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Isis Taylor- on Twilight & Porn Valley- Exclusive Interview

I like Isis Taylor. She is kind of hard to describe though, because she’s not what you would expect a young beautiful porn starlet to be like. She’s smart. She’s tough. She’s beautiful and wise beyond her mere 20 1/2 years. She’s says what she wants when she wants too. She doesn’t worry about what anyone thinks of her. She has an opinion and she has no trouble giving it. In this interview she talks about growing up in porn valley, race issues, & The Twilight series. Yeah, we handle the heavy subjects and the light ones. Actually a very important person in her life gave me a word to define her that is just perfect. So I will use it and by the time you are done reading this interview I think you will agree that, as her husband says, Isis Taylor is Stellar!

Interview By Cindi Loftus 
Pictures Courtesy of
 ©2010 Xcitement Magazine

Adult Fun 411: I know you wanted to schedule our interview today because you were going to see the new Twilight movie last night. So are you a fan?

Isis: Since I’m always on the road I read a lot, so I picked up the New Moon book and I saw the first Twilight movie and I’ve become really involved in the books. The movies suck compared to the books. I must have a really good imagination because the movies are kinda slow and need more creativity. Maybe they were just meant to be books.

AF: How were the wolves though? The wolves look so cool on the commercial.

I: In the book it seems cool. In the movie it even seems cool, but the way the movie is portrayed, like there is this little girl in the movies that they try to save, and in the book I imagine her to be fifteen, sixteen, and in the movie they have her looking like she’s twelve.

AF: So that’s disappointing because it ruins the story in your head.

I: For me it does. I think that’s not the way I saw it when I read it. I have a friend who also read the books who refuses to see the movies because she imagines Edward as tall, dark and handsome, the serious type.

AF: That is one thing I find odd about this movie is that none of the three leading characters are that good looking.

I: Taylor Lautner is attractive but until very recently he was a kid.

AF: He does look like a wolf though, he has the same nose as one.

I: And in the movie he is supposed to be Native American, so he does look that. But the girl main character Bella, in the book she is supposed to be kind of plain, but once she becomes a vampire she becomes this beautiful creature. I don’t see this girl ever becoming a beautiful creature. I think she is sub par at best.

AF: Obviously I didn’t read any of the books and I did watch part of the first movie while I was falling asleep one night and thought it was really cheesy. But you did just explain to me why they didn’t cast a beautiful girl in that Bella role. Thank you. So now at least I know why she is not hot, she’s not supposed to be.

I: The movies are also PG-13, so in the book there is a lot of sexual tension, but in the movie they kiss. And it’s not even attractive kissing, it was two awkward people kissing awkwardly.

AF: (Laughs) So If there is no sexual tension, hmm, why bother watching? Well I am glad that YOUR scenes are a lot more exciting then those.

I: I try. I hope no one says, why are those two awkward people fucking. (Laughs)

AF: They don’t. You and your scenes are hot! You are a real valley girl, born and raised. But you don’t talk like one.

I: I am. I used too. I go through phases. My grandfather used to hate it. He would count how many times I said “like” on his fingers. I used to talk valley, and then I went through a phase where I talked black, and then another phase where I talked like a little Mexican kid. Plus I don’t have a high-pitched voice like valley girls do. My voice is deeper.

AF: I noticed that watching your interviews. You sound older than you are. In high school did you have a lot of sex?

I: I lost my virginity very young with a nineteen year old in his dorm room and my mom found out. It was really horrible. After that I made out with lots of boys. I was never into finger fucking. I definitely consider myself promiscuous in high school, but doing a lot of fucking? I wanted to have all the sex in the world, but I didn’t.

AF: Were you popular?

I: I was extremely popular but I wasn’t like the “it” girl. I was the girl that everyone knew. I come from a wealthy family. I went to good schools. I was very well known. I got in a lot of trouble. I was the girl skipping class and hopping a fence to go some where, like the mall or the movies.

AF: Well skipping school to go to the movies wasn’t that bad.

I: Well then I got in a lot of fights with girls. I’ve always had a lot more guy friends than girl friends. It wasn’t until I got older that I had chick friends.

AF: When you are growing up, and you live in the valley, do you know that you live in the porn capital of the world? Porn Valley?

I: I had heard, but I don’t think I realized that Chatsworth was the capital of all porn. I grew up on the other side of the valley. I grew up down the street from Mr. T. I don’t know when I realized that Hollywood was porn valley. I remember walking home from school and some guy pulled over in a limo and he said I really want you in my movie. I think it was one of those limo porn movies. I said what are you talking about? Leave me alone. I think Los Angeles is more promiscuous than any other place. We are the slut capital of the world whether it is porn or movies. I’ve been going out to all the clubs out here since I was young and always got in. All the waitresses and strippers out here are aspiring actresses and models and dancers and blah blah blah. It’s one of those places where it’s okay to be a stripper if you are an aspiring model.

AF: And you can blow people for a part and no one thinks badly of you.

I: Yeah, the funny thing is, I did some modeling and guys would say I’ll get you the part but you’ve got to do something for me first. And I as like WHAT?

AF: There is more of a casting couch in mainstream than there is in porn.

I: Oh definitely. One mainstream guy said I’ll give you reading lessons and in exchange we can just have a good time.

AF: Like reading scripts?

I: Yeah. I’m like, I’ve taken all the courses, I’ve gone to all magnet schools, I’m pretty sure I know how to fucken read. And I am pretty animated as it is. You and me are not getting down. But it is like that with lots of directors and casting directors in mainstream.

AF: There is a whole different kind of currency out there in L.A.

I: That’s why it got to a point where I said I don’t want to be in mainstream anymore….

Much more to come in part 2
or you can see the whole thing here NSFW
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