate the pathogen. Pregnancy, flu, flu shots, abscessed teeth, broken bones, drug use… there are thousands of reasons why an HIV test will flag you as HIV+. This is why clinicians are told to interview the tested party. If you’re gay or black – especially a black pregnant female – or you use drugs or work in adult films, you’re probably HIV+. If you’re a white male, married with kids and work for a major pharmaceutical company, then you’re not. HIV is a VERY sophisticated virus.

    It is one thing for clinicians to discuss marketing in blogs like this and quite another when they testify under oath. After decades of false information, the science is so replete with contradictions that expert testimony quickly devolves into something akin to the Scopes trial.

    OMSJ plans to post the video deposition of one infectious disease expert in the coming months (it’s one of our active cases). The doctor is an Ivy League MD with 30+ years of experiences and a VERY impressive resume – teaching doctors about infectious disease, treating thousands of patients and testifying as an expert dozens of times for criminal and civil cases. His testimony in our case (he killed someone with HIV drugs) eventually devolved to the point where his own attorney ordered him to stop answering questions and declared that the doctor was not an HIV expert after all! HIS OWN ATTORNEY IMPEACHED HIM!

    So while clerics like this guy are good preaching HIV theology, it isn’t hard to tear them down when you know the gospel better than they do.

    These revelations threaten thousands of clinicians and drug companies that rely on HIV theology and CDC ESTIMATES (they never use real numbers because they don’t have any). Eventually, they’ll have to find another scam or apply to truck driving school.

    This is why clerics use meth-trannies and other gay activists to defend the clerics with insults and hate. Their motives and tactics are well documented and 2011 is shaping up to be even more remarkable than 2010.

    Fasten your seatbelt and stay tuned!

  165. A quick heads-up for anyone reading this far who is wondering what the fuck is going on here.

    Some of you might remember a lady from Van Nuys called Christine Maggiore, who died of AIDS related pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) in 2008. She was an AIDS denialist, who refused to accept that HIV could be harmful, and actively campaigned to promote that view. Her 3 year old daughter had died of PCP, in 2005, after Maggiore refused medical advice to prevent her passing on her infection, and refused to have the baby tested.

    Peter Duesberg was the guy who convinced Maggiore that her HIV infection was harmless. He was also the baby’s godfather during her short life.

    As well as being Mother Teresa’s love interest, Clark Baker also describes himself as Maggiore’s “private investigator”. Brian Carter is an organizer with Maggiore’s “Alive and Well” cult – a sadly ironic name for the organization, given what has happened.

    Jeremy Steele was promoting Maggiore’s delusions on LIB as far back as 2001. Michael Geiger (who posts under various names like “Dr Hopes”) is a an extremely active internet troll from San Diego, who is also part of the cult.

    When Maggiore’s daughter died in 2005, and then when Maggiore herself died in 2008, some people hoped that the AIDS denialists might do a bit of “rethinking”.

    This was not to be. They’re as crazy as ever.

  166. jeremysteele11 says:

    I started watching the documentary I finally got, “House of Numbers”, winner of best documentary feature at 7 film festivals, and there’s a couple of funny moments so far:

    The narrarator is in South Africa, nervous about getting his first HIV test ever, the lady about to take his blood smiles and asks him “So tell me about you sex life”. He hesitates while the camera is rolling and turns away looking at the camera, as if to say “I thought getting stuck in my arm was bad enough”.

    Another part has Peter Duesberg explaining how AIDS is defined as being one of a whole bunch of diseases which have nothing to do with each other, including dementia and diarrhea… “One’s in your head and the other’s in your ass”!

    I would seriously recommend this doc to anyone who cares to examine the controversy. If not, just go on trusting your doctor and hopefully you won’t become the next victim of an ADR.

  167. jeremysteele11 says:

    Wow, Frank. You’re a piece of shit. The Christine Maggiore issue has already been addressed in the bulk of the interview. I will attach that portion for you to read again since it’s seemed to have slipped your mind.

    I suppose you oppose the code of ethics and patient rights which exists everywhere but in the AIDS industry which lead to unprecedented laws requiring HIV+ pregnant mothers to take “therapy” drugs with skull and crossbones on the label, deemed “far too toxic for human consumption”, which invariably caused INFANTICIDE/stillbirths and birth defects!

    And since Clark is showing you arrogant assholes that your presumptive diagnosis are worthless you have some fucking audacity telling us what she and Eliza died from!

    I’ve got news for you, Frank. Life is fatal. It carries a virus at birth which will kill you in about 70 years, more or less. Personally, I’d prefer to abstain from the intake of extremely poisonous “therapy” drugs while on this planet and I should have the right to choose. Of course, if you’re the victim of constant harrassment and your daughter died of PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS/ADR on top of it, you might lose a few years off that mortality average.

    To refresh Frank’s memory:

    JS: I’ve been privy to the HIV/AIDS controversy for years. I met Christine Maggiore in 1996 and did volunteer work for her. What do you think about her case?

    CB: I was Christine’s principal investigator from May 2008 until she passed away in December. She’s an example of what happens when you take an HIV test. From the time she identified the fraud until she died, she became the target of drug industry propagandists and gay activists. When her daughter died of anaphylactic shock (allergic reaction to antibiotics), the drug industry shamelessly blamed Christine for her daughter’s death – going as far as getting the LAPD to investigate a child neglect/abuse complaint against her. They wrote countless stories and generated countless crank telephone calls and unwanted magazine subscriptions and even used shows like “Law & Order” to discredit her with pharmaceutical propaganda. As a licensed investigator, I looked at her with great skepticism at first but I quickly determined that she was an honest woman fighting an industry that pays more than a billion dollars every year settling illegal marketing cases. We were close to discrediting the LA County Coroner when she died and the county settled the case in 2009.

    Although Christine died unexpectedly of adverse drug reactions, the clerics and goons called it an AIDS death months before the pathology report established that ADRs were the actual cause of death. Christine was a loving mother who fearlessly challenged the drug industry. In the end, the industry killed her and continues to market and celebrate her death. I’ve met more psychopaths in the drug industry past two years than I(‘ve) met during my 20 years as a street cop.

  168. Clark, your “analogy” of cops/robbers to antibodies/antigens shows just how ignorant you are and how little you know about immunology in general. Take a class in science (or 8 years worth, like me) and then you might start approaching the level of understanding for you to even begin to discuss such serious, specific topics. You’re arrogance is astronomical. To think that you are smarter than people who have studied sciece for years and years and then have years and years of experience on top of that! What a tool!!

  169. Deny away, Jeremy. The Maggiore denial cult has been doing its organized spam attacks on the internet for years now. We all know what you are doing and that you are completely nuts.

    I’m just really surprised you managed to find a website that hadn’t heard of you before. Even in 2010.

  170. jeremysteele11 says:

    The “Denial cult”, as you call it, includes the guy who is accredited for discovering HIV, Luc Montangier (Nobel Prize winner), Kary Mullis (inventor of the PCR and Nobel Prize winner) and the Manufacturers of HIV test kits, which admit they don’t claim to test for HIV.

    The true denialists are the likes of you, Frank, who will never read “Science fictions- The Dark Legacy of Robert Gallo” by John Crewsdon, or watch “House of Numbers” (winner of 13 international awards and 7 Best Documentary awards) or “HIV=AIDS: Fact of Fraud”, which you can find on the internet to watch for free.

    The denialists ignore Gallo was convicted of scientific misconduct and that his annoucement of the “probable cause of AIDS” was announced before peer review. The denialists ignore all the ADRs people die from and that AIDS drugs don’t even claim to cure anyone. The denialists ignore that AZT was originally deemed “far too toxic for human consumption” yet pushed for an extremely high price tag on humans with weak immune systems, or not sick at all.

    AID$ Fundamentalism is losing in court. 13 times within 12 months and counting…

  171. jeremysteele11 says:

    And someone please explain the logic of forcing HIV+ pregnant mothers (at the threat of legally having their children removed from them) to take extremely poisonous drugs proven to kill (with skull and crossbones on their label) to be imbibed by a fragile, unborn, growing fetus- despite all the documented and logical cases of stillbirths and birth-defects. THE CDC has added a lot of old diseases to the AIDS list but it still hasn’t added birth-defects. HIV has not been proven to kill. Many HIV positives never get sick. Even Fundamentalists/Denialists of facts need to admit that HIV transmission is highly unlikely, and illness and death from it indeterminate, while the liklihood that a fetus will miscarriage or be extremely deformed is VERY HIGH, IF NOT GUARANTEED!


  172. STD, Frank, Kernel… I’m really busy and don’t have a lot of time to argue with meth trannies and clerics. The fact is that none of you are even qualified to take an investigator’s test – let alone are licensed to be investigators. I’m accustomed to be ridiculed by felons, psychos and assorted fools – it comes with the job. If you goof balls want to use HIV drugs, go for it. I understand the futility of converting religious extremists.

    The fact is that there’s plenty of information here and at OMSJ to make up your minds. People must decide whether they want to believe a trained, licensed and experienced investigator or meth trannies and clerics. Their responses speak for themselves. If you can’t tell the difference, it’s too bad for them.

    Everything that needed to be said has been said.

  173. MissBiatch2U says:

    I never considered the possibility that AIDS didn’t exist as we thought it did. I know this is controversial, but I’ll read the alternative point of view. I know the govt leads us in the direction it feels we should believe in. Anyone see any weapons of mass destruction lately? There are a lot of lies out there. Is this one of them? or is AIDS a made up disease? I don’t know. But this makes me think. Thank you .

  174. WOW! Are you saying that I could not pass a PI Test?
    OH, Dear!! Yeah, I pulled a 4.0 in undergrad and a 3.7 in grad school for SCIENCE but a PI test would be beyond my intellect!

  175. Larry Horse says:

    There is a test to be a Private Dick? If there is how are there any PI’s smart enough to pass it, I thought you would just have to fill out an application and pay the state a fee. There is no way that the process to be a PI can be any harder than it is to be a licensed Pharmacy Tech. Here’s a challenge, lets get some stew bum off the street and then get Johnny Thrust and each have them take the PI test, my money would be on the bum…now if it was Donny Long versus Thrust my money would be on Johnny. Of course Donny has a record so he may know a thing or two about the law.

  176. jeremysteele11 says:

    I see no one has answered my last post. That must be because there is no answer to it. Now, everybody who thinks I’m fucking nuts or dangerous or whatever please ask yourself why HIV+ pregnant mothers no longer have any patient rights for themselves or their unborn regarding taking drugs that kill the infants or cause extreme birth defects. THIS IS HOW FUCKING NUTS THE AIDS EMPIRE HAS BECOME! This is one of the reasons I stood for what Christine Maggiore stood for!


    Any AIDS Fundamentalists have any defense for these laws violating patients rights and this infanticide policy???????????????????????????

    Last I heard cancer patients still have the right whether or not to do radiation chemotherapy. Who the Fuck do these people “saving lives” AIDS skull n crossbone drug pushers think they fucking are????????

    Please read this before you fall into the denialist pit.

    “They maintain an us vs. them worldview. Those inside(the denialist movement) belong to an exalted snd secretive group–they feel superior but perssecuted for knowing a hidden truth.” Sound familair Stool?

    And just to be cleasr Stool, do you belive that the HIV virus does not exist, or do you beleive it is just harmless?

  178. jeremysteele11 says:

    HEY STD, FOR THE FORTH TIME, you denialist, lying hypocrite, try and answer the above before you throw our your epithets, you piece of shit!

  179. Jerry, “>>these laws violating patients rights.”

    Can you cite us these laws about pregnant women, specificaly the laws in California? We would all be ineterested to see the actual Penal Code youre reffering to.

    LOL(We all know that no such laws exist)

    Of course there is no answer to your question Stool, becuase there are no “laws” youre referring to.

    Stool, you said these laws exist. Lets see them. Isnt that what you tell everyone else here to do, show the evidence? Lets see the laws Stool!!!!!!

  180. And Stool,
    AGAIN, there is no need to use the word “IF” in your above post,,,it should read.”I AM NUTS”

    And by the way,,,when are we gong to get this EARTH SHATTERING news you promised us?

  181. STD – When you 1) pass the FBI background check, 2) accumulate the minimum of 6000 hours of investigative experience, and 3) complete your criminal probation and alcohol abuse programs, maybe BSIS will let you sit for the investigator test.  But since Robert Gallo’s investigator couldn’t qualify, you probably won’t either. 

  182. jeremysteele11 says:

    Joe No, you idiot! That was the whole crux of the Christine Maggiore case. She was a pregnant mother who lived in the Valley of Los Angeles, who refused to poison herself and her children…
    After Christine’s daughter Eliza died of ADR due to drugs for allergies, the government tried to take her HIV-negative son away from her and his father (also HIV-negative).

    I’ll provide plenty of stats, Joe No. Stop making assumptions, you ass!

    At least 75% of babies born to HIV positive mothers will test negative without medical intervention.
    Source: New England Journal of Medicine November 3 1994 331:18 p1176-1177

    Studies have shown that for properly nourished HIV positive expectant mothers receiving regular prenatal care, over 90% of their children test negative with no drug therapy.
    Source: Semba R, et al 1993 Increased Mortality Associated with Vitamin A Deficiency during HIV-1 Infection Arch Intern Med 153:2149-2154

    Mainstream medical experts acknowledge that children need up to 18 months to develop their own immune response and discard the antibodies passed on to them from their mothers, and note that HIV testing before 18 months of age does not yield conclusive results.
    Source: WHO/UNAIDS, 1998 HIV and Infant Feeding: A Guide for Health Care Managers and Supervisors FRH/Nut 98, 22

    Despite this widely accepted fact, several states require mandatory HIV antibody testing for newborns in public hospitals.
    Source: Health News Mothering magazine Summer 1997 p40; Dew J October 8. 1999 Newborn HIV Tests Criticized New Haven Register

    One troubling consequence of requiring HIV tests for pregnant women is the issue of obligatory drug treatment. While CDC guidelines state that “discussion of treatment options should be non-coercive, and the final decision to accept or reject AZT for herself and her child is the right and responsibility of the woman,” such discussions rarely include objective data on the toxic effects of AIDS drugs or any information that would support a decision to reject them.
    Source: US Centers for Disease Control Recommendations of the US Public Health Service Task Force on the Use of Zidovudine (AZT) to Reduce Perinatal Transmission of HIV Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Vol 43 No RR-11 August 5 1994

    Although the CDC says “a (mother’s) decision not to accept treatment should not result in punitive action,” suggested standards of care have been legally mandated in some instances and children have been taken from parents who choose not to accept treatment.
    Source: same as above

    In one case, public health officials in Eugene, Oregon intervened when an HIV positive mother declined AZT therapy for her HIV negative infant son.
    Source: Regush N No AZT For My Baby, Please ABCNews . com September 16 1999

    As a result of her decision, both parents were charged with neglect, and the state took legal custody of their healthy newborn boy who was given six weeks of AZT treatment.
    Source: Gwarteny D Baby’s Risk for HIV Sparks Fight The Oregonian January 31, 1999; Wright J Court Grants Delay in Baby HIV Case The Register-Guard February 5 1999

    Another HIV positive mother in Bangor, Maine faced charges of “serious parental neglect” for declining to provide her son with AIDS drugs that had previously caused him harm.
    Source: Good Morning America September 9 1998

    Her four-year-old boy, HIV positive since birth, had become so anemic during 10 weeks of AIDS treatment as to require blood transfusions and experienced a host of adverse effects that left him unable to walk and in almost continual pain.
    Source: Philpott P Maine Mother Wins Court Fight Against HIV Doctors reappraising AIDS Vol 6 October 10 1998

    Need I present more?

    You think this shit is a joke, Joe? I hope someone force-feeds a bottle of AZT down your throat… maybe you’ll feel better!

    Where’s my Earth Shattering news? Well if you ignore it, it does not exist. 13 HIV-related crimes overturned in court because manufacturers and experts admit HIV tests don’t actually detect HIV, only PRESUME it’s there.

    Keep assuming and presuming Joe Don’t Know.

  183. jeremysteele11 says:

    (i meant dropped in court, not overturned)

  184. Nice pst Stool,

    Now can you cite me the penal codes please.

    Youre list of cases from more thatn 20 years ago is nice.

    YOU SAID…”..the laws violating patients rights”

    What are these laws youre referring to Jerry?

    And idnt each of those 20+ year old cases you cited also incluce another PARENT who wanted treatemet for their children? (YES)

    Cte me ONE law Stool, just ONE. Penal code?????

    YOU KNOW FULL WELL THAT NO SUCH LAWS EXIST…..prove me wrong,, cite the laws Stool. That is why you gave another rambling response with TWENTY YEAR OLD references AGAIN.

  185. jeremysteele11 says:

    Your denialism and stupidity levels are quite a mindfuck, Joe. Stop playing games with yourself. I just cited you sourced examples of children force fed AIDS drugs and taken away from their parents. The state tried to take Christine’s son away. What the fuck is wrong with you?

    I’ve provided information with this interview that suggests “HIV+” deemed porn stars have the right to sue. They can do so pro bono with nothing to lose and everything to gain and once they did it would then be realized in the future after that how absolutely pointless it is to test, because if someone is deemed “positive” all they would have to do is contact Clark, sue and make some money. But since you’ve got a fault-line in your head deeper than San Andreas, Joe, what else can I say?

    You are the poster child of AIDS Denialism, Joe.

  186. Well Clark if “6000 hours of investigative experience” includes ALL those investigations you were a part of while a motorcycle cop, then the hours I have spent investigating the inside of my eyelids should count as well!!

    It really is amazing that part of the “experience” you always cite were when you were a motorcycle cop. If you were any good, you would have been promoted to some other department where cops do real investigations. Just stop exaggerating and start telling the truth.

  187. “13 HIV-related crimes overturned in court because manufacturers and experts admit HIV tests don’t actually detect HIV.

    Jeremy. you are flat-out lying. Stop it. There has never been a single case of any HIV related court matter dropped “because manufacturers and experts admit HIV tests don’t actually detect HIV.”

    You are simply regurgitating the nonsense you read on one of Clark’s delusional rant websites.

    There have been numerous cases where people have been prosecuted for transmitting HIV. There have also been a number of cases that have been dropped or where sentences have been lenient for a variety of reasons, including difficulty proving intent or negligence, and some where the charges were self-evidently absurd, such as the recent case when an HIV-positive guy was faced “bioterrorism” charges when he allegedly bit his neighbor during backyard fence dispute.

    But there have been no charges dropped or cases overturned “because manufacturers and experts admit HIV tests don’t actually detect HIV.”

    Can you provide one actual court judgement in which the judge lists this reason for his or her decision? Or even a credible media report of such a case claiming this was the reason the case was dropped?

    If not, stop wasting everyone’s time.

  188. Jeremy – Joe and Frank illustrate the futility of arguing with religious zealots. Their inability to investigate demonstrates incompetence and their refusal to investigate demonstrates dishonesty – which is why they rely on faith rather than evidence.

    Like Urban’s primitive astrologers, Joe and Frank demand proof but refuse to look through the heretical little telescope. Your time is too valuable to waste on such small-minded riffraff.

  189. Wow, Clark. That was such a convincing answer.

    The point of this ridiculous thread is your and Jeremy’s claim that “13 HIV-related crimes overturned in court because manufacturers and experts admit HIV tests don’t actually detect HIV.”

    You are trying to convince people in the adult industry to abandon testing and put their own and others’ lives at risk, based on this complete and utter lie.

    I ask you for evidence for your claim. You have none, because you simply made it up and posted it on your websites in order to flatter your own ego. You don’t give a shit about how many people would suffer if they were naive enough to believe your lies, do you?

    You really are a pathetic little sociopath, aren’t you Clark?

    But at least everyone (except Jeremy) can see it now.

    Now fuck off and leave these good people alone.

  190. jeremysteele11 says:

    The adult industry is not going to abandon testing, Frank, at least not until someone who’s been told they are HIV+ sues and wins in court based on the fact that the HIV test itself “presumes” HIV detection, not proves it. Thus, regardless of what you believe about HIV and AIDs, based on the existing tests no one has the right to say anyone is HIV+. The manufacturer admits this.

    Despite my opinions on HIV and AIDS and testing, I got tested several days ago, knowing that if I didn’t I don’t work.

    In the meantime, I hope this interview will cause, as it has with some people, to start looking into things because the fact is we have been lied to. The Wall Street Journal has pointed this out.

    We have to come to an understanding of how powerful and corrupt the AIDS industry has become. It uses fear to get more powerful and scar and scare you with more lies. It’s been out of control for a long time and it needs to be put in check. We have got to do the research independently and share what we know on a grassroots level, otherwise we will continue to be emotionally and mindlessly manipulated.

    Compared to the numbers of people who die, AIDS research is sucking dollars away from diseases which kill many more people. AIDS research receives more money than all other diseases put together. They’re in it for the money and power at this point. They don’t a fuck about you, only pretend to!

  191. Jeremy, you and Clark have been claiming that 13 HIV-related crimes have been overturned in court because manufacturers and experts admit HIV tests don’t actually detect HIV. This is the whole basis of your story.

    Now you seem to be telling us that that such cases haven’t… err… actually happened yet – except in Clark’s fevered fantasies.

    Please learn the difference between what you describe as “Earth Shattering News” or an “Industry Bombshell” and the rather pathetic delusions of grandeur of an unhinged narcissist.

  192. jeremysteele11 says:

    You’re the one having delusions, Frank. I never digressed into the suggestion that Clark is lying. How did you gather that interpretation?

    You refuse to look into the links provided and put 2+2 together. HIV has not been isolated. All HIV+s are false positives because no test actually tests for HIV, only presumes it’s there. AIDS Fundamentalism fuels your Denialism of the facts. Luc Montagnier who won the Nobel Prize says HIV might be benign, or at worst can be cured within a couple of weeks. You ignore the facts about AIDS “therapy” which kills and that mothers are forced to committ infanticide at threat of having their children taken away from them.

  193. jeremysteele11 says:

    And if you have any doubts about Clark’s claims, you can call or contact the county clerk for the court’s minutes.

    You can also verify the disclaimer of Abbot Labs if you doubt that as well. Presumptions do not equal evidence of anything.

    You can also do the research into the AIDS scam how there are presumptive diagnoses done all the time nationally and internationally without any test at all, calling certain risk groups AIDS cases simply because they are sick, so they can add to the AIDS statistics and the huge pharmaceutical revenues.

    Go on and pretend you really care about people and know what’s what Frank, when you’ve self-evidently done zero research into these and other facts.

    Drug companies give money to and thus control doctors and not-for-profits. They kill and permanently fuck up lots of people and pay lots of money due to ADRs yet you continue to blindly trust them. What gives?

    You refuse to acknoweldge how mothers have had their rights stripped and have been abused and terrorized for not giving their kids killer “therapy” drugs…

  194. Stool,
    Did you know that every single test that Abbot Labs, and every other medical test manufacturer, uses the word presumptive in their literature. EVERY SINGLE TEST, cancer tets, herpes tests, liver tests, EVERY SINGLE TEST is described as presumptive positive until it is confirmed by either an alternate method, or repeat testing.
    I’ am really interested to know if you knew this FACT Jerry? EVERY SINGLE MEDICAL test literature uses the word presumptive!!!!

    You tell everyone to research the FACTS Jerry,,did you research the FACT that EVERY SINGLE MEDICAL test uses the word presumptive?

  195. STD – My bio speaks for itself.  Unlike Robert Gallo’s investigator, I spent my first decade (1980-1990) working assignments like patrol, vice, narcotics and air support.  I trained cops, doctors, juries and judges on drug use and addiction.  During that time, I arrested 2500+ career criminals and gang members – many of them drug-addicted – which is why it was so easy to peg your behavioral anomalies.

    I spent the last decade (1990-2000) on motors because the assignment gave me the freedom to apply my expertise to develop and manage projects like this.  So while this doesn’t jibe with the view from your bathhouse, circuit party or mother’s basement, I’m too busy to list my accomplishments with whiney, unaccomplished, 46-year-old meth-trannies.

    FRANK also perverts my comments to avoid the questions I’ve posed to him – specifically, WHEN, WHERE, HOW and WHO proved that 1) HIV attacks cells and 2) causes AIDS.  It’s a simple question that he, like prosecutors, cannot answer.  I NEVER said that “13 HIV-related crimes have been overturned in court because manufacturers and experts admit HIV tests don’t actually detect HIV.”

    To gain a conviction, prosecutors are required to prove that criminal defendants are HIV+.  Before OMSJ, prosecutors simply used clerics to impress juries with junk science.  Without OMSJ, defense lawyers didn’t have a chance.

    OMSJ simply forces prosecutors to do more than PRESUME that a defendant is HIV+ (as the tests do).  This means that prosecutors must put an expert on the stand.  Although OMSJ has been involved in more than 50 HIV cases since 2009, none of the prosecutors have been able to prove HIV infection when OMSJ is involved.  These facts come under the heading of “insufficient evidence.”   Prosecutors aren’t required to call OMSJ, meth-trannies or clerics to explain why they drop HIV-related criminal charges – they just do.  If you want to know why, call prosecutors.

    OMSJ also asks defense lawyers to downplay their affiliation with OMSJ because we don’t want meth-trannies making crank calls on their home phones at 2AM.  More than a few lawyers have expressed anxiety over that prospect.

    Since all of this is very confusing to meth-trannies and clerics, I suggest that you re-read my interview or go back to smoking your Sustiva.

  196. FRANK (STOOL)- Until you answer my question – specifically WHEN, WHERE, HOW and WHO proved that 1) HIV attacks cells and 2) causes AIDS, it doesn’t really matter how many times someone takes your PRESUMPTIVE HIV tests.

    You attack Jeremy because you can’t answer that question. How much does AHF pay you to attack Jeremy? Why are you so ashamed to identify your real name? If you’re too ashamed to identify yourself, why would anyone take you seriously?

    If I owned a film company or was an actor identified as HIV+ by AHF, I would STRONGLY consider hiring an attorney to file claims against AHF for fraud. I wonder how noisy Frank would be if 100 claimants filed a mass tort against AHF.

    AHF has no business in our businesses or bedrooms, so why does the adult industry surrender to them? It’s baffling! Where the F&#% is Larry Flint?

  197. jeremysteele11 says:

    Joe Don’t Know: There are presumptive and confirmatory tests.

    Confirmatory tests are the tests required to confirm the analysis.

    In regards to HIV, however, the ONLY tests that exist for testing HIV are presumptive. That’s why, upon the presentation of this fact in courts, criminal HIV cases have been dropped by prosecutors and judges.

    The thread is unravelling of this mega-scam!

  198. jeremysteele11 says:

    And if Clark was hypothetically lying then some organization should sue and get his license revoked. If he’s not lying then they would fail in that endeavor and I would presume he’d have a successful counter-suit.

  199. This is getting boring, Clark and Jeremy.

    You are claiming “because the presumption of being HIV-positive does not equate with actually being HIV-positive, two judges and eleven prosecutors have dropped all HIV-related criminal charges against 13 US and Canadian defendants during the past 13 months.”

    You cannot provide the slightest bit of independent evidence for this.

    You are flat-out lying.

    The “links” you provide go to Clark’s own personal rant websites. How about a link to an actual court judgement, or failing that to a reliable media report stating that the case was dropped because “HIV test manufacturers admit that their tests are not reliable for the diagnosis of, and do not test for, HIV”?

    How stupid do you think people are?

  200. Genius Clark Baker rants:
    “I wonder how noisy Frank would be if 100 claimants filed a mass tort against AHF.”

    “Oops – sorry – AIM.”

    You don’t have a fucking clue, do you Clark?

  201. jeremysteele11 says:

    Frank, you are missing the obvious, here.

    In 1987, the CDC made a mind boggling change in the definition of AIDS which is still in affect today: You can be be diagnosed with AIDS without even having an HIV test!

    And this “old data”, as Joe Don’t Know will inevitably cry about, is vitally important for understanding the foundation of this whole scam.

    From the CDC 1987 MMWR36 (Suppl IS):3S-ISS: “Approximately one third of AIDS patients in the United States have been from New York and San Francisco, where, since 1985, less than 7% have been reported with HIV-antibody test results.”

    93% of diagnosed AIDs cases were made with no test whatsoever. This data is from the CDC and because of their rule changes.

    I would suggest Frank, that before you question Clark, you ought to be questioning the CDC. How does anyone have the right to say that anyone else is HIV+ based on no test at all?

    This “old data” as Joe will complain about is the foundation of the big pharmaceutically driven terror-hu$tle which has been going on for years.

    The manufacturer of the HIV test also says it “presumes”. Court’s dropping HIV criminal charges ARE ONLY LOGICAL CONCLUSIONS BASED ON THE EXISTING LAWS FOR DIAGNOSING AIDS BASED ON A PRESUMPTIVE DIAGNOSIS.

  202. Clark is now saying

    I NEVER said that “13 HIV-related crimes overturned in court because manufacturers and experts admit HIV tests don’t actually detect HIV.”

    Well that’s funny, because I copy-pasted this statement from Jeremy’s comment #189. Was he lying?

    Was he also lying in the body of the article when he wrote:

    ” because the presumption of being HIV-positive does not equate with actually being HIV-positive, two judges and eleven prosecutors have dropped all HIV-related criminal charges against 13 US and Canadian defendants during the past 13 months.” ?

  203. So Jeremy, it looks like Clark has left you holding the baby.

    Is your claim that 13 HIV-related criminal cases were dropped or dismissed because manufacturers and experts admit HIV tests don’t actually detect HIV actually true or not?

  204. jeremysteele11 says:


    It is extremely disingenuous of you to ignore my points or questions while asking me more questions.

    The whole foundation of HIV diagnoses since 1987 has been “presumptive diagnoses”, thanks to the CDC. You’ve got nothing to say to that, do you Frank? Let’s be frank, Frank. This is a baby you absolutely refuse to handle! This baby has made a hell of a shitty, stinking mess over the years which has not been cleaned up or dealt with. And, of course, you won’t come near it. No surprise.

    To answer your last question, I will simply quote Clark Baker:

    “OMSJ simply forces prosecutors to do more than PRESUME that a defendant is HIV+ (as the tests do). This means that prosecutors must put an expert on the stand. Although OMSJ has been involved in more than 50 HIV cases since 2009, none of the prosecutors have been able to prove HIV infection when OMSJ is involved. These facts come under the heading of “insufficient evidence.””

  205. No, Jeremy, it’s the same simple question. You claimed:

    “because the presumption of being HIV-positive does not equate with actually being HIV-positive, two judges and eleven prosecutors have dropped all HIV-related criminal charges against 13 US and Canadian defendants during the past 13 months.”

    and followed up this extraordinary claim with:

    “Where’s my Earth Shattering news? Well if you ignore it, it does not exist. 13 HIV-related crimes overturned in court because manufacturers and experts admit HIV tests don’t actually detect HIV, only PRESUME it’s there.”

    I asked you for independent evidence for these claims – court judgements, independent media reports, prosecutors statements etc. The best you can do is refer me to the website of the raving nutcase who I suspect originally convinced you this is true, but is now denying saying anything of the kind.

    So are those two statements of yours true or not? Once you answer that we can methodically move on to each of your other bullshit claims, one by one. I’m a patient man.

  206. Stool,
    regading one of those cases that Clark cites,

    A man raped a woman. The man was HIV+…The Canadian law says that the exposure during the crime must rise to the level of “SIGNIFICANT RISK”

    The rapist wore a condom. The court ruled that the CONDOM provided enough protection that the ‘significant risk” of passing the virus did not exist. I linkded to this case above, or course you ignored it. The rape convition stood, but the special allegation of ‘significant risk’ was dropped BECUAE OF THE CONDOM,,not anything Clark did.

    So whats your opinion on this particular case? THe case that YOU AND CLARK cite here says that a condom is enough protection to eliminate significant risk. Thank YOU for citing this particular case.

    So do you agree with Clark and the courts that CONDOMS reduce the risk significantly enough to drop criminal charges???? LO fucking L.

  207. Stool,
    Another lie.
    Your link above is NOT from Abbot labx, it is from this site,,,another your DIS Denialst sites

    And it cherry picks the information out of the test kit. Why doesnt this site contain the ENTIRE test information literature?

    Why did you say it is from ABBOT, when it is NOT.
    And what about that CONDOM case there STool, we would all like to see you TRY to answer this one.

    THe case I cited above is the case most closely related to this board. CONDOMS and HIV,,of course Stool and Clark will not make any comments on this specific case, or any other psecific case that they claim to have had any role in.

  208. jeremysteele11 says:

    If you denialist fools think the HIV test is worth anything, then why did the CDC state that 97% of HIV+ diagnoses were based on no test at all (presumptive diagnoses)?

    I’m going to bed now, will address more later. Keep in mind all the points and stats I’ve presented that are ignored. You want to assume Clark is making shit up? In the meantime what’s up with all the presumptive diagnoses based on no test at all? 97%? And you think this is not a scam?… What denialists you are!

    Believe it or not I’ve worked two days in a row and have a scene tomorrow so stay tuned.

  209. If you denialist fools think the HIV test is worth anything, then why did the CDC state that 97% of HIV+ diagnoses were based on no test at all (presumptive diagnoses)?

    The CDC has never stated that 97% of HIV diagnoses are based on no test at all. This is yet another one of your bullshit claims. You tell lies, Jeremy. When you get challenged about these lies you try to divert attention by making up even more ridiculous lies.

    I’m quite happy to systematically take apart your most recent lie that the CDC has stated that 97% of HIV diagnoses are based on no test at all. But not until we have finished with the main lie of your post, which is your ridiculously absurd assertion that two judges and eleven prosecutors have dropped all HIV-related criminal charges against 13 US and Canadian defendants during the past 13 months because manufacturers and experts admit HIV tests don’t actually detect HIV.

    One bullshit claim at a time, Jeremy. Did these judges and prosecutors drop charges for the reasons you said they did?

    Yes or no?

    Once you answer this, we’ll go on to whether the CDC states that “97% of HIV+ diagnoses were based on no test at all”.

    Sleep well.

  210. Jeremy complained: Believe it or not I’ve worked two days in a row

    You poor thing. What kind of heartless Dickensian employer could require someone to work for two whole days in a row?


  211. jeremysteele11 says:

    I see you think you’re calling the shots now, Frank.

    Sorry, I meant 93%, not 97%

    From the CDC 1987 MMWR36 (Suppl IS):3S-ISS:

    “Approximately one third of AIDS patients in the United States have been from New York and San Francisco, where, since 1985, less than 7% have been reported with HIV-antibody test results.”

    93% of diagnosed AIDs cases were made with no test whatsoever. This data is from the Center for Disease Control. In 1997 in their own manual (I can send you a link if you like) they changed the rules to state you can be diagnosed with AIDS without a test and in the heavily gay areas, diseases associated with AIDS were assumed to be AIDS, specifically in N.Y. and S.F.

    Also, the vast majority of Africans diagnosed with AIDS is based on no test at all (presumption).

    A 2003 study stated that despite the insanely low chance of HIV transmission, that HIV rates in one African country were going up, while other STD rates had fallen or stayed the same. This is because of the standard there of diagnosis based on no test and the same old 3rd world diseases there being labeled as “AIDS”.

  212. Stool says, “…Insanely low chance of HIV transmission.

    Tell that to Lara, Jessica, and Missy. All three infected by the same guy withing 24 hours of eachother. And comfined with genetic sequencing of the virus by the CDC.

    Three out of twelve,,,insanely low,,,,25% attack rate.

    Any comments of this Germy Stool?

  213. Jeremy said:
    “why did the CDC state that 97% of HIV+ diagnoses were based on no test at all (presumptive diagnoses)?”

    Then to back this up he cites a 1987 MMWR which says:
    “Approximately one third of AIDS patients in the United States have been from New York and San Francisco, where, since 1985, less than 7% have been reported with HIV-antibody test results.”

    Now Jeremy, I realize you are not very bright, so I’ll take this step by step for you.

    1. Firstly, do you know the difference between an HIV+ diagnosis and an AIDS diagnosis?

    2. Do you know the epidemiological surveillance criteria that applied to an AIDS notification prior to 1987?

    3. Did you realize that although AIDS has been notifiable throughout the US since the early 1980s, HIV itself didn’t become notifiable in New York until 2000 and California until 2002?

    4. And that therefore, if you had an HIV diagnosis based on testing in California and New York between 1985 and 1987 it would not have been notified unless it was essential to the pre 1987 epidemiological surveillance definition of your AIDS-defining condition? However, not having your HIV status officially notified is not the same thing as not being tested for it.

    So no, you have completely messed up you argument.

    Now can we please get back to the point of your article which is that two judges and eleven prosecutors have supposedly dropped all HIV-related criminal charges against 13 US and Canadian defendants during the past 13 months because manufacturers and experts admit HIV tests don’t actually detect HIV.

    Is this actually true, or are you as confused about this as you are about HIV notification requirements in New York and California circa 1985-7?

    Yes or no, Jeremy?

  214. This interview with Clark Baker came about because of the recent HIV+ test results within the Adult Film Industry and the supposed scandal it has caused within this industry. And THE POINT of the interview was for Clark Baker to state that HIV tests are unreliable because they do not even test for the virus itself, but for the antibodies to the virus and therefore the tests are not truly accurate.

    Clark Baker claims credibility in this field because he is the founder of The Office of Medical and Scientific Justice and his experience with OMSJ’s involvement in court cases of HIV Related Criminal Charges. According to Baker, OMSJ gets the charges dropped because OMSJ brings up the legitimacy of the HIV tests and not one, single scientist will “prejure” themselves because they also know that HIV tests are bullshit.

    However, this thread has gotten completely derailed due Baker and Steele demanding someone prove that the HIV tests are accurate. But THAT IS NOT THE POINT!! According to Baker, that point is settled. HOWEVER, Baker refuses to provide proof that OMSJ has actually accomplished getting HIV Related Criminal charges dropped. Baker REFUSES to provide proof, his logic being he does not HAVE to provide proof, we should just take his word for it.

    The comment section would not have gotten out of control if Clark Baker would grow up and PROVIDE PROOF instead of being CHILDISH and UNPROFESSIONAL.

    Clark Baker will not provide proof because proof does not exist!! That is why he has resorted to calling those who demand proof “meth trannies” and “drug addicts” etc. If Clark Baker were telling the truth he would have GLEEFULLY provided proof 2oo comments ago. Instead he tells others to call the DA in cases and to look up the court documents himself.

    When I did look up the court documents in the Daniel Allen case (in which Clark Baker claimed OMSJ to have been “instrumental in getting bioterrorism charges dropped”) the amicus I found proved that ACLU and Lambda Legal Defense were actually the ones instrumental in that decision NOT OMSJ. But of course Baker ignored that. I have also proven that FIVE OTHER cases Baker claims to have been involved in were ALSO LIES by Baker!!! That proof is at my own blog,

    Baker is lying and if he were not, he would gladly provide the proof I have demended now for months instead of running away from me and threatening me and calling me childish names!!

  215. jeremysteele11 says:

    Let me deal with one person at a time:

    Joe No: Here are stats I found on the internet regarding the liklihood of HIV transmission:

    Keep in mind all the lies we are told about an AIDS “epidemic” in lieu of the statistical liklihood of transmission. Then ask yourself, if they’ve lied to you about one thing, what else might have they’ve been lying to you about?


    Receptive anal intercourse (“bottom”)
    According to the Guidelines for the Management and Post Exposure Prophylaxis of Individuals who Sustain Nonoccupational Exposure to HIV, ANCAHRD/CTARC Bulletin, February 2001, the risk of transmission as a result of receptive anal sex is somewhere between 1 in 125 to 1 in 31 or approximately three per cent. Other experts place the risk as low as 1 in 1300.

    Vaginal intercourse – infected men to uninfected women

    There are so many variables that impact risk that it is very difficult to place an exact number or give you exact odds. Risk estimates range from 1:1000 to 1:100,000, again depending on variables such as viral load, number of sexual contacts, etc.

    Now THINK Joe. You say three women within 24 hours got infected by the same guy. At the same time, manufacturers admit that HIV+ diagnoses are based on presumption. Confirmation tests by the CDC by genetic sequencing sounds to me like some fiction you made up. But regardless, based on the odds of transmission, it sounds like a guy going to Las Vegas and winning a huge jackpot 3 times in a row (or 3 out of 12, as you claim). Does these kind of presumptive diagnoses
    sound credible to you in lieu of the liklihood of tranmission? It sounds like testing might be as accurate as calling AIDS an “epidemic”!

    It turns out the same exact results reveal different diagnoses. If you are an urban gay man then the same exact test results are likely to reveal a “positive” diagnoses, whereas the same exact test results provided by a straight man living in Georgia will be deemed “negative”.

    Stay Tuned!

  216. jeremysteele11 says:


    No one has the right to make an AIDS diagnosis in the absence of HIV. AIDS is not a new disease. It is a “syndrome” defined by being one of 29 OLD diseases, all which have had specific causes before HIV came along.

    For example, Kaposi Sarcoma is one of the listed AIDS diseases. It’s been proven that excessive popper use causes K.S. The only difference between K.S. and K.S.-AIDS is the alleged presence of HIV.

    AIDS, as it’s called in Africa is entirely different than AIDs, as it’s called in Greenwich Village. We are told that they are both AIDS, but the point is you can not say anyone has AIDS without testing for it because it’s claimed to include cervical cancer, pneumonia, candida, and many other diseases which people have in the absence of HIV. All it seems you are doing Frank is defending insanity and corruption of science in the name of making money.

    The bathhouse gays fucked themselves, in more ways than one, and then everyone else. No one told them the harms of popper use because ads for them dominated gay magazines. Then they started getting sick from all their club drugs, multi-sex partners, pushing the envelope, making up for lost time during the repression days, then running to the doctors who stupidly labeled their illness as “Gay Related Immune Disease”, before changing it to “AIDS” after they stupidly linked IV drug addicts deaths with homosexuals living la vida coka.

    I must be an idiot, or you must be an idiot because I have no idea what you are talking about in your other 3 points. Maybe that’s simply because you’re trying to act smart, but failed.

    Stay Tuned.

  217. Stool,
    you say the genetic sequencingof the 2004 outbreakis made up!!

    Are you saying that Lara, Missy, and Jessica were NOT infected with HIV, becuase the test is presupmtive.

    You are a fool. Like you have been told,,EVERY SINGLE MEDICAL TEST IS PRESUMPTIVE, until confirmed by either an alternative method, or reqeat testing. AND in all of these and every other case, followup tests confirmed the original SCREENING test.

    Three girls, less than 24 hours apart. Three outof Darrens 12 partners positive. 25%. What about that dont you get Stool.

    Honestly Jerry, are you saying these three girls arent infected with HIV? yes or no. This truely goes to the heart of the matter. Be honest with us Jerry, are they infected or not?

  218. And for the record Stool, YES, I am saying that Missy, Lara, and Jessica were all infected within 24 hours of eachother, all three infected by the same individual. And yes, the cdc confirmed this.

    Then yousay, “It has been PROVEN that excess popper use causes KS.” Please cite your medical reference(isnt that what you demand of others)

    KS was very very very rare prior to 1980. Since then, the VAST VAST VAST majority of new cases of KS have all had ONE thing in common, the presense of the HIV virus. And DRUGS do not csuse a virus.

  219. Jeremy said:
    “I must be an idiot, or you must be an idiot because I have no idea what you are talking about in your other 3 points.”

    Yes, you are quite right – you are an idiot. Let me try to walk you through it one more time.

    You said that the CDC stated that 97 (or 93) per cent of HIV diagnoses were made without anyone doing any testing.

    This is bullshit. The MMWR you cited said nothing of the kind. It said that only 7 per cent of epidemiological surveillance reports of AIDS from New York and California between 1985 and 1987 included details of HIV test results, the other 93 (or 97) per cent lacked that information.

    There is a very simple reason for this. HIV diagnoses were not notifiable in New York or California in 1985-7. In fact, they only became notifiable in 2000 and 2002 respectively. Most other US states mandated notification of HIV diagnoses much earlier than that, as did most other countries in the developed world. However, New York and California didn’t until 8 or 10 years ago, mainly out of concerns that if HIV became a notifiable condition, then this would discourage people from testing.

    The HIV tests were still done, though. It’s just that the results of the tests were not reported to the state public health authorities.

    Do you understand now?

    Now yes or no: did two judges and eleven prosecutors drop all HIV-related criminal charges against 13 US and Canadian defendants during the past 13 months because manufacturers and experts admit HIV tests don’t actually detect HIV?

    Will you please either confirm this is true, or admit that you were writing bullshit?

  220. jeremysteele11 says:

    Joe Don’t Know Jack:

    From your AVN CDC Report link: “HIV PCR testing was conducted by the laboratory used by the nonprofit clinic; the HIV status of all four infected film workers was subsequently confirmed by PCR, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and Western blot testing at a separate laboratory.”

    Ah… So this is the confirmatory tests you are referring to: PCR, Elisa and Western Blot?

    Again, as I’ve said, Joe. ALL these tests are presumptive! We used to rely upon Elisa until it was admitted to be test for antibodies, not a virus and ridden with false positives (as all Elisa tests are false postives, for what we now know).

    I really don’t want you too over-focused on whatever my conclusions are. Do a little research into the presumptive foundation of ALL these tests.

    Like I said, the chances of infection happening in 3 other people based on the odds?… I ain’t buying it. Have no reason to, otherwise I’m going to Vegas and get ready for big winnings at a few one-armed bandits!

    You’re such a denialist Joe. Assuming your claim about HIV allegedly being prevalent in most or all K.S. cases, that proves nothing. These people were abusing drugs. Drugs are immuno-suppressive. I know that the drug companies selling drugs don’t want you to think or know about that, but that shouldn’t be a suprise.

    Who needs a virus when IV addicts are destroying themselves at the exact same rate whether or not they are HIV infected?

  221. jeremysteele11 says:


    24 four seconds into the first video down (titled: “See how the “HIV Experts” explain HIV testing”) you can see the “Revision of the CDC Surveillance Case Definition for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome”.

    The CDC admits at least 40,000 AIDS cases in the U.S. have been made based on no test for HIV at all!

    Your whole “notifiable” excuse is not based on the facts. Perhaps you have these facts confused with something else.

    Regarding the 13 cases. This is what Clark Baker stated in the interview. I have not been able to verify the veracity of all cases as of yet, although we have all been invited to do so. It is my understanding that for political reasons, the real reason, or all the reasons for dimissal are not always publically stated in regards to why a case is dropped. Regardless, Clark has provided some very valuable, varied and verifiable information in regards to the AIDS hoax.

  222. jeremysteele11 says:

    Stay Tuned, Frank, my first of these last two comments to you are “awaiting moderation”.

    In the meantime, let me acknowledge the Fundamentalists avoidance of certain key points made, such as the forced testing and drug treatment of pregnant mothers and children, in violation of CDC’s policy. Some one or some thing is guilty of radical and permanent disabilities and infanticide. If the parents had the right of choice like they were supposed to then perhaps a lawsuit would not have such a potential high payout, imho. If Christine had the right of choice, she wouldn’t have been so harrassed, abused and falsely accused in a political rush to judgement, either.

  223. Christine did have a choice, Jeremy.

    Unfortunately she chose badly. She chose to listen to the nutcase Peter Duesberg. She also chose him as the godparent of her child Eliza Jane Scovill.

    Eliza Jane did not have any say in the matter, and died a miserable and unnecessary death at the age of three from the AIDS defining infection PCP. She also had HIV encephalopathy, severe anaemia, growth retardation, thymic atrophy and hepatic steatosis. You can look up her post mortem report on the net. No, I will not post it here, but it’s easy to find.

    Christine herself died a horrible and unnecessary death from PCP, only a stones throw from the competent specialists who could have saved her life. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen someone die from PCP, Jeremy. Basically, you slowly suffocate to death.

    I don’t blame Christine for this. I blame the sociopaths Peter Duesberg and David Rasnick and Mohammed Al-Bayati and others who sucked her into their insane cult.

  224. STD & Clerics:

    I apologize for not visiting this blog on Sunday. Unlike you, I have a family, hobbies, good health and great weather.

    THANK YOU for illustrating why I rarely argue with meth-trannies and clerics. There’s no point and, after all, you’re free to BELIEVE what you wish. On Sundays, I take bread and wine – you take drugs and whine. Who am I to criticize your pagan rituals?

    The interview speaks for itself. If you want information about the cases, simply do the following:

    1. Read the news story linked to each name.
    2. Identify the city and county where the case took place.
    3. Google PROSECUTOR and the COUNTY where the case took place.
    5. Ask why he/she dismissed the case.

    If that seems complicated, how are you expected to understand label information? It explains why gullible people BELIEVE your theology.

    In the end, those who decide to take these HIV tests and drugs are doing humanity a favor by deselecting themselves from the gene pool. Who am I to interfere with human evolution?

  225. jeremysteele11 says:

    Once again, here is the link Clark provided by Abbot Labs on their HIV test.

    Scroll down to page 9 and it reads:


    The INTERPRETATION of specimens with a final result of reactive… is NOT DEFINITIVE… RESULTS SHOULD BE INTERPRETED in conjuction with patient’s clinical presentation, history, and other laboratory results… An individual who has antibodies to HIV is PRESUMED TO BE INFECTED WITH THE VIRUS.”

    So how do you confirm anything… with other presumptive non-definitive tests, like Eliza and Western Blot?

  226. Jeremy said:
    “Regarding the 13 cases. This is what Clark Baker stated in the interview. I have not been able to verify the veracity of all cases as of yet.”

    No, that is what you said in the article above, and you reiterated this in post #189. That 13 HIV-related court cases have been dropped ” because manufacturers and experts admit HIV tests don’t actually detect HIV” is the whole point of your dishonest deeply stupid article.

    Clark is now denying saying this (see post # 202).

    At least one of you is lying. I suspect it’s both.

  227. Clark also claims, regarding the Daniel Allen case:
    “OMSJ could not assist with the bite charge but we were instrumental in counsel’s arguments to dismiss the bioterrorism/HIV charges. If you doubt me, ask Mr. Galen yourself.”

    Someone has already done that.

    Aaron Weitsman said:
    “I actually called Mr. Galen a few days ago when Clark stated that lie. He said he had “never heard of Clark Baker.”

  228. jeremysteele11 says:

    Frank, let me stipulate. I should have said, “according to Clark Baker” that 13 cases have been dismissed. At the same time it’s completely logical to conclude why cases should be dropped by the manufacturer’s own disclosure that their tests are “not definitive”, “should be interpreted” and “presumed”, as stated on page 9 of Abbot Labs test kit info. The link was just re-posted and currently still on moderation.

    Now completely ignore my valid points and I must be stupid… to stupid people, or disingenuous people suffering from Denialism, such as yourself:

    1. Look at the statistical liklihood for transmitting HIV. Ask yourself how 3 people got infected from one person based on those statistics. Remember my Vegas one-armed bandit analogy? Stupid analogy or is it stupid of me to assume you’d ever in a million years address this point?

    2. All tests are presumptive. Can you provide evidence to the contrary? If so what kind of test is definitive? Elisa? Western Blot? PCR? Why does the nobel prize winning inventor of the PCR, Kary Mullis say his tests don’t detect HIV and that there exists no proof that HIV causes AIDS? Is it stupid to ask these questions, Frank? Please be frank and don’t be a denialist!

    3. Why do you ignore the “See how the “HIV Experts” explain HIV testing” video which has various scientists admit that people are diagnosed with AIDS without any test at all and that that’s part of the CDC’s criteria for diagnosing people with AIDS? Well, shit, what does it matter if the HIV tests are presumptive or not when the CDC and doctors presume people have AIDS without any test at all? IS THIS JUST ANOTHER STUPID QUESTION I’M ASKING FRANK, OR ARE YOU JUST A DENIALIST?????????

  229. jeremysteele11 says:

    Regarding Clark’s last comment… Hey Colonel, are you still reading all of this? Since you’re privy to certain scams like JFK and 9/11 and the “global elite”‘s alleged interest in severly cutting down the world population as well as controlling and keeping us stupid and weak, do you believe that AIDS is perhaps an attempt to cut down the population as well as “undesirables”.. making a killing off of the killings, as the miliatary industrial comlex does? And what about that bird flu vaccine causing paralysis and all sorts of problems?

    It is my opinion that they probably have the opinion that those stupid and ignorant enough to blindly trust corrupt authorities profitting from their illnesses deserve to be wiped out, anyway. Essentially we prove to them to be the dumb fodder, human sheep we are by continuing to trust corrupt institutions. And remember, corruption corrupts absolutely and to the core. Once something becomes so powerful and profitable, objectivity, honesty and unbiasedness are certain to have long since died.

    Let me again thank Origen for having the humble bravery of admitting he was wrong. That’s a lot more than most I fear are capable of doing. Their minds have been made up for them long, long ago and no amount of cited facts and videos and articles will ever jostle their obstinence. Indeed HIV/AIDS has become a dark, evil and absurd terror-religion based on faith, not facts.

  230. Jeremy said (post # 235):
    Frank, let me stipulate. I should have said, “according to Clark Baker” that 13 cases have been dismissed (because manufacturers and experts admit HIV tests don’t actually detect HIV).

    Clark said (post # 189):
    I NEVER said that “13 HIV-related crimes have been overturned in court because manufacturers and experts admit HIV tests don’t actually detect HIV.”

    At least one of you is lying. I suspect it;s both of you.

    Jeremy asks:
    Look at the statistical liklihood for transmitting HIV. Ask yourself how 3 people got infected from one person based on those statistics.

    Jeremy, the statistical likelihood of HIV transmission varies hugely across the course of the infection. It is relatively low during the long period of clinical latency, but can be extremely high following initial infection and before seroconversion. The attack rate for someone pre-seroconversion can be very high. This is actually the case with very many infections, not just HIV.

    Just because you have not troubled yourself to learn the first thing about HIV science doesn’t invalidate the field of infectious diseases medicine.

    And no, I am not here to try to educate someone who has made it clear he has no interest in being educated. Read a book, or take a science class or something.

  231. jeremysteele11 says:

    I once said “overturned” instead of “dropped”, Frank. Clark posts he never said “overturned”, which is correct.

    Disingenuous, as usual, Frank. You lie and claim I have not troubled myself to learn the first thing about HIV science. All the while I’ve been asking you and others questions (which prove I’ve been studying HIV science and other issues) which you repeatedly ignore. What about points 2 and 3 that I made, Mr. Denialist?

    You try to use fancy sounding, mythological language like “pre-seroconversion” while ignoring the other questions I’ve asked you.

    Fundamentalism = Denialism.

    In the link above which is now up, addressed to Joe, regarding the K.S./Popper connection,

    “Robert Gallo, as unofficial voice of the AIDS Establishment, disclosed important revisions in the AIDS-paradigm. It is now necessary to consider co-factors”.

    Co-factors. How about that?

    So, so far we have, amongst other things:

    1. No paper exists proving HIV causes AIDS.
    2. Scientists dispute whether HIV has even been isolated.
    3. The test for HIV, by the manufacturers’ own admittance does not test for HIV, only ‘presumes” it is there.
    4. AIDS drugs are deadly and have shown to cause AIDS diseases. The latest is worse than AZT was because it can kill you trying to quit it.
    5. Robert Gallo admits that HIV needs co-factors to cause AIDS.
    6. Health-scare organizations continue to lie and call AIDS an epidemic despite the extremely low level of transmission.
    7. AIDS presumptive diagnoses are made in the absence of any HIV test (the tests are also presumptive).

    I was in college at age 17, Frank. During my first year in college I wrote a paper and gave a speech about the word “Education”, itself, which is rooted in the word “Educe”, which means to bring out. Education is not supposed to be about brainwashing, programming and memorizing “facts” to pass tests.

  232. Yes, Clark, only YOU have family, hobbies, good health, great weather!! Come on, only YOU would think that means SHIT! Come on, Baker, stop spending so much time telling us HOW to find the answers and just supply them yourself. The fact that you REFUSE further proves that you are lying and NOT ABLE to supply proof.

    I, as well as others, have done what you suggest and each one of us has shown INDEPENDANTLY that you are lying!!! The time has come for you to supply the proof. Each of us has proven you are lying. YOU ARE LYING!!! Please, I beg you, prove me wrong.

  233. Hey Baker,
    Your “Sticks and Stones” post went over like a lead balloon…NO COMMENTS!!!! And NO COMMENTS at Reduce The Burden and no comments at HIV SKeptic and NO COMMENTS at karri stokely… are sooooooooooooo

  234. Aaron Weitsman – I just searched your name – Google never heard of you. Are you a meth-trannie or a cleric?

    Why would I try to prove ANYTHING to someone who is too ashamed to identify themselves?

  235. Jeremy said:
    “You try to use fancy sounding, mythological language like “pre-seroconversion” while ignoring the other questions I’ve asked you.

    Jeremy, if you are unfamiliar with words like “seroconversion” you probably shouldn’t be trying to lecture us all on HIV testing.

    I have answered several of your “points” and “questions” – which are of course all rhetorical, because you have shown no interest in actually learning anything. You have ignored my answers, as expected.

    However, the principal claim of your article and interview with Clark is that in 13 separate court cases, HIV-related charges have been dropped because prosecutors and judges accepted that HIV testing is unreliable in determining whether someone has HIV or not.

    When I challenged you on this, you eventually admitted that you hadn’t checked out this extraordinary claim yourself, but that this was what Clark Baker had told you. (see post #230).

    However Clark denies saying this. (see post #189: “I NEVER said that 13 HIV-related crimes have been overturned in court because manufacturers and experts admit HIV tests don’t actually detect HIV.”)

    Clark also claims that he has been personally instrumental in having several HIV-related charges dropped or overturned in court. The only evidence he has provided for this claim is his own writings on his own website. He invited us to check with the defence attorney in one of these cases, Mr Galen. Someone has apparently done this, and Mr Galen is reported to have said that he had “never heard of Clark Baker.”

    Clark’s response to all this is to call everyone who challenges his stupidity “meth-trannies and clerics”, and to refuse to provide any independent evidence to support his extraordinary claims.

    Do you understand why nearly everyone recognizes that HIV/AIDS denialists are batshit crazy?

  236. Correction: the post where Clark denies ever saying that 13 HIV-related crimes have been overturned in court because manufacturers and experts admit HIV tests don’t actually detect HIV is post #202, not #189.

  237. jeremysteele11 says:

    Come on, Frank. Why don’t you try to live up to your name instead of playing reversal games here in regards to the art of evasion.

    I’ve made many, many points you’ve flat out ignored and all you do is repeat yourself.

    Regarding seroconversion. I know what it means. It’s an invention affiliated with Gallo’s testing for HIV based on antibodies (antibodies are non-specific to any disease; just one of many presumptions within presumptive diagnoses).

    As I’ve pointed out before, and as you repeatedly ignore, all tests for HIV are presumptive. All manufacturers of HIV tests acknowledge this. Also, as I’ve pointed out, as evidenced in that link to a video that Clark provided which I re-submitted and guided you (24 seconds into it) to find, where the CDC defines AIDS without any test at all; yet another presumption. Why do you ignore all my points and then change the subject with “pre-subconverstion”?

    Your sentence “Do you understand why nearly everyone recognizes that HIV/AIDS denialists are batshit crazy?” is full of absurdities. Nobel prize winning scientists and a panel of scientists with advanced degrees dispute the HIV/AIDS hypothesis. This information is suppressed in the media but the Group for the Reappraisal of the HIV/AIDS hypothesis includes some 2,700 members. They are not denialists. You are. You’re the one who keep ignoring irrefutable links and video testimony and keep coming back to Clark’s 13 cases. I have looked into it. Like I said, I have not been able to verify them all, either. However, he’s presented a lot of irrefutable information in the process, links and all. Have you attempted to address ANY of those links? Nope. Meanwhile Gallo admits HIV needs co-factors to cause AIDS. I provided the link for that as well. Of course, you will ignore it. You don’t need to know about pre-seroconversion to know Gallo was convicted of scientific misconduct twice and that Luc Montagnier says HIV might be harmless or at worse can be cured within a couple of weeks. You don’t have to know what seroconverstion is to know that the Wall Street Journal said that corrupt health organizations skew statistics because of all the politics and money involved. Do I have to repeat myself regarding all the points I’ve made that you repeatedly ignore while calling me a denialist???
    You’re the denialist, not I. Clark could hypothetically be lying (but for what reason?) or crazy, yet he provides irrefutable facts and sources that are worth reviewing. I’ve also seen his private investigator license in person and as he’s shown some of you fools it’s not so easy to get one of those. You know about AZT and Sustiva? Have you read the article on the poppers/K.S. connection? You want to tell me I don’t want to learn then how did I find all this stuff?

    Clark emailed me and gave me Mr. Golen’s number to call. I plan on doing that and will get back to you. Clark also already provided the minutes of one of the cases which was dismissed.

  238. Jeremy said:

    “Regarding seroconversion. I know what it means. It’s an invention affiliated with Gallo’s testing for HIV based on antibodies.”

    There is no rational discussion possible with you, Jeremy. None at all. You are not merely ignorant, but deliberately and intentionally ignorant.

    “Clark emailed me and gave me Mr. Golen’s number to call. I plan on doing that and will get back to you.”

    You do that, Jeremy. I look forward to an accurate account of your conversation.

    Please note that his name is Mr James Galen. I’m not sure who Mr Golen is. Mr Gollum is a character from “Lord of the Rings”.

  239. jeremysteele11 says:

    And I submit you to be candidate for the next feature, “Lord of the Cock-Rings”, and you’re the starring cock.

    Please enlighten me while you skirt the issues, what scientific area does “seroconversion” originate in and/or associate with?


  240. jeremysteele11 says:

    I used to also believe in Santa Claus when I was a kid, Frank. So, this proves you just can’t have an intelligent conversation with me, as well as offers you a convenient excuse to ignore this question yet again:

    What does it matter if the HIV tests are presumptive or not when the CDC and doctors presume people have AIDS without any test at all?

    (or have you even watched that short video clip with the photograph of CDC book of rules yet?)

  241. The issue you are skirting, Jeremy, is whether in 13 separate cases prosecutors and judges have accepted that HIV testing is unreliable in determining whether someone has HIV or not. That is what your article is about:

    “Depending on who you work for, prepare to read the following and rejoice, or read it and weep… It turns out that AHF has been using junk science in its attempt to push mandatory condom use on the porn industry!

    The dirty little secret is that HIV test manufacturers admit that their tests are not reliable for the diagnosis of, and do not test for, HIV.

    Strangely, this story has been kept out of the major news media. I would venture to guess for economic and political reasons, which we intend to briefly examine.”

    Perhaps the reason it “has been kept out of the major news media” is that it is complete and utter bullshit. You and/or Clark just made it up, to drum up attention for your insane HIV/AIDS denial cult.

    Well, you’ve got that attention.

    “But because the presumption of being HIV-positive does not equate with actually being HIV-positive, two judges and eleven prosecutors have dropped all HIV-related criminal charges against 13 US and Canadian defendants during the past 13 months.”

    You are lying, Jeremy. In none of those cases did judges and prosecutors accept that HIV testing is unreliable in determining whether someone has HIV or not. You just made this up and hoped that no one would challenge you.

    Of course it is not possible to have an intelligent conversation with someone who is lying so blatantly.

    The issue you are skirting, Jeremy, is that your story is complete rubbish, and that you have been caught out lying.

  242. Unlike Frank, STD, Kernel and the other clerics and meth-trannies who anonymously and attack on behalf of the drug industry, Nancy Banks is a Harvard trained MD with 25 years of experience.  She also found time to get her MBA in finance.

    Her book AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire provides the historical and scientific evidence about pharmaceutical corruption that the meth-trannies hope you won’t read.  She posted a sneak preview here.  BTW, you’ll find a link to OMSJ’s website posted prominently on her website.

  243. jeremysteele11 says:

    Frank, The manufacturer Abbot Labs says HIV testing is unreliable, or “not definitive” and “presumed”. The title of this article is “HIV Tests Don’t Test for HIV”. This is not a lie.

    As a journalist, I am in the process of verifying of all Clark’s claims, but his claims are logical based on the “LIMITATIONS OF THE PROCEDURE” test disclaimer itself. I will be contacting Mr. Galen soon to corrobarate Clark’s claims in regards to the Daniel Allen case. But my statements in this interview are based on Clark’s testimony in regards to 13 cases in 13 months he says he was involved in.

    At the very worst, Larry, I was not lying myself, if it hypothetically turns out to be true that Clark was lying to me. But again, OMSJ’s services for attorneys and Clark’s claims are logical based on the presumptive diagnoses which is the foundation of all HIV testing (with or without a test, it’s presumptive).

    If you watch the documentary, “House of Numbers”, you will better understand why Clark’s services are legit. And if you understand how major media is politically controlled, you’d also understand why we might not be privy to these shocking revelations.

    Meanwhile, you continue to ignore all the points I’ve made while crying out the ridiculous “denialist cult” epithet in spite of them.

    Once again, you’re the denialist, Frank. How many facts have I provided that you deny? Gallo says co-factors are needed. Montagnier said HIV can be cured without drugs in a couple of weeks. The inventor of the PCR, who won a nobel prize says his invention doesn’t isolate HIV and that there is no proof HIV causes AIDS. The link provided shows the CDC diagnoses AIDS without HIV tests. You’re the cultist, Frank; a fundamentalist who refuses to look at facts, who is desperately trying to ignore all these points to snugly hold on to your brainwashed, scientifically unwarranted beliefs.

  244. ” I will be contacting Mr. Galen soon to corrobarate Clark’s claims in regards to the Daniel Allen case.”

    I predict that you never report back to us on what Mr Galen says.

    I also predict that you give us an increasingly implausible series of excuses for this, such as that Mr Galen has been terrified into silence by the threat that if he speaks out his home will be invaded by not one, or two, but a whole cadre of Meth-Trannies.

    Surprise us all, Jeremy.

  245. jeremysteele11 says:

    That was an excellent book review you wrote (for “AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire”) , Clark, in my opinion, and is more than reason enough to make me want to get a copy of it! It looks like 14 out of 14 agree, as well.

    Just like they said in the Godfather. “Nothing Personal. It’s just business”. To know conspiracy doeth not make one a nut, although coming to terms with it can.

    Fuck Christmas. I’m putting this book on my “now” list!

  246. jeremysteele11 says:

    Frank and beans said “Surprise us all, Jeremy”.

    I expect to, Frankenfarter,

    And I tell you no lies!

  247. Jeremy:

    Before we began our interview, I warned you that the HIV clerics and meth-trannies would ridicule and attack.  Nancy Banks MD, MBA (Harvard) describes their tactics in her book – as well as the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS).  Frank’s arguments are too sophomoric to qualify for the drug industry’s domestic intelligence service, but they often handle motivated meth-trannies to conduct their attacks.  Unless you read Dr. Bank’s book you won’t understand or believe how and why they operate the way they do.

    While ignoring the fact that he cannot provide proof of WHERE, WHEN, HOW and WHO proved that 1)HIV attacks cells and 2) causes AIDS, Frank’s stuck on a tiny part of the interview and comments that he deliberately takes out of context.

    Rather than deliver the proof that Dr. Banks and I have explained does not exist, Frank complains about one item that he twists.  Reasonable people know that courts and prosecutors will dismiss a case for MANY specific reasons that fall under the heading of “insufficient evidence.”  I’ve repeatedly indicated components of that failure and Frank has latched onto one of them, suggesting that I said that judges and prosecutors ALL declared one item. This is not the case.

    I have explained that, when OMSJ is involved, defense attorneys have a much easier time compelling prosecutors to dismiss criminal HIV charges.   Although the arrest, prosecution and conviction of people for HIV has been a very successful marketing tool, the CDC never imagined that a criminal investigator could use their strategy against them.  These meth-trannies doth protest too much, methinks.

    If Frank really wanted to chat with Daniel Allen’s lawyer, all he had to do is Google his name and make the call.  Mr. Galen is very busy and doesn’t waste time with meth-trannies, but he’s easily found and a quick chat would confirm our association.  Instead, the meth-trannies argue ad nauseam about inconsequential things while hiding behind aliases.  Their behavior is obvious to reasonable persons who read the interview and comments.

    Frank asserts that if our arguments had merit, they would be in the media.  Dr. Banks and OMSJ have given many examples of why the media doesn’t cover these cases.

    For example, long-time LA reporter and editor Bob Navarro describes how goons like Frank threatened to infest KCBS with meth-tranny protesters if KCBS didn’t kill a report that asked questions about HIV.  The news station capitulated.  For some reason, news and government agencies have an aversion to dozens of screaming infectious meth-trannies like these infesting their offices while decrying “homophobia.”  Like other vermin, they’re bad for business.

    Journalists who accurately report on this subject are threatened as well.  My preliminary investigation into HIV/AIDS led to investigative reporter Celia Farber’s libel lawsuit against James Murtagh MD, which continues to wend its way through the NY Supreme Court.  Murtagh and STD’s handler at Cornell University, John P. Moore PhD, wrote this email to filmmaker Brent Leung, declaring that Farber: 

    … learned what happens to the career of individuals in the communications media whose judgment of the facts is so poor that they promote AIDS denialism. Your future experiences will surely be similar to hers. You have, in effect, destroyed your career for nothing…

    Moore wrote this one as well: 

    When you’re in a war, there are no rules.

    This IS a war, there ARE no rules, and we WILL crush you, one at a time, completely and utterly (at least the more influential ones; foot-soldiers like you aren’t worth bothering with).

    Cornell turns a blind eye because they profit from goons like Moore.  You can see comical goons like Moore and other clerics in the documentary House of Numbers (2009).  If you don’t think about how many people these goons murdered, they’re actually quite comical.  In her book, Nancy Banks reminds us that while terrorism killed 3000 Americans since 2001, drug companies kill roughly 100,000 EVERY YEAR – for profit.  These are not nice people.

    This is why OMSJ is involved in these cases.  Next year, OMSJ expects the media will cover some of our victories.

    Anyone who reads Dr. Banks book will understand why Moore, Frank and the meth-trannies are as terrified as they are – and why they argue the way they do.

  248. Clark says:

    “…I warned you that the HIV clerics and meth-trannies would ridicule and attack…”
    “…the drug industry’s domestic intelligence service… often handle motivated meth-trannies to conduct their attacks..”.
    “These meth-trannies doth protest too much, methinks.”
    “Mr. Galen is very busy and doesn’t waste time with meth-trannies…”
    “… the meth-trannies argue ad nauseam about inconsequential things while hiding behind aliases.”
    “…goons like Frank threatened to infest KCBS with meth-tranny protesters…”
    “…news and government agencies have an aversion to dozens of screaming infectious meth-trannies like these infesting their offices…”
    “Anyone who reads Dr. Banks book will understand why Moore, Frank and the meth-trannies are as terrified as they are…”

    What’s this thing you have about “meth-trannies”, Clark?

    Do you realize how batshit crazy you sound?

  249. In case you forgot… WHEN, WHERE, HOW and WHO proved that 1)HIV attacks cells and 2) causes AIDS.

    Get back to me when you answer that.

  250. RickMadrid says:

    Like I said…there will be more HIV outbreaks and more litigations towards production companies and it might be within this year again….Stay tuned…start practcing wear condoms and you producers will just lose MORE money from lack of sales…Heard Las Vegas and Miami are pro porn and Anti AHF.

  251. Rick,
    Could you possibly be more ignoratn.

    Nevada has specific laws that make filming porn ILLEGAL, and the legal sex workers in Nevavad are REQUIRED to use condoms, and are required by law to be tested every week.

    And florida has three caes pending regarding pimping and pandering on porn sets,and one small producer in Florida pled GUILTY last year to a “pandering’ charge involving a porn shoot in Miami!!!

    Are you really this ignorant, or is this just a joke. Please tell me youre joking here, I cant beleive anyone in the industry would make such blatant ignorant statements about the industry.


    And where did you HEAR these things Rick, in one of your alchohol induced haluctinations.

    Heres some advice Dickmadrid….It is better to keep you mouth shut and let people think youre a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. This goes double for Germy Stool.

  252. RickMadrid says:

    Ok Joe Blow my cock!! heard your giving really good holiday blow jobs!! Fuck off and go to work for Bob fields he doesnt require AIM test and operates just south of LA and has girls from world modeling that don’t have aim test and have herpes outbreakes. You best find a another website go to Joe. You don’t know anything about his industry except Alcohol(spelled right) stupid fuck! Have a good night jerking off pretending you somebody we give a fuck about asswipe.

  253. RickMadrid says:

    Joe ; Spell ignorant. you must be a red neck from buggersfield.

  254. jeremysteele11 says:

    Holy Shit, Joe Idiot, are you fuckin’ stupid!

    That link of Abbot’s latest reads (under “product usage”) that it’s meant to be “used as an aid in diagnosis”. Still presumptive, as always.

    I don’t know what “20 year old data” you keep babbling about again and again in each and every case of my links, but like I’ve said again and again, you need to get acquainted with the old data before you can understand what new data means.

    Fuckin moron! You, Frank and all Fundamentalists refuse to acknowledge that the CDC has for years been diagnosing people with AIDS based on no test at all!


  255. “Fuckin moron! You, Frank and all Fundamentalists refuse to acknowledge that the CDC has for years been diagnosing people with AIDS based on no test at all!”

    Jeremy, the CDC doesn’t diagnose people with anything. Doctors diagnose people. The CDC is a public health agency involved in the prevention and control of various diseases.

    One of the things the CDC does is collate and publish epidemiological surveillance data, including notifications of cases of AIDS. The case definition of AIDS has changed over the years as you might expect, as have the requirements for laboratory evidence of HIV infection to accompany such notifications.

    When the CDC first started collating AIDS notifications, none of them were accompanied by HIV test results, for the simple reason that HIV had not even been discovered yet. When HIV testing became more common in the late 80s and 90s, many AIDS notifications were still not accompanied by HIV notifications, because HIV was only notifiable as part of the AIDS surveillance definition in certain cases.

    However, if you check the current case definition for AIDS notifications, you will note that ALL of them require laboratory evidence of HIV infection.

    See: MMWR December 5, 2008 / 57(RR10);1-8

    Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a cadre of screaming infectious Meth-Trannies from the drug industry’s Domestic Intelligence Service at my door.

    And boy, are they motivated.

  256. jeremysteele11 says:

    Thanks Frank. Now will you kindly refer me to an HIV test that provides evidence (presumption does not count as evidence) of HIV infection?

    Why does the CDC not count immunosuppressive drugs as responsible for immune supression? Is it because they push immuno-suppressive drugs as “therapy” for people with compromised immune systems?

    Doesn’t it seem silly that a bunch of old diseases which never have had anything to do with each other are all suddenly linked to a brainless supertiny retrovirus and not their old, original causes?

    How do antibodies (evidence of the body’s immune defense in action) prove detection of a HIV when antibodies are not indicative of any particular foreign antigen or disease, rather the resistance to it?

  257. Jeremy, how did you get on with Mr Galen? We haven’t forgotten your promise to “be contacting Mr. Galen soon to corrobarate Clark’s claims in regards to the Daniel Allen case.”

    All positive HIV tests provide evidence of HIV infection. How good the evidence of any one test is (which is called the positive predictive value) depends on a number of factors including the inherent specificity of the test and the clinical circumstances. A diagnosis of HIV infection is made using an algorithm of tests (and clinical data) to ensure that the positive predictive value of the final result is, beyond reasonable doubt, definitive. You seem to be getting stuck on this word “presumption”.

    And no, it is simply not true that AIDS-defining opportunistic diseases have “nothing to do with each other”. Most of them are highly predictive of an otherwise rare underlying severe deficit in CD4+ cell-mediated immunity (although some of them such as tuberculosis, recurrent pneumonia and cervical cancer are only moderately predictive of that immunodeficiency).

    There can be several different causes of such an immunodeficiency, but by far the most common is HIV/AIDS.

    Tell us, Jeremy. When was the last time you saw someone with PCP, or cryptococcal meningitis, or end organ CMV disease, or cerebral toxoplasmosis, or MAC – who didn’t have HIV/AIDS?

    Now I really must be getting back to my cadre of meth-trannies – they’re getting restless.

    Don’t forget to give Mr Galen a call.

  258. jeremysteele11 says:

    I’ve been busy working every day this week, will get at Mr. Galen on Thursday.

    You sound like a magician trying to caste spells of magic by blowing smoke in the form of fancy sounding scientific language.

    Again, why does the CDC not count immunosuppressive drugs as responsible for immune supression? No study whatsoever? Very interesting. Nothing to do with the incestuous relationship between the pharmaceutical industry, doctors and gov’t agencies?

    If HIV kills T-cells, how could they hide in the immune system for years? If they hide for years without necessarily causing illness then what’s the logic of bombarding the body constanly with skull n crossbones labeled and psychotrophic drugs?

    Why does Gallo now say HIV needs co-factors?

  259. Jeremy, I don’t think you understand.

    I have an entire cadre – no less – of Meth-Trannies holed up in my lounge room. I don’t think you realize how serious this is. I’ve been trying to keep them calm with cups of tea and copies of Marie Claire, but they are starting to become… rambunctious.

    One of them just pulled a lipstick on me! And I’m sure I just spotted the glint from a crack pipe among the sofa cushions.

    Please, please, PLEASE call Mr Galen – immediately!! It’s our only hope. I’m begging you!

  260. Oh. My. God.

    One of them has just discovered my collection of 60s and 70s vinyl.

    I think they’re just about to commit karaoke.

    You heartless bastard, Jeremy. Why won’t you call Mr Galen to put a stop to this?

  261. jeremysteele11 says:

    That’s nice. Anyway…

    Forgive me for my current obsession with the word “presumed”, Frank. However, the case can not be over-stated, for it is so fundamentally necessary for you to understand that “presumed” x 3 does not, can not and should not equate with “certainty”.

    We’ve been running around with “probables” somehow equating with “irrefutable facts” when the evidence seriously lacks.

    You can have 3 hand-picked experts all in agreement.
    What of it?

    You can mistify me with mind numbing ramblings on
    pre-subconversion and genetic knob-modular reverse micro-sublometric compulsions readings, but in the end, I being the simpleton that I am will simply insist, as has been asked:

    Where is the paper showing HIV causes AIDS? I just
    want to see it.

    Gallo started this with the annoucement that
    the “probable” cause of AIDS has been found.

    Someone explain to me when, how and where
    “probable” became “certain”?

    He now says HIV needs co-factors. It’s been a big, diliberate failure, or so it seems. Seems things are not quite certain, still.

  262. jeremysteele11 says:

    By the way, I’ll be working on my “Meth Trannies: The Musical”, which will be sure to rival The Rocky Horror Picture Show! It’s about a cop who’s been abused by one too many methed-out, manly trannies, dying of intoxication, taking out all their lives’ insanity on hated representations of square and straight authority.

    And… Wait ’till you hear the music!

  263. Look forward to it, Jeremy.

    And it’s now Thursday throughout the United States, and nearly Friday west of the International Date Line.

    Don’t forget to call Mr Galen and get back to us, as you promised in post #272.

    We’re counting on you, Jeremy.

  264. Frank – I posted a link (comment #260) to Mr. Galen’s contact information yesterday… anyone can call him… so why haven’t YOU called him yourself?

    I’ve repeatedly asked for your proof of WHEN, WHERE, HOW and WHO proved that 1) HIV attacks cells and 2) causes AIDS. After nearly 300 comments, your best response has been a potty mouth and NAH-NAH-NAH-NAH-NAH-NAH! Did you think no one would notice?

    How long have you worked for AIM – or are you just one of their contract meth-trannies?

  265. jeremysteele11 says:

    As John Lennon sings, “We’re playing those mind games”, continue to ignore mine and Clark’s points and questions, Frank, but, fyi, I just emailed Mr. Galen. I prefer not to call him, as he is busy. If I don’t get an email back, I will call.

  266. Clark keeps demanding”WHEN, WHERE, HOW and WHO proved that 1) HIV attacks cells and 2) causes AIDS”.

    This is a variant of the “one-study fallacy” beloved by pseudoscientists of many stripes. It assumes that all valid scientific propositions have been “proven” by a single individual at a single point in time in a single place by a single method, and that this was published in a single irrefutable study.

    The assumption is nonsense. By definition, scientific propositions aren’t “proven”. Their validity depends on accumulated lines of concordant evidence, including the absence of evidence which falsifies the proposition.

    There is no “one study” that “proves” evolution, or atomic theory, or germ theory, or the possibility of space travel. Instead, there is a mountain of concordant evidence supporting each of these propositions, and nothing convincing that falsifies it.

    The proposition that HIV is the cause of AIDS is supported by around 200,000 scientific papers indexed in PuBMed. Among the earliest of these studies were four papers published by a National Cancer Institute team in 1984, most of whose findings have been repeatedly refined, replicated and confirmed ever since. Clark knows about these papers because he repeatedly links them, but it is doubtful he has ever read and understood them.

    The proposition that HIV directly kills cells was first evidenced by a team at the Pasteur institute in Paris in 1983. If Clark had bothered to read this work or any of the subsequent literature he would know that direct cell killing is only one of a number of mechanisms by which HIV infection causes AIDS.

    There are good summaries of the evidence that HIV causes AIDS at the NIH website and also from many others such as the AVERT website. Clark ignores these, and demands a single definitive study. This is nothing more than an empty rhetorical ploy, which is why most sane people ignore it.

    However the point of this article and the interminable thread is Clark’s and Jeremy’s extraordinary claims that:

    1) because the presumption of being HIV-positive does not equate with actually being HIV-positive, two judges and eleven prosecutors have dropped all HIV-related criminal charges against 13 US and Canadian defendants during the past 13 months, and

    2) Clark has been personally instrumental in the successful defences of these 13 cases (despite horrific persecution by cadres of Meth Trannies who have made his life miserable).

    Clark has provided not one skerrick of evidence to support these claims of his and Jeremy’s, despite repeated requests. No court transcripts or judgements, no media reports, no statements from anyone actually involved in the cases, not a sausage.

    Apparently we are just expected to believe it because he has published it on his own websities.

    The guy is seriously nuts.

  267. jeremysteele11 says:

    You’ve heard of “going along to get along”, right Frank? Considering how much money flows in AIDS research I can’t help but ask what about all the research papers that exist proposing that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS or that HIV has not even been isolated? We’re talking about high level scientists, and if the search for the truth is real, then why are all these scientists dismissed and not examined?

    Another person you’re sure to consider as “seriously nuts”, Frank, is Kary Mullis (the guy who won the nobel prize for inventing the PCR).

    He says that AIDS is an arbitrary diagnosis only used when antibodies, claimed to be caused by HIV, are found in a patient’s blood.

    Mullis has said that the never-ending quest for more grants and staying with established dogmas has hurt science. He believes that “Science is being practiced by people who are dependent on being paid for what they are going to find out,” not for what they actually produce.

    And assuming HIV causes AIDS, no ifs ands or butts, then why do pregnant mothers have no right to choose regarding taking poison which has been proven to kill, and being forced to feed it to their children, as well?

    HIV = AIDS is still unproven, despite all the claims. Gallo said Duesberg was the foremost authority in the entire world on retrovirology before Duesberg challenged Gallo, who was later convicted of scientific misconduct twice. How did Duesberg suddenly go from “foremost authority” to “wingnut”? Because Gallo announced his “probable cause of AIDS” before he submitted it to peer review and once the gov’t started putting out big money for a cure and Big Pharm got involved, the myths have persisted just like Osama and Oswald.

    Studies on AIDS drugs were unblinded from the onset, no one told gays doing poppers that it’s deadly, instead they were told it’s a virus, AIDS remains mainly in the same original risk groups, yet we’re told it’s an epidemic.

  268. Let us know how you get on with Mr Galen, Jeremy. We’re waiting.

  269. jeremysteele11 says:

    And speaking of pseudo-science, how does one dormant, hiding supertiny retrovirus cause one of so many old diseases, from diarrhea to dementia, pneumonia to cervical cancer? I thought a specific antigen was supposed to cause a specific disease. If it kills t-cells, how could it hide for years? If it hides for years and doesn’t make anyone sick why bombard the body with poisonous drugs too toxic for human consumption? Are you going to continue to ignore all these questions, Frank? Of course, you are.

    This reminds of Big Brother’s assertion: “Oceania has always been at war with East-Asia”!

  270. Frank – do you mean to tell me that you haven’t called Mr. Galen yourself yet? What are you so afraid of? I posted his contact info in comment #260. Google his name and you’ll get his number.

    No Frank – the reason I ask the same question is because 1) Robert Gallo declared that HIV=AIDS=DEATH in 1984 and 2)  ALL subsequent research is based entirely upon his unproven ASSUMPTIONS.

    Nine years later, Gallo was found guilty of SCIENTIFIC MISCONDUCT and kicked out of NCI explicitly because of his sloppy HIV research.

    The theology you preach is what detectives and prosecutors characterize as “fruit from the poison tree.”  Garbage in – garbage out (GIGO).

    The guy at the Pasteur Institute you cite – you know, Luc Montagnier – admits (video) that HIV can be cured within weeks without drugs but that the drug companies (and parasites like AIM) can’t profit from clean food and good nutrition.  Am I crazy for posting Montagnier’s admission?  Why are you so afraid of Montagnier’s admissions?  Do you think adult actors are too stupid to examine the video themselves, or do you just think gay and black people are too stupid to decide?

    Why do YOU deny Montagnier’s videotaped admission that HIV drugs are unnecessary and HIV can be cured quickly with good food?  This guy WON the Nobel for his HIV discoveries and HE says it – even implicating NIAID Director Tony Fauci by name.

    Or how about amfAR founder Joe Sonnabend who left amfAR after his partner (Krim) made up the heterosexual AIDS scam.  If heterosexual AIDS is a scam, why does AIM force straight people to take HIV tests and straight actors to wear condoms?  I don’t want people to take my word for it – read Dr. Sonnabend’s lips.

    Now… If I was as crazy as you allege, why do you protest so ardently and call me names?  If I’m crazy, why are you so unhinged?  Are you afraid that I might give three people the support necessary to file a mass tort/class action against AIM and force its closure and loss of funding?  If I’m crazy, why not ignore me?  You’re not smart enough to be part of the EIS – although your handlers might’ve drafted part of your arguments for you.  You should read what Dr. Banks says about the EIS.  Goebbels had NOTHING on those goons.

    If AIM stops meddling in other peoples’ lives and businesses, I will stop reporting your scam to your victims.  Doesn’t THAT sound like a win-win?

    False HIV diagnosis cases have generated multi-million dollar judgments.  I urge actors who have been diagnosed HIV+ to have their lawyers contact us at OMSJ.

    Again, I urge everyone to rent House of Numbers (2009) and read Nancy Banks MD’s book so that you understand why “Frank” protests so much.

  271. Frank… while you allege that I’ve posted not “one sherrick of evidence,” I posted my name, contact info and many video and JAMA links to your clerics several times. Everyone’s still waiting for your name. It appears that our sherrick is bigger than yours.


    Most of us learned in the 8th grade that Occam’s razor doesn’t require anyone to prove the negative – just and you aren’t required to prove that you don’t fornicate with hamsters. Until someone produces proof, the allegation is false. We’re still waiting for you to answer my question.

    If we can have your contact information, I’ll gladly tell everyone who you are and who pays your bills. Want to make a side bet that you’re paid by Abbott, Glaxo, AIM, or one of their surrogates? How much do they pay you to argue with me and call Jeremy bad names?

  272. A quick recap.

    Jeremy claimed:
    “The dirty little secret is that HIV test manufacturers admit that their tests are not reliable for the diagnosis of, and do not test for, HIV… But because the presumption of being HIV-positive does not equate with actually being HIV-positive, two judges and eleven prosecutors have dropped all HIV-related criminal charges against 13 US and Canadian defendants during the past 13 months.”

    One of these “13 cases” was that of Daniel Allen, who was defended by Mr James Galen. Media reports of the case do not support Jeremy’s claim that the idiotic assertion “HIV test manufacturers admit that their tests are not reliable for the diagnosis of, and do not test for, HIV” was ever a consideration in this case.

    Clark Baker claims in post #21 that he and his website OSMJ were “instrumental in counsel’s arguments to dismiss the bioterrorism/HIV charges. If you doubt me, ask Mr. Galen yourself.

    Jeremy has promised to do exactly that.

    He informs us in comment #249 “Clark emailed me and gave me Mr. Golen’s [sic] number to call. I plan on doing that and will get back to you.”

    In post #256 he explains:
    “As a journalist, I am in the process of verifying of all Clark’s claims…”

    Well I’m no journalist, Jeremy, but my understanding is that normal procedure in journalism is to verify extraordinary claims before they are published, rather than to publish bullshit and wait until someone calls you on it.

    “…I will be contacting Mr. Galen soon to corrobarate Clark’s claims in regards to the Daniel Allen case,” he promises.

    Sixteen posts later in post #272, Jeremy reassures us:
    “I’ve been busy working every day this week, will get at [sic] Mr. Galen on Thursday.”

    It is now Friday, and we still haven’t heard from Jeremy about what Mr Galen said when he “got at” him.

    Please don’t keep us in suspense, Jeremy. The meth-trannies are starting to wake up and get restless again. Who knows what they’ll do if you don’t keep your promise?

  273. jeremysteele11 says:

    A quick recap:

    Frank keeps repeating himself, trying to ignore a room full of pink elephants and pretending they’re not there.

    Like O.J. Simpson’s defense team, Frank desperately tries to paint Frank Baker like a Mark Fuhrman who supposedly planted a glove and is allegedly racist because he used the “N” word while working on a script, all the while hoping the jury won’t put two and two together about O.J.’s suicide note, fake mustache, freeway chase, cut finger, matching blood at the crime scene, etc.

    Frank is hoping and praying Clark is just a crazy, meth-tranny hating private investigator, so no one will further take any of his factual points and links seriously. There’s a reason Frank continues to ignore many questions, points and links Frank and I have posed repeatedly.

    If AIDS was based in truth and decency then a pregnant HIV+ mother would have the right to not take poisonous drugs (that aren’t claimed to cure) that inevitably cause severe birth-defects and stillbirths. She’d have that right to choose instead of being attacked during her life and after her death.

    AIDS, Inc.’s quarter of a century+ long failure has been their success; more money research and donation money than all other diseases put together combined. And all that money goes back into the propaganda and mind control machines.

    Gallo announced the “probable cause of AIDS” in April, 1984, the same month and year Orwell’s novel begins. And the AIDS industry, like the book, demonizes and tries to eradicate the sex drive and employs doublethink (a retrovirus that both hides in t-cells and kills them). Our “ministry of truth” media has overall been silent on the scam. But then again, it’s 47 years since JFK was blown away and the media is still telling us impossible lies about that, too (magic bullet).

    It doesn’t matter what Mr. Galen says, Frank. You’ll still say it’s bullshit if he verfies what Clark said.

  274. jeremysteele11 says:

    Clark’s Bob Gallo “scientific misconduct” pdf link is hard to read throughout due to the faded ink.

    However, this link from Semmelweis Society International is quite telling and shows that AIDS, Inc. rests on the foundation of crooked science. That crooked science would in 1987 be aided and abetted by a criminal Big Pharm industry pushing deadly drugs as “therapy”, while cleverly contributing to AIDS death statistics all the while:

    SSI Endorses 1984 SCIENCE Report Retraction
    Washington DC, Dec 9 – Nearly 25 years after the publication of four foundational articles on HIV and AIDS, prominent scientists, physicians and legal experts are now asking for their removal from the journal Science.

    Their request is based upon new evidence that Dr. Robert Gallo – the former National Cancer Institute (NCI) researcher who declared he had found the probable cause of AIDS – had actually based his claims on his own unverified last-minute alterations to lab reports and experiments.

    The letter’s 37 signatories include medical doctors, chemists, oncologists, university professors, virologists, researchers, pathologists, AND biologists.

    After fellow researcher Matthew Gonda PhD informed Gallo that his electron microscopy showed no evidence of a virus in 1984, Gallo used Gonda’s name and photographs to corroborate his claim that he had isolated the virus. Because the majority of all subsequent AIDS research is predicated on the assumption that Gallo’s research was legitimate, the ramification of these findings of fraud raises serious questions regarding past and current US policy toward AIDS research.

    It now appears that Gallo never produced any evidence or proof that HIV attacks cells or causes AIDS. As a result of his unchallenged claims, Gallo was officially declared one of two co-discoverers of the HIV in 1984.

    Gallo left NCI after the Dept’s of Health’s Office of Research Integrity (ORI) accused him of committing scientific misconduct (1992). Although the evidence against him was considerable a legal technicality prevented criminal charges from being filed.

    Gallo shares a patent for HIV tests that generates millions of dollars in annual revenue, although the tests do not detect the presence of the virus itself or any unique or specific components of HIV. No HIV test manufacturer has ever claimed that their tests detect HIV or AIDS.

    The new findings were first admitted into evidence during a Congressional investigation (Dingell-1993) that focused on questions related to Gallo’s alleged theft of cell culture samples. Those hearings never examined the actual fabrication of research.

    The ORI reported that Gallo’s “irresponsible laboratory management has permanently impaired the ability to retrace the important steps taken.” Not only did Gallo’s conduct prevent fellow scientists from verifying his research, but Gallo distributed research materials with the express stipulation that his experiments not be repeated.

    Semmelweis Society International (SSI) has determined that the new evidence does not conflict with the findings of its own investigation, which was initiated after a former medical student raised questions about AIDS in Africa.

  275. Jeremy, I want you to listen very carefully.

    Pink. Elephants. Don’t. Exist.

    There is no roomful of pink elephants.

    It’s not that everyone around you is “ignoring” the roomful of pink elephants that you seem to be so preoccupied with, or “pretending they’re not there”.

    They don’t actually exist.

    You are hallucinating.

    You have bought into the delusions of a nutter and taken them on as your own.

    Do you understand?

    If not, I have an entire cadre – a cadre no less – of highly motivated Screaming Infectious Meth-Trannies who are itching to sort you out. I have been doing my best to keep them under control over the past 24 hours or so, but I don’t know how much longer I can continue to do so.

    Now stop your nonsense or I will send them your way. I don’t want to have to do this, Jeremy, but if your force me to I will. Don’t say I didn’t warn you…

    Now what did Mr Galen say again?

  276. Frank – how did YOUR call with Mr. Galen go? Remember that I posted his contact information in comment #260. Any reader can call him and ask how OMSJ helped his case. Or do you think Galen’s also a pink elephant?

    There’s only one reason that Frank defends an industry that paid $9 billion to settle thousands of criminal and civil complaints since 2004 – they PAY him. It’s the oldest profession.

    You’re just the meth-trannie version of Magic Johnson. Abbott paid Magic $60 million in 2006 to push HIV tests and drugs in Black communities. Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote a book about sell-outs like Magic. So how much do they pay barebacking monkeys like you to push tests in the adult industry?

    You see, Frank… I may not know much about medicine and pharmaceuticals, but I recognize criminal behavior when I see it. I’ve arrested too many crack whores to not recognize you for what you are. Crack whores generally use fake names too, while cops post their names on their uniforms.

    Clark Baker (LAPD ret)

  277. Clark, I didn’t say I was calling James Galen. It was Jeremy who said he was going to do that, after you emailed him the phone number. And he promised to get back to us with what Mr Galen said.

    He hasn’t.

    Why not?

  278. Clark says:
    “I may not know much about medicine and pharmaceuticals”

    We already worked that out, Clark.

    We’re just waiting for Jeremy to get back to us about what Mr Galen told him, like he promised.

  279. jeremysteele11 says:

    Frank, we got scandals of mega-proportions. You mentioned yourself how the definition of AIDS was finally upgraded in December of 2008. So what of all the people diagnosed with AIDS without a test, told they’re gonna die because they had a disease attributed to AIDS, that they can’t have sex with anyone, and to take extremely deadly drugs?

    How many lives have been falsely and needlessly ruined or killed in the name of promoting AIDS hysteria?

    Each pink elephant = each irrefutable point you ignore or shrug off, which is enormous, yet you act like it’s not there.

    How many pink elephants have been introduced? Gallo’s scientific misconduct, which only kept him out of a prison on a technicality? Gallo’s admission HIV needs co-factors, which is admitting testing for HIV (assuming we have) is not enough. Montangier saying HIV is harmless or at worst can be cured in a couple of weeks without drugs. The pink elephant representing all the dead pregnant mothers and their dead infant babies because a state in the United States of America forced drugs “far too toxic for human consumption”.

    How long are gonna ignore these Pink Elephants, Frank? I could just call them facts, if you like.

    I’ve emailed Mr. Galen. Have not heard back from him. But what does it matter? There’s a room full of pink elephants, and I’ve just brought up only but a small few of them.

    Stay tuned for I still have another earlier comment on moderation, following my “pink elephant” comment.

  280. Stay tuned for I still have another earlier comment on moderation, following my “pink elephant” comment.

    Jeremy, the “Semmelweis Society International” site you linked in post #288 is just another one of Clark’s rant websites. Most of its current material was copy-pasted from Clark’s multiple other blogs.

    You are still trying to use Clark’s own writing corroborate Clark’s claims.

    What we are all waiting for is for Mr Galen to corroborate Clark’s claim that he and his OMSJ – which is yet another one of his websites – were, as he puts it: “instrumental in counsel’s arguments to dismiss the bioterrorism/HIV charges. If you doubt me, ask Mr. Galen yourself.”

    You have promised to do this. We are all staying tuned, Jeremy.

  281. jeremysteele11 says:

    HEY FRANK. FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You stupid, disingenuous, repetitive asshole.

    I ALREADY TOLD YOU I SENT AN EMAIL AND NO RESPONSE. Stay tuned and shut the fuck up!

    Meanwhile, YET AGAIN, you ignore this and other points so now I MUST REPEAT MYSELF!!!!!!!!! One. At. A. Time…


    “Frank, we got scandals of mega-proportions. You mentioned yourself how the definition of AIDS was finally upgraded in December of 2008. So what of all the people diagnosed with AIDS without a test, told they’re gonna die because they had a disease attributed to AIDS, that they can’t have sex with anyone, and to take extremely deadly drugs?”

    Nothing to say about that. OF COURSE (no surprise)!

    You’re a fraud, Frank and a supporter of fraud, murder, terrorism and evil!

  282. Frank:

    When Jeremy talks to Galen you’ll accuse him of not talking to him – yours is a fool’s errand. ANYONE reading these comments will know how to reach Galen if/when they wish. Go back to comment #260 if you want to chat with Galen.

    Everyone who reads your comments knows what you are, Frank.


    CLARK SAYS(yesterday3:15)…:I might give 3 people the support necessary to file a mass/tort class action suit against AIM and force its closure”


    You bought this guy here Jeremiah. This is on you.
    What are you going to do Jeremiah if this guy makes good on this probably worthless threat. What do you think your fellow performers are going to think when they here this Jeremiah?

    Clark also calls AIM parasites(wonder if that next needle stick is going to have a little extra behind it next time Jeremiah gets his blood taken.
    I have emailed a copy of this to the administrator Brooke at AIM. As if AIM doesnt have enough problems right now, Jeremiah brings this guy here. GOOD MOVE JEREMIAH

  284. Jeremy, do you understand the difference between an epidemiological surveillance case definition and the clinical criteria used by clinicians in making a diagnosis and in advising on treatment?

    If you bothered to read the MMWR I gave you, you would notice in the very first paragraph: “These case definitions are intended for public health surveillance only and not as a guide for clinical diagnosis. Public health surveillance data are used primarily for monitoring the HIV epidemic and for planning on a population level, not for making clinical decisions for individual patients.”

    MMWR December 5, 2008 / 57(RR10);1-8

    Now Jeremy, I don’t really care if you call me a “fraud” or “a supporter of fraud, murder, terrorism and evil!”. I wasn’t all that fussed even when Clark called me a “barebacking monkey” or “the meth-trannie version of Magic Johnson”.

    You and Clark have made a number of extraordinary and unsubstantiated claims. We have asked you to provide corroboration of some of them.

    Clarks response to this has been to rant on and on about how he is being persecuted by cadres of “screaming infectious meth-trannies”. Your response has been to rave about roomfuls of pink elephants that seem to be troubling you, but that everyone else seems to be ignoring.

    You both appear to be madder than a bucketful of rattlesnakes.

  285. jeremysteele11 says:

    I’m angry, Frank. Call anger a form of madness especially as you continue to ignore my question of why States have the right to force pregnant moms to commit infanticide.

    Frank, stop playing games. What of all the people who have been diagnosed with AIDS without a test?

    What of Gallo’s scientific misconduct convictions? Would you buy a used car from this guy? The foundation of the AIDS empire rests on this fuckin’ guy, but there’s too much money in it to shine a light on the dark aspects of this sham religion.

    And Clark is right about Magic Johnson. He’s paid millions to say get tested and take your meds. But do you think he really takes them, himself? Magic is an Uncle Tom, and AIDS, Inc has given him enough money to have a rather fancy Cabin.

    And Joe Idiot, I have nothing against Sharon or anyone at AIM. The purpose of their existence is to provide testing, etc. They are a non-profit organization. At the same time I think that everyone who has ever been diagnosed “HIV+” has grounds for a lawsuit, based on the fact that the manufacturer’s admit they don’t prove HIV infection.

    Again, we gotta go back to Gallo. He pushed doctored science and this has been proven. Why does Luc Montagnier say HIV may be harmless or cured within a couple of weeks without drugs? FRANK AND JOE WILL NEVER ANSWER THIS. EVER!!!!!!!!!.. nor will they ever address why parents are having their children taken away from them if they don’t force feed them deadly drugs that (don’t claim to cure and) cause lots of pain, debiliating illness and death. Yet just another piece of evidence of how this AIDS terror religion has gone way out of control.

    Clark’s point of “Who do you work for?” is completely valid and logical. The answer is you work for who pays you. Big Pharm has doctors, gov’t and non-profits as their puppets. This is why Joe and Frank post anonymously!!

    Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.. The key to power is money and AIDS, Inc has lots of it!

    The rest of us who are not being paid to (making a living) sell(ing) this bullshit should not buy the bullshit being sold.

  286. Jeremy stamps his little foot and screams:
    ” Why does Luc Montagnier say HIV may be harmless or cured within a couple of weeks without drugs? FRANK AND JOE WILL NEVER ANSWER THIS. EVER!!!!!!!!!.”

    Jeremy, I answered this (rhetorical) question of yours in post #38 on the Colonel’s thread. Here it is again:

    Q: Why does Luc Montagnier cry foul about Big Pharm and say HIV can be cured within weeks?

    A: He doesn’t. You have been sucked in by an internet propaganda campaign. Montagnier himself says that his comment was “taken out of its context in a film that glorifies the “Dissidents” and posted on Internet by a website that is searching for polemical debate”. The campaign was centred on a film called “House of Numbers” which tried to present itself as an objective examination of HIV/AIDS. They lied. It was funded by the AIDS denialist cult “Rethinking AIDS”.

    Montagnier was discussing his belief that good nutrition might reduce the rate of HIV transmission among otherwise malnourished populations. He might be right about this. He also thinks that there needs to be more emphasis on simple public health measures to reduce HIV transmission, which are being ignored in the push for an HIV vaccine and drugs to reduce viral load. He probably has a point here too. However, he does not claim that chronic HIV infection can be cured within weeks. That’s a deliberate misrepresentation by the denialist propaganda machine. Google “House of Numbers – dishonest and unscrupulous misrepresentation of Montagnier” for more.

    And no, Luc Montagnier does not say that “HIV may be harmless”. Making up lies and then claiming that someone famous said them is not nice, Jeremy. If you want to know Luc Montagnier’s views on HIV/AIDS and about AIDS denialists such as yourself, you can read his Nobel speech on the net. Here’s an excerpt:

    A posteriori, two facts should have provided to the few remaining sceptics final conviction that HIV is the culprit in AIDS:

    1) Transmission of AIDS by blood transfusion has practically disappeared in countries where the detection of HIV antibodies in blood donors has been implemented.

    2) The inhibition of virus multiplication by a combination of specific inhibitors of the viral enzymes (reverse transcriptase, protease) has greatly improved the clinical conditions of the patients. Mutations in the genome of HIV-inducing resistance to these inhibitors has led to relapses and aggravation of the patients_ condition. In 1986, thanks to a collaboration with Portuguese colleagues, we isolated a second virus (which I named HIV2) from West African patients hospitalized in a Lisbon hospital. They all had the signs of AIDS but had no antibodies against our first virus. In fact, they had only antibodies to the most variable protein of HIV, the surface glycoprotein. The patients had lost antibodies against the well-conserved internal proteins of HIV2 which show common epitopes with their counterparts of HIV1, unlike the glycoprotein .

    The isolation of HIV1 and HIV2 viruses from AIDS patients in Africa made us realize that we were dealing with a large epidemic of heterosexually transmitted viruses.

    Please stop lying about Luc Montagnier.

  287. Jeremy demanded (post #299):
    “What of all the people who have been diagnosed with AIDS without a test?”

    Jeremy has forgotten what Clark claimed in his own article above:
    “And here’s a promise – if you never take an HIV test, you’ll never suffer or die from an HIV infection – even if you’re an actor in an adult movie.”

    Clark makes us this promise, even though he admits:
    “I may not know much about medicine and pharmaceuticals”

    Batshit insane.

  288. jeremysteele11 says:

    Well, my prediction that you will never answer still stands as correct with your predictable response. I figured you’d say some “HIV tests don’t test for HIV or kill you so what does it matter, as Clark has said” type of evasive response.

    How long do you think you can particpate in this game of shame, Frank? I will keep asking you questions you refuse to answer, thereby supporting the suggestion that you’ve got nothing to say about it, and refuse to do so, thus further suggesting you are indeed, on the dark side of the farce.

    Fundamentalist-Denialism at it’s finast.

  289. jeremysteele11 says:

    finest whoops

    “finast” was the spelling of the fucking first job i had on long island as a kid pushing carts in the parking lot at the jap (jewish am. princess) supermarket

  290. I’m a patient man, Jeremy.

    I’m happy to continue pointing out the insanity of your propositions for as long as it takes for you to make good on your promise. You know – to report back to us on whether Mr Galen corroborates Clark’s story that he was “instrumental in counsel’s arguments to dismiss the bioterrorism/HIV charges.”

    Or until Cindi pulls the plug on this nonsense.

  291. jeremysteele11 says:

    You’re just worried someone will pull the plug on YOUR nonsense, Frank.

    But since you offer to point out the insanity of my propositions why don’t you try addressing and answering my last question?

    Your constant “Mr. Galen” bark is your pathetic attempt as evasion. I’ve already answered you on that. Again, STFU until I report back with any updates. Every time you ask about Mr. Galen, it just proves you’re a loser. Clark has invited you to find out for yourself, you baboon!

  292. jeremysteele11 says:

    stay tuned, i see an additional moderated response of yours came in…

  293. It’s me not committing credibility-suicide here, Jeremy.

    You ask:
    “What of all the people who have been diagnosed with AIDS without a test?”

    Are you saying there are lots of people who have been diagnosed with AIDS in the US without an HIV test during the past 20 years? Really? (Of course, no one who was diagnosed with AIDS in the early 1980s had an HIV test, because they hadn’t been invented yet).

    Before you answer, please read my post #298 and make sure you understand the difference between an epidemiological surveillance case definition and the clinical criteria used by clinicians in making a diagnosis and in advising on treatment.

    Otherwise you’ll just keep making a fool of yourself.

  294. jeremysteele11 says:

    No lies about Luc, Frank:

    At the San Francisco International AIDS Conference in 1990, Dr. Luc Montagnier said “HIV Might be Benign” (harmless). He obviously made these statements against his own interests, owning half the rights to the patent on the HIV tests.

    “There are over 100,000 studies on HIV/AIDS and there is not one that has direct proof that HIV causes AIDS.” – Dr. Peter Duesberg Ph.D., National Academy of Sciences. Many have called him the worlds best expert on retrovirology.

    (would you like the link?)

    “HIV Might be Benign”

    Perhaps you didn’t know that, Frank.

  295. jeremysteele11 says:

    Yes, and the San Francisco AIDS Conference… an appropriate place to have it, as this has been one of the main areas where the sharks have been feeding.

    Kudos to Luc for having the guts and conscience.

  296. Clark,
    Your (bullshit) threat to sue AIM is going to cause your boy Steele alot of problems. And Steels’s refusal to specificly reject your threat isnt helping him much.

    With all the OSHA and HIV hearings going on right now lets see if Clarkie follows through with his veiled threat. What better timing, for maximum mainsteam exposure.Imagine that Clark, mainsteam media exposure. Just imagine jerry, somone might quote you in the LA Times again, and you can do your little homemade press release about it.”Hey everybody, look at me, they quoted me in the newspaper, look at me, down here, down here.”

  297. jeremysteele11 says:

    By the way, Frank, I’m more than willing to start this stuff backwards, if you’d prefer. If you’d like, instead of starting with Gallo’s origins (since you continue to ignore this point), we can start with the assumption that HIV=AIDS and that if you’re HIV+ you’re going to get really sick and die one day, without intervention.

    Q: Now what’s the pharmaceutical solution to people dying of compromised immune systems?

    A: Giving them lots of expensive, immune suppressing, disease causing drugs (or drugs with “side effects”, as it’s also known as).

    We can assume your faith is bonafide and true by ignoring all those who proffer information and evidence otherwise, or who call on you to present evidence of yours…

    And if we do we are still left with the legacy of Big Pharm’s “therapies”.

    And furthermore, we are facing an obscene and fascist element here, where pregnant mothers are forced to imbibe deadly, deformity and death causing skull and crossbones drugs, at threat of having their surviving children taken away!

    You can look at it from the front or the back, Jack, I mean Frank, but it’s all corrupt no matter from which way you look at it.

    Like I said, absolute corruption corrupts through and through…. and say a prayer for the fragile, simple flower of Truth, because it’s long since been blown away by the winds of insatiability.

  298. And to think this entire thread exists becuase I pissed off Jerry. I know I should be ashamed of myself, but seeing Stool go off the edge has been so entertaining.

    And with all of your jaywalking enforcement experience Clark, maybe you could fill in for the crossing guard by your local school. And if the little rugrats go outside the lines, well you can just beat them up and put them back in the crosswalk. Clark(LAPD rtd. 20 year traffic cop)

  299. jeremysteele11 says:

    Hey Joe Idiot. Please convince me otherwise for my beliefs. So far, you have failed. You speak of AIM. I have already addressed that. One thing you’ve failed to address is, what if you were told you were HIV+ or knew or loved someone who was, then find out their tests don’t or might not stand up in court (which ever the case may be). How would you like to have your life literally destroyed by a misdiagnosis?

    Worst case scenario, this leads beyond AIM. Perhaps they have a right to turn around and sue, too. I’m not an expert in law, so don’t know.

    We’ve all been bamboozled. We all deserve justice!

  300. Just out of curiosity,
    How do you feel about Chemo for cancer patients? Or do the Abbot cancer tests (ALL OF WHICH ARE PRESUMPTIVE,(go check the test kit literature yourself Jerry) not really detect cancer?

    ABBOT LABS SAYS THAT THEIR CANCER TESTS DONT DETECT CANCER!!!!!!(that was my germy stool impersonation)

  301. No need for a link, Jeremy. I just put “He obviously made these statements against his own interests, owning half the rights to the patent on the HIV tests” into a Google search to find all the sites where your statement is copy-pasted to.

    Copy-paste spam is as close to intellectual effort as most AIDS denialists such as yourself come, Jeremy.

    And no, an alleged off-the-cuff remark from over 20 years ago does not represent Montagnier’s views on HIV/AIDS.

    Montagnier was discussing some preliminary results in which he noted that HIV cultures contaminated with a mycoplasma exhibited more cytopathic effects than those without, suggesting that mycoplasma might be a co-factor in disease progression. He followed up these initial experiments with more over the following two to three years, and discovered that his initial impressions had been mistaken. That was in 1992-3. Montagnier has moved on since then, because initial hypotheses in science often turn out to be wrong when more evidence comes in.

    Peter Duesberg has been called a lot of things over the years, but I don’t think anyone in the field of virology or immunology or HIV/AIDS would call him an “expert” these days. He has never worked with HIV or with AIDS, or legitimately treated a patient (he is not medically qualified). And we all know how his medical advice for Christine Maggiore and for his god-daughter Eliza Jane Scovill turned out.

    Unlike genuine scientists (like Montagnier) who move on when their initial ideas don’t pan out, Duesberg remains fixated in a 1987 timewarp.

    Just like the copy-paste cretins of his denialist internet army.

  302. We’ve all been bamboozled

    Speak for yourself, Jeremy.

  303. Stool,

    That is why you always get a second opinion. Have you ever seen a positive gonn/chlam test of your own, or a fellow performer. Have you ever read the part that says, “RESULTS CONFIRMED BY REPEAT ANALYSIS”? I first bought thisup about two years ago when there was a similar discussion.

    The test do stand up in court, and whether courts are right or wrong(and theyre right) the tests do stand up in the halls of medicine.Misdiangnonsi happpens all the time, from cancers, to TB, to the flu, to pregnancys. And the government is not behind it.

    Would you support Clarks effort to put together a case against AIM? Would you assist him? Would you try to use your influence with him to give up this idea? THESE ARE VALID QUESTIONS AND YOU KNOW IT JERRY!! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS UP TO? ARE YOU TWO CONSPIRING TO MAKE NAMES FOR YOURSELF BY SUING AIM?

    Lets see a straight forward, up or down, yes or no answer Jerry.

    Your above resposne about AIM was nice, but it DIDNT answer the questions. ISnt that what youre having this hissy fit about, people not answering YOUR questions, then you get asked a simple yes or no question and you wont answer. The pot calls the kettle black.

    Yes or no Jerry, would you support Clark starting a lawsuit against AIM? I wouldnt. How about YOU. I think you would. Or do you just not want to upset your pal clarkie and admit that you would NEVER support him doing that!! ROCKjerryHARDPLACE

  304. Joe Know asks Jeremy and Clark:
    “Are you two conspiring to make names for yourself by suing AIM?”

    Of course they are, Joe. That’s what the whole “interview” is about. That’s why Clark lied about all the other “successes” his imaginary organization is supposed to have. He does this all the time.

    For some reason Clark thought that trying to get adult film industry workers to attack AIM might draw him respect and adoration.

    It doesn’t get much kookier than this.

  305. jeremysteele11 says:

    You’ve continued to ignore my question, Frank.

    Q: Why does a HIV+ pregnant mom not have a right to choose whether or not to taken poisonous drugs that cause infanticide and still births, with literal skull and crossbones labels on them (originally labeled “far too toxic for human consumption)? Why does she not have the right to be harrassed for her decision?

    And assuming HIV causes AIDS, what choice does she have?

    What kind of authority has the AIDS industry assumed over people that they have no right to choose, unlike with any other disease, were they to be afflicted?

    You’ll not answer this one, will you?

    If the same pregnant woman who was HIV+ had cancer instead she would have the right to choose whether or not to have chemo.

    Who the fuck do you think you are attacking women who try to exercise their right of choice?

    AIDS drugs don’t claim to cure. Just as HIV tests don’t claim to detect HIV. Yet both of these things are compulsory for pregnant women (test for HIV, and taking drugs if +).

    You’ve got some fuckin’ nerve celebrating Christine and her daughter’ death. It’s made fundamentalists secretly euphoric after the political rush to judgement. The problem is that the cause of both deaths were made without autopsy. Both were later found to be killed by the pharmaceutical industry; drug treatment they both took unrelated to AIDS or AIDS drugs.

    Yes, people die all the time, young, middle aged and old. All of a sudden, it’s AIDS without a full independant autopsy. And death by ADRs, as pointed out, is one of the top 5 or 6 leading causes of death, far more than all the deaths that have ever been contributed to AIDS.

    If there was as much money invested in the belief that the world is flat, the rest of us would be called “denialists”, of course.

    And I have no interests or reasons for suing AIM, Joe Idiot. For all I know, AIM may have grounds to sue to if they are sued. They didn’t start this $cam. I consider that they’re only in the middle of it.

  306. jeremysteele11 says:

    Sorry, I meant to say causes of death were concluded before autopsy and once the coroner was told she was an AIDS denialist, and because HIV diagnoses are presumptive, that was the conclusion of the coroner.

    Again, later independent toxicology reports found the baby died of ADR reaction to allergy pharm drugs (amoxicillin).

  307. jeremysteele11 says:

    And as said earlier by Dr. Hope, I believe, the stress and anquish, harrassment and vilification Christine went through for her daughter’s death, and then the State’s attempt to take her HIV-negative
    son away from her and his HIV-negative dad, all that is proven enough to kill. So thanks for helping to kill her, Fundamental(ist)-cases.

  308. jeremysteele11 says:

    My post between my last two disappeared:

    I wrote a correction regarding…

    I meant to say the conclusion that the two deaths were made before the coroner autopsy. Once they heard who these people were, presumptive diagnoses were done. Later toxicology reports show the daughter died of an ADR amoxicillin allergy reaction.

    ADRs are one of the top 4-6 leading causes of death, much higher than all the deaths accredited to AIDS.

    Once the coroner was told who Christine was, her diagnoses was political and (as all AIDS diagnoses are) presumptive.

  309. jeremysteele11 says:

    My post between my last two disappeared:

    I wrote a correction regarding…

    I meant to say the conclusion that the two deaths were hysterically and biasedly assumed before the coroner autopsy. This looked to be the makings of a political victory for Fundamentali$ts. Once coroners heard who these people were, presumptive diagnoses were done. Later toxicology reports show the daughter died of an ADR allergy medication reaction.

    ADRs are one of the top 4-6 leading causes of death, much higher than all the deaths accredited to AIDS.

    Once the coroner was told who Christine was, her diagnoses was political and (as all AIDS diagnoses are) presumptive.

  310. You’ve got some fuckin’ nerve celebrating Christine and her daughter’ death.

    No, Jeremy. I am not “celebrating” either death. I am simply stating the facts.

    The problem is that the cause of both deaths were made without autopsy.

    No, Jeremy. The cause of each death was established by autopsy. The cause of death of Eliza Jane Scovill (Peter Duesberg’s god-daughter) was determined by an autopsy conducted by qualified pathologists at the Los Angeles Coroner’s Office. The cause of death of Christine Maggiore was established by an autopsy conducted by a qualified private pathologist called Dr.David Posey MD.

    Eliza Jane Scovill died in 2005 of “Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia due to or as a consequence of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome”. You can read the entire report by the pathologists who conducted the autopsy on the net. Eliza Jane was also underweight, was markedly anemic, and had HIV encephalitis (brain infection) thymic atrophy and hepatic steatosis. She was only three years old, poor kid.

    Christine Maggiore died at home in 2008 nine days after being diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia, after having symptoms suggestive of PCP for several weeks. At the autopsy conducted by David Posey MD she had “severe pulmonary edema and congestion. Christine’s right and left lungs weighted 1319 and 1307 g, respectively. Microscopic examinations of H & E stained sections of her lungs demonstrated severe congestion and edema. There was marked alveolar distention by frothy eosinophilic proteinaceous exudates. Diffuse alveolar damage was noted in both lungs. There was also proliferation of type 2 pneumocytes with modest infiltrates of acute and chronic inflammatory cells.”

    “In addition, growth of Pneumocystis jiroveci (carinii) was observed on the H & E stained sections of lungs, liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, and bone marrow and confirmed on the Gomori methenamine silver (GMS) preparation.”

    Like her daughter, Christine Maggiore died of PCP.

    Face facts, Jeremy.

  311. jeremysteele11 says:

    That’s an impressive sounding story, Frank. Why did a toxicologist state otherwise with a 100.00% (and a – factor for acute angina, as well as a cute belly button, and other irrelevant info) reverse opinion rate?

    Look, you’re Magic Johnson & I’m Gary Coleman:

    Magic (as hired promoter): Here take this pills.
    They’ll kill you, make you feel better or both.

    Gary: Whutchuu talkin’ bout, Magic?

    Magic: Act now and we’ll throw in a 1000 pills for only 84 dollars each!

    Gary: Go back to your cabin, Uncle Tom!

    Magic: That isn’t nice, Mr. Coleman.

    Gary: Fuck you, bitch! Tell me you’re taking all those drugs, yourself?

    Magic: Of course!

    Gary: Whutchoo talkin’ about, Magic? Prove it. You ain’t that Supersize Me, Sperlock guy, unless you get at least a film crew to document it.

    Magic: Well, so much for my talk show career.
    Hey, you’re pretty smart for a little guy.

    Gary: That’s the first smart thing you said, Magic. Thanks.

  312. What’s a “100.00% reverse opinion rate”, Jeremy? Are you saying that Al-Bayati is a denialist about everything?

  313. jeremysteele11 says:

    I’m not answering any more of your questions until you answer one you repeatedly ignore, in regards to women being forced poisonous drugs on their unborn babies and children or have their children literally taken away from them if they don’t comply with thy holy Doctor. Why does a woman not have the right whether or not to choose chemotherapy for cancer but no choice about taking drugs with skull and crossbones deemed “far too toxic for human consumption”, that have proven to cause stillbirths, and worse… birthdefects… since some of those lives might prefer having been stillborn … thanks to the situation big pharm’s minions have put them?

    Uncurtailed, arrogant powers powertripping on the fuel of hysteria and mega-grants for their sinister religion… sorry baby, take this death medicine for your cartiledge before it turns to bone…. truly amazing, the shit you thugs have got away with thus far…

  314. jeremysteele11 says:

    shit, i meant why does a woman have the right whether or not to choose chemo, etc…


  315. Christine Maggiore exercised her choice to ignore competent medical advice about her HIV infection and how to prevent her child becoming infected. Instead she chose to follow the advice of a non-medically qualified charlatan called Peter Duesberg, who was also the god-father of her baby.

    That was her choice. Whether she should have been allowed to make that choice I can’t say. All I can say is that Eliza Jane Scovill had no say in the matter.

    As a result, her daughter died a horrible and unnecessary death at the age of three years. Just another death from the Duesberg cult.

    Maggiore never came to terms with this. I’m not surprised – for her to face reality would have been incredibly painful. But her denial ultimately resulted in her own death from a treatable AIDS-defining condition at home, only a stone’s throw from the competent medical specialists who could have almost certainly saved her life.

    And Duesberg gets off scot-free, as usual. The guy has left a trail of bodies in his wake, sacrificed on the altar of his ego. 300,000 in South Africa alone.

    And you, Jeremy, want to proselytize for this cult? You demand I answer yet more of your stupid rhetorical “questions”?

    You want your fellow adult industry workers to join you in this insanity?

  316. Jeremy – Everyone sees that Frank and the AIM clerics have completely ignored our questions.

    For example (#316) Frank tells us that Luc Montagnier’s admission that “HIV can be cured within weeks without drugs but that the drug industry (and AIM) can’t make money selling clean water and good food…” was somehow “taken out of context.”

    Not only is Montagnier’s unedited videotaped statement available for anyone to watch right now, but how EXACTLY does AIM think that Montagnier’s comments work IN CONTEXT?

    Montagnier’s comments SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. EVERYONE can watch and hear Montagnier’s UNEDITED COMMENTS at the links posted at comment #42 (and others) and decide for themselves.

    But that’s not good enough for Frank and the other clerics at AIM. Frank wants readers to BELIEVE that they’re too stupid to understand what Montagnier (and many others) are saying.

    Frank (and his pals) know that it’s only a matter of time and that readers are beginning to catch on – just as you, me and thousands of others are discovering every day.

    BTW, I got a call last night from another man whose pregnant wife and daughter are being threatened by their doctor if they don’t restart AIDS drugs.

    They stopped taking the drugs after reading about OMSJ’s efforts and the information we’ve provided and their health immediately began to improve.

    Their doctor is now THREATENING to report them to child services and take their children away and place them where they can be administered drugs that have killed millions.

    OMSJ got him to contact a local attorney and will tell the doctor to go F^&% himself. If child services tries to take action, OMSJ’s lawyers, MDs and scientists are ready.

    When the case is over, we’ll explore a lawsuit for misdiagnosing the family and giving drugs that will cripple their child for life. If two other patients call us, we plan to take down the entire death clinic with a mass tort or class action.

    The doctor incorrectly assumes that, because the family is black, they’re too stupid to argue with white men in white lab coats.

    In the last few months, OMSJ has already exposed two experienced infectious disease MDs (we’ll post the videos when the case ends next year). We plan to post their videotaped testimony when the case ends so that everyone can see what buffoons these goons are.

    Brent Leung’s documentary “House of Numbers” does this remarkably well, showing the high priests of AIDS as the buffoons they are. Leung hardly says a word – he simply asks questions and lets these goons speak for themselves. The documentary is an important contribution to the controversy.

    The fact that Frank and his peers face years in prison or the prospect of finding gainful employment (that doesn’t kill people for profit) is more than enough reason for them to rant on this blog anonymously.

    Christine Maggiore’s experience has helped OMSJ to develop a legal strategy that now protects the innocent in ways that law enforcement should have protected Maggiore. People no longer need to rely on the CDC and anonymous meth-trannies like Frank for information – they have recourse.

    OMSJ looks forward to deposing the clerics at AIM and showing their videotaped responses for the world to see.

    EVERYONE that AIM has diagnosed as HIV+ were falsely diagnosed. If your career was harmed by that diagnosis, have your attorney call OMSJ. When we get enough plaintiffs we’ll take down the chapel itself.

    Once we get started, it’s just a matter of picking off these death clinics like dominoes.

    How does the rest of the industry feel about this?
    True or false Jerry? Are you helping Clark with his plan?

    Clark, is Jeremiah assisting you in this project in any way?



    Now LIB is ‘The leading industry website”

    And “LIB’s Jeremiah Steele….”

    Cindi, is Jerry a part of LIB, or is he just a commenter and contributor?

    Jerry, why dont you write an article about your buddy Clarks’ plan plans to sue AIM and close them down? Clark admits this himself. Are you part of it?

    NL- Joe- Jeremy is certainly an important part of LIB, as a commenter and a writer. All the “regular commenters” I also considered part of the LIB family, dysfunctional as we are.

  319. jeremysteele11 says:

    No, Joe Don’t Know,

    I’m too busy going door to door, asking everyone “Do you know who ‘Joe Know’ is?”, as part of my “Disclose the Identity of Joe Know” campaign”. ha ha…

    I’ve said it once, wish not to have to say again, as that would be repeating myself…

    I have nothing against AIM. I consider them as friends, myspace friends at least, if nothing else, or something like that. I still get tested. Like I said, this is all beyond them if there’s something wrong with the system. We’ve all been washed up in and participant in it. Still, sometimes you gotta stand up for what you believe in, right or wrong, whatever the truth or consequences may be… because one way or another, we’ll see… you see?

    But Joe’s posistion already suggests that individual lives (lost) are less important than a collective’s vocational settlements.. this kind of mindset can, if one imagines, explain how something much bigger than what’s in Joe’s brain might have long since been manifesting…

    Is this all some deviant, clever form of bait & catch? And why do I have to say I want to participate in this fucked-up game?

  320. Cindi, thanks for considering us all family….

  321. Jerry,


    Jerry says,,”SOmetimes you got to stand up for what you believe in, whatever the truth or consequences may be.

    So Jerry, are you standing up for Clark in his suit against AIM? Do you believe in Clark? So lets have the honest answer Stool, “whatever the consequences”

    YOU bought him here Jerry, do you support his plan or not? Are you going to STAND UP, or just dodge the question again?

    Do you support Clarks plan to sue AIM? YOU HAVE NOT ANSWERED THIS QUESTION!!!

  322. Clark Baker says:

    OMSJ looks forward to deposing the clerics at AIM and showing their videotaped responses for the world to see.

    EVERYONE that AIM has diagnosed as HIV+ were falsely diagnosed. If your career was harmed by that diagnosis, have your attorney call OMSJ. When we get enough plaintiffs we’ll take down the chapel itself.

    Once we get started, it’s just a matter of picking off these death clinics like dominoes.

    As Joe points out, you were the one who brought this ranting psycho to LIB, Jeremy.

    You are the one who is promoting him and his insane cause to your colleagues in the industry.

    You are the one who has failed to do any due diligence before sucking up to his batshit crazy agenda.

    Whether you “want to participate in this fucked-up game” or not, you started it, and you now have a bit of explaining to do.

  323. Joe, Frank. Please give it a rest. Both Jerry and Clark don’t care about HIV/AIDS. They are just being trolls. If they actually cared, they would have tried to examine the physical evidence connecting HIV with AIDS through laboratory testing. Dr. Lee would be a good person to appeal to in that endeavor but they refuse to even talk to him on the phone.

    If they actually believed what they preached they would be dumb fucks who deserve to get killed by this deadly virus. Any man, woman, or child who believe people like Clark and Jerry over the scientific community is a also a dumb fuck who deserves to die at the hands of this horrible disease.

    That’s it. End of discussion. Please, its getting lame now…

  324. jeremysteele11 says:

    Just remember, Jope (aka Joe, The Dope),

    Every corporation has to have it’s Quality Control/ Quality Assurance Department, to make sure everything’s on the up and up, and that includes those who scope the up and up, too. Am I getting through? Remember, do as, as has been done to you.
    If someone tries to fuck with my occasional
    flesh for cash, hotel room fame profession,
    then it’s only fair that everyone have their
    departments examined and regulated, as well. We all each need to regulate our selves, keep each other in check or else someone is gonna ending up abusing their authority.

    I am not a subject to be subjucated to the subjucation! I declare myself sovereign from the unethical corporate mechanical monster.


  325. jeremysteele11 says:

    Wow Origen, your mind keeps flip-flopping back and forth like a hamburger.

  326. jeremysteele11 says:

    I would like to see AIM become more of a child care facility. The first child it should take into it’s custody is “Joe Know”.

    You have this shit in your head, all wrong, Joe. You’re trying to make this confrontational, because this is the type of person that you are…. very behaviorally disbalanced. This is about something much bigger than AIM, and you gotta aim high. This isn’t about shutting anybody down, this is about turning things around, you clown!

  327. Sorry Jerry, but I never believe your bullshit. You’re still a good guy–but you’re being a troll and a dumb fuck on this issue.

  328. origen01 says:
    “Any man, woman, or child who believe people like Clark and Jerry over the scientific community is a also a dumb fuck who deserves to die at the hands of this horrible disease.”

    Well, having seen plenty of people die of this horrible disease, I personally don’t think anyone deserves to die from it. Not even Clark Baker.

    But the issue is that people who are in denial about HIV/AIDS don’t just put themselves at risk – they put other people at risk, too. And no-one in the adult film industry can simply declare himself “sovereign”.

  329. jeremysteele11 says:

    That’s fine, Origen, Oceania has always been at war with East Asia, you’re right. You didn’t change your mind and then back again. I was just imagining things…

    I’ll make sure to remember not to remind you the next time you change your mind.

  330. jeremysteele11 says:

    Just so everyone knows how high I am aiming, this is now a war for Origen’s mind! Who will claim victory? Who knows? Tune in next week…

  331. We here you Jerry,
    NOW, do you support Clarks plan to sue AIM?

    Clark, does Jerry suport you on this? He wont tell us. Will You?

    A) Yes i suport clark and his plan to sue AIM.
    B) NO I do not support Clarks plan to sue AIM.

    Jerry, Do you support Clarks statement that AIM is a parasite?(these comments have all been emailed to AIM administrator Brooke)

    YOU bought him here Jerry. Is the suit against AIM your EARTH SHATTERING NEWS?

    Practice what you preach Jerry, tell the truth, consequences be dammed. Quit beating around the bush Stool.

    Are you on this guys side or not? The industry that Clark is trying to destroy with your help deserves an answer. YOU opened this can of worms Stool. Are you part of this plan or not?

  332. jeremysteele11 says:

    Joe, you sound like a conspiracy theorist. What the hell is wrong with you?

  333. jeremysteele11 says:

    I’m not talking about sovereignty in that sense, Frank, I’m talking about sovereignty from an unethical, compulsory system that kills and sickens people unnecessarily for profit and possibly other motives.

  334. Good answer Jerry,
    Now, do you suport Clarks suit to shut down AIM or not?

    Your refusal to address this issue that YOU have bought to the industry is quite telling.


    I say you do support this lawsuit, am I wrong?

  335. Frank, there are soooo many people dying in places like Africa because they don’t have access to anti-retrovirals. If someone gets HIV, REFUSES to take the drugs within their grasp, and dies then their death is ‘deserved’.

    We all die, Frank–that’s part of life. To keep death at bay, every human must follow the rules. And death does not discriminate. You fuck up, you die. Since you’ve seen so many people die from disease you should consider what I’m saying. Save your resources for people who want to live. Fuck those who want to die–including those who believe non-scientific bullshit.

  336. Stool ays,.”This isnt about shutting anybody(AIM) down….”

    Clark says,”When we get enough plaintiffs we will take down the chapel itself(meaning AIM)

    Clark wants to shut down AIM. He says it right there, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. At least he is HONEST about it Jerry. But you say, this isnt about shutting anybody down. A DIRECT contradiction to what Clark says. You are LYING again Jerry.

    Sounds like Jerry is trying to distance himself from the very person that HE bought to the industry.(and if I were him I wouldnt want to be known as the guy who helped start a lawsuit against AIM either) Dont worry Jerry, we will make sure that the industry knows it was YOU who caused this. We will make sure YOU get all the credit, no matter how hard you try to pretend it isnt happening.

  337. I’m not a conspiracy theorist Stool, I am just pointing out EXACTLY what Clark says he is going to do. His plan is written right here on this page.
    Are you part of his plan that he has written about right here?

  338. jeremysteele11 says:

    No Joe, it was you, remember? Remember when I said that this whole article was thanks to you?

    And I’m not lying. You’re twisting things, as usual.

    The bottom line is there is only so much abuse a person can take. You brought us all here, Joe. You kept disrespecting me and forcing me so let it be on your conscience, Joe.

    Again, I have nothing against AIM. But if a person has the right to sue for being told they’re HIV positive, whether that’s AIM or someone or something else they need to go after, then people like Joe Know have to stop being so fuckin’ selfish and indifferent to possible victims of misdignoses. And if someone is lying let that person be sued.

    This system is abusive, to put it lightly.

  339. Origen, Frank… I no longer need to identify you – Your hysteria has done that for me.

    Trolls don’t share their websites and real identities – nor do they become licensed investigators.  Anyone who wishes to contact me can do so at OMSJ.

    Until now, neither of you identified yourselves – which is classic troll behavior.  Your vexatious defense identifies you for what you are – marketing goons for AIM.

    You’ve written (comment #323):


    First of all, OMSJ has no plans to sue AIM.  After all, AIM hasn’t falsely diagnosed me nor have they tried to poison me for profit.  AIM doesn’t force me to use condoms.  AIM is nothing to OMSJ.  As OMSJ’s principal investigator, I’ve simply reported that I can assist AIM’s victims if and when they decide to make legitimate claims against AIM.  If more than three make complaints, OMSJ will assist their attorneys in managing a mass-tort claim against AIM.

    So now that Frank, Origen and the other clerics have identified themselves for everyone, please explain exactly where AIM gets off attacking actors and this website?

    According to their website, AIM is:

    A non-profit corporation created to care for the physical and emotional needs of sex workers and the people who work in the Adult Entertainment Industry… we are happy to be serving the sex worker community… to provide health care for the body, mind, emotion, and spirit, as well as to take a leadership position in promoting safe and responsible sexual behavior, not only for the adult entertainment industry, but for everyone.

    If AIM serves actors, why do they badger and harass the actors they ostensibly serve?  If AIM isn’t engaged in fraud and corruption, why would they fear claims and lawsuits brought by the actors they poison?  If they haven’t engaged in fraud and malpractice, why would they be concerned about proving themselves in a real court?

    Why do Frank and Origen behave like vampires in church?

  340. Clark,,”When we get enough plaintifs we will take down the citedal itself.”

    Stool,,”This isnt about shutting anybody down.”

    Clark is in the process of putting together a lawsuit against AIM. He has said that himself, right here for YOU to see Jerry.

    But its my fault for disrespecting YOU!

    Sounds like Jerry is doing everything he can to distance himself from the lawsuit that is coming.

    Clark, is it my fault you are planning to sue AIM?

    Stool,,”IF somone is lying let that person be sued”
    Of course this means AIM, doesnt it Jerry? But you lack tha balls to say is staight out. You must have been the best dodge ball player when you were a kid Jerry.

    Does that ‘someone’ in your above post mean AIM,,,accoding to Clark it does, what about you Jerry?

  341. Clark said,”Everyone that AIM has diagnosed HIV+ were falsley diagnosed. If your carreer was harmed by that diagnosis have your attorney call OMSJ. When we have enough plaintif we will take down the cHAPEL itself”How could anyone not think youre planning a lawsuit against AIM, or was this statement a lie?

    Now clark says, “OSMJ has no plans to sue AIM”

    Thats called talking out of both sides of your ass.

    What did you mean Clarkie when you said “WE will take down the chapel?” Who did you mean by ‘we?’

    And now Stool says its MY fault this is happeneing. Stool, are you feeling a little guilty about bringing this guy to the industry? Maybe its Cindi’s fault for letting you bring this guy here(just kidding Cindi) Congradulations,,,EARTH SHATTERING NEWS,,JEREMIAH STEELE SUPPORTS LAWSUIT TO BRING DOWN AIM!!!!!

    Jery is now in complete backpedal mode.

  342. Clark says:
    “Origen, Frank… I no longer need to identify you – Your hysteria has done that for me… Your vexatious defense identifies you for what you are – marketing goons for AIM.

    “You’ve written (comment #323):

    Well, I can’t speak for Origen here, Clark, but no, I am not a “marketing goon for AIM”. And although I think Joe’s question to Jeremy is a very good one, I don’t think either Origen or I can take credit for it.

    I don’t know whether anyone from AIM has contributed to this thread. I don’t even know whether anyone from AIM has read it. If they do, however, I imagine they would find more than enough evidence in your posts for a successful libel suit against you, if they were so inclined.

    Perhaps you will get the court case you are craving sooner than you think.

  343. Jerry,
    Do you belive Clark whe he calls Frank, Origen and me “Markieting goons for AIM?”

    Clark, before making that statement perhaps you should have done a little invetigating. I have been more critical of AIM than any other person on this site.

    Jerry, your boy here is jumping the shark. He’s right behind you.

  344. jeremysteele11 says:

    Enough with your red herrings, Joe Idiot. You’ve been insulting and taunting me since the beginning with your idiotic “ain’t got the balls” accusations, when balls is exactly what it takes to speak your mind when it goes against the general consensus. You told me I didn’t have the balls to go to the OSHA meeting, promised/lied that you would come up and introduce yourself to me if I did.

    You’re making this worse for yourself Lying Joe, and the organizations you care more about then anyone who might have grounds for a lawsuit. If, hypothetically someone has a case against someone else, then I say go for it. If they don’t, I say, good luck. If they have no case, I’d say counter-sue for costs and damages, etc. I also say AIM is only in the middle of this and if it’s necessary to sue them, it’s more important to go above and beyond them.

    And blame this point on yourself, Joe. You want to keep behaving like an asshole? We need to come back to the question of “Who do you work for?”. The answer is the one who pays you.

    Does AIM serve the industry, Joe? What is their policy on condoms? Voluntary or mandetory? If it’s the latter, then it may be the case that Aim works for Big Pharm before the adult industry. Do the big drug companies send AIM money? Is it more than the donations they get from adult companies?

    The industry for reasons of economy and freedom of choice are overwhelmingly against condoms, as are consumers. If someone attempts to force condom use on the industry, then perhaps we can/should sue, and that is whoever/whatever needs to be sued.

    Get out of Happyland, Joe Idiot and stop playing your adversarial games. The ones you care about so much more than potential victims of misdiagnoses are not gonna be appreciative if your abuses turned out to be the impetus for all these events.

  345. jeremysteele11 says:

    mandatory, whooops

  346. jeremysteele11 says:

    Keep in mind Larry Flynt sued his owns sons, but still talked to them every day as if that issue did not exist… so FUCK YOU JOE!!!

  347. Stool,
    You bought Clark here. Thats on you. It is obvious that you supprot his planned suit against AIM. The fact that you wont deny it speaks for itself. ‘AIM..if its necessary to sue them.”

    Could you possibly pedal backwards any faster Stool?

    Trying to put this on me aint gonna fly Stool, and you know it. “if your abuses turn out to be the impetus for all these events”

    It is on you Stool, and now youre trying to back away from your boy Clark. I wont let you do it Stool. The administrator at AIm(Brooke) ahs been emailed EVERYTHING you and clark have said here Jerry. Have a nice time next month at AIM.

    Dont expect AIM or the industry to be as forgiving as Larry.

  348. Good work, Joe. Good work. Have fun trying to get work when Clark launches his suit Jerry…

    Can we end this discussion now? Everything that needs to be said HAS been said.

  349. jeremysteele11 says:

    Look, it’s very simple, fools.

    IF any performer or any person has grounds to sue for a misdiagnosis of HIV, then let them. IF Clark deserves to be sued or counter-sued for promoting false information let him be sued.

    I’m on either side of “If”, so go fuck yourselves.

    Let it be acknowledged for the record that Joe cares less about possible false HIV+s than the institutions that may have wrongly labeled them. Joe stands in entire contradiction to the ethos healthcare is supposed to stand for. His mentality is precisely how things have got so utterly corrupt.

    And how many times have I asked about a pregnant woman’s rights and NO ONE HERE GIVES A FUCK OR HAS THE BALLS TO ANSWER!

    How many times have I mentioned that Robert Gallo has been convicted of scientific misconduct? Of course, none of you have anything to say about that, either, while trying to be on the side of right, truth and justice. Really, bitches, keep fooling yourselves!

    Well, since you trust Robert Gallo so much, how about we send some ex-felons to house sit for you while you’re on vacation?

    One can never underestimate the power of human idiocy… “No. It can not be true. I’ve been told otherwise for years and years. This proves it.”

    Magic bullets and missing viruses… What’s next? Go get your bird flu vaccine since you trust the gov’t so much. See what happens, assholes!

  350. jeremysteele11 says:

    From my preliminary research the bird flu hoax parralels the AIDS hoax. It’s just a variant version of a mega-scam. Telling us millions may die from a false pandemic, pushing vaccines…

    The fact is, government organizations like the CDC work hand in hand with businesses to sell products.

    Donald Rumsfeld has lots of stock in Tamiflu.

    The purpose of the CDC’s main office in Atlanta is to be a promotional agent and salesman for the pharmaceutical companies.

    While the corporations increase their stranglehold on every media outlet and you are bombarded with stories about theoretical plagues, some very real epidemics are going on with almost no reporting at all. Two-thirds of Americans are overweight, seventy three million have diabetes or pre-diabetes, and eight million will come down with Alzheimer’s by 2030 in the U.S. More than 1,300,000 new cancer cases and nearly 600,000 cancer deaths were expected in the United States in 2005, and in early 2005 it was announced that cancer passed heart disease as the top killer of Americans. Clearly, the conventional system of providing health news has not been effective at halting the progress of chronic degenerative diseases in the U.S.

    With all of this news about health and nearly daily breakthroughs in medicine, why are so many people still suffering? And why does the United States pay more than $2 trillion dollars a year for “health care,”more than any other country in the world, and yet rank only forty-eighth in the world in life expectancy? Something is seriously wrong with this picture.

    In examining the 1976 swine flu fiasco we should all be reminded about the side effects of the swine flu vaccine campaign. Several hundred people developed crippling Guillain-Barré Syndrome after they were injected with this vaccine. Even healthy twenty-year-olds ended up as paraplegics in wheelchairs. Within a few months, claims totaling $1.3 billion had been filed by victims who had suffered paralysis from the swine flu vaccine. The vaccine was also blamed for twenty-five deaths. But the swine flu pandemic itself never materialized.

  351. Clark asks,
    “If AIM serves actors, why do they badger and harass the actots they ostensibly serve?
    “Please explain where AIM gets off attacking AIM and this website.”

    Jerry, do you know what Clark is talking about here?

    Clark, please give us one example of AIM doing anything like you accuse them of here. Just ONE example please!!!

    Stool, have you ever been badgerd or harassed by AIM?

  352. jeremysteele11 says:

    The name is Steele, Joe Idiot. If you expect me to answer you, why don’t you start showing a little more respect?

    I know Clark has had AIM confused for AHF in the past, so maybe he’s thinking of them. Even Private I’s can make goofs.

    And still you are asking me more questions without answering mine… What a surprise!!!

  353. jeremysteele11 says:

    When money, power and jobs are more important than people, themselves, that is when we inevitably have an ever worsening situation of depravity and evil in all institutions.

    “We have left the question of evil in the hands of theologians and scientists for too long. This was surely a mistake, for as the casualty statistics clearly identify, the institutions of religion and science have been the worst purveyors of evil that this planet has ever had to endure”. – Michael Tsarion.

  354. jeremysteele11 says:

    And furthermore I don’t give a fuck if no one wants to talk back from here, onward.. I’ll just keep babbling on with myself until I at least reach Justin Long’s “I will no longer be doing interracial” record comment numbers… seems like we’ve been closing in.. ha ha…

    And all of you denialists who keep ignoring the points I’ve made which are closest to my heart and most disturbing to my mind (pregnant moms issue and Gallo’s misconduct verdicts), who want to play games and try to change the subject, just let it be noted for the record that some of us see through your ruse.

  355. jeremysteele11 says:

    The urban dictionary has a new word: Adverblasting (when a commercial’s audio is obnoxiously much louder than the program that you actually want to watch’s audio).

    Adverblasting is what I think of when I see AHF billboards all over Hollywood (one of their big target areas) with people declaring “AHF saved my life”.

    Meanwhile the silence is deafening regarding pregnant mom’s non-rights in regards to taking poisonous therapy and Gallo’s misconducts. I’m currently reading “Science Fictions- A Scientific Mystery, A Massive Cover-Up, and the Dark Legacy of Robert Gallo”.

    I’m on the 200th page, chapter 9, titled “I don’t want to go to jail”. One member of the NIH says to another “Are we going to put our neck out to defend Bob Gallo?”. The other replies “Yeah”, and then adds “Someboy better get the hell in his lab and find out what the real scoop is on what went on”. So, they’re defending before they found out what happened, as an industry had already been created following Gallo’s acts of fraud.

    Then another says, of Gallo, “And the SOB even has the gall to make a statement that’s quoted in there… ‘I don’t gain anything personally from those patents’ (for the HIV test kit he invented) and I say, ‘Well, I didn’t see him turn his checks down when they came in to him.'”

    What do you think about that, Frank? Joe?

    The silence around this thread all of a sudden is deafening.

  356. Lucky Starr says:

    Jeremy, seriously, who gives a flying fuck?

  357. jeremysteele11 says:

    Someone I know died of what was called AIDS. She was a pregnant mother who refused to take AZT, which was originally deemed “far too toxic for human consumption” with skull and crossbones on the label. It’s been proved AZT causes birthdefects and stillbirths and she should’ve had the right to choose her therapy, just like anyone has in regards to any other disease. This subject is personal to me. So far no one has addressed the current laws that exist in several states that take kids away from their parents if they don’t make them take drugs which have proven to kill and destroy lives, much more often and effectively than HIV has been shown to kill.

  358. jeremysteele11 says:

    .. furthermore, no one has dared to address the harrassment she perpetually dealt with because of her choices, and what choices did she have? Poison your fragile fetus or be terrorized by drug industry sponsored AIDS activists and the State of California.

    Frank and Joe and all Fundamentalists keep ignoring this fact as well as Gallo’s criminal history.

    Truly sad and amazing. But then again, considering that it’s said to never discuss religion or politics, since this pseudo-science has become a dark religion, questioning the science and the politics has become the equvilant of saying your religion is false.

  359. jeremysteele11 says:

    I just received in the mail today “AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire – The Deadly Virus of International Greed” by Nancy Turner Banks, M.D.

    The preface page lists “Factors Known to Cause False-Positive HIV Antibody Test Results”. It’s a huge list, but the last thing listed is “Receptive anal sex”… not any disease transmitted through anal sex, just anal sex itself can cause a false positive response. No wonder so many gays have been diagosed “HIV+”.

    Also, on the list are Anti-collagen antibodies (found in gay men, haemophiliacs, Africans of both sexes and people with leprosy).

    Also on the preface page Big Pharm contributions to the Democratic and Republican (3x as much as Dems) Parties in 1997-99 totaled over 5 Million.

    And again, the answer to the question of “Who do you work for?” is: Whoever pays you.

    Next page, of interest: 1971: Just before the Watergate scandal exploded, Nixon proclaims the War on Cancer. The largest investment of funds in the history of medicine to date became focused on the hunt for cancer retroviruses….

    I’ve got to finish my “Science Fictions” bio on Gallo and then I’m jumping into this book.

  360. Jeremy,
    Regardless of all the back and forth b.s.
    Best Wishes to you and your loved ones on this holiday. We can at least be thankful that we have the right to speak our minds.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  361. Larry Horse says:

    Whatever happened to kayryan(that was her name right?) she said she was a journalist, I would love to know her take on this. We know how the Colonel feels and after 370 plus posts he becomes more and more correct, not that he wasnt after his post on this issue.

  362. jeremysteele11 says:

    Thanks Joe. That was rather unexpected. I am thankful to be able to speak my mind. We’re all against censorship, are we not? It’s nice not to be censored as much as it’s nice to not be abused. Happy Thanks.

  363. jeremysteele11 says:

    Congressman Ron Paul introduced a bill called The Health Freedom Protection Act, which would prevent the FDA from censoring truthful claims about the curative or preventative effect of dietary supplements.

    The FDA has been running an exortion racket against the natural products market. For example, cherry products can not link to scientific articles explaining the simple biological fact that cherries ease inflammation in humans. When cherry growers began citing the research the FDA threatened legal action if they did not remove their scientific evidence from their sites. At thes ame time that the FDA was harassing cherry farmers, it was approving the Merck drug vioxx that lead to 100,000 heart attacks and to 55,000 deaths.

    Through political bribary called “lobbying”, the political class has long since abdicated its responsibilities to the people. No one is watching the watchers. According to Gary Null in “Death by Medicine”, iatogenic medicine is the number one cause of death in the U.S.- outpacing both cancer and heart disease.

    Go figure the most powerful AIDS lobbyists have forced pregnant mothers to commit infanticide by denying them their patients rights to choose, or otherwise loser custody of their children, for drugs which don’t claim to cure but have been proven to kill. Children are also regularly denied access to state schools if their parents have challenged the ever-expanding roster of vaccines they are required to take. For girls, with the latest push for a mandatory HPV caccine, the total comes to 56 shots for 22 vaccines. government allocation of police power to public health officials to enforce mandatory vaccinations have given the drug companies the assurance of predictable rising profits- more of our “free market” at work.

  364. Third Axis says:

    381 posts, and counting…
    Geez, I’ve lost track. Who’s winning?
    Happy Black Saturday!

  365. jeremysteele11 says:

    Where have you been Third Axis?

    I’ve declared myself the winner, as none from the Fundamentali$t regime have dared respond to my repeated points regarding Robert Gallo’s “scientific misconducts” and forced drug taking in violation of patients’ rights, which has caused pregnant mothers to give birth to deformed and dead babies in the name of the big money “War on AIDS”… As you know all wars are started for profit and they keep fanning the fires with deadly drugs and mass terror and brainwashing in regards to an alleged pan-epidemic.

    From Nancy Turner Banks’s book “AIDS, Opium, Diamonds and Empire”, Chapter 4 – “HIV/AIDS: Sloppy Science or the Art of Deception?”…

    “Beginning in 1913, the Rockefeller backed General Education Board gave millions of dollars to medical schools that disregarded naturopathy, homeopathy, and chiropractic, or any nontoxic healing modality in favor of medicine based on the use or surgery, radiation, and especially chemical drugs. Aided by the AMA, a medical monopoly was created. One of the most cleverly diabolical educational schemes was the ingenious marketing technique of training a cadre of unsuspecting physicians as a sales force for the drugs manufactured by the Rockefeller Trust. The system allows the doctor to remain aloof from the dirty business of selling while giving him the special privilege of writing prescriptions for nostrums he has been trained by the very drug companies who manufacture them to prescribe. Many of these drugs are used for the relief of chronic symptoms. They are not meant to cure, and they must by chemical composition and electron rotation patterns counter the body’s basic biorhtyms, internal bio-electric conductivity and biochemical systems…”

  366. jeremysteele11 says:

    “There is no such thing in America as an independent press. . . . There is not one of you who dare to write his honest opinions. . . . I am paid $150 a week for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper. . . . We are the jumping-jacks; they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”
    — John Swinton, addressing a group of journalists, April 12, 1883.

    Boy, have times not changed in 127 years. Most of the news we watch on t.v. today is owned/controlled by a more concentrated, smaller minority of people than ever in history.

  367. Any news from Mr Galen yet, Jeremy?

    As you recall, Clark (your interviewee, remember?) declared that he was “instrumental in counsel’s arguments to dismiss the bioterrorism/HIV charges. If you doubt me, ask Mr. Galen yourself.“ This was the sole “evidence” he offered to support his self-claimed credentials in the field of HIV-related litigation.

    You told us us in comment #249 “Clark emailed me and gave me Mr. Golen’s [sic] number to call. I plan on doing that and will get back to you.”

    In post #256 you promised us to (belatedly) do your due diligence as a journalist: “As a journalist, I am in the process of verifying of all Clark’s claim… I will be contacting Mr. Galen soon to corrobarate Clark’s claims in regards to the Daniel Allen case”

    Sixteen posts later in post #272, you reassure us:
    “I’ve been busy working every day this week, will get at [sic] Mr. Galen on Thursday.”

    That was nearly two weeks ago, Jeremy.

    Any news?

  368. jeremysteele11 says:

    I’ve got really bad news for you, Frank.

    I spoke with Mr. James Galen today. He informed me that Mr. Clark Baker was “instrumental” in securing a dismissal for Mr. Galen and the American Civil Liberties Union in regards to the Allen “bio-terrorism” case. Mr. Galen told me that Mr. Clark was involved “almost since the beginning” of the case. Mr. Baker provided his services free of charge. When Mr. Galen was asked if without Mr. Baker’s help if the outcome of the case might have been different and Mr. Galen said, yes, that Allen may have ended up in a plea bargain instead of a dismissal. Mr. Galen said Mr. Baker had schooled him in the medical facts about HIV and HIV testing.

    Mr. Galen added that he will be emailing me a confirmation of what communicated in our phone conversation.

    I am in possession of Mr. Galen’s cell phone. His secretary, as well as Mr. Galen were immediately acknowledging of Mr. Baker from the onset of the call.

    Of course, Frank, you’ll continue to promote your denialism, just as you deny that Gallo was convicted of “scientific misconduct” and that States deny AIDS patients their patients’ rights.

  369. Jeremy:

    It doesn’t matter who you speak with or who confirms OMSJ’s involvement in the Allen case (or others). Frank will simply say that you didn’t really talk to Galen and that you talked to someone who misrepresented himself as Galen. Even if you get a certified copy on Galen’s driver license and a written/signed statement, Frank will tell everyone you’re still lying. This is why I posted Galen’s website information in comment #260. Anyone can call Galen directly if they need verification.

    Frank has you running in circles even though he won’t identify himself. But that’s okay too – his comments and behavior indicate that he works for AIM or other AIDS mosque. Whoever he works for, he’s just another pharmaceutically-funded troll.

  370. Thank you for that, Jeremy. I’ll let Mr Galen know where his cell phone is, in case he thinks he mislaid it.

  371. jeremysteele11 says:

    Thanks Clark. Yeah, I know the way those denialists are. Frank keeps waving his middle finger at AIDS patients who no longer have patients rights. Everytime I ask the patients’ rights question or bring up this point he ignores it. Yet somehow in spite of this he’ll pretend that he really cars about people and truth.

    So we have tests which admit they don’t test for HIV, only presume it’s there (and presumption is not proof, wake up) and AIDS “therapy” drugs which manufacturers don’t claim as a cure, yet in spite of this fact, testing for pregnant mothers (pregnancy is a major cause of “positive” reactions) is mandatory, as well as is “treatment” by deadly fetus killing drugs. Wow. What a racket.

    And Frank, I know that you know that I meant I have Mr. Galen’s cell phone number, not cell phone.

  372. jeremysteele11 says:

    whoops: cars = cares (before we hear another lame joke from Frank).

    The Erotic Review has nothing on the number of whores in D.C. and the health care indusry.

  373. I told you Jeremy… Frank is a pharmaceutically-funded TROLL. He’s paid to call you a liar… anyone who reads the interview and comments knows who he is.

  374. jeremysteele11 says:

    I don’t know who Frank is specifically, Clark. But I do know that Pharmacology and Scientology are two bogus, brainwashing, big money religions.

    So, in review:

    a. Scientists with advanced degrees claim HIV has never been isolated.
    b. HIV’s disoverer, Robert Gallo was convicted of “scientific misconduct” and has a history of providing failed or corrupted research.
    c. Big money was offered in the 80s for the cause of death of a niche of fast-track living, popper sniffing, club-drug abusing, recreational drug experimented liberated homosexuals, along with IV drug users. Corrupt Gallo jumped on the opportunity for huge grant dollars and won before his work was submitted to peer review. All these years later, AIDS remains mainly in the same original risk groups it started in, despite us being told it is a pandemic that can or will kill millions of us.
    c. Many scientists with advanced degrees say there exists no evidence that HIV causes AIDS.
    d. Robert Gallo now admits that HIV needs co-factors to cause AIDS. Thus he’s admitting that HIV does not cause AIDS, yet due to the huge amount of money AIDS lobbyists pay doctors, non-profits and politicians, we are not being told this shocking news.
    e. The manufacturers of HIV test kits admit their “+”s are only presumptive/guesses. There exist no test kit which claims to locate HIV, only presume it’s existence.
    f. AIDS “therapy” drugs don’t claim to cure AIDS. In spite of this the AHF and other “non-profits” (a lie as they generate millions of dollars per years and the average AHF salary is $100,000 per year) tell us that they “save lives” and people are forced to take these drugs without any informed right to choose. AIDS drugs have been proven to cause AIDS listed diseases.
    g. Money for AIDS research is more then money for all other diseases combined, although the biggests killers are heart attacks, cancer and death by adverse drug reaction (ADR). All this money is used to promote “skewed statistics”, fear and hysteria so that we’ll continue to keep buying the lies which have made them so rich and powerful. None of all that research money goes toward examing alternative theories for AIDS causation and cures because way too much money is being made by Big Pharm, whos lobbyists buy off all the whore doctors and politicians.


  375. Genius Jeremy Steele informs us all that he… err… well…. “knows” that the entire scientific field of pharmacology is nothing more than a “bogus brainwashing religion”.

    Thanks for that latest bulletin from Planet Crazy.

    Seriously, Jeremy, I’ve met burnt-out paranoid schizophrenics in homeless shelters who are more coherent and believable than you.

  376. jeremysteele11 says:

    Frank. I’ve lost count of how many times now you’ve completely ignored my points about Robert Gallo’s scientfic misconducts and the State’s violation of patients rights and forced non-curative “therapies” which kill.

    You’ve been desperately waiting for me to say something else you can attack as crazy. You must be an idiot savante, minus the savante part, to think that it takes a genius to see through your avoidance strategy.

    Pharmacology believes in drugs, versus nutrition, natural supplements and non-toxic therapies. It’s a huge racket, like the one you’ve been defending. Instead of going to jail, they just pay off a small tax for all their ADR-related deaths and debilitations.

  377. a. There are scientists with advanced degrees who claim that the earth is flat and the centre of the universe too. You can find nutters who support any kind of idiot theory you like (especially on the internet), and some of them will have advanced degrees. This doesn’t make the idiot theory valid.

    b. Whatever criticisms you might make of Robert Gallo, he was never “convicted” of scientific misconduct, and nor is he, as you have claimed “an ex-felon”. Your repeated claims here are libelous.

    c. Re “peer review”, see post #158.

    d. Perhaps the reason we are not told the “shocking news” that “Robert Gallo now admits that HIV needs co-factors to cause AIDS. Thus he’s admitting that HIV does not cause AIDS” is that you simply made up both statements, oblivious to the fact that each contradicts the other. You seem to be doing this a lot, Jeremy.

    e. A screening test is not a “guess”. A confirmatory test is not “presumptive”. Nucleic acid tests, antigen test and viral culture are routine tests for the virus itself, and confirm that the detection of HIV antibodies by currently used diagnostic algorithms indicates the presence of virus with an extremely high degree of specificity.

    f. Insulin for diabetes has never been claimed to cure the condition. However it does save lives. Why does a treatment have to be curative before it is useful?

    g. No Jeremy, Money for AIDS research is not more than money for all other diseases combined, no matter how often you repeat the same bullshit claim over and over.

    Jeremy, I’m well aware that trying to counter your nonsense will make no difference to you. The reason is that you are in denial. You are in denial that your hero, Christine Maggiore, died of AIDS-defining PCP in December 2008 while she was herself in denial that her HIV infection was a real and serious treatable condition. You are also in denial that she transmitted HIV to her daughter, who died at the age of three from the same AIDS-defining condition, after Maggiore refused medical treatment to prevent her passing on her infection to her daughter.

    You can claim away that Maggiore’s and her daughter’s PCP diagnoses were “presumptive” or the result of some vast conspiracy, but the truth is that both diagnoses were confirmed at autopsy. In Maggiore’s case the autopsy was conducted by a pathologist hired by the family.

    You, and Clark, and Brian Carter and Michael Geiger (“Dr Hopes”) will probably never face these facts, and continue to spout your paranoid bullshit over the net, like countless other internet nutcases.

    But at least we know why.

  378. jeremysteele11 says:

    Stay tuned. Links of course will be on moderation, but show the NY Times addressing Gallo’s “scientific misconduct”. Or look it up. Another article references to Gallo’s seeking co-factors to explain AIDS.

    It was determined by a toxicologist that Christine’s daughter Eliza died of an allergic reaction to amoxicillin. And you’ve still never answered why AIDS patients no longer have rights in some States and are harrassed by you assholes by trying to defend their patient’s right to choose and make an informed decision. You keep skirting the issue and insinuate we are too dumb to any longer have the right to choose for ourselves. Of course that’s how you keep treating people who have different opinions, who you call “denialists”. But look at just one of the things you are in denial of: AIDS drugs have proven to cause stillbirths and birth-defects. Christine’s surviving son and husband are both HIV-, so how is HIV a sexually transmitted disease?

    More later…

  379. jeremysteele11 says:

    Shit, I swear, everytime I type in the name of the drug that Eliza died of for allergies, the post for some reason disappears and so I have to rewrite this, so this time I won’t mention it by name…

    Stay tuned. Links have been provided on moderation, as we speak, regarding Gallo’s “scientific misconduct” as reported by the NY Times. Another link mentions Gallo’s seeking of a co-factor to explain AIDS.

    Christine’s daughter Eliza died of an allergic reaction to pharmaceutical drugs, according to the toxicologist. You keep insulting people as too stupid to have the right to make their own informed decision. This is why you repeatedly ignore the question/point about why AIDS patients no longer have patients’ rights. You ignore the fact that AIDS drugs have been proven to cause birthdefects and stillbirths in newborns, yet you obviously defend (by not addressing it) State’s rights to force deadly drugs on babies and children, or otherwise face the removal of the kids from the parents by Child Custody. And what’s just as worse are parents harrassment from AIDS activists like you when they do decide for themselves in opposition of your personal faith.

    There exists no definitive test that locates HIV. If you claim that there is what is the name of this test?

    The real denialsts have never heard of ADR, while screaming about AIDS. Well guess which kills many, many, many more!

  380. jeremysteele11 says:

    hey it happened again… i typed in the word (i’m going to spell it out with spaces between letters)
    a m o x i c i l l i n

    and everytime i send a comment with that word in it the entire post just vanishes!

    try it yourself!


  381. jeremysteele11 says:

    And before I address your other points, let me make this very simple (though not simplistic) for you, Frank, and anyone who has been hypnotized into believing the corporate crap they’ve been feeding us for years:

    The UN said about $40 Billion dollars is spent worldwide per year on cosmetics. The same amount, they estimate, would need to be spent per year worldwide to adequately feed, provide basic health care, sanitation and education for every one on this living planet.

    Hunger could be wiped out tomorrow. Don’t you think starvation and illness from unclean water is more important in Africa than AIDS? AIDS is a huge money making operation. If they were really trying to save people no one would be starving. And if people weren’t starving and drinking unclean water they’d have a much stronger immune system. Think. This whole thing is a big fucking scam!

    War, disease, drug, arms and human trafficking.. it’s all big business. There’s no money in stopping famine, is there?

  382. The Colonel says:

    I haven’t visited LIB in weeks, and I’m amazed to see this nonsense still continues.

    Look Jeremy, you’ve gone too far. A couple of years ago, you were the butt of everybody’s joke on LIB message board and in the adult industry. You worked to improve your social image and status, and blamed PT guy for many of your misadventures. People including myself came to respect you; but you destroyed whatever respect you have gained with this thread. Let me break it to you, because nobody else around here has done it: You haven’t achieved anything with this thread, you haven’t won any argument, you haven’t proven anything, you haven’t convinced anybody, not even yourself. After all, if you had a shred of faith in your paranoid delusions, you would have accepted to do the HIV positive experiment which I suggested a month ago in comment #58. You did not and will not do that, because regardless of what you’re blabbering, deep down you’re scared of HIV as much as anybody else. You know it’s a killing disease and you’re scared of it. You’re just trying to be a message board troll by regurgitating whatever bullshit you read on some pseudoscience books and conspiracy blogs. All you want is to go against the grain and rebel against any kind of authority you can, because you feel like you’ve been oppressed in life and you want to blame your misfortunes on anybody and anything but yourself; and you can’t find anywhere else to rant, except for a porn message board where college students and single middle aged men come to check out porn news/gossip and look at the pictures of naked chicks. Do you really think any of them is going to give a shit? Think again.

    I agree with you on one thing: HIV seems to be a man made disease. It’s plausible that HIV virus has been developed and enhanced in government laboratories in order to be used in bio weapons; and either it broke out of the laboratory by an accident, or The Elite purposely spread it in society to reduce the population, make profit by offering both disease and cure and kill the sexual revolution that started in the 60’s and continued all the way through the mid 80’s. Even so, the fact of the matter is that they’ve got us by the balls, and there’s not a damn thing we can do about that. HIV is a deadly disease which if you catch, you must take drugs for the rest of your life. Either that or you will die. Period. End of story. If you disagree, put your money where your mouth is and do the HIV positive experiment. See where it takes you. Stop wasting more time and space and commenting on your own thread like a lunatic. You’re starting to look like homeless guys who walk through the park and talk to themselves while collecting pocket change. Take this as a friendly suggestion, and understand that I’m not trying to trash you. I’m just telling it like it is. Take care and have fun, my friend.

  383. 1. NYTimes covered part of Gallo’s “scientific misconduct”

    Indeed they did, and they continued to cover it after your article from 18 years ago. Here’s one from a year later. Old news, Jeremy. *yawn*

    2. Jeremy then refers us to a deeply stupid 16-year old magazine article called “What Causes AIDS? It’s an open question.”

    I tried reading your 16-year-old fossil of an article, but I couldn’t stop laughing at the authors. Phillip Johnson is a creationist, a notorious religious nutbag.He has no scientific credentials whatsoever.

    And who is the second author, “Karen” Mullis? I knew that well known AIDS denialist Kary Mullis was into UFOs, astrology and hard core hallucinogenic drugs, but is “Karen” his meth-tranny name? Does Clark know about this?

    3. “Christine’s daughter Eliza died of an allergic reaction to pharmaceutical drugs”

    No, Jeremy, Eliza Jane Scovill died of “Pneumocystis carinii peumonia due to or as a consequence of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome”. You can read her autopsy report here.

    It was prepared by actual pathologists at the Los Angeles Coroner’s Office, and is a report of the actual autopsy conducted by these real life qualified pathologists.

    The claim that she died of an anaphylactic reaction to a penicillin-derivate is a load of nonsense made up by a member of the Maggiore-cult, “Alive and Well Advisory Board Member” Mohammed Al-Bayati. Al-Bayati is not a pathologist – in fact he’s not even medically qualified. He has a vet’s degree from Baghdad.

    Al Bayati is not qualified to conduct autopsies or to offer medical advice to humans. He never even viewed the body. He’s a notorious loon.

    4. “The UN said about $40 Billion dollars is spent worldwide per year on cosmetics. The same amount, they estimate, would need to be spent per year worldwide to adequately feed, provide basic health care, sanitation and education for every one on this living planet.”

    Leaving aside your stupid and innumerate claim that a year’s adequate food, basic health care, sanitation and education can be provided for only $5.81 per person – precisely what has this to do with whether HIV causes AIDS, Jeremy?

  384. The Colonel said:

    “HIV seems to be a man made disease. It’s plausible that HIV virus has been developed and enhanced in government laboratories in order to be used in bio weapons; and either it broke out of the laboratory by an accident, or The Elite purposely spread it in society to reduce the population, make profit by offering both disease and cure and kill the sexual revolution that started in the 60′s and continued all the way through the mid 80′s.

    Oh dear.

    Jeremy, I’ve left a post in moderation for you – it contains links.

    Good luck, guys.

  385. jeremysteele11 says:

    Point 1:

    This is just politics, as usual, Frank.

    The “vindication” of Robert Gallo, through the trial of the Office of Research Integrity, a branch of the Department of Health and Human Services, was much akin to the Warren Commission report on JFK’s assassination (or Bush’s handpicked 9/11 commission). In case you’ve forgotten, Frank, it was at a HHS press conference in April, 1984, through Secretary Margeret Heckler that Gallo made the announcement that the “probable cause of AIDs has been found”.

    The ORI report was “misleading” and withheld documents. In regards to misconduct, by it’s own definition, the ORI ruling Board, “must not only prove that scientific misconduct occurred, but ORI must also prove the absence of honest error relative to the alleged misconduct, i.e., ORI must prove a negative”.

    “The Board ruled that falsification, fabrication, and the like are not grounds for a finding of scientific misconduct unless the respondent ‘reasonably could have anticipated at the time of his alleged conduct that such conduct, if proved, would constitute, scientific misconduct.”

    “The Board ruled that scientific misconduct does not include ‘falsification or any other conduct which does not seriously deviate from commonly accepted practices within the scientific community….’ According to the Board’s logic, if falsification becomes a universal practice among scientists, then it receives the legal approval of government agencies which are supposed to overview the maintenance of scientific standards for government grants and government laboratories”.

    The ORI report is nothing but the church defending the Pope.

    I will provide my link in the next (moderated) comment.

  386. jeremysteele11 says:

    Point 2: You cleverly forgot to mention the first of the three authors of that article. Charles Thomas Ph.D. is a Molecular Biologist, and former Professor of Biochemistry, at Harvard and John Hopkins Universities. He is the president of the Helicon Foundation in San Diego. He also is founder of the Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV-AIDS Hypothesis, which includes many members with advanced degrees.

    Your “fossil” and “denialist” epithets are just silly hopeful attempts at steering viewers from examing the sources. Einstein and Galileo have lots of “fossil” papers, as well.

    Phillip Johnson discredits Darwinism. I concur with this viewpoint, as does even Darwin himself, who acknowledged that there is no explanation for the huge gap between neanderthal and cro-magnon man, but this is perhaps for another article, if I can come up with the porn connection.

    As the article states, which you display your denialistic traits about, “Warner C. Greene, a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, explained in the September 1993 Scientific American, researchers are increasingly abandoning the direct cell-killing theory because HIV does not infect enough cells”

    And now, “Gallo himself is now among those who are desperately looking for possible cofactors and exploring indirect mechanisms of causation”.

    Your mighty and holy Cathederal has cracks, Frank.

  387. jeremysteele11 says:

    Point 3:

    Eliza Jane lawsuit settled
    Posted by Henry Bauer on 2009/03/09

    Although terms of the settlement haven’t been released, when a government agency at any level settles a lawsuit by paying out money, it’s a reasonable inference that the plaintiffs won on the significant points.

    L.A. County settles suit on autopsy of HIV skeptics’ daughter
    March 6, 2009


    Suit settled on autopsy of HIV skeptics’ child

    Los Angeles County has reached a $15,000 legal settlement with the husband of Christine Maggiore, the late activist who rejected medical opinions that HIV causes AIDS.

    Maggiore and her husband, Robin Scovill, sued the county two years ago for allegedly violating their late 3-year-old daughter’s civil rights by releasing an autopsy report that listed her cause of death as AIDS-related pneumonia. Eliza Jane Scovill had never been tested for HIV, and the couple argued that her death was not AIDS-related. They hired a private pathologist who said she had died of an allergic reaction to the antibiotic amoxicillin.

    The lawsuit demanded up to $10,000 for each violation of Eliza Jane’s right to privacy, plus unspecified damages. Lawyers for the county and Scovill reached an agreement Feb. 26. Neither side returned phone calls on the matter Thursday.

    Maggiore was diagnosed with HIV in 1992 and died at her Van Nuys home Dec. 27, 2008, at age 52. She promoted her views in a book, “What If Everything You Thought You Knew About AIDS Was Wrong?”

    Maggiore gave birth to Eliza Jane and her older son, Charlie, at home and breast-fed both, although research indicates breast-feeding increases the risk of HIV transmission. Maggiore also opposed the use of AZT, a drug that studies have shown reduces the risk of HIV transmission from pregnant mothers to their babies. After Eliza Jane’s death, Los Angeles police investigated whether Maggiore and Scovill were criminally negligent in not testing the girl for HIV, but prosecutors decided against filing charges, noting that Maggiore had sought medical advice.

    – Molly Hennessy-Fiske

    (link will be provided in next moderated post)

    And just so you have some perspective on where Christine Maggiore was coming from, I present this old fossil for the purpose of some of you gaining new insights:

    “I was required by law to take an HIV test in June 1995. The test is mandatory in Colorado for pregnant women, and I was expecting my second child. I was shocked when the result came back positive, because I’d been married and monogamous for nine years. I started taking AZT in my fifth month. After ten months on AZT, I was sick all the time. I had constant diarrhoea, nausea, fever, night sweats and was totally exhausted. I was crawling to the bathroom and vomiting for hours. My doctor told me the HIV was making me ill, and that the virus had mutated into a form that was resistant to AZT. Further drugs turned my skin yellow with jaundice. Since it was clear that the drugs weren’t keeping me from getting AIDS and were actually destroying my liver, I let my prescription run out. I figured I’d rather die from AIDS than liver failure.

    Almost immediately after I stopped taking my medicines, within a matter of days I started to feel much better…. My daughter is considered a success by medical standards because she tests negative, but I don’t care about HIV anymore. I am concerned about the effects of the AZT she was poisoned with while I was pregnant. Rachel has an enlarged cranium, seizures and a strange deformity near the base of her spine. At age three she still does not speak. I went to this conference on HIV and pregnancy at The Children’s Hospital here in Denver. A lot of mothers there had taken AZT during pregnancy and had their kids with them. Every single one of those kids had enlarged craniums. Their heads looked exactly like Rachel’s. They’re all AZT babies. I’m working now to repeal Colorado’s mandatory [HIV] testing law.”
    -Christine Maggiore.

  388. jeremysteele11 says:

    Point 3:

    Eliza Jane lawsuit settled
    Posted by Henry Bauer on 2009/03/09

    Although terms of the settlement haven’t been released, when a government agency at any level settles a lawsuit by paying out money, it’s a reasonable inference that the plaintiffs won on the significant points.

    L.A. County settles suit on autopsy of HIV skeptics’ daughter
    March 6, 2009


    Suit settled on autopsy of HIV skeptics’ child

    Los Angeles County has reached a $15,000 legal settlement with the husband of Christine Maggiore, the late activist who rejected medical opinions that HIV causes AIDS.

    Maggiore and her husband, Robin Scovill, sued the county two years ago for allegedly violating their late 3-year-old daughter’s civil rights by releasing an autopsy report that listed her cause of death as AIDS-related pneumonia. Eliza Jane Scovill had never been tested for HIV, and the couple argued that her death was not AIDS-related. They hired a private pathologist who said she had died of an allergic reaction to the antibiotic a m o x i c i l l i n.

    The lawsuit demanded up to $10,000 for each violation of Eliza Jane’s right to privacy, plus unspecified damages. Lawyers for the county and Scovill reached an agreement Feb. 26. Neither side returned phone calls on the matter Thursday.

    Maggiore was diagnosed with HIV in 1992 and died at her Van Nuys home Dec. 27, 2008, at age 52. She promoted her views in a book, “What If Everything You Thought You Knew About AIDS Was Wrong?”

    Maggiore gave birth to Eliza Jane and her older son, Charlie, at home and breast-fed both, although research indicates breast-feeding increases the risk of HIV transmission. Maggiore also opposed the use of AZT, a drug that studies have shown reduces the risk of HIV transmission from pregnant mothers to their babies. After Eliza Jane’s death, Los Angeles police investigated whether Maggiore and Scovill were criminally negligent in not testing the girl for HIV, but prosecutors decided against filing charges, noting that Maggiore had sought medical advice.

    – Molly Hennessy-Fiske

    (link will be provided in next moderated post)

    And just so you have some perspective on where Christine Maggiore was coming from, I present this old fossil for the purpose of some of you gaining new insights:

    “I was required by law to take an HIV test in June 1995. The test is mandatory in Colorado for pregnant women, and I was expecting my second child. I was shocked when the result came back positive, because I’d been married and monogamous for nine years. I started taking AZT in my fifth month. After ten months on AZT, I was sick all the time. I had constant diarrhoea, nausea, fever, night sweats and was totally exhausted. I was crawling to the bathroom and vomiting for hours. My doctor told me the HIV was making me ill, and that the virus had mutated into a form that was resistant to AZT. Further drugs turned my skin yellow with jaundice. Since it was clear that the drugs weren’t keeping me from getting AIDS and were actually destroying my liver, I let my prescription run out. I figured I’d rather die from AIDS than liver failure.

    Almost immediately after I stopped taking my medicines, within a matter of days I started to feel much better…. My daughter is considered a success by medical standards because she tests negative, but I don’t care about HIV anymore. I am concerned about the effects of the AZT she was poisoned with while I was pregnant. Rachel has an enlarged cranium, seizures and a strange deformity near the base of her spine. At age three she still does not speak. I went to this conference on HIV and pregnancy at The Children’s Hospital here in Denver. A lot of mothers there had taken AZT during pregnancy and had their kids with them. Every single one of those kids had enlarged craniums. Their heads looked exactly like Rachel’s. They’re all AZT babies. I’m working now to repeal Colorado’s mandatory [HIV] testing law.”
    -Christine Maggiore.

  389. Larry Horse says:

    Steele, lets go back to talking about porn or some other issue. You’re starting to remind of the old Buck Henry sketch on SNL where he has a phone in show and no one calls in and at the end his wife has to come and take him off. By that time he’s said stuff like: Adolf Hitler, boy do we need him now; He’s for busing Abortionists to your kids grade school an so on.

  390. jeremysteele11 says:

    correction: last quote was from Christine’s book but not by Christine (it was a quote from another HIV+ mother).

  391. jeremysteele11 says:

    Point 4: I can provide a source for the $40 billion dollar claim, Frank, if you’d like, however my point here is:

    The fantasy that governments are beholden to saving lives and not cowtowing to Big Pharm, which gives politicians millions of dollars per year, is absurd.
    If the former were true, we would solve world hunger. End of story. Instead, we act like we’re saving Africans with poisonous drugs based on presumptive diagnoses for old 3rd world illnesses instead of simply giving them food and clean water. If you want to see African’s not have immune deficiency try feeding them first. You’ll be amazed on how strong their immune system will be if you give them food instead of drugs with skull and crossbones labels, in the absence of food and clean water.

    Do you understand, Frank, or are you still confused? Pushing drugs on starving Africans… Why? “Because we care.” Uh-huh.

  392. jeremysteele11 says:


    I’ll just have you know, I’m very vexed right now… not because of anything you wrote but because someone nearby is blasting tejano music. It’s quite an amazing ecclectic array of sound they’ve invented: They’ve only created two songs, one goes “oompah oompah” and the other goes “oom-pah-pah, oom-pah-pah”, at a tad faster pitch, and they keep playing them over and over!

    Therefore, I will go get some sun now and get back to you later.

  393. Lucky Starr says:

    Congratulations, honey. I think you broke the record for number of comments.

  394. jeremysteele11 says:

    Actually, Lucky, I’m closing in really fast and ready to celebrate. Justin Long’s “I will No Longer be doing any sort of Interracial Porn” post had 418 comments.

    I considered an op/ed about “I will no longer be doing any sort of bukkake porn”, but I don’t think I would’ve had much of a chance of catching Justin on that one.

    Back to the Colonel’s comments…

    Yes, I was the butt of jokes, first and foremost by my ex friend who’s got lots and lots of problems. I am almost proud of the most convincing role of Porn Star Jackass that I played for years.

    There always was the assumption that I had no idea I was being played as I was playing along but I made myself a willing human sacrifice anti-hero, took the bus when I could’ve spent all the money of mine I spent hiring top talent on a car. Why? Because many of the rest of you porn stars take yourselves too fuckin’ seriously and expect to be taken seriously as a “star” in the mainstream world.

    And if I may digress a bit further, Colonel, I ended up getting abused and fucked with beyond the realms of human tolerability, repeatedly, as someone was trying to buddy up to the mentality and the likes of someone who calls himself (not surprisingly) “Malice”, and his minions, and behave just like him, at my expense; I who gave him everything and more.

    I’m still holding a lot back and will continue to do so, for now… but if you want to imagine what insanity is like, imagine you made a documentary about war and never showed any of the hells or horrors of war, only showed some G.I.’s playing cards and watching John Wayne movies. Or imagine you produced a documentary about how censorship is wrong but you as the filmmaker publically belittled your narrarator for “entertainment” purposes, all the while trying to censor what he says, while trying to put words in his mouth.

    Considering all that I have gone through, I really feel for my friend, the late Christine Maggiore. She was abused and demonized until the end standing up for what she believed was right. And if you read the testimony of people who took AZT, the notion that you don’t have the right to not take drugs originally shelved as “far too toxic for human consumption” is beyond satanic. You can believe that HIV inevitably and eventually causes AIDS 100% of the time. Based on that assumption that is still no excuse to force those killer drugs down peoples throats that don’t even claim to cure AIDS.

    Considering all the fucking needless, sadistic abuse I endured all these years and the loss of mine and others’ investments, I am on a vengeance tear. I will no longer be censored by any piece of shit hypocrite.

    And somehow Howard Stern or Rush Limbaugh generate lots of revenue, despite having lots and lots of people who completely disagree with or don’t like them.

    I’m pleased to read you think that AIDS might be man-made. Whether it was intentional from the beginning or not, let me start with pages 1 and 2 of Nancy Turner Banks’ “AIDS, Opium, Diamonds and Empire” book:

    “It is a great mistake to think that wars only concern armies, regulars or guerillas, involved in active engagement- blowing people and things to smithereens. In today’s world, nothing could be farther from the truth. The real forces of evil wage another kind of warfare. This warfare is principally financial. The dark princes of debt finance have gained practically unopposed leverage over every important social, economic, and political institution, including and especially the health care delivery system. As a result, death by iatrogenic medicine kills three quarters of a million people annually- more people in a year than either cancer or heart disease.

    The demons of capital and “free market” ideology have created an information monopoly by gaining control of the pharmaceutical industry, the teaching of physicians, the major media, including medical journalists, and the flow of research dollars. They control a clandestine intelligence agency, the Epidemic Intelligence Service, which has silently infiltrated every major health department, hospital, newspaper, and medical journal across the nation enabling its control of information and the mounting of a consolidated response at a moment’s notice. the research dollars determine if there is going to be a “war on cancer” or a “war on AIDS”, or the promotion of the latest viral scare to sell more vaccines or worthless “anti-viral” products such as Tamiflue or Relenza. Such wars are planned and mounted with the organizational and strategic planning as the Pentagon employs. What this ultimately leads to is the development of bad science and toxic drugs that are created ostensibly to fight cancer and AIDS but in effect cause more cancer and more AIDS- which is the point of war. People die in war, and the profiteers substantially increase their wealth and power. The object of war is twofold: to establish power relationships and profit.

    A more pernicious outcome of these medical wars has been the silent loss of the most sacred and inalienable right to the the sanctity and security of our own bodies and the free choice and right to select the medical treatment that we deem best. Information is power, but access to accurate medical information has become “proprietary” because of the privatizing of public resources. The idea that an individual has the right to be adequately informed to make a medical decision has become an arcane notion”.

    Regarding the last paragraph, and in regards to Christine Maggiore, I’ve been screaming this point over and over to Frank and he keeps ignoring it. Obviously he is an advocate of Patient Non-Rights.

  395. “Phillip Johnson discredits Darwinism. I concur with this viewpoint”

    Now why didn’t I see that coming?

    “I can provide a source for the $40 billion dollar claim, Frank, if you’d like,”

    Jeremy, $40 billion for a year’s food, basic health care, sanitation and water for the world’s 6.8 billion people works out to less than 2 cents per person per day.

    Your grasp of economics is about on par with your grasp of virology and evolutionary biology.

    “someone nearby is blasting tejano music”

    Good. The cadre of Mexican meth-trannies I deployed to persecute you have arrived. My plan is working.

  396. jeremysteele11 says:

    “The United Nations says $40 billion dollars per year- about what consumers spend on cosmetics- would provide everyone on Earth with clean water, sanitation, health-care, adequate nutrition and education. The secretary general of the 1992 Earth Summit cautioned, ‘No place on the planet can remain an island of affluence in a sea of misery… we’re either going to save the whole world or no one will be saved'”.

    Whether or not you doubt if these U.N. estimates were correct, you keep avoiding these points:

    1. If we cared about Africans, and their immune deficiency, we would feed them instead of pushing AIDS drugs on them. The latter is self-evidently just part of a marketing scheme in the midst of humane indifference. AIDS is big money for Big Pharm. Big Pharm gives lots of money to AHF, politicians and doctors. That means the AHF, politicians and most doctors are whores and will tell us what Big Pharm wants us to hear. THIS ISN’T ABOUT SAVING LIVES, OTHERWISE PEOPLE WOULD NOT BE STARVING! Wake Up!!!

    2. You keep ignoring again and again and again and again and again and again (,etc), Frank: You are against Patients’ Rights. AZT is one example of a drug which causes terrible pain and sickness and birth-defects and stillbirths on infants, and was literally deemed “far too toxic for human consumption” when it was originally shelved as a possible anti-cancer drug. I defer again to the last paragraph I quoted from Nancy Turner Banks.

  397. AZT… was literally deemed “far too toxic for human consumption” when it was originally shelved as a possible anti-cancer drug.

    Utter bullshit, Jeremy. You are repeating a lie that’s copy-pasted endlessly from denialist website to denialist website.

    Here is the original discoverer of AZT, Richard Beltz, responding to this particular denialist lie:

    “Now let me say that I am aware of the existence of certain quotes attributed to me on the Internet, such as the one you mentioned in your letter. Such quotes are completely untrue! Never at any time did I study the potential of AZT to cause cancer, nor did I investigate the toxicity of AZT in animals or humans. At that time I was interested in AZT as a potential anticancer drug. When AZT proved to be inactive in the experimental tumor systems that I and Sartorelli tested it against, I discontinued my work on AZT. It seemed possible to me, then, that AZT was a cure looking for a disease, but what disease? [AIDS didn’t emerge until around 1980, as you know.]

    I regret very much being wrongly quoted on the Internet in regard to AZT. I am sorry if such quotes have led to incorrect conclusions about AZT, which we must admit has at least some limited value as an anti-AIDS drug, especially for preventing newborn children from AIDS-infected mothers from acquiring the disease.”

  398. The Colonel says:

    Jeremy Steele says:

    ‘I’m closing in really fast (on the number of comments) and ready to celebrate.’

    Really? So as an adult man, your most important life accomplishment is the number of comments on a paranoid thread you posted on a porn news/gossip web site? And then you wonder why you were the butt of everybody’s jokes and you blame somebody else for that? My friend, I wish I could make you see how ridiculous this is, but I don’t think I ever can.

    Therefore, I’d like to suggest a new, more fitting name for this thread:

    The Return of Germy Steal

    Dammit, I’m a fucking genius.

  399. jeremysteele11 says:

    Hey Colonel. You make a mistake to take me so seriously in everything I say. It doesn’t really matter except that it’s fun to pretend it does.

    Oh, I guess I should confess to you… I’ve always wanted to be the “king of lib land”… really makes me sound like a hot-shot, doesn’t it?

    “That’s right. I’m the King of Lib-land in the dimension called Cyber-land. I’ve finally achieved my life’s purpose!

  400. The Colonel says:

    Jeremy Steele says:

    ‘Hey Colonel, you make a mistake to take me so seriously in everything I say.’

    What makes you think I take you seriously, my friend? By the way, thank you for bringing Germy Steal back. Something vicious inside me was missing him.

    So now that you’re back, you might want to stop this HIV nonsense and instead tell us about what you did with the video camera you took from JM Productions’ office; and why did you beat up your ex-roommate and ended up in jail?

    Welcome back, Germy Steal.


  401. jeremysteele11 says:

    Come on, Colonel, don’t lower yourself to the level of lies. Provide the evidence. It always come down to that question. Did police question or arrest me for stealing a camera? Does someone at JM publically acuse me? And now you’re citing Sophia Mounds. Nice.

    You know, you were on the right track, Colonel, even if you weren’t entirely right… this is something definitely manufactured… and the manufacturers are controlling the game.

  402. jeremysteele11 says:

    And Colonel/Frank. Let me please repeat myself. We can assume HIV=AIDS=Death 100% of the time if you’d like. However, regarding remedies, the patient should have the right to choose and not be abused, especially when it’s been proven one has taken responsible steps as an adult and/or parent. I’m talking about Patients Rights, and the AIDS Lobbyists have caused politicians to take ours away. There is no defense for or right for them to do this. And if you are entirely disgusted with everything that has been said so far please just acknowledge this and I’ll be happy to move on if no one else has anything else to say first.

    Ho ho ho.

  403. The Colonel says:

    Jeremy Steele says:

    ‘Did police question or arrest me for stealing a camera? Does someone at JM publically accuse me?’

    I read it on the internet, so it must be true. Isn’t that your own approach to reality? And yes, HIV is likely a manufactured disease, and the same people who manufactured the disease are making a profit by selling the cure, and if you catch the disease you have to pay for the cure for the rest of your life, otherwise you will die, and there’s not a damn thing we can do about that, and you have reached your desired record of comments on this thread, although you wrote more than half of comments yourself, but none of that matters and nobody cares. So can we get over this fucking thread, or do we have to talk more about the video camera and your ex-roommate? Remember, I read it on the internet, so it must be true.

  404. Jeremy, I’m probably going to regret this, but let’s take your point in post #424 seriously for a moment..

    “However, regarding remedies, the patient should have the right to choose and not be abused, especially when it’s been proven one has taken responsible steps as an adult and/or parent. I’m talking about Patients Rights, and the AIDS Lobbyists have caused politicians to take ours away.”

    No one is forcing medical treatment on any competent adult. If you are an adult with AIDS and you refuse treatment for yourself for whatever reason – including being in denial about your disease – that is your right. No one’s going to stop you.

    Even if you are pregnant mother whose child will end up with a 25% chance of being infected because of your decision to reject medical treatment, then again there is no law to force you to accept treatment for yourself, not in California at least.

    However, there is a difference in both law and ethics between a competent adult refusing treatment for themselves, and denying their children necessary medical care. It’s a highly fraught area, legally and socially, but there is a principle that children are not chattels of their parents, and where a parent refuses necessary treatment to prevent or treat their child’s serious disease then the state has both a right and an obligation to intervene.

    Christine Maggiore drew a lot of criticism during her life, but this was not because of her personal decision to refuse competent medical treatment for herself, even when she was terminally ill with PCP. That’s her right. Maggiore drew criticism for actively promoting her denialist beliefs, and in particular in campaigning against effective treatment to prevent mother to child HIV transmission (MCT), both in the US and in South Africa. In the latter country she and her fellow denialists including Duesberg were successful in convincing the then president to delay making such treatment available to pregnant mothers. As a result, around 30,000 babies were unnecessarily infected with HIV between 2000 and 2005.

    These 30,000 children and their mothers had no choice in the matter. Neither, for that matter, did Maggiore’s own daughter, Eliza Jane Scovill.

    I’m all for competent adult patients having the right to choose or not to choose what treatments they will have. But this right does not extend to denying other people, including ones own children the right to competent care.

    Maggiore’s choices ended up personally tragic for her. That’s sad. They also resulted in the avoidable death of her daughter. That’s more than just sad.

    But her campaigning is also partly responsible for 30,000 children and their mothers not having the choice of using preventative treatment against HIV. That’s a scandal.

    So what were you saying about “Patients Rights”?

  405. Jeremy:

    If you declared that the earth was flat, no one would pay any attention to you. The fact that our interview generated 400+ responses suggests that there’s something to what you’ve reported. These queens doth protest too much, methinks.

    Note also that Kernel, Frank, STD and other trolls attack you without identifying themselves or their expertise. This is because if they did ID themselves, their shortcomings would be self-evident.

    For nearly one month, these trolls have refused to answer your tough questions. The fact that they parrot false information about the Maggiore Family (my former client) tells us all we need to know.

    Why argue with trolls who defend an industry that paid $9 billion since 2004 to settle thousands of criminal and civil complaints related to the illegal marketing of drugs that kill or injure more than a million people around the world every year?

    Unlike these trolls, Nancy Turner Banks MD is a real doctor (see comment #255) with real expertise. Her book says all that needs to be said about these trolls, AIDS, pellagra, H1N1 and other scams. While these trolls hide under rocks, Dr. Banks is signing books in NYC on Dec 9 for anyone who decides to meet her.

    At the top of this interview, the editor courageously defends Jeremy’s interview and offers to interview a representative from AIM or AHF. Rather than argue with these trolls, let’s see if someone from AIM is willing to respond.

    Having arrested and booked 2500+ career felons, I no longer need these trolls to identify themselves. Their behavior and fear speaks for itself.

    In the coming months, OMSJ will post videotaped depositions of AIDS doctors from one of our cases. Those who can’t wait can visit OMSJ or rent the documentary House of Numbers and watch the planet’s top HIV clerics stomp all over their dicks. Once you see their incompetence on video, you’ll know they these trolls anonymously attack you.

    I never imagined that the adult industry had more credibility than the pharmaceutical industry. I congratulate the editors of this website for their courage and refusal to spike this report like the LA and NY Times does so routinely.

    I’m especially heartened and humbled by the courage and intellectual curiosity displayed by Jeremy Steele this past month. It’s not easy to question the drug industry or the orchestrated ridicule of the trolls. Kudos to Jeremy and LIB for posting this interview!

    Keep up the good work!

    Clark Baker
    LAPD (ret)

  406. Fuck off, Clark. Everyone worked out you were a complete psycho by about 380 posts back. Perhaps even Jeremy is starting to realize this by now.

  407. jeremysteele11 says:

    I’ve already provided links and examples of:

    1. Peoples reaction to AZT drugs, including children.
    2. States that have forced drugs on children which made them horrifically sick after taking them.
    3. States that have taken custody of children because they woldn’t force AIDS drugs down the childrens’ throats, which made them violently ill.

    States are violating Patients Rights due to the powerful AIDS lobbyists. I would say similarly the AHF is trying to violate performers’ rights.

    The number of deaths and disabilities caused by ADRs every year is astounding. Patients Rights are inalienable, yet we’ve been alienated from them in regards to AIDS treatment. When I went to the hospital once (unrelated to AIDS) the pamphlet there said under Patient’s Rights that I had the right to choose or not to choose medicines and treatment offered. In regards to AIDS it’s become compulsory. This is the whole crux of the Maggiore case. I knew her for years and she was never sick. She got ill after her daughter’s loss and all the subsequent harrassment and the State’s attempt to take her HIV- healthy son away. All that could’ve killed her. She told me when she first started taking AIDS drugs she got violently ill and then stopped. The case of her daughter was settled in court and Ron Scovill, her husband received a $15,000 settlement regarding Eliza Jane. So what does that tell you? Does that suggest child neglect??

  408. jeremysteele11 says:

    Frank said: “Maggiore’s choices ended up personally tragic for her. That’s sad. They also resulted in the avoidable death of her daughter. That’s more than just sad”.

    No. Like I said, L.A. County paid Christine’s husband a settlement in regards to Eliza Jane.

    Frank said: “But her campaigning is also partly responsible for 30,000 children and their mothers not having the choice of using preventative treatment against HIV. That’s a scandal”.

    That’s retarded. When the hell have mothers never had any choice, other then taking AIDS drugs? When the hell have mothers been prevented from taking AIDS drugs from their doctors?

    Just because Christine expressed her opinions and right to choose that has never kept anyone else from
    doing the same.

    Can you see how the armies of AIDS hysteria have dismantled your logic?

  409. jeremysteele11 says:

    And regarding the “House of Numbers” documentary DVD, which I have a copy of (the 2 disc version), I am reminded of Origen’s cry for me to talk to a particular doctor who will allegedly show me an enlarged picture of HIV. The documentary shows an expert showing us a picture of HIV, but then he says it’s “probably” HIV.

    Probably = “We don’t know”. This is the foundation AIDS empires rest upon. They presume they’ve found HIV, they presume you’re going to die and tell you you are, then they give you posionous drugs they presume will save you, which don’t claim to cure, and then, in many cases, force those drugs on you, otherwise harrass and take your children away if you don’t force it on them, as well.

  410. jeremysteele11 says:

    Also Frank, you claimed the claim that AIDS research money being more than research money for all other diseases combined is a lie. Keep in mind that what is called AIDS is by definition one of 29 previously existing diseases, so being called “AIDS” deaths is still something that is disputed. But regardless…

    •Heart Disease: The number one cause of death in the United States, 21 million new cases of heart disease are reported each year, with 724,859 Americans dying from heart disease in 1998. The National Institutes for Health (NIH) will fund the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute at an estimated $2.6 billion–or $3,541 for each death from heart, lung, or blood disease.

    •Cancer: The second leading cause of death in the United States, in 1999 549,838 people died of cancer. The NIH expects to fund the National Cancer Institute at an estimated $4.2 billion in 2002–or $7,713 for each death from cancer.

    •Breast Cancer: With 180,000 new cases each year, breast cancer is the leading cause of death among American women who are forty to fifty-five years of age. Each year about 46,000 women die of the disease. The NIH is currently spending $396 million on breast cancer research–or $8,608 per death from the disease.

    •Diabetes: According to the CDC, seven million Americans have diabetes–the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. In 1999 64,751 died from complications associated with diabetes. The NIH has budgeted $450 million for diabetes research–or $6,949 per death from diabetes.

    •AIDS: By comparison, in 2000, 23,932 people were diagnosed with AIDS. In that year, 8,867 people died from the disease. According to the NIH Office of AIDS Research, $2.5 billion has been proposed for AIDS research programs within the NIH in fiscal year 2002, with that figure increasing to more than $2.7 billion in 2003. The current (2002) budget amounts to an astounding $265,591 per AIDS death. This figure does not include the public monies spent to treat AIDS through federal Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources (CARE) Act. Funding for CARE is currently $1.8 billion–an additional $202,999 per AIDS death.

    $3,500 being spent per death of the number one killer and $265,000 per death being spent on AIDS. It’s a racket. Facts are lost. There’s too much money in this racket.

  411. The Colonel says:

    Clark says:

    ‘The fact that our interview generated 400+ responses suggests that there’s something to what you’ve reported.’

    400+ comments which more than half of them were written by Jeremy Steele AKA Germy Steal who regurgitated bullshit from various pseudoscience books and conspiracy blogs just so he can, by his own admission, accomplish the most important goal in his life: Getting the most comments on a thread in a porn news/gossip web site. That doesn’t scream credibility, but what do you know about the credibility, Clark? You’re just a bottom feeding fired cop who used to write jay walking citations. You, by your own admission, don’t know jack shit about the science and medicine, just like you don’t know jack shit about the adult industry and have no clue what’s going on and can’t even tell the difference between AIM and AHF, just like you had no idea who Germy Steal was when you did this interview with him. There are 400+ comments on this thread, but can you show me 4 comments by anybody rather than yourself and your colleagues (Brian Carter, Dr. Hope) who admit he/she has been remotely convinced by your garbage? No, you can’t. So now you’re trying to backpedal and kiss LIB editor’s ass to save face and justify your giant fuck up which was doing this interview.

    It must be embarrassing for you to realize you have been interviewed and used by somebody like Jeremy Steele, a middle aged stunt cock who has been the butt of everybody’s joke in the adult industry for years, a man who allegedly stole a video camera from the office of a porn production company, a man who went to jail for beating up his ex-roommate, a man who got kicked out of a porn set for harassing his co-star, a man who gets pissed at in reverse bukkake videos and features in solo/masturbation scenes in gay videos for 50 bucks a pop. You fucked up, Clark. You know it, and everybody who reads this knows it, so you better shut up and crawl back to the hole you came from and save your obese ass from further embarrassment and humiliation. There’s nothing for you here.

    Good riddance, scumbag.

  412. Jeremy asks:

    “Frank said: “But her campaigning is also partly responsible for 30,000 children and their mothers not having the choice of using preventative treatment against HIV. That’s a scandal”.

    That’s retarded. When the hell have mothers never had any choice, other then taking AIDS drugs? When the hell have mothers been prevented from taking AIDS drugs from their doctors?”

    HIV positive South African mothers between 2000 and 2005 did not have the choice to take antiretrovirals to prevent mother to child transmission, and as a result 30,000 South African children have become infected with HIV who otherwise wouldn’t have.

    It was not their doctors who were preventing them getting access to these drugs – it was the South African government, at the time led by HIV/AIDS denialist Thabo Mbeki and his idiotic denialist health minister Manto Tshabalala-Msiman.

    You can thank Duesberg and his fellow denialists like Maggiore for convincing the South African government to refuse these kids and their mothers this treatment.

  413. jeremysteele11 says:


    Me saying I wanted the most comments was a joke, just like some of the shit you read at XPT and other sites.

    I never stole a video. No one by their real name has ever accused me, only a guy who went by the name of “Deep Throat” on xpt. I certainly was never arrested for the claim that I was caught on tape stealing a video camera. If I was caught on tape I certainly should have been arrested.

    If I beat up an ex-roommate I would have not been released before the case even went to a judge. Sophia has since apologized on LIB to me, admitted that she was in love with me here on LIB and has displayed beyond a shadow of a doubt to anyone with 1/2 a brain that she is literally insane. You’ve acknowledged she’s nuts herself yet now just to be a piece of shit because you don’t agree with mine and others opinions you’re using her antics to paint my portrait. She’s the same person who believed Cindi was Ryan Knox’s sugar momma. How fuckin’ dare you, Colonel! I’ve never hit a woman in my life, but if you’d like to be a real man and reveal your identity perhaps you’ll be the first.

    I got asked to leave psycho Amber Lynn’s set because the girl I was booked to work with was high on drugs and feaking out. I was told by the production assistant that she was high and that I shouldn’t work with her.

    I did one reverse bukkake video, not videos plural. I was there as part of a documentary and they were short a guy so I decided to jump in, yet again, to play the jackass role for yours entertainment and some cash.

    I’ve been in Playgirl and other magazines. Call that gay if you like. All males in this biz have to jerk off in front of other guys. You can call that gay if you like, too.

    Just because you don’t agree with my and others point of view you don’t have to suddenly turn into a “vicious” (in your own words) piece of shit.

    One of the main motivations for this article is the fact that pregnant “HIV+” mothers are force fed drugs which invariably cause severe deformities and stillbirths. I knew one of those women personally. Perhaps your mom did too many drugs before you were born and that would explain your asshole behavior.

  414. Larry Horse says:

    Steele, is the Colonel now Frank? Like BDD is Roy? I doubt that the Colonel is anyone but the Colonel. Lets bag the HIV talk, unless you, Clark and The Trannyfucker want to have a panel discussion, since the latter says he is an expert on HIV transmission and porn. Clark does fit in with all the pseudo-science around porn since the main “Doctor” involved has a degree in Human Sexuality from a diploma mill. Clark reminds me of the private dick who maintained for years that John Dillinger was still alive more than 40 years after he was shot, living on a farm in Michigan or Indiana but could never get any real proof, but plenty of radio and TV time. In the old days Clark you would get an hour on Larry King, these days you get 400 posts here, now if you could prove that George Soros was involved in the big Pharma/Gallo conspiracy Glenn Beck would have you on the next plane.

  415. jeremysteele11 says:

    I don’t know who Colonel is, Larry, and don’t care. Colonel suddenly now behaves like a big baby/punk and thinks that he runs this fuckin’ site. I respectfully offered to end this discussion after and in spite of his insult if someone would simply answer whether Patients have rights anymore when it comes to AIDS treatment, including pregnant moms and their children.

    I said fine, let’s assume HIV causes AIDS, no question. What about the drugs they push on people against their will? And STILL Colonel is an asshole. Sorry, Kernal, you can’t bully me, especially by hiding. But now since you’re disrespecting me personally and pathetically using Sophia Mounds (the biggest psycho nitwit in the business) as some kind of reference, maybe I’ll do another HIV dissident interview or keep this thread running until 2012.

    Clark’s credibility is solid to me. I spoke with Mr. Galen, as Frank was bugging me about repeatedly, and he said Clark was “instrumental” in the HIV-related crime being dismissed. Unlike what you believe, Larry, getting a P.I. licence is not like passing a DMV driver’s test.

    Someone should watch “House of Numbers” or “HIV = AIDS: fact or fraud” (which you can find for free on the net) or read Nancy Bank’s book or John Crewdson’s book on Bob Gallo, and then form an opinion.

    Where the fuck do people come off thinking they know everything without examining anything? It’s like a person walking up to any telling you your illnesses are all psycho-somatic. Where do these instantaneous experts come from?

  416. jeremysteele11 says:

    this response is not going up for some reason. at this point i always copy my shit. this time i’ll try one piece of the response at a time:

    I don’t know who Colonel is, Larry, and don’t care. Colonel suddenly now behaves like a big baby/punk and thinks that he runs this fuckin’ site. I respectfully offered to end this discussion after and in spite of his insult if someone would simply answer whether Patients have rights anymore when it comes to AIDS treatment, including pregnant moms and their children.

    I said fine, let’s assume HIV causes AIDS, no question. What about the drugs they push on people against their will? And STILL Colonel is an asshole. Sorry, Kernal, you can’t bully me, especially by hiding. But now since you’re disrespecting me personally and pathetically using Sophia Mounds (the biggest psycho nitwit in the business) as some kind of reference, maybe I’ll do another HIV dissident interview or keep this thread running until 2012.

  417. jeremysteele11 says:

    (some word on this post is causing a constant “error” when i attempt to post. i will try to see which word is causing a problem.)

    Clark’s credibility is solid to me. I spoke with Mr. Galen, as Frank was bugging me about repeatedly, and he said Clark was “instrumental” in the HIV-related crime being dismissed. Unlike what you believe, Larry, getting a P.I. license is not like passing a DMV driver’s test.

    Someone should watch “House of Numbers” or “HIV = AIDS: fact or fraud” (which you can find for free on the net) or read Nancy Bank’s book or John Crewdson’s book on Bob Gallo, and then form an opinion.

    Where the fuck do people come off thinking they know everything without examining anything? It’s like a person walking up to any telling you your illnesses are all psycho-somatic. Where do these instantaneous experts come from?

  418. jeremysteele11 says:

    some word on this post is causing a constant “error” when i attempt to post. i will try to see which word is causing a problem.)

    Clark’s credibility is solid to me. I spoke with Mr. Galen, as Frank was bugging me about repeatedly, and he said Clark was “instrumental” in the HIV-related crime being dismissed. Unlike what you believe, Larry, getting a P.I. license is not like passing a DMV driver’s test.

    Someone should watch “House of Numbers” or “HIV = AIDS: fact or fraud” (which you can find for free on the net) or read Nancy Bank’s book or John Crewdson’s book on Bob Gallo, and then form an opinion.

    Where the fuck do people come off thinking they know everything without examining anything? It’s like a person walking up to any telling you your illnesses are all ps ych oso matic. Where do these instantaneous experts come from?

  419. jeremysteele11 says:

    some word on this post is causing a constant “error” when i attempt to post. i will try to see which word is causing a problem.)

    Clark’s credibility is solid to me. I spoke with Mr. Galen, as Frank was bugging me about repeatedly, and he said Clark was “instrumental” in the HIV-related crime being dismissed. Unlike what you believe, Larry, getting a P.I. license is not like passing a DMV driver’s test.

    Someone should watch “House of Numbers” or “HIV = AIDS: fact or fraud” (which you can find for free on the net) or read Nancy Bank’s book or John Crewdson’s book on Bob Gallo, and then form an opinion.

    Where the fuck do people come off thinking they know everything without examining anything? It’s like a person walking up to any telling you your illnesses are all ps ych oso matic. Where do these instantaneous experts come from?

  420. jeremysteele11 says:


    Considering the testimony of people who have taken AIDS drugs, Mbeki’s reaction is understandable. It really needs to be looked in to, not just reacted to based on pre-cemented beliefs. Read the book: “AZT” poison by prescription”.

    That NY Times link shows a starving African, which is typical. Is this AIDS or starvation and diseases related to malnutrition and unsanitary living conditions?

    Again, this goes back to my point. If we really cared about Africans we’d feed them, give them clean water, etc. and then miraculously watch the same old diseases they’ve dying of, now attributed to AIDS, disappear!

    Sorry Frank, but I think you are quite arrogant to think you know more about Africans that their President who lives there does.

    They’ve been doing presumptive diagnoses in Africa for AIDS, calling the same old 3rd world diseases AIDS, because everytime they call the same old 3rd world disease “AIDS”, the clinicians are sent money!

    Talk about psuedo-science. How does a retrovirus cause different diseases? This defies science! HIV causes K.S. in gay bathhouse lovers in San Francisco and 3rd world diseases in Africa. These diseases have nothing to do with each other. It’s a front for selling deadly AIDS drugs, as President Mbeki has figured out.

    Again, what’s the bigger problem in Africa: starvation and unclean water or AIDS? Until we solve the biggest problem we have no right presumptively diagnosing their 3rd world diseases as AIDS and giving them toxic drugs.

  421. The Colonel says:

    Ah, finally we’re having fun again. Let’s see what you’re blabbering about, my friend:

    Germy Steal: I never stole a video camera. No one by their real name has ever accused me, only a guy who went by the name of “Deep Throat” on XPT.
    The Colonel: I read it on the internet, so it must be true. Just like whatever garbage you read on fringe blogs and accept as the truth and copy and paste on LIB message board. So let me emphasize: You stole a video camera from JM Productions’ office. You are a liar and a thief. It’s all documented on the internet, where you get your information and wisdom.

    Germy Steal: If I beat up an ex-roommate I would have not been released before the case even went to a judge.
    The Colonel: Bullshit. You attacked and beat up a woman in your apartment and you were arrested and went to jail. You can’t undo what you did, no matter what you say.

    Germy Steal: I got asked to leave psycho Amber Lynn’s set because the girl I was booked to work with was high on drugs and freaking out.
    The Colonel: Liar. You were kicked out of the porn set, because you harassed your co-star Stephanie Swift and pinched her nipple. Epic fail.

    Germy Steal: I did one reverse bukkake video.
    The Colonel: In which you got pissed at by more than 20 women. You took the bus to a crumbling set to get pissed at by more than 20 women on camera for 500 bucks, and then you’re trying to lecture people on morality? Go fuck yourself.

    Germy Steal: I’ve been in PlayGirl and other magazines.
    The Colonel: I’m not talking about PlayGirl, I’m talking about the random scenes you shoot for various gay companies, like for instance the masturbation scene you shot for the gay company Jake Cruise Productions. That scene was released in “Cruise Collection 13: Ready to Blow”; and you were paid 50 bucks for it.

    Germy Steal: Just because you don’t agree with me and others point of view you don’t have to suddenly turn into a “vicious” (in your own words) piece of shit.
    The Colonel: You’re the one who has turned into a piece of shit, not me. I was cool and respectful to you and asked you politely to stop this nonsense, you didn’t and that left me no choice but to remind you and everybody who you really are and where you’re coming from.

    Germy Steal: One of the main motivations for this article is the fact that pregnant “HIV+” mothers are force fed drugs which invariably cause severe deformities and stillbirths. I knew one of those women personally.
    The Colonel: The only reason this thread exists is because you were running your mouth on HIV discussion on various other threads, regurgitating your more-of-the-same garbage, Joe Know kicked your ass and you wanted to prove him wrong, so you came up with this giant cluster fuck. However, you couldn’t predict how it would backfire, because not everybody is as crazy and deluded as you are.

    Germy Steal: Perhaps your mom did too many drugs before you were born and that would explain your asshole behavior.
    The Colonel: Perhaps your mom should have aborted you and saved you and herself embarrassment and shame.

    So are you going to pull the plug on this thread, or do you want to tell us what you did with the stolen camera?

    Again, welcome back, Germy Steal.

  422. The Colonel says:

    Jeremy Steele says:

    ‘Maybe I’ll do another HIV dissident interview or keep this thread running until 2012.’


    What’s supposed to happen in 2012, Germy Steal? Perhaps the world is going to end, because you read it on the internet. Feel free to keep this thread running until 2012 and beyond. As you may know, cockroaches survive nuclear explosions, so even if the world ends, you’ll still be fine, and you can continue to run this thread from an underground bunker and break new records by commenting on your own thread again, and again, and again.

    P.S: Can I borrow your video camera?

  423. jeremysteele11 says:

    That’s funny, you satanic worm. This is how you cowardly play, huh? I am here because a woman I knew who went through way worse then whatever you can dish out. You know you’re lying both about JM Productions, and Sophia Mounds. You really think that’s funny and appropriate just because I have a different opinion than you. We’ve been having a conversation for a while here voluntarily without you, and all of a sudden you, the scumbag you are, think you have the privilidge and right to waltz here weeks later and say “STFU because I say so!”?
    Who the fuck do you think you are, coward?
    And, you don’t have a case dismissed before going to a judge if you’ve beaten sometone you “peace” of shit (as Sophia would say). But you know this. You’re just making shit up because someone has a different opinion than you. Jake pays way more than $50 bucks (10x more). Maybe that’s how much he paid you to suck his cock. Stephanie was the girl, (I made nothing up)who the PA told me was high on crystal. It’s been proven that drug abuse can cause cancer and am glad she’s doing ok, now.

    Is this what you resort to, Colonel? Attempts at bullying and making shit up about stealing cameras
    (who’s the accuser?) and beating women (never went to a judge) to prove you’re right?

    What is the credibility of anonymous cowards like yourself?

    Maybe you’re so angry because there might be some truth somewhere in what I’ve been sharing and you’re incapable of admitting it.

    If you are in disagreement with this thread ignore it just like I ignore many threads on this site.

    You haven’t examined or refuted a damn thing. All you’ve done is say and repeat yourself for me to go play porn star jackass and stick myself with HIV+ blood. Yeah that addresses Gallo’s “scientific misconduct”, his subsequent firing from the NIH and deadly ADR effect of AIDS drugs which don’t claim to cure but are cumpulsory. You’re the jackass, not I, and a coward, if you think that addresses what scores of scientists who differ from the dogma have to say.

  424. jeremysteele11 says:

    privilege doh!

    So we have an anonymous coward (“Colonel”) quoting an anonymous coward (“Deepthroat”) and calling this a fact.

  425. The Colonel says:

    Satanic worm, man I like that one. So if I’m a satanic worm, what are you, a demon turd? This is fun, let’s go one more round:

    Germy Steal: I am here because a woman I knew who went through way worse than whatever you can dish out.
    The Colonel: Stop fooling yourself, you tool. Let me repeat one more time: The only reason this thread exists is because you were running your mouth on HIV discussion on various other threads, regurgitating your more-of-the-same garbage, Joe Know kicked your ass and you wanted to prove him wrong, so you came up with this giant cluster fuck. However, you couldn’t predict how it would backfire, because not everybody is as crazy and deluded as you are.

    Germy Steal: You know you’re lying.
    The Colonel: I’m not lying, you’re lying, you woman beating thief. You did what you did, and it’s all documented on the internet: You stole a video camera from JM Productions’ office and were arrested and went to jail after attacking and beating up your ex-roommate. Explain this: A few weeks after it was reported that you stole a video camera from JM Productions’ office, you launched a shitty web site you called “Jeremy Steele Productions” and started asking people on LIB, XPT, ADT and other forums to hire you as a camera man. What a convenient coincidence: A video camera is stolen, you’re accused of stealing it, and at the same time you start a *production company*, looking for work as a camera man. What are the odds? You tell me.

    Germy Steal: You really think that’s funny and appropriate just because I have a different opinion than you.
    The Colonel: No, you’re using this web site to spread lies, misinformation and paranoia that is potentially harmful to people’s well being and safety, and I’m exposing you, showing who you really are.

    Germy Steal: We’ve been having a conversation for a while here voluntarily without you.
    The Colonel: You didn’t have a conversation; you were talking to yourself, commenting on your own thread like a lunatic, copying and pasting garbage from various fringe blogs just so you can reach a certain record of the number of comments on a thread. At 42 years of age, this is your life accomplishment. Congratulations, you are now a certified, official loser.

    Germy Steal: Jake (gay video company) pays way more than $50 bucks (10 xs more).
    The Colonel: Clearly you have good information about Jake Cruise’s rates. Perhaps you’ve shot more than just masturbation scenes for them and got paid a better rate for taking it up the ass. But for anybody who wants to watch your masturbation scene in a gay movie, they can check out “Cruise Collection 13: Ready to Blow”; and you were paid 50 bucks for this particular scene.

    Germy Steal: Is this what you resort to, Colonel?
    The Colonel: I’m not resorting to anything, I’m responding to your insanity.

    Germy Steal: Maybe you’re so angry because there might be some truth somewhere in what I’ve been sharing and you’re incapable of admitting it.
    The Colonel: I’m not angry, I’m having fun; and there is as much truth in what you say as in the existence of flying pink elephants.

    Germy Steal: All you’ve done is say and repeat yourself for me to go play porn star jackass and stick myself with HIV+ blood.
    The Colonel: If you had a shred of faith in your garbage, you would have done that to back up your words with your actions, but you don’t, you’re just an angry middle aged internet troll.

    By the way, are you still having erectile dysfunctional problems? The picture of you with your limb dick is still on World Modeling Agency’s web site. I’m thinking about getting some Caverject for you for Charismas.

    Carry on, troll.

  426. jeremysteele11 says:

    This conversation has been more with Frank than with anyone. It has been voluntary. What part of “voluntary” do you not understand?

    That’s very creative, you stalking nut.
    I didn’t launch that site. I don’t have the know how to do even that shitty little site. That was the P.T. man’s effort and I was never the camera man of that production site. I was shooting (or having shot) Julia Bond, Sunny Lane and others out of my pocket before that.
    I could have started the site the next day. That proves nothing. Who’s “deep throat”? (Luke Ford). He’s the only one who made the accusation. Mr. P.T. already spoke with Tony Malice who told him there never was any surveillence camera catching anybody and they don’t know who took it. I’ve spoke with Jim Lane and Johnny Thrust many times since then. They ALL know it’s a running joke. And so do you. I hope whoever has the camera smashes you over the head with it!

    Where do you get this $50.oo rate b.s. from??

    And what does any of this have to do with this thread? You never had problems agreeeing with me about 9/11 or whatever conspiracy stuff.

    I’m so glad that Jim South assured me I didn’t have to have a hard cock for that one updated photo that was once took. Jesus!

    I hope Sophia Mounds moves in with you!

    Btw, you said you think AIDS might be a conspiracy. I’m curious to hear your fringe theory.

  427. jeremysteele11 says:

    Also, I never asked for camerawork on any site. Perhaps someone posed as me for work for himself. I was never shooting camera myself!

    I also think you’re jealous coz I’m the winner ha ha… regardless of how many comments are from myself. Go write an article and see if you can top 100 mofo!

  428. Jeremy, no competent HIV+ adult anywhere in the world is forced, or compelled to take antiretroviral drugs.

    People with HIV/AIDS have the choice whether or not to use antiretrovirals. They have this choice in many parts of the world these days, more every day.

    They have the choice to say yes, I’ll take them or no, I won’t.

    Most people choose yes when the drugs are available to them, because they work. Sometimes people have good reasons to say no, but denying that HIV causes AIDS is not one of those good reasons.

    Christine Maggiore and other denialists such as Peter Duesberg campaigned actively to deprive hundreds of thousands of South Africans that choice.

    They stole that choice from many tens of thousands of pregnant South African women between 2000 and 2005.

    As a result, 35,000 South African babies were infected with HIV when they needn’t have been if they had been provided the kind of decent medical care that was available in neighboring countries like Botswana and Namibia. No, they did not die of starvation (South Africa is a middle-income democracy with vast natural resources, not a famine-ridden tinpot dictatorship).

    Many if not most of those 35,000 children have since died, and died horribly (as if a preventable child’s death can be anything but horrible).

    You presenting Christine Maggiore and the other HIV/AIDS denialists as some kind of advocates for “freedom of choice in health care” would be disgusting if it weren’t so obviously stupid.

  429. jeremysteele11 says:

    Frank, your ignorance truly amazes me. I guess they didn’t teach you a few things, after all. I’ll be back… my fingers are gonna take a little respite from doing the keyboard tango.

  430. The Colonel says:

    3rd time’s a charm, so here we go again:

    Germy Steal: This conversation has been more with Frank than with anyone.
    The Colonel: Perhaps that’s because Frank is new to LIB and doesn’t know anything about the Germy Steal legacy. Now that he knows, I hope he considers and realizes there is no point in having a rational conversation with a lunatic tool like you; but you’re always fun.

    Germy Steal: I didn’t launch that site (Jeremy Steele Productions). I don’t have the knowhow to do even that shitty little site. That was the P.T. man’s effort.
    The Colonel: Oh, so PT guy is behind all of your fuck ups, right? Perhaps it was PT guy who started this thread, too.

    Germy Steal: I could have started the site the next day (after the video camera was stolen from JM Productions’ office). That proves nothing.
    The Colonel: On the contrary, that indicates you were the one who stole the video camera so you can start up your shitty web site, and you fucked up.

    Germy Steal: Where do you get this $50.oo rate B.S from?
    The Colonel: That’s what you got for jerking off in a gay movie titled: “Cruise Collection 13: Ready to Blow”. Out now, available everywhere.

    Germy Steal: And what does any of this have to do with this thread?
    The Colonel: Everything, It paints a picture of you: Unstable, unreliable and erratic.

    Germy Steal: You never had problems agreeing with me about 9/11 or whatever conspiracy stuff.
    The Colonel: Whatever conspiracy theory that sounds reasonable and has a ring of truth in it, is plausible to me, whether I agree with it entirely or not. But what you have said on HIV topic in this thread is a sack of shit, and the fact that you refuse to back up your words with your actions and do the HIV positive experiment, confirms that you have no faith in what you say. You’re just being a troll.

    Germy Steal: I’m so glad that Jim South (the owner of The World Modeling Agency) assured me I didn’t have to have a hard cock for that one updated photo that was once took.
    The Colonel: Of course you’re glad, since you have erectile dysfunctional problem, getting your dick hard must be a nightmare for you. That’s why I’m thinking about sending you Caverject for Christmas.

    Germy Steal: You said you think AIDS might be a conspiracy. I’m curious to hear your fringe theory.
    The Colonel: Here is my fringe theory: HIV/AIDS is a man made disease, manufactured and/or enhanced in government laboratories to be used in bio weapons. It was then released in the public either through some accident or more likely on purpose, in an effort to reduce the population, make billions of dollars in profit by offering both the disease and the cure, and destroying sexual revolution. The plan seems to be working, and the conspiracy continues despite your rants. It’s all about the money.

    Germy Steal: I never asked for camerawork on any site. Perhaps someone posed as me for work for himself.
    The Colonel: Then it must be a conspiracy of The Elite who tend to destroy your reputation and silence you. What a revelation.

    Germy Steal: I also think you’re jealous coz I’m the winner, regardless of how many comments are from myself. Go write an article and see if you can top 100.
    The Colonel: I assure you that I am not jealous of you for being the winner of the loser award. It’s an achievement you deserve and have rightfully gained. My articles usually get a good response and I’m grateful for that. However, I can never act like you and turn my own thread into a conversation with myself. It takes a certain kind of man to do a crazy shit like that, if you catch my drift.

    Back to you, my friend.

  431. While you are resting your poor fingers, Jeremy, you might like to read this study by a Harvard-trained southern African doctor.

    Your denial cult has resulted in what many people have described as a genocide. Waffling on about “my ignorance” ain’t gonna cut it, especially when you have made it abundantly clear you have not the slightest clue about virology, immunology, clinical medicine or indeed any relevant area of science.

  432. jeremysteele11 says:

    It’s no wonder with all your assumptions you make, Colonel, that you believe some other assumptions. How the fuck do you think “indicate” is an appropriate word? I am left to assume you are just an idiot and/or being, as you say “vicious”… Of course your viciousness betrays your partiality.

    Come on, here, Colonel. Let’s be honest. What really pissed you off? This conversation hadn’t ended between me and Frank so go fuck yourself.

  433. jeremysteele11 says:

    Wow, it looks like we’ll be flying to comment 500 in no time. I feel the dander of someone’s slander will be the fuel that will propel foward like skaters on ice.

  434. Lucky Starr says:

    Let’s rack up more comments, people! Let’s go, let’s go!!!!

  435. jeremysteele11 says:

    Frank, you don’t know anything about (or are purposely ignoring) people’s testimony who’ve taken AZT and other AIDS drugs. Why?

    The manufacturers themselves say their poison drugs don’t cure, yet you do. Based on what evidence? Always, as usual, you claim more about the veracity of testing, scientific “discoveries” and “therapies” then the manufacturers themselves do. Why?

    Q: What makes the Big Pharm God, Jesus, Moses and Mohammad all roled into one?

    A: Advertising (including lackeys like yourself).

    Genocide is not feeding starving people you’re simultaneously pushing poisonous drugs on.

    Big Pharm is guilty of genocide, not those who seek to cure it through natural, non-patented means. ADR deaths numbers are huge.

  436. jeremysteele11 says:

    Regarding your last link, Frank, here’s a big LOL going out to ya…

    Here’s another display of my “ignorance”. I see that one of the authors is “M. Essex”, who I am familiar with:

    Max Essex is one of the original Gallo minions/cohorts. He first declared in the mid-80s that the HIV virus had jumped species to man from the “African green monkey.” Years later, it was was proved that the first AIDS-like virus in monkeys had been found by Max in macaques, a monkey species primarily from Southeast Asia, NOT Africa. Essex, shamed by having his false theory found out, recanted, and admitted that the HIV virus and the monkey virus were so different from each other that none of them could have been the ancestor of the other in a historical past.

    Comedian Dave Chappelle made a hilarious joke about the theory of the origin of AIDS being connected to a monkey, imitating an African trying to have sex with a powerful monkey which would’ve simply and literally ripped the man’s dick off.

    Actually, Max Essex had associated monkeys with black women, following Gallo and Montagnier’s postulation that the African AIDS connection came from a green monkey biting an African woman’s ass. But either way, Chappelle’s joke is funny, although Essex’s joke called “science” is not.

    It didn’t matter that there was no naturally occurring AIDS virus in monkeys or that no monkeys have died from what has beend called AIDS blood. It did not matter that it would be statistically impossible for a single episode, such as a monkey biting some person, or some person easting a wild monkey, to have created a worldwide problem identified almost simutaneously in the U.S., Eurpoe Africa, Brazil, and Haiti.

  437. jeremysteele11 says:

    “beend” should read “been”, “easting” should read “eating”. and “Eurpoe” should be “Europe”, sorry.. was distracted by a wild monkey.

  438. Reader Email/Twitter says:

    Professor Essex has been my wife’s colleague for 30 years. Jeremy Steele is just talking out of his ass with regard to Professor Essex. Cindi, please put a stop to this nonsense.

  439. Dear Frank:

    If I tried to defend an industry that paid $9 billion since 2004 to settle thousands of criminal and civil complaints related to the illegal marketing of drugs that killed or injured thousands of people around the world every year, I wouldn’t identify myself either.  As a pharmaceutical troll, your grasp of drug industry propaganda is impressive.

    In comment #453 you used more propaganda to chide Mr. Steele:

    While you are resting your poor fingers, Jeremy, you might like to read this study by a Harvard-trained southern African doctor.  (link

    Once again, I will unravel your drivel:

    If you actually READ the report you cited, you’ll see that the study’s author admits his numbers are grossly exaggerated.  Rather than cite his ESTIMATES, a brief glance at South Africa’s actual numbers (see Table 4.5) shows that HIV represented only a tiny fraction (2%) of mortality in 2007-2008, which is consistent with SA’s numbers from 1997-2002 and 2007

    Not only did SA’s population explode during the past decade, but the 10,000-15,000 people who allegedly die from HIV every year represents 3/100ths of one percent of the entire SA population, which DOUBLED from 23.8 million in 1980 to 49 million in 2010 throughout the so-called “AIDS pandemic.”  As amfAR founder Joseph Sonnabend admits in this video, your arguments are about marketing – not science.

    For publishing and marketing Chigwedere’s incompetent drivel, HHS paid Harvard University more than $150 million.  How much do you get?

    Like most criminal enterprises, the drug industry relies of useful idiots (like Magic Johnson and Todd DeShong) and sociopaths like Chigwedere to promote their propaganda against black communities – just as the drug and medical industries used Pellegra to perpetuate the lazy Negro stereotype against blacks during the 20th century.  You, Frank, are obviously NOT a useful idiot.

    Although I’ve repeatedly posted that infectious disease became statistically irrelevant in the US by 1955 (and Europe, Australia and South Africa,) and preventable deaths due to ADRs and medical incompetence kills and injures millions of Americans annually, your reliance on fake reports illustrates why OMSJ prevails in so many criminal HIV cases – and why trolls like you have generated more than 450 comments on this blog to deflect questions from intellectually-curious reporters like Jeremy Steele.

    I no longer need to know who you are – your behavior defines you.

    Clark Baker LAPD (ret)

    Principal Investigator

  440. Reader Email/Twitter says:

    Cindi Says- I feel like this is getting dragged on and on, so please say all you want to on this thread over the weekend. I’m closing the comments on Sunday. Thanks!

  441. The Colonel says:

    One more for the road:

    Germy Steal: It’s no wonder with all your assumptions you make, Colonel, that you believe some other assumptions.
    The Colonel: I made no assumptions, I pointed out to your history of theft, violence towards women, homosexual activities, sexual impotency and paranoia: Stealing a video camera from JM Productions office, getting arrested and going to jail for attacking and beating up your ex-roommate, jerking off in gay movies, taking pictures for your modeling profile with a limb dick, using a porn message board to spread potentially dangerous lies and misinformation. Tell me which one is an “assumption”.

    Germy Steal: How the fuck do you think “indicate” is an appropriate word?
    The Colonel: What the fuck are you talking about?

    Germy Steal: Come on, here, Colonel. Let’s be honest. What really pissed you off?
    The Colonel: I’m not pissed off, I’m having fun. You’re such a good tool.

    Germy Steal: This conversation hadn’t ended between me and Frank, so go fuck yourself.
    The Colonel: Then perhaps you and Frank should get a room; and fuck you, too.

    Germy Steal: Wow, it looks like we’ll be flying to comment 500 in no time.
    The Colonel: Your parents must be proud of you. Hold on to your Biggest Loser title by continuing to talking to yourself and commenting on your own thread until 2012 and beyond.

    P.S: I’m looking for a camera man, can you recommend anybody? 😉

  442. The Colonel says:

    Cindi says:

    ‘I feel like this is getting dragged on and on, so please say all you want to on this thread over the weekend. I’m closing the comments on Sunday.’

    Yes dear, it’s time to pull the plug on this insanity. Thank you.

  443. jeremysteele11 says:

    Wow, Colonel, you have the acuity and ethos to be working as a hired whore for DC, the NIH, CDC or AHF. I’m sure they’ll hire you too, since you’ll state lies for free.

    You’ve already made your mentally askewed point that my information and sources are allegedly as fictitious as the anonymous postings of “deepthroat” and yourself.

    I have never been arrested or even accused by anyone with a real name in regards to a video camera.

    You have to use lies to protect what you believe to be true? Don’t you know how bad that makes you look? Do you know how evil and stupid that is?

    This is like when Scott Ritter, the former chief UN WMD inspector said to a displeased Bush cabal that there were no WMDs in Iraq. Soon, after they tried to set him up with a minor at a McDonalds in order to discredit him.

    You’re exactly like the scum you’ve complained about who staged 9/11 for global objectives, using lies to protect an evil, mega-money making fraud.

    Frank and I were voluntarily engaged in a debate/discussion. Specific points with references and links have been offered. This subject happens to be bigger and more important than any others around here, and that is why it keeps running.

    I am friends with two former PDs. I’m sure they would each tell you claiming I stole a camera when I have not even been accused by a real person or arrrested shows that you are an absolute piece of human garbage. You have just proven that beyond any shadow of doubt, Kernal. You’ve already admitted you’ve said that it must be true because you heard it to be true. You don’t provide any evidence, but I have for the things I have been sharing. Likewise, with everything else. I’ve never heard in my entire life of a case where a man beats a woman up and the case gets dropped before it even goes to a judge. Must have been a hell of a beating!

    Stay tuned for Clark’s moderated comments. I just finished speaking with him on the phone.

  444. jeremysteele11 says:

    Reader Email/Twitter Says:

    “Professor Essex has been my wife’s colleague for 30 years. Jeremy Steele is just talking out of his ass with regard to Professor Essex. Cindi, please put a stop to this nonsense”.

    Your wife’s colleague? What does this prove? Who’s talking out of their ass? Did Mr. Essex sleep with your wife, too, because he’s been fucking a lot of people, so to speak. He certainly can’t be exonerated from having “monkeyed” around with some claims, previously.

    Is it untrue that Harvard pays Essex many millions for his “science”?

  445. jeremysteele11 says:

    Regarding Myron “Max” Essex, and others…

    As Peter Duesberg told Celia Farber in Spin Magazine January 1988,

    “Scientists researching AIDS are much less inclined to ask scrutinizing questions about the etiology (cause) of AIDS when they have invested huge sums of money in companies that make money on the hypothesis that HIV is the AIDS virus.

    William Haseltine and Max Essex, for example, who are two of the top five AIDS researchers in the country, have millions in stocks in a company they founded that has developed and will sell AIDS kits that test for HIV. How could they be objective?”


    (ouch! – the silence now is deafening!)

  446. The Colonel says:

    Jeremy Steele says:

    ‘Wow, Colonel, you have the acuity and ethos to be working as a hired whore for DC, the NIH, CDC or AHF. I’m sure they’ll hire you too, since you’ll state lies for free.’

    Let me see if I got this right: Anybody who points out your baseless, biased, ignorant and potentially dangerous delusions is somehow connected to The Elite and part of a large conspiracy, right? Who the hell do you think you are, Germy Steal? You’re a dime a dozen, middle aged, washed up paranoid stunt cock. What makes you think you’re worthy of conspiring against? You did what you did, from stealing a video camera from JM Productions’ office to beating your ex-roommate and spreading lies and misinformation on LIB. I simply reacted to your insanity, pointed out the flaws in your argument and exposed your infamous background; so don’t turn things on me. You must learn to accept responsibility for your fuck-ups and failures and stop blaming them on others. Every time you fuck things up and make a fool of yourself, it’s PT guy’s fault, my fault, The Elite’s fault, everybody’s fault but yours. You’re a loser, because you live in denial and you will be a loser unless and until you wake up from your slumber, take your head off your ass and accept responsibility for your actions.

    However, I doubt you can ever do that. Your response to the reader email in regards to Professor Essex is a good example: Because somebody points out how you spread lies and misinformation about Professor Essex, you resort to insult and assume that Professor Essex sleeps with the wife of that reader. Shame on you.

    Get a life or die trying, Germy Steal, you lying, paranoid, woman beating, closet homosexual, limb dick thief.

  447. jeremysteele11 says:

    You’re an idiot and a lowlife, Colonel: Here’s the evidence.

    You just said “somebody points out how you spread lies and misinformation about Professor Essex…”

    How has somebody pointed out how I’ve spread lies? All some anonymous person said is that his wife is a collegue of Mr. Essex’s. Again, I ask, what does this prove? This is the same old, “Trust me. I’m an authority” jive.

    You can say I steal video cameras and beat women and everything else over and over and over. You’ve already admitted that you only make these points to be “vicious” (because you’re a big baby/coward who doesn’t like reading things he does not agree with- OMG. God help you!) while claiming that all I’ve presented are not valid, despite the sources and links and testimony I’ve provided, including a Private Investigator and the Attorney who I spoke with who corroborated his claims in regards to an HIV-related crime being dismissed in court.

    You bailed out of this thread weeks ago. You don’t even know what the fucks been going on. Then you come waltzing back in like a bitch saying “enough is enough”. There’s plenty of sourced references to comb through but you won’t. Go fuck yourself!

    As I’ve said, you have both the ethos and acuity to work for one of these organizations which are as biased and hostile as you.

    Wow. There’s a photo of me out there standing casually with a non-erect penis. This proves I have E.D. Really, you should see if Frank can get you a job with one of the organizations he works for.

  448. Dear Reader #460:

    Your defense of Myron “Max” Essex, DVM (pet doctor) is commendable.  Unsurprisingly, Essex’ name is also listed at the top of Chigwedere’s report (see comment #461).

    As I wrote earlier, the same entities that deliberately marketed Pellegra as a “lazy Negro” stereotype – and infected healthy men, women and children with venereal diseases in places like Tuskegee and Guatemala – routinely pay corrupt doctors to push similar schemes.

    I’m not sure how much Harvard University paid Dr. Chigwedere, but Dr. Essex’ has received more than $41 million.  Unsurprisingly, Essex is a Gallo cohort.

    As this thread approaches 500 comments, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that Jeremy’s interview has struck a nerve.  If Jeremy is wrong, why do these goons want to kill this thread?  These clerics doth protest too much, methinks.

  449. “As this thread approaches 500 comments it’s becoming increasingly apparent that Jeremys interview has struck a nerve.”

    Clark forgets to mention that over 215 of those comments belong to Jerry and Clark themselves.

    And now Cindi is a ‘goon’ for killing this thread.

    Jerry , do you actually believe, as Clark has stated here, that we are being paid to debate you. CLARK says this is true, how about you Stool?

  450. jeremysteele11 says:

    I find it interesting how fast an associate of Mr. Essex arrived to respond. These goons who call us loons seem to have our attention.

    Cindi is no goon, but goons are now pressuring her to capitulate to their whinings. After all, with all their money and influence they are used to having their way. Plus they have the kernel working for them for free.

    Truly sad and ironic: On one hand the Colon-ill believes that the media is politically controlled to keep us from knowing the scandal of 9/11 and other events. He has no doubt about the corruptability of government in cahoots with the financial world, as well as Bilderberg interest in cutting down the world population. To my understanding he is aware of how these secret elite meetings include members of every major sector in government, entertainment and media, yet for some reason I still am not aware of he has unyielding faith in the medical establishment, despite it’s incestuous relationship with government and Big Pharm, and its reliance on chemical drugs which kill many more people than AIDS ever has.
    He’s expressed a willingness to believe that AIDS might be man-made yet in spite of this he has turned low and nasty against those who seek to get to the truth that won’t likely come forth from those profitting enormously off of AIDS research.

    And I’m not answering any questions of anyone who addresses me as “stool”.

  451. Jerry says…”goons are now pressuring her”(Cindi)

    Jerry jumps the shark again.

    Mr. Jermeiah Steele, who are the GOONS putting this pressure on Cindi? Mr. Jeremiah Steele, do you beleive, as Clark has stated that we are being PAID to debate you?

    What a burden you must bear to know these things that the rest of the world is unaware of. Ho

    IF anything you say is true Mr. jermiah Steele, why havent the GOONS silenced you> You have over 150 posts on this thread alone, and the GOONS havent stopped you yet,,,why?

    You are a laughing stock Mr. Jeremiah Steele.

    Who are these ‘GOONS” “With all their money and influence.”

  452. CINDI,
    Jerry says that …”GOONS with money and influence” are now pressuring YOU to capitulate to their whining, and you are laying down for them and putting an end to this thread.

    Is their any truth to what Jerry states as a fact, that you are being pressured by GOONS to stop this thread?

  453. jeremysteele11 says:

    Shut up, Joe Idiot. Goons by definition are thugs. Most of them are dimwit parrots. Colonel is now an underpaid/unpaid goon. Who cares who they are? They’re brainwashed, but the lies are easier to believe if you have a hostility against gays and other high risk groups that killer retroviruses tend to prefer (HIV itself might be gay too since it goes after gay men so often). What kind of panties are you wearing? Stop trying to divert focus from key points by asking stupid, irrelevent questions. Obviously Cindi has got a lot of complaints. It’s stated at the top of this interview.

  454. jeremysteele11 says:

    Pellegra and scurvy are just two examples of where scientists had it wrong and resisted dissidents who claimed these diseases were not infectuous.

    Pellegra is now known to be caused by a B3 (niacin) deficiency. It originally was believed to infectuous. The difference between Pellegra and AIDS is there is way too much money in AIDS for those profitting from it to allow us to acknowledge the mistakes and fraud which created their empire.

    They’ve been making a killing off these killings, and calling people trying to stop the genocide genocidal.

    Corrupt entities calling themselves the opposite of what they are, or claiming to do the opposite of what they really do… Nothing new here. “We save lives” = “we kill lives”. “Department of Defense” = “Department of Offense/Attack”. We need independent reviews, not paid spokespersons and profiteers.

    Those who profit off of AIDS can not be trusted and should not be listened to. This includes anyone who receives handouts from Big Pharm. Again, it always comes down to who you work for.

  455. First Jerry says the goons “with all their MONEY and INFLUENCE’ are making Cindi shut down this htread.

    Now he says the Colonels is an underpaid/unpaid goon.

    And then he says “Who cares who they are?’

    I care Steele. YOU made this utterly insane statememt, I am just asking who these goons are. YOU made this claim, as if it were a fact. So who are the GOONS that are shutting this down Jeremia Steele? YOU BOUGHT IT UP. Or were you just LYING again.
    And how is the lawsuit coming along Jerry?

    You realize how hard it is to beleive anything you say when you make statemtent like,,’GOONS…with their money and influence,,,are now pressuring her (CINDI) to capitulate” Those are YOUR WORDS Jerry. Who are these GOONS? NOBODY mentioned this here except YOU and CLARK. Who are these goons jerry.

    Better yet, CINDI have the goons gotten to you, as Jerry claims? Heve they used their money and influence to make you silence this thread? CINIDI, are you now on the big pharma,evil government conspiracy payroll?

  456. jeremysteele11 says:

    An effective brainwashing campaign will always create people working for free on top of the paid goons. Enough with your diversions. What do you think about Clark’s Tuskeegee experiment link? The lesson should always be to question authority. To paraphrase what Henry Kissinger once said, the truth is so mindblowing and all pervasive that you’d never believe it. He also said soldiers are nothing but “dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy”. How about I call you a soldier instead of a goon? Would that make you feel better?

    Question authority. Without more than one side of things you’re guaranteed to be brainwashed, even if by luck what you’ve been told happens to be true. But don’t believe anything. Verify!

  457. The Colonel says:

    Misadventures of Germy Steal continues:

    Germy Steal: How has somebody pointed out how I’ve spread lies? All some anonymous person said is that his wife is a colleague of Mr. Essex’s. Again, I ask, what does this prove?
    The Colonel: How come you believe whatever garbage you read on fringe blogs, including Clark Baker’s blogs, but when somebody comes across and admits that he personally knows Professor Essex you doubt him and accuse Professor Essex of sleeping with his wife? When it comes to believing what you read on the internet, where do you draw the line, you fool? The answer is you don’t. Your mind is so deluded that you can no longer distinguish the difference between reality and paranoia.

    Germy Steal: You can say I steal video cameras and beat women and everything else over and over and over.
    The Colonel: I’m making references to your shameful past. It’s not my fault you did these terrible things. You fucked up, it’s on you.

    Germy Steal: while claiming that all I’ve presented are not valid, despite the sources and links and testimony I’ve provided, including a Private Investigator and the Attorney who I spoke with who corroborated his claims in regards to an HIV-related crime being dismissed in court.
    The Colonel: Invalidity of your argument and claims have been proven on this thread, and the fact that you and your private dick butt buddy have no balls to back up your words with your actions and do the HIV positive test, speaks for itself. You’re a bunch of psychopathic trolls, and your rants don’t matter and amount to nothing.

    Germy Steal: You bailed out of this thread weeks ago. You don’t even know what the fucks been going on. Then you come waltzing back in like a bitch saying “enough is enough”.
    The Colonel: I come and go whenever I want; I don’t have to fucking answer to you.

    Germy Steal: You have both the ethos and acuity to work for one of these organizations which are as biased and hostile as you.
    The Colonel: You’re quite right, I work for The Illuminati, and my badge number is 666. My latest assignment is to silence you and beat you up like a punching bag, and they pay me a good salary for that. Today, I received a check for fucking with you over the past two days. I’ll be laughing all the way to the bank tomorrow first time in the morning. Thank you for your business, Germy Steal.

    Germy Steal: Wow, there’s a photo of me out there standing casually with a non-erect penis.
    The Colonel: And that photo happens to be in your performer profile on World Modeling Agency’s web site, where producers come to search for male performers. Do you really expect people to hire you for a porn scene after seeing the picture of your limb dick? No wonder you’ve been doing reverse bukkakes and jerk off scenes for gay companies lately, a whore’s gotta eat. Don’t worry, I’m thinking about spending some of the money The Illuminati sent to me for fucking with you and buy some Caverject for you for Christmas. I’m a generous man, you know.

    Germy Steal: And I’m not answering any questions of anyone who addresses me as “stool”.
    The Colonel: In that case, you have to respond to me, because I don’t call you Stool. I call you Steal, Germy Steal: The liar, the thief, the psychopath.

    Go ahead, hit “Submit Comment” button and fill up more space with more of your more-of-the-same bullshit. You’ve got until Sunday.


    YOU said that GOONs with money and influence are pressuring CINDI to close this thread. THOSE ARE YOUR WORDS.

    And now youre claiming that everyone else is BRAINWASHED.

    Who are these goons that are pressuring Cindi Steele?

    Jerry,,"I have been abused for so long" Steele, you are serously in need of psychiatric help

    And now you are projecting your paranoid delusions onto this thread,,,,"the wealty influencial goons are pressuring Cindi to close this thread" Do you not see the pure insanity that you are presenting here? The Colonel tried to tell you nicely, but this really appears to be getting serious.

    LUCKY,,,if you're reading this PLEASE, get him some help. I like to fuck with this guy, and I know all of this was his response to my posts.

    Seriously Jeremiah, it appears I pushed you a little to far and you've had a serious mental break, and for that I aplogize. I never intended to cause you such anguish. You can dish it out pretty good, I just didnt know that you couldnt take it as well.
    Reality will be here when you get back Jeremiah, but you wont get back here until you get real help.
    LUCKY, do what you know needs to be done, get him some help.

  459. The Colonel says:

    Joe Know says:

    ‘I like to fuck with this guy, and I know all of this was his response to my posts.’

    You’re right, Joe, I told him that in a previous comment. Germy Steal has jumped the sharks with both feet and has suffered a mental breakdown because of some brawling on a porn message board. What a tragedy. But Joe, you don’t have to feel guilty about it. This man was on the brink of mental breakdown for years, it was only a matter of time.

    R.I.P Germy Steal.

  460. Reader Email/Twitter says:

    Cindi Says “Goons with money have made Cindi shut down this thread” LMAO Guys, no one can MAKE me do anything (ask my husband or one of the many who have threatened to sue me over something on this site) I’m shutting this thread down because I want to. If goons offered me money to shut down this thread (anyone wanting to, start at $10,000, lol), I’d tell you about it.

  461. jeremysteele11 says:

    Shut up and get over the goon comment, already, you fools. You’re over-analyzing. Who cares?

    Hey Kernal, I came into Jim South’s office once, said I hadn’t updated photos in a while since I went and had a photo taken when I had a crazy mohawk, so he said he’d take them again. I asked him “Do I need a hard-on?” and he said “No. You’v been in the business for a while. It’s not necessary”, and then he took the shot, you jackass. I suppose if I got a hard-on for Jim South you’d accuse me of doing a gay solo, anyway.

    Max Essex got paid 41 million by Harvard. Someone says his wife is his collegue. What does this prove?

    Meanwhile, again, as Peter Deusberg pointed out:

    “William Haseltine and Max Essex, for example, who are two of the top five AIDS researchers in the country, have millions in stocks in a company they founded that has developed and will sell AIDS kits that test for HIV. How could they be objective?”


    The silence is still deafening on this one, you fuckin’ GOONS!

  462. jeremysteele11 says:

    Let’s do some cross-comparisons:

    Bush had oil ties and thus literally profitted from the war on terror.

    Cheney had ties to Halliburton and literally profitted from the war on terror.

    Bob Gallo and Myron Essex have millions in a stock in presumptive AIDS test kits and profit handsomely from the war on AIDS.

    “How can they be objective?”

    They aren’t.

    War is big business and requires casualities. Big Pharm pushes drugs that keep the war and their profits going indefinitely, while dishing out big money to doctors, politicians and foundations to keep everyone on the same ship.

  463. jeremysteele11 says:

    While my links for Frank regarding examples of Patients’ Non-Rights is on moderation:

    Dr. Luc Montagnier (Virologist and alleged discoverer of the supposed HIV at the Pasteur Institute in Paris): “There are too many defficiencies in the theory about HIV as the cause of all the signs related to AIDS”.

    Dr. Kary B. Mullis (Chemistry Nobel Prize in 1993 by inventing the PCR technique): “We couldn’t find any good reason for which most people on Earth believes AIDS is a disease caused by a virus called HIV. Simply there is no scientific evidence somewhere that demonstrates that this is true”.

    Dr. Heinrich Kremer (Chief Doctor of Clinic for young drugdependency in Berlin): “HIV is a virus which its genetic substance and proteins nobody has been able to isolate, therefore it doesn’t exist. Thus it is just a – Label – that Big Pharma has wisely profited from it for an unjustified social fear.

    Dr. Stefan Lanka (German virologist and genetist): “The AIDS virus doesn’t exist”.

    Dr. Roberto S. Root-Bernstein-Bernstein (Physiologist professor at the University of Michigan): “We have to reframe all the theory of AIDS because it doesn’t sustain on any valid scientfic column”.

    Dr. Roger Cunningham (Immunologist, microbiologist and director of Ernst Witsky Center at the University of New York State in Buffalo): “It seems to have formed a dirigent class that pretends to discourage all scientists that defies the AIDS dogma and insist in discredit any ideas from people who doesn’t agree with such dogma”.

    Prof. Richard Strohman (Cellular Biology Professor at the University of California in Berkeley): “In ancient times it was mandatory that a scientist proved that his hypothesis was correct. Nowadays there is not such thing in the HIV-AIDS standard program, despite all its billions of dollars”.

    Dr. Serge Lang (Mathematics Professor at the University of Yale): “I do not believe there is a causal relationship between HIV and any other known disease. I have seen a considerable number of statistics very misleading about HIV and AIDS that have been considered as scientifical. The heads of the scientific dirigent class have joined unfortunately, if not irresponsibly, to the mass media outlets spreading wrong information regarding to the nature of AIDS”.

    Dr. Harry Rubin (Professor of Cellular and Molecular Biology of University of California in Berkeley): “It has not been proved that AIDS is caused by the infection of HIV”.

    Dr. Steven Jonas (Preventive Medicine Professor from Suny Stony Brook, NY): “Evidences that the original theory of HIV is wrong are accumulating rapidly”.

    Dr. Harvey Bialy (Molecular Biologist and Editor of Biotechnology): “HIV is an ordinary retrovirus. It is not true that this virus be special. All that is discovered about HIV has an analogue in other retroviruses that do not cause AIDS. HIV contains too little genetic information and there is not a way that can be made all theses elaborated things they say it does”.

    Dr. Gordon Stewart (Professor of Public Health at the University of Glasgow): “AIDS is a multifactorial and conductivist disease caused by simultaneous tensions over the immune system like drugs, diseases of sexual transmission and multiple viral infections”.

    Dr. Charles Thomas (Professor of Biochemistry at the Universities of Harvard and John Hopkins): “The HIV dogma that causes AIDS is the biggest and perhaps morally the most destructive fraud ever perpetrated in the western world”.

    Dr. Joseph Sonnabend (Doctor from New York and founder of the American Foundation for the Investigation of AIDS – AmFAR -): “The commercialization of HIV through press releases and declarations, like a killer virus that causes HIV without the need the factors, have distorded both the research and the treatment, that has been able to cause thousands of people to suffer and die”.

    Dr. Etienne de Harven (Professor of Pathology at the University of Toronto): “Dominated by the media outlets, by the pressure of special groups and the interests of pharmaceutical companies, the efforts established to control the disease have lost contact with the close revision and open mind of the medical science, since the never proven theory of HIV/AIDS received 100% of research funds, while all the other hypotheses were ignored”.

    Dr. Bernard Forscher (Former editor of the U.S. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences): “The HIV dogma is a scam that has become a fraud”.

  464. Well said, Jeremy:

    Any objective person who reviews this thread will see that you and I have answered ALL questions posted by Frank’s tiny band of trolls. In turn, I have asked TWO simple questions that they refuse to answer:

    1. WHEN, WHERE, HOW and WHO proved that HIV a) attacks cells and b) causes AIDS?

    2. Why do Frank’s trolls defend – and why should we believe – an industry that paid $9 billion (since 2004) to settle thousands of criminal and civil complaints related to the illegal marketing of drugs that kill or injure thousands of people around the world every year? (See comments #28, 60, 63, 65, 203, 263, 284, 461, 470.)

    We have linked most of our answers directly to peer-reviewed medical and scientific reports or web pages that link to those peer-reviewed reports. Anyone who wishes to contact me can find me.

    Except for trolls who anonymously alleged that they’re married to people who know a Harvard pet doctor named Essex (#470), Frank’s trolls have linked to nothing to support their allegations or credentials.

    As for their cynical demand to know who is pressuring Cindi, that’s tough to do when Frank’s trolls don’t identify themselves. Their pressure (vitriol, hate, derision, contempt and epithets) against you is apparent throughout this thread.

    This Q & A illustrates how journalists and editors are pressured to spike stories and why interviews like this end up on industry blogs rather than the mainstream press (as we discussed during the interview).

  465. jeremysteele11 says:

    sorry i meant Frank, not Larry, two comments back.. i also meant in that comment that Christine had to fight the State from taking her HIV- negative son away from her.

    Btw, where are Kernal’s irrelevent lies to combat these truths? After all if you dont stand for something you’ll fall for anything, right? All all these doctors above crazy, too?

  466. The Colonel says:

    Jeremy Steele says:

    ‘I came into Jim South’s office once, said I hadn’t updated photos in a while since I went and had a photo taken when I had a crazy Mohawk, so he said he’d take them again. I asked him “Do I need a hard-on?” and he said “No. You’ve been in the business for a while. It’s not necessary”, and then he took the shot.’

    Buffoon, you were taking a picture for your performer profile, what a performer in a porn scene is supposed to do, Germy Steal? He’s supposed to get his dick hard, keep it hard, fuck for 45 to 60 minutes and cum on demand. So if there is any place that you have to take a picture with your hard dick, it’s on your performer profile. Producers come and go to this industry every day. How are they supposed to just know everybody? What do you think a modeling agency is for?

    That senile old man Jim South wanted to get rid of you quickly and told you that you don’t need to get your dick hard and you accepted that. Fool, the reason he told you that is because he knows you have erectile dysfunctional problem and it takes forever for you to get your dick hard and once it’s hard, you’re gonna lose it in a blink of an eye. That’s why he thought to himself: Fuck this guy, let’s just take the damn picture and get over it. And you believed him, just like you believe all the lies that fired cop/private dick Clark Baker tells you. You are a fool, Germy Steal, a fool, a liar and a thief. Go pull off a Steve Driver and jump off a cliff.

    P.S: Tick, tock, your time is running out. You have until Sunday to fill up this thread with your bullshit and continue to respond to yourself.

  467. Larry Horse says:

    Steele, I thought for a minute that AIDS activist Larry Kramer got involved(he still alive?) As bad as Steele’s HIV rant has become its still better than original Luke and his bogus moral leader…being Luke himself aka Chaim Amielek, even had a myspace page. I also dont miss Luke’s whining and hypochondria. He was a hell of a reporter, though Cindi is his match…and she doesnt piss people off. NL- Thank you so much Larry!

  468. jeremysteele11 says:

    Hey Scumbag, what does idiotic claims of erectile dysfunction from a self-proclaimed “vicious” coward that you have to do with, say, the 16 above listed doctors who dispute HIV and AIDS dogma?

    It’s very simple. There were already OTHER pictures on file of me with a hard cock. The ONLY reason I was updating my photo was because the last one taken was of me with a larger gut and a mohawk. Let me repeat myself, you idiot: There were other pictures of me on the site with a hard cock. If I got my cock hard for Jim South you’d certainly accuse me of being gay. Why do you have to make up lies about wood issues to defend what you believe is true? This makes no sense, whatsoever.

  469. jeremysteele11 says:

    Hey Scumbag, what does idiotic claims of erectile dysfunction from a self-proclaimed “vicious” coward that you are have to do with, say, the 16 above listed doctors who dispute HIV and AIDS dogma?

    It’s very simple. There were already OTHER pictures on file of me with a hard cock. The ONLY reason I was updating my photo was because the last one taken was of me with a larger gut and a mohawk. Let me repeat myself, you idiot: There were other pictures of me on the site with a hard cock. If I got my cock hard for Jim South you’d certainly accuse me of being gay. Why do you have to make up irrelevent lies about wood issues to defend what you believe is true? This makes no sense, whatsoever.

  470. jeremysteele11 says:

    Thanks Larry…

    Here are some exerpts from Nancy Turner Banks book: “AIDS, Opium, Diamonds and Empire” which I highly recommend to everyone:

    Violating all principles of safty in human experimentation, the FDA quickly approved azidothymidine (AZT)… within an unimaginably short time frame and without a real placebo controlled double blinded study, a shelved cancer causing drug… was approved for use in “AIDS” patients. This drug simply finished what the fast tract life style and use of amyl nitrate, T/S (Sulfamethoxazole), and multiple other drugs these young men were taking had started- an immune imbalance as the result of an oxidative alteration in the cellular redox potential and toxic suppression of their mitochondrial energy production at the cellular level. IV-drug users and hemophiliacs, both of whom were highly toxic from the long use of oxidative stressors, were thrown in for good measure and a bit of diversion… Both IV-drug users and hemophiliacs were immune stressed from long-term use of foreign proteins (hemophiliacs), and the injection of foreign substances, immunosuppressive opiates and in the case of drug addicts, poor nutrition and repeat and chronic infections. To act dumbfounded and confused by looking for a single viral etiology of multiple diseases in the face of this “new” medical crises was a brilliant diversionary tactic. This was an astounding break from precedent. Viruses have very little genetic material and it was known that one virus was associated with only one disease. Now one virus would be claimed as the cause of multiple diseases- even diseases claimed to be caused by other viruses!…

    The original papers published in Science on which rests the entire AIDS industry, were subsequently found to have a significant number of unreported deletions and alterations that made the claim of viral isolation an absolute fraud (source provided: Janice Roberts, Fear of the Invisible; How Scared Should We Be of Viruses and Vaccines, HIV and AIDS? – Impact Investigative Media Productions, 2008)…
    What has not been reported until recently (and this is a blockbuster), is that on page 3 of the same document, Gallo also deleted Popovic’s unambiguous statement that “despite intensive research efforts, the causative agent of AIDS has not yet been identified”…

  471. The Colonel says:

    Why did you post the same comment twice, Germy Steal, you delusional lying fuck? Perhaps you’re trying to add more comments to your stupid thread and make it up to 500. A 42 year old man with absolutely nothing, and I mean nothing to show for in life, except for the number of comments on a thread in a porn news/gossip web site; and it even gets better: More than half of those comments are written by himself, and throughout the entire comments, there is not even one comment by anybody who says he/she has been remotely convinced by this bullshit, except for garbage written by Clark Baker, the interviewee, and his gang of thugs Brian Carter and Dr. Hope. Everybody else has condemned, rejected and ridiculed this nonsense wholeheartedly. Even you don’t believe in what you say, that’s why you didn’t accept to do the HIV positive experiment.

    You visited some fringe blogs and from there, copied and pasted some crap about 16 doctors who dispute HIV and AIDS. Let me ask you something, will any one of them will agree to put his money where his mouth is and produce a documentary in which he will be injected with HIV positive blood in front of a rolling camera and chronicles his HIV exposure on film? I asked you and Clark Baker this question one month ago, and you couldn’t answer. I’ll bet those *doctors* can’t answer that, either. There goes the credibility of your psycho blabbering. Talk is cheap, Germy Steal, and so are you, you closet homosexual limb dick piss mope.

    In the end, all I can say is: Thank you for the entertainment, you foolish tool.

  472. jeremysteele11 says:

    More from N.T. Banks, p.35-37:

    It has been almost a hundred years since Abraham Flexner, who had never set foot inside of a medical school, was called on to produce a document for Rockefeller and Carnegie interests evaluating the teaching of medicine in the U.S. He prepared a report in 1910 that is know as the Flexner Report on Medical Education in the United States and Canada: A Report to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. By 1918, of 650 medical schools, only 50 remained- mainly those who would agree to promote pharmaceutical drugs as the mainstay of therapy.

    The report did point out many of the inadequacies of medical education at the time, and it proposed changes, some of which were sound. But from the beginning the emphasis was placed on pharmacology, radiation and surgery. All other modes of therapy that would in any way compete with this model would thereafter be branded as “quackery”, even when and especially if they worked. Of course, the Carnegie and Rockefeller people made sure that they only hired to the top positions of the medical campuses those who by temperament and interest were ideal propagators of the drug-oriented “science” that dominates American medicine.

    The end result of this report was to congeal the “philanthopy” of the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations into a money mafia and radical monopoly that crushed healing modalities that would not subscribe to their use of chemical drugs and their “scientific medicine.” Rockefeller and Carnegie money was used to develop medical schools that are experts at psychological conditioning of white coat repeaters who have been trained by long years of study and chronic fatigue to engage comfortably in totalitarian behaviors that would be criminal without the sanction of the State. Their role is handmaiden to the pyramidal pharmaceutical industry whose goals they are unwittingly trained to serve.

    Enormous iatrogenic mischief and health damage have been caused by intentionally creating a widespread belief among ordinary people that they can not cope with their own illnesses except by calling on the ministrations of a trained and duly state licensed medical “expert.” As a result, many aspects of traditional folk medicine, homeopathy, and naturopathy are shunned by people who continually seek relief only from the neighborhood pharmacy with its various patented nostrums. The loss of faith in the healing power of nature and a dose of common sense has given the medical and pharmaceutical industries a license to kill and the money to buy get out of jail free cards. The pharmaceutical industry literally gets away from murder by spending massive amounts of excess profits lobbying politicians at every level to ensure their indemnity from adverse consequences of their products. As a result, over 100,000 Americans are killed on an annal basis by their products. Over the last ten years, about 3,000 Americans have died from terrorist attacks, but during the same period over a million people died as a consequence of taking a pharmaceutical drug.

    The medical profession’s drive to restrain people’s health freedom extended to the AMA’s (American Medical Association) call for legislation that would challenge home birth (which has been proven safe) by women and could result in criminal child abuse or neglect charges leveled against them. Children have been snatched from parents who refused vaccinations or a recommended medical therapy, especially toxic and deadly HIV drugs… Government allocation of police powers to public health officials to enforce mandatory vaccinations have given drug companies the assurance of predictable rising profits- more of the “free market” at work.

    This is a prime example of how the so called free enterprise system uses the state to insure its profitability at the expense of the most vulnerable population. Forced use of drugs and vaccines on children is coercive, draconian, and patently anti-democratic and unconstitutional health policy. Giving the state authority and access where it does not belong- in the most sacred of spaces, your blood stream- is a creeping encroachment of individual sovereignty. The power that the state has allocated to the pharmaceutical industry now threatens our privacy, our liberty and the biological integrity of future generations…

  473. jeremysteele11 says:

    That repeat comment was a computer error, you fag. You’re the one spending your spare time looking me up and staring at my dick while fantasizing the reasons I stood at half staff.

    Comment # 495 and counting!

  474. jeremysteele11 says:

    You’re also the same deranged fag, Kernal, who used to always tell people here on LIB, including males, to suck your “deck”, as you used to spell it.

    Have fun at the Six Fags Fag-a-rama ride, with its special big butt-plugging seat that shoots you up in the air! You, Frank and Joe can all ride together and hold hands.

    Comment #496 and counting!

  475. The Colonel says:

    Jeremy Steele says:

    ‘You’re the one spending your spare time looking me up and staring at my dick while fantasizing the reasons I stood at half staff.’

    What are the reasons for not getting your dick hard, Germy Steal, except for the fact that you have erectile dysfunctional problem. Perhaps it has affected your brain, too. That explains why you jumped the sharks with both feet.

    And you are lying about that comment being posted twice because of a computer error. You did it yourself to add more comments to your stupid thread. Here you go, another comment on your thread:

    Suck. My. Deck.

  476. jeremysteele11 says:

    More from N.T. Banks, M.D.-

    The epithet denialist is used liberally as a derisive charactrization. To protect a racket, the nature of public debate must be limited from access by the people whose lives are most affected… Although billions have been spent on HIV research looking for this virus, it simply can not be found. The most obscure technology is used to dazzle the public and hide the fact that the virus has never been isolated… the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) 1994 AIDS Testing Manual… states, “The virus can not be detected directly by conventional molecular biology techniques.”…

    Half of the planets six billion people go to bed hungry each night, not because the planet lacks resources but because those whom we have allowed to lead us are soulless creatures driven by greed and lack both compassion and imagination…

    The drug epidemic has its roots in the British East India Company… The rise of capitalism was financed by enormous drug profits the BEIC “earned” by addicting the Chinese to opium. Once the European and American elites entered the drug trade, they never left it. These drugs were massively imported into the West until the Vietnam era. As a coda to the Vietnam War, the tide turned, and the drugs that fomerly flowed eastward now flowed westward… Without drugs and drug economies, financial capitalism, in its present state, could not have come into being.

    Although the U.S. spends more per capita on health care than any other country on the plant, it ranks 50th of 223 countries in terms of life expectancy…

    Ivan Illich observed thirty years ago that iatrogenic medicine is a “radical monopoly which feeds upon itself… it reinforces a morbid society in which the social control of the population by the medical system turns into a principle economic activity.”…

    Like the banking cartels created at Bretton Woods need ever expanding markets and manufactured wars to keep their debt-based fiat monetary system alive, the allopathic medical cartel needs manufactured diseases to sustain the profits they have come to enjoy. It is such an imbalanced system that it disseminates false information about the nature of some pathologies under the rubric of scientific method and uses the power of government agencies such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to limit consumer access to information about the benefits of natural products and appropriate biological compensatory therapies…

  477. jeremysteele11 says:

    I don’t care if you think or advocate the hypothesis that I have erectile dysfunction due to a photo you found of me with a flaccid phallus. Nor do I care if you think I’m a homosexual because I’ve done nude solo photo shoots. None of these diversion excursions have anything to do with evidence we have of the sinister Carnegie and Rockefeller created and controlled medical mafia which has turned good Americans into sickly drug addicts in the name of “health care”.

    We’re a pirate corporation nation selling skull and crossbone labeled “therapy” drugs to sick and even healthy people. I ain’t no tennis ball and I refuse to be knocked around by any medical racket.

    Comment #499 and counting! How about that, Justin!

  478. jeremysteele11 says:

    I feel like I’m back in college, working late, last minute to finish an independent study paper.

    more excerpts, p. 49-50:

    After the Gallo-Heckler announcement, an AIDS industry was created that has given employment to thousands. For starters, Reagan released about a billion dollars to give the AIDS private sector industry more government money for the development of their “free enterprise” anti-retroviral drug products. Suddenly, old cancer virus hunters from the National Cancer Institute whose work was dwindling as a result of the failed cancer/virus theory became AIDS researchers. Years and billions of dollars have been spent trying to find this virus in the immune cells that the virus is claimed to be killing. Big problem- among the HIV positive, less than one in 1,000 of their CD4 immune cells normally show any “signs” of possible infection (source: Bard Rosak, et al., “Correlates of Latent and Productive HIV Type 1 Infection in Tonsillar CD4+ Cells” 19 August 1997 PNAS, v.94(17):9332-9336)… they never isolated a virus. What they were calling HIV was nothing more than certain cellular characteristics and activities of cells in a laboratory setting produced under very special conditions… the proteins claimed to be specific to HIV can be found at some level in everybody (source: Giraldo, Robert, “Everybody reacts positive on the Elisa test for HIV”, Continuum, Midwinter 1998/9)…

    AIDS is not a mistake… It is no less than an act of war. HIV/AIDS is a false construct patched together with sloppy science used by former Nixon’s War on Cancer virus hunters to transition from one failed medical venture to a new money pit. Overnight, a virus type that was said to cause cell proliferation (cancer) was now claimed to cause cell death (AIDS). It was a lazy and profitable way of explaining the body’s response to physiological pro-oxidative stressors that overwhelm the function of the intracellular energy factories, or mitochondria. It is a politically useful tool employed by the recurrent destructive energy predictably arising from an underground cesspool of utilitarian eugenics misfits. It is at best an idea promoted to cloud the consequences of elite high crimes and economic exploitation as they create new and enlarging markets to stay ahead of their expanding empire of debt. Sooner or later every imperial structure becomes too big and too expensive for its own creators to maintain…

    My notes: Regarding the last sentence above by Mrs.
    Banks. Just like any evil leader or abusive power, eventually through their laziness, arrogance and assumptions they step too far and they finally get outed and put in their place. This is my hope and purpose for writing, keeping in my mind that AHF’s attempt to control and violate the porn industry’s freedom of choice based on sloppy science sponsored by Big Pharm. REMEMBER FOLKS: BIG PHARM CAUSES BIG HARM!

    Comment #500!!!! I’M ON TOP OF THE WORLD!!!!

    Again (as if I’m on stage during the Oscars), I want to thank Joe Don’t Know… Without his abuse, none of this would have happened!

  479. Reader Email/Twitter says:

    COMMENTS CLOSED. Thank you all for your debate on this issue.

  480. jeremysteele11 says:

    BAAH-HA-HA-HA-HAAAA! Thanks Cindi for opening up this record thread again (Sorry Joe, Frank and Colonel), as there is some new news on the front:

    I just got this email from Clark Baker

    FYI: NBC-affiliate KSN is running this story
    on OMSJ’s appeal of the David Gutierrez case.
    My affidavit is posted here, along with those of Nancy Banks MD and Rodney Richards PhD.
    The story won’t make a difference to the trolls, but it finally corroborates our work and legitimacy.
    Clark Baker CPI #26869


    My reply:

    Thanks. Good to know. And I look forward to reading all the affidavits. I watched the news link. No surprise they don’t address the fact that the HIV testing science is a fraud.

    Clark’s response:

    I was in Indianapolis last Tuesday to depose a director of the Indiana Dept. of Health, Joan Duwve MD, who was called as the prosecution’s HIV expert in the Tony Perkins case. After blathering about her expertise and declaring that Perkins is HIV+, we asked if she’d ever read the test label information.

    A No.

    Q Would it make a difference if you learned that the test used to identify Perkins as HIV+ was recalled by the FDA?

    A NO(!)

    After we checkmated her on 70+ other points, she finally admitted that she was not an expert on HIV testing and could not answer further questions about testing.

    Donna and Joan demonstrate why goons attack us on blogs – they can’t afford to have their experts testify under penalty of perjury.

    We’ve got some important cases coming up – we’re VERY busy.

    I plan to post the full transcripts of the experts we depose so that your readers will understand how moronic HIV experts really are.


  481. jeremysteele11 says:

    Btw, there have been some MAJOR solar flares and it is causing people to flare up major as well!

  482. jeremysteele11 says:

    As PHd Rodney Richards’ affidavit states (see pdf above),

    “In short, the standard lingo “HIV test,””testing HIV positive,” or a “confirmatory test for HIV,” is a complete and total misnomer, because none of these tests confirm the actual presence of the virus in a patient’s sample. As such, all diagnoses of HIV infection in patients are presumptive based on their risk factors, immune status, and clinical condition (actual health) in combination with other indirect diagnostic evidence…”

    And, as Clark notes regarding the defense questioning of the prosecution’s “HIV expert” witness:

    “After blathering about her expertise and declaring that Perkins is HIV+, we asked if she’d ever read the test label information.

    A No.

    Q Would it make a difference if you learned that the test used to identify Perkins as HIV+ was recalled by the FDA?

    A NO(!)

    After we checkmated her on 70+ other points, she finally admitted that she was not an expert on HIV testing and could not answer further questions about testing.”

    Look, I understand that for years people believed the world was flat. And to this day many believe that JFK was killed by Oswald. I know it is as shocking as it is to a kid who discovers that it isn’t Santa Claus who leaves gifts under the Christmas tree, but one day we must face the facts, regardless of what it is we have been (mis)lead to believe for years and years and years and years!

  483. Gee, Jeremy. It looks like WISH-TV has cottoned on to the fact that Clark Baker is a self-promoting loon, and as a result they have now pulled the article you linked about Tony Perkins’ bid to have his conviction overturned.

    now gets a “Page Not Found” message.

    WISH-TV have replaced it with this one, deleting all references to Clark Baker and his fantasy organization:

    Note that the person referred to as a “Colorado doctor” in the rewritten story is Clark’s friend and notorious AIDS denialist Rodney Richards, who is not a physician and has no medical qualifications at all.

  484. jeremysteele11 says:

    “cottoned on”, Frank? Are you on meds? The article you linked only says that The accused predator says he doesn’t have HIV. There’s no mention of a Rodney Richards, and even if were true as you claim that Richards has no “medical qualifications” as you say, there are scores of qualified medicine men with advanced degress in science who have pointed out that HIV/AIDS science is a scam. And what are your medical qualifications? Even Robert Gallo, himself, who was found guilty of scientific misconduct twice and only barely avoided prison time (based on the politically controlled scientific Warren-like commision who cleared him criminally based on the conclusion that Gallo’s doctored data wasn’t proven to have been intentional. Duesberg has already addressed this issue, pointing out that when one abaondon’s scientific procedure, there is is an obvious conscious intention to mislead for personal and professional gain.

    The truth is, the likes of you are nervous, and you’re trying to act “Ha ha. We got ya”, which is a complete lie… That’s precisely why this issue won’t die. It can only, as you desperately hope, be buried and ignored by the mainstream, politically controlled corporate media.

    The simple fact is there is no gold standard for HIV testing. Different labs use different arbitrary, unproven markers to determine “HIV+” status (and it is obviously unproven, otherwise all labs would make determinations based on the same markers). “House of Numbers” explains this clearly. Michael Whiteacre has seen it and agrees. This AIDS thing has been an ongoing genocidal big money hu$tle, with Big Pharm making billions pushing overpriced death “medicine” (skull and crossbones on the label!) based on bogus diagnoses. It’s obviously bogus. Different criteria for what’s supposedly positive means that a “+” test in one place will mean a “-” somewhere else! You’re the same liar who claimed that when Luc Montangnier said you can get rid of HIV with diet and exercise in a couple of weeks and with no need for deadly drugs, that he was supposedly taken out of context. Yeah right. When someone says 2+2 does not = 5, he is being taken out of context, right?

    How much longer do you think your charade is gonna go on? Maybe it’ll keep going on and on, but don’t try to act like you got the facts on your side. Just keep on hoping the masses with continue to blindly trust medical authorities and not do the research.

    Experts for the prosecution have been on the stand and they are losing.

  485. jeremysteele11 says:

    “Clark Baker and his fantasy organization”:

    His organization (Office of Medical and Scientific Justice) is real. It has been used in court. If it has been proven to be a fraud (or “fantasy organization” as you call it) then certainly an article would alert us all to this important discovery. Fraud is a serious charge and we should all know about it, you scumbag! And the multi-billion dollar genocidal fraud you’ve been part of is being taken to court as we speak.

    The media might be repressing OMSJ for political reasons, but if he was proven to be a fraud that would be big news!

  486. jeremysteele11 says:

    Sorry I didn’t complete this sentence… follow
    “…” at the end…

    Even Robert Gallo, himself, who was found guilty of scientific misconduct twice and only barely avoided prison time (based on the politically controlled scientific Warren-like commision who cleared him criminally based on the conclusion that Gallo’s doctored data wasn’t proven to have been intentional. Duesberg has already addressed this issue, pointing out that when one abaondon’s scientific procedure, there is is an obvious conscious intention to mislead for personal and professional gain)… admitted that HIV needs “co-factors” to cause AIDS.

    A mega-money monster was created in the 80s with Gallo’s “HIV=AIDS” proclamation. Since then, he went on trial for “scientific misconduct” and the guy Gallo stole his lab sample from (Luc Montangnier) has said HIV might be harmless and that it can be ridden from the body in a couple of weeks without drugs.

  487. Jeremy if you are too ignorant to know what an expression like “cotton on” means, why not look it up rather than assume someone is on drugs?

    cotton on: to begin to understand a situation or fact.

    If you are in any doubt about Rodney Richards’ lack of any medical qualifications, why not consult the pdf you posted yourself in comment #503? Didn’t you read it before you posted it?

    And no, it was no me who claimed that Montagnier was taken out of context – it was Montagnier himself:

    ““My statement—taken out of its context in a film that glorifies the “Dissidents” and posted on Internet by a website that is searching for polemical debate—is based on observations I made while I was director of the Centre of reference on AIDS virology at the Pasteur Institute…”

    Are you calling Montagnier a liar?

  488. jeremysteele11 says:

    I’ve never heard of cottoned on, but thanks. I’ll make sure not to use that, anyway, as no one else does.

    Rodney Richards, as stated in his sworn affidavit is an expert according to Kansas Law. I presumed you had some link which claimed he is not an expert. Regardless, HIV experts for the prosecution are buckling under cross-examination and forced to admit HIV tests don’t test for HIV, are presumptive and depend on other presumptive tests to “confirm” a “positive” status.

    And please provide a link to this Montagnier claim that he is now saying he was taken out of context when he warned that drugs are not needed to fight HIV, that it can be eradicated with diet and clean water within two weeks, and that this kind of news is not what Anthony Fauci and his cohorts want to hear. Certainly Fauci wouldn’t want to hear this. It’s really, really bad for business and all who profit from AIDS “medicine” and “research”. I would love to read how Montagnier allegedly explains himself.. in detail. Was he hallucinating when he said it? What DID he mean when he said those things? It’s definitely possible, that, under pressure from his peers who profit greatly off the status quo, he may have to now say “I didn’t quite mean it that way”… after all, he could end up like Duesberg and lose grants and money, etc and get ostracized from the scientific community for being so politically incorrect/HONEST! That’s politics as much as Obama saying before being elected President that he believes marijuana should be legalized, and then, after getting elected, doing a 180 degree turn on that stance.

  489. jeremysteele11 says:

    Here’s the Montagnier interview for anyone who missed it:

    Q: “So if you have a good immune system, then your body can naturally get rid of HIV?”

    A: (Montagnier) “Yes.”

    No edit/cuts between the question and answer, folks! How… was… he… taken… out… of…. context?

  490. jeremysteele11 says:

    Btw, I’m reading Henry David Thoreau’s “Walden”, a real gem, and would like to share this excerpt which I, but minutes ago, read:

    “It is never too late to give up our prejudices. No way of thinking or doing, however ancient, can be trusted without proof. What everybody echoes or in silence passes by as true to-day may turn out to be falsehood to-morrow, mere smoke of opinion, which some had trusted for a cloud that would sprinkle fertilizing rains on their fields…”

    And keep in mind Thoreau lived well before the current endless blitzkrieg of t.v. and billboard brain-washing announcements paid for by the multi-billion dollar AID$ industry!

  491. “…this Montagnier claim that he is now saying he was taken out of context when he warned that drugs are not needed to fight HIV, that it can be eradicated with diet and clean water within two weeks…”

    Jeremy, watch the whole interview. Montagnier is talking about the body getting rid of HIV following exposure but before chronic infection is established a few weeks later:

    “I think this (treating oxidative stress) is one way to approach, to decrease the rate of transmission, because I believe HIV we can be exposed to HIV many times without being chronically infected, our immune system can get rid of the virus within a few weeks, if you have a good immune system.”

    While it remains to be seen whether Montagnier’s theory that treating oxidative stress might make a difference to the chances that an exposure to HIV will result in chronic infection, his observation that many exposures do not result in chronic infection (HIV positive status on completed diagnostic algorithms) should be no news to anyone familiar with HIV transmission.

    Many factors affect the chances of chronic infection following exposure to HIV: the viral load of the infected partner, the type of sex, the presence of genital ulcers or other infections, ones genetics. Using antiretroviral post exposure prophylaxis at the right time can reduce the chances of chronic infection by 80%.

    But once chronic infection is established it is permanent. No one who has been chronically infected with HIV has ever cleared their infection through diet and clean water. Nor has Montagnier ever made such a claim.

    Denialists such as yourself make up ridiculous claims, and characteristically attribute them to actual scientists. That is a double dishonesty.

  492. Jeremy:

    I have two words that will explain why trolls like Frank make noise:


    If you Google her name, you’ll see that she “is the Medical Director of the AHF Magic Johnson Oakland and San Francisco clinics and is board certified in Internal Medicine.”

    Pretty impressive, huh? Sure – until you watch her deposition from Sept 3, 2010. Starting at page 90, her own lawyer admits that she isn’t an expert.

    When that case is settled, OMSJ will post her videotaped deposition; which is outrageous enough to pave the way for a class action lawsuit against both clinics – and any clinic that hires her.

    (Google “negligent retention”).

    This is why AHF pays anonymous trolls like Frank to bully you on websites like this. Until he proves his expertise, we can safely assume that he knows less than the celebrated Dr. Wilson.

  493. jeremysteele11 says:

    Stop playing games, Frank. I asked you to “please provide a link to this Montagnier claim that he is now saying he was taken out of context”.. HE should explain HOW he was allegedly taken out of context, not you. You’ve seen the video. There’s no cut ‘n pasting going on, nor any manipulative conversation. You’re the denialist, not I. There are so many things you deny about HIV/AIDS, but that’s self-evidently in your self-interest, sort of like proving to the industrial military complex that there were never any WMDs in Iraq.

    Btw, a friend who’s been reading this thread just sent me this message w/link:

    “Frank states that no one who is chronically infected with “AIDS” has ever been cured. Wrong again! Read this if you haven’t seen it:

    So it’s all in the immune system to knock out this little retro-virus (which can only be theorized and not actually found), and those who can’t be cured are obviously the ones who have compromised immune systems due to heavy drug use, etc., as well as the toxic effects associated with aids drugs, and no interest in improving health. Such results lead to the infection of hepatitis, sarcoma, and a whole list of the other diseases associated with aids.”

  494. Jeremy, why must you and your denialist friends tell such obvious lies about what other people say? First Montagnier, and now me:

    “Frank states that no one who is chronically infected with “AIDS” has ever been cured. Wrong again!”

    No, Jeremy. I said “No one who has been chronically infected with HIV has ever cleared their infection through diet and clean water.”

    Timothy Ray Brown essentially had his entire immune system removed and replaced by a transplant from a donor who, luck would have it, was genetically resistant to HIV, as part of a radical treatment for an otherwise incurable leukemia.

    That’s not “diet and clean water”.

  495. jeremysteele11 says:

    As I said Frank, please provide a link of Luc Montagnier’s assertion that he was taken out of context in the “House of Numbers” documentary as well as explaining HOW!

  496. “As I said Frank, please provide a link of Luc Montagnier’s assertion…”

    Jeremy, you are not only dishonest, you are lazy. Here, Let Me Google that for you.

    Most of these web pages carrying the quote are AIDS denialist sites trying frantically to twist Montagnier’s assertion, which was made to a French conspiracy theory magazine.

    But no matter how you slice it, Montagnier himself said that he was “taken out of context”.

    So please stop your lies. It’s boring and stupid.

  497. jeremysteele11 says:

    I may be lazy at times Frank, but I am not dishonest. You’re on the side that profits mightily from dishonesty. Remember the “scientific misconduct” proceedings for Mr. Gallo?

    Wow, that’s a neat little link gizmo you got there. Thanks.

    Is this all Montagnier has to say- that he was “taken out of context” HOW? This is an outrage no matter how you look at it, no matter what you believe about HIV/AIDS. What did he mean when he said this kind of information is something Anthony Fauci doesn’t want you to know? Did he ever clarify that statement, as well?

    This is like when the POONTALK asshole kept telling me “You can’t write that. It’s politically incorrect. It’s fine for me to endlessly trash you, but you can’t speak your honest opinions about anyone/thing else because it’s bad for business if you upset someone”, to paraphrase.

    Clark Baker addresses Luc’s backtracking:

    … which includes the Perth Group Response:

    According to the HIV theory of AIDS healthy people with competent immune systems (normal levels of T4 cells) get infected with HIV and this infection causes the acquired immune deficiency (AID=low T4 cell count) that leads to AIDS. However, Montagnier says that people with competent immune systems get rid of HIV within a few weeks. In other words only people with immune deficiency develop what he labels as “chronic” HIV infection. If the people who get infected with HIV are already immune suppressed then what is the role of HIV in AIDS?

    According to all the HIV experts, once infected with a retrovirus, always infected. This is because the retroviral RNA is reverse transcribed into DNA which is then incorporated into the host genome (DNA). Once in the host DNA it cannot be removed by any means. This is why HIV infection is incurable. As retrovirologist Harold Varmus said in 1998, “Trying to rid the body of a virus whose genome is incorporated into the host genome may be impossible”. So Montagnier has to explain how “general health measures”, which we assume equate to clean water, sanitation, a good diet and medical services, are able to excise approximately 9 thousand specific bases from the human genome while managing to leave all the rest intact.

    If general health measures can remove these particular 9 Kbases after “a few weeks” then why not also after a few months? Or twelve months? Or twelve years?

    If general health measures, which have no toxicities, can remove the HIV DNA, why are doctors using ARVs with all their toxicities? And why are millions of dollars being spent on vaccine research?

    The Perth Group
    26 January 2010

  498. jeremysteele11 says:

    When’s Frank n’ Beans gonna fart out some more knowledge for us?

  499. Hey Frank – Did you ever ask Lisha what she was doing on Sept 3 2010?

  500. jeremysteele11 says:

    I see Clark Baker’s comment 523 is in regards to comment 516, which I just saw for the first time now… must’ve been in suspended animation.

    Yeah, it looks like Lisha Wilson is a part of the “Magic” trick.

  501. brothersun says:

    For people first hearing about the HIV-hoax in this interview, I think it’s important to first watch Dr Gary Null’s documentary “Deconstructing the Myth of AIDS” so that you can hear it from 12 MDs (2 of which are Noble prize recipients for their research in cancer and cell biology, respectively). That way you will see that this topic is not one that Clark came up with out of the blue, but is one supported by highly respected and capable medical scientists. What sets them apart is that they are true scientists and value the truth more than financial gain. Just listen to their analysis with an open mind, and I think you’ll hear that their words have the ring of truth.

  502. jeremysteele11 says:

    Thanks, Brothersun.

  503. jeremysteele11 says:

    And Whiteacre, who also advocates the documentary “House of Numbers” about the HIV/AIDS scam, has pointed out how Tim Tritch = Joe Know. The shit people do when the rug gets lifted and all the dirt underneath is shown…

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