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Today is 10.10.10 or XXX

NL-Jeremy likes to write about numerology. Today seemed like the perfect day for him to do it.

Today is 10/10/10 or in roman numerals XXX.

by Jeremy Steele

It is rumored that we today have arrived at a key activation phase (the next one will occur on 11/11/11) on our way to and through 12/21/12, as our solar system continues to gradually align with the center of the galaxy, receiving it’s light (and transforming and transmutating enlightenment).  Cosmic computer codes are written on crop circle fields. Interdimensional, extraterrestrial beings watch and guide, the message of dolphins and whales remind us to open our hearts and resonate with the pulse of our living mother Earth, knowing, in the spirit of cooperation, that we are all one.  We are raising our frequencies, shifting into higher dimensions, releasing our collective self from the constructs of ignorance and enslavement towards a universal heart that beats within all of us. We are currently still in the age of Pisces. It’s negative traits on a macrocosmic level include deception, vice, hidden agendas, mass delusion, and the misuse of spirtual virtue and power. We are in the midst of a paradigm shift where the macrocosmic aspects of the negative aspects of Pisces meet astromantic and cosmological forces that do not fall into the old order machinations of the dark controllers who have held humanity in control through division, war, sickness, hate, fear and ignorance.  Structures have been and are breaking down. In place of them will be a world that was meant to be, and/or a world which can no longer exist. Be the change you want to see. Feel it. Tune into your eternal selves. It’s the only thing you take with you and the only thing you truly are! Release all negativity which negates everything you see. Live in love, not fear. Have faith, because you have made it this far and know that the the universe is your cosmic playground.
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