Site icon LUKE IS BACK is reporting Stormy’s run for Congress

Downtrodden by his affiliation with the DC Madame, Lousianna Senator David Vitter faces an uphill battle in his re-election bid.

Especially if one of his opponents is Stormy Daniels. She wanted to bring attention to the race, and the results have been so overwhelming positive that she is considering becoming a candidate.

Stormy is planing a listening tour around the state. To all those who oppose the idea of Stormy running, she says, "I"m always up for a good fight and anyone that knows me can votch for that, and politics can’t be any dirtier of a job then the one I am already in. "

During an interview with The Daily Beast, Stormy says she would win in a debate against Vitter. And she thought of several slogans already including "Stormy Daniels, Screwing People Honestly."

NL-Good for you Stormy!


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