Site icon LUKE IS BACK

LIB Update- banners, links, boxcovers


I have so much to change around tomorrow and Sunday, that I don’t want to have to do another update until at least next month. So if you think your link should be on my site, because mine is on yours (I was surprised and want to thank all the people who have LIB up as a link on their sites and never even told me about it or asked for a link back which I would gladly give you), please let me know NOW>

To put a Banner up here will cost you, there are only four on the top of the page, if you are interested in buying one, where you get huge traffic, 72% from the US, to promote your stuff, drop me a note. At this moment there is ONE available. If you WANT a banner from LIB on your site you can grab one by clicking the banner tab on the top of the page. If there isn’t one that you like or that fits, let me know and I will make you a custom one.

If you want to do a boxcover ad, or a boxcover size ad on the right hand side of the page I have a few spaces left, but I am picky. You will get a ton of exposure and a story on your movie or product ( because if I didn’t believe in it, you wouldn’t be here) and those are pretty inexpensive to have, but get major click throughs and are worth every penny.

If you want a text link, those are free, because they are only for people who I  believe in, who I am friends with, who contribute to LIB, who are good people, who have great ideas. So if you should have a link here and don’t yet, drop me a note, right away!




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